Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1232: Alliance Relations

The man's voice came from the high pavilion of Yuxiao Palace and echoed in the ears of the twelve female envoys and the nine great Buddhas. Strange expressions appeared on both sides' faces. ◎

Although both parties knew very well that the mysterious Tianmen monk who no one knew the details was now in the boudoir of the Empress Rakshasa, but when they really heard him speak, both the twelve female envoys and the nine great Buddhas were filled with confusion. It gives birth to a deep sense of absurdity.

In so many years, this is the first time a man has appeared in the Yuxiao Pavilion deep in the teaching palace, and this empress, who has fascinated the male cultivators of Jiutian for a whole era, finally has a guest, and she still takes away the She is a red pill person.

Coincidentally, all the nine Buddhas looked a little uncomfortable, jealous, disgusted, and full of hatred.

The twelve female envoys headed by Wan'er all showed joy on their faces, turned their heads and looked at Yuxiao Pavilion in surprise.

Empress Rakshasa's sound attack skills healed their hidden wounds, and that "nameless Taoist" actually knew the sound attack skills, and with just a sound wave, he accurately inserted between the magic circle and the emperor's power, and also made them There is a buffering opportunity.

Swish, swish... The twelve female envoys successfully pulled out, breathing calmly, turning to the Jade Sky Palace Pavilion, silently holding their hands, exchanging surprised looks between them.

Before the rebellion, they were trapped in the Jade Sky Palace. After the rebellion, they learned from the few words of the elders that the leader was able to turn defeat into victory, and this Tianmen sub-emperor, whom the leader called the "unknown Taoist friend", played an important role. The twelve maids are all the confidants of the empress Rakshasa, so they naturally have high expectations for the leader's Taoist companions. Although the Tianmen sub-emperors are strong, they are a bit different. Not only do they have weird tempers, but their bodies are also very fragile, which makes them not very good at all. satisfy.

However, when I saw him today, I saw that this unknown Taoist was somewhat bloody.

"Oh? Are you the unknown master who has been making a lot of noise these days?" Venerable Longfo raised his head. Looking past the mountain of meat in front of his belly, he fell to the Jade Sky Palace Pavilion and smiled slightly: "The legendary Tianmen Second Emperor, the leader's guest, tsk tsk, the leader is an emperor with both Lingtai and Huangting cultivation. His body is comparable to a real dragon... Master Wuming, can your small body bear it?”

After the words fell, the other eight Buddhas laughed with sarcasm on their faces, but no one took another step forward.

The voice from the palace came again.

"The leader and I just invited each other to have a long talk. Why do you guys like to think so much? I originally didn't want to disturb the leader's purification, but the leader likes to be clean, and there are always mosquitoes and mice that don't know how to live or die. You think you have an opportunity, so you have to run away. Come and die. The leader is too lazy to take action, so I have to do it for you... Do you think those rats and bugs are stupid enough to come here knowing that I am here? "


The face of the Reverend Dragon Buddha changed, and all the Buddhas behind him stared at him angrily and shouted loudly.

For a while. The atmosphere solidified again.

The twelve female envoys next to him laughed heartily and looked proudly at the Buddha opposite. I have a growing fondness for the "unknown master" in the pavilion.

"You were trying to bribe my maid just now? They are such a bunch of worthless people. Just because of your few words, you actually developed a liking for you."

The high pavilion of the Jade Palace is surrounded by priceless Tianshui gauze. It is empty but looks like a fairyland. There is only a jade couch and a jade mirror.

Empress Rakshasa glanced at the naked man beneath her. Her blurred eyes gradually returned to clarity. She bent her jade arms, gently propped herself up, and walked off Luo Chuan.

Luo Chuan waved. The silver robe flew up from under the couch and wrapped around the Empress Rakshasa.

"I helped them, and you said I bribed them. If I don't help them, what are you going to say about me?" Luo Chuan rested his head on his head, looked at the figure combing his long black hair in the mirror, and asked with a smile.

"Then you are hypocritical. In order to prevent me from thinking that you are buying them, you will not save them. Of course, you are very hypocritical to begin with, just like that Thief." Empress Rakshasa's voice gradually lost its previous tone. Lazy and gentle, it has returned to the indifference and coldness of three days ago, like a hard iceberg that will never melt or be conquered by anyone.

In the ten-step lonely pavilion, the two of them were less than five steps apart. The traces of sex were still there and could be seen everywhere, but a strange atmosphere condensed from the high pavilion. Everything that happened in the past three days became familiar and strange, like a dream. .

"Hypocrisy? What is hypocrisy? Does it mean one thing on the surface but another behind the scenes?"

Luo Chuan didn't see any movement. He had already put on his Taoist robe and came behind Empress Rakshasa. He looked at the iceberg beauty in the jade mirror opposite and smiled faintly: "Then who called me here three days ago, but... In the past three days, the three masters of the Changsheng Palace have been secretly arranged to go to Taipingguang Town to intercept the Dao Ancestor clone? "

"So what. You can let King Maya track the Sword Ancestor without telling me and spread the news, lest the world is not in chaos. Can't I go to the Sword Ancestor to settle accounts?" Empress Rakshasa raised her head and looked at Luo in the mirror indifferently. Sichuan.

"That's not because time has not caught up. Rakshasa, we are allies, and allies should face each other in Chicheng," Luo Chuan said.

As soon as Luo Chuan finished speaking, he saw Empress Rakshasa giving him a cold look through the mirror.

Luo Chuan was startled, and his eyes fell on the thin Taoist robes of the two people, which were half exposed. His face was embarrassed and he knew that he had said the wrong thing, but he quickly recovered his composure, turned around and took two steps, saying to himself: "Three emperors Palace Master, let alone deal with the clone of the Sword Ancestor, I’m afraid it won’t be enough for the big forces going forward... Rakshasa, you still have a backup plan.”

"You want to know?"

"What is it?"

"you guess."

"There are only three palace masters left in your Demonic Sect Palace. The only masters you can deploy are from one source. Let me think about it... among the five emperors, except for King Maya, I heard that Half-step Buddha and Xitian Bohou are still alive." Luo Chuan stopped and turned to look at the empress Rakshasa, who had her hair combed calmly: "So, it's Xitian Bohou who has arrived in Tianpingguang Town."

"You and he haven't seen each other for a long time."

Being guessed by Luo Chuan, Empress Rakshasa was not surprised and said calmly: "As for you, the only powers you can use, except for Yao Yu and Bo Shiba in Pilang City, are the only clones of the Heavenly Serpent and King Maya. I think You will not transfer people from Polang City. As for King Maya, his injury has not healed yet, and he has not really convinced you yet. Even if you go there in person, you may not be able to take advantage of you. What’s the back-up plan?”

"Guess." Luo Chuan looked at the beauty in the jade mirror and smiled.

The hand that Empress Rakshasa was combing her hair stopped, but she paused for a moment, and then continued to comb it down: "So, you still have some power. In addition to the demon sect palace, along with the cannon fodder battalion, You also have another secretive force. This force is not too big, but it is enough to give you an advantage in the fight for the Sword Ancestor clone. There is information that the idiot second disciple you recruited possesses the Nine-Headed Insect of Tianhai. Bloodline. In the chaotic land of the Outer Territory, there once was a Demon King of the Sky and Sea, and his son was also a fool, but later he left the Outer Territory and went to a void node..."

In just a few words, Empress Rakshasa had completed her analysis: "Oh, that's it. The current Tianhai Demon King is also yours. You started plotting the Void Node many years ago. I guess, But?"

"I really shouldn't have asked you to guess." Luo Chuan smiled bitterly. The Demon King of Tianhai was his most secret power, but now the Empress Rakshasa knew about it.

"We are allies, so we shouldn't be honest." Empress Rakshasa teased, her expression and eyes still cold.

"Then be more honest. Do you want to thank me?" Luo Chuan said.

"Thank you for nothing."

"I calculated the time and found that these nine Foshan brothers, the nine great Buddhas who guarded the Great Compassion and Bitter Cold Heaven in the past, came to Hunhai after I and the White Dragon Emperor broke out of the Great Compassion and Bitter Cold Heaven. They were originally powerful men in the Buddhist realm. , with a prominent background and a high status, there is no need to hang out with you, the leader of the Demon Cult... The reason why they fell to this point is because I broke the Ancient Heaven Tower of Ten Thousand Prisoners and was blamed by the superiors. They didn't want to accept the punishment, so they had no choice but to follow you. Living in the sea, from an orthodox Buddha to your thug." Luo Chuan smiled: "Tell me, should you thank me?"

Empress Rakshasa did not deny it. She was silent for a moment and looked at the nine figures hesitating outside the pavilion curtain: "But they turned against me today. Although they are usually indulgent, the nine of them join forces to form an formation, which is comparable to the top emperors, but even if I am injured, The Demon Palace’s vitality is severely damaged, and they don’t have the guts to rebel against me.”

"Yes, their biggest backer is you. Unless... they find another bigger backer and are under the orders of that backer." Luo Chuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, but quickly calmed down, with a calm expression.

Empress Rakshasa changed the subject, indirectly indicating that Luo Chuan had won the battle of words. In the past, Luo Chuan might have been a little proud, after all, his opponent was the most empress of all time. But after three days of double cultivation with the Empress Rakshasa, Luo Chuan felt that the relationship was back to being an alliance again after three days, but Luo Chuan felt that the victory was a bit unviable, and even if he won, it wouldn't mean much.

"Another backer? The one who can give them such courage is the Arctic Emperor. The Arctic Emperor must have sent people to intervene in this mess, and he also wants to conspire to cause chaos. He has a big appetite. Well, no, still There is a person, the White Dragon Emperor..." Empress Rakshasa's eyes flickered, as if she suddenly remembered something: "By the way, your sworn brother, the White Dragon Emperor, has named you to betroth his most famous great-granddaughter to you, the Dragon Rain Master. The emperor’s twin girls are stunningly beautiful, have you ever practiced double cultivation with her?”

"Let's fight when we meet. How can we have time to practice together?" Luo Chuan smiled faintly.

"Oh? What about Bai Yiqing? Now the Heavenly Star Saint has been newly canonized by the Heavenly Star Saint Sect. She is a star genius that the geniuses in the world are chasing after. Haven't you and her also practiced dual cultivation?" Empress Rakshasa did not look at Luo Chuan, playing with the pill, her voice There is a bit of playfulness and sarcasm in it.

Luo Chuan's heart trembled, and he looked through the jade mirror, looking directly at the stunning empress with a calm face, trying to see something from her face.

The verbal battle between the two did not end. It was only then that the Empress Rakshasa took out the trump card that she had always hidden.

"What would Bai Yiqing think if she knew that you were practicing dual cultivation with another female Taoist?" Empress Rakshasa raised her head and looked at the young monk in the mirror, with a triumphant smile finally showing on her cold and beautiful face. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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