Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1242: The Demonic Monk, Half-Movement Buddha

The Ganges River is rolling, and the Buddha sand and golden Buddha seals in the sky turn into a big curtain in front of the Four-faced Buddha. It is also like a natural defensive shield, covering the sky and the sun, making it airtight and protecting the four-faced ancient Buddha in a safe place. within the area. ⊙

The ancient Buddhas on all sides retreated while staring at the three-eyed monk, with fear hidden deep in the majestic and compassionate eyes of the Buddha.

On the other side, Luo Chuan, who was preparing to attack the four-sided ancient Buddha from the flank, without thinking, suddenly turned the wheel and controlled the Dongtian God Emperor to swim in the opposite direction.

Almost at the same time, an afterimage appeared in the place where the Dongtian God Emperor was originally. A three-eyed monk in a purple robe stepped out of the void, looked at the Dongtian God Emperor who was running away quickly, raised his eyebrows and let out a soft sound. Huh.

"You actually know what I want to do?"

The three-eyed monk looked at the Dongtian Divine Emperor with great interest, but did not pursue him and spoke playfully.

The three-eyed monks in front of the four-sided ancient Buddha are still there, which means that in this void, two three-eyed monks suddenly appeared. They seem to be exactly the same, but if you look closely, you will find that the two three-eyed monks are very different. .

"As expected, he is a genius who has been rumored all these years. He is very vigilant."

The three-eyed monk in front of the four-sided ancient Buddha smiled. His heavenly eye blinked at the retreating Dongtian Divine Emperor. There seemed to be a figure spinning in his heavenly eye.


The three-eyed monk who appeared later shattered like a bubble, turned into powder, and dissipated.

At the same time, as the third eye of the three-eyed monk blinked, the void behind the Dongtian God Emperor opened violently, and a huge figure, as tall as ten thousand feet tall and not inferior to the Dongtian God Emperor, walked out of the void, with his arms folded, and from behind Hug Dongtian Divine Emperor.

The person who appeared behind Dongtian Divine Emperor was none other than a three-eyed monk who had transformed into a tall man like a mountain!

What's even weirder is. The three-eyed monk in front of the four-sided ancient Buddha was still standing there, with a smile on his lips, and he was looking at the struggling Divine Emperor of Dongtian with great interest.

"The Great Good Fortune Eye... you have perfected the Great Good Fortune Eye! You indeed stole the secret book under the mat of the Holy Buddha!"

The four-sided ancient Buddha looked at the three-eyed monk and shouted in shock. He finally couldn't hide the fear deep in his heart, and his heart, which had accumulated thousands of thoughts under the snow-capped mountains for thousands of years, began to beat faster again. The last time he was so flustered and angry was when Luo Chuan used a gourd to take away four Taoist thoughts.

Eight years ago, news came from the Holy Court that a thief had sneaked into the Holy Court of the Holy Buddha. While the Holy Buddha was taking a nap, he actually stole the Holy Buddha from under his futon and spent time looking at it in the Holy Court. a Buddhist scripture. Although it is a Buddhist scripture used by the universal holy Buddha to kill time, for any Buddhist cultivator, even if he is a great Buddhist master in the ancestral realm, that Buddhist scripture is a rare treasure... just because of its name. It is said that in the treasure book "The Sutra of Great Creation", there are hidden secrets and skills belonging to the sages.

The Great Creation Sutra was stolen. The Holy Buddha was as calm as ever, but none of the disciples in the Holy Court could sit still, and even the entire Holy Buddha realm was in turmoil.

That person can sneak into the holy court of Buddhism and Taoism, which shows that he has the aura of Buddhist cultivation. The fact that he was able to steal the Buddhist scriptures while the Holy Buddha was sleeping and avoid all the disciples of the Holy Court shows that his strength, especially his body skills, has reached a shocking level. He dared to steal Buddhist scriptures and hurt the disciples of the Holy Court. Such a treacherous act, deceiving the teacher and destroying the ancestors. Then he will only be one of those fake Buddhas who secretly stir up trouble in the Holy Buddha Realm.

Among the hundreds of thousands of false Buddhas in the Holy Buddha Realm, there is only one person who is the strongest, has the highest status, and has the greatest background. There is only one person who can meet the above three conditions.

"You fake Buddha! Do you think that the Holy Buddha doesn't know what you are doing! You stole the "Great Creation Sutra" because you were smart. But you are seeking your own death! If you provoke the Holy Court, who can survive! You used to be that The master is a lesson learned from the past!”

The ancient Buddhas on all sides were shouting loudly and pinching the seals repeatedly. Golden light talismans poured out from the golden Buddha light behind their heads, and thousands of Buddhist talismans were included in the Sanskrit sounds. They gather together to form a halo of Buddhist talismans and circle around the body. The light and shadow in the halo of Buddhist talismans flow in strange ways, as if there is a vast world hidden in a square!

After clearly seeing the appearance of the visitor and knowing the identity of the visitor, the four-faced ancient Buddha no longer dared to be careless at all. He used the Buddhist methods he had practiced throughout his life to the extreme to build a Buddha ring that protects the body of the universe.

"Holy Buddha? Of course he knows what I have done. Even if he is sleeping, nothing in the world can escape his eyes... Of course, it is my ability to take away the "Great Creation Sutra", but he Why he turns a blind eye has his own agenda. Isn’t the cause and effect of this somewhat intriguing?”

The three-eyed monk looked up at the grotesque rings surrounding the ancient Buddhas, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "As for the 'master' in your mouth...well, do you mean my unlucky brother Jiulongjun? He is not my master. Even at his peak, he would put down his posture and call me "Brother Dao" politely. "

"And you...are curious, why can't my sect forget you, the so-called compassionate and righteous ancient Buddhas, and take away my monkhood again and again at the monks' meeting? Well, I still remember you, Lord Four-faced Ancient Buddha. , that year your avatar came to my ministry, looked at me for a long time, and then said the same words as other ancient Buddhas, you said that I have a demon in my heart, and I must not touch any Buddhist scriptures in this life to avoid tarnishing the holy Buddha. Unless you spend nineteen years sweeping ashes and collecting incense in front of the Buddha in this life, you can read scriptures and practice Buddhism in the next life... But you must start from the lowest level of novice monks."

"Do you know what your words mean? Hahaha... It means that from then on, I was deprived of all the opportunities to get close to resources and Buddhism by the temple. Those Buddhist geniuses can practice authentic Buddhism and enjoy the temple's incense. But I was bullied and cursed by the monks during the day, and at night I could only sweep the incense ashes and collect the incense oil in the deepest part of the dark Buddhist hall. It was dark and there would never be a day to get out."

"Yes, I understand. In every temple, there must be a demon monk. Like a monkey, he is watched by everyone from day to night, year after year, until the demon breaks out and he falls into the tenth The eighth level of purgatory is doomed forever."

"But... why did you choose me? Hahaha... Ancient Buddhas, have you ever thought that the demon monk who was bullied and tortured day and night in Longruo Temple of Yunchan Department that year would become the leader of 100,000 true Buddhas in your Holy Buddha Domain hundreds of years later? If it weren't for the fact that Jiulong Jun was too anxious and eager to reincarnate, would the Holy Buddha Domain still be yours?"

In the void, the purple-robed three-eyed monk laughed loudly, and ninety-nine circles of black and purple Buddha light swung behind his head. The Buddha light rotated and the laughter was crazy. The Buddha ring of the world around the four-faced ancient Buddha actually shook slightly in the hysterical laughter of the three-eyed monk.

"My Buddha Tathagata... But your demon is indeed the most serious among all the disciples of Longruo Temple that year."

The four-faced ancient Buddha stabilized his mind and looked at the madman opposite who had caused the Holy Buddha Domain to fall into turmoil again and again in these years. His eyes were inexplicable, with regret, sigh, and self-blame, but no regret.

There is a tradition in the Holy Buddha Domain. No matter which sect of cultivation, whenever there are new disciples, a Heart Demon Monk must be selected from them. The existence of the Heart Demon Monk is only to serve as a negative lesson, using the life of the Heart Demon Monk to warn the monks and disciples of the harm of the Heart Demon. Each batch of disciples will only select one Heart Demon Monk, and the probability is extremely low. However, once he is selected, he will sink into the Heart Demon for his whole life. Most of them will fall into the Eighteen-layer Asura Purgatory, and only a few can survive the nineteen years of torture and suffering, pass away and be cremated, and reincarnate.

However, six hundred years ago, there was an exception.

That exception neither fell into the Eighteen-layer Purgatory, nor passed away and was cremated after nineteen years. He was a Heart Demon Monk in Longruo Temple for nineteen years, but he was safe and sound. Nineteen years later, he was expelled from Longruo Temple and wandered between the temples and sects of the Yunchan Department, becoming a negative lesson for hundreds of thousands of monks in the Yunchan Department. Until one day one hundred and ninety-nine years later, he suddenly returned to Longruo Temple, sat in front of a black dragon tomb and suddenly realized, and opened the eye of heaven in his eyebrows.

The Heart Demon Monk of 199 years has never existed in the history of the Holy Buddha Domain. However, even more incredible things are yet to come. In the past 100 years, tens of thousands of monks in the Yunchan Department Zen Temples that the Heart Demon Monk has visited have developed Heart Demons overnight!

Led by Longruo Temple, the Yunchan Department's large and small Zen temples collectively rioted. Thousands of Buddha statues and tens of thousands of monks rushed out of the Yunchan Department to burn, kill, loot and commit all kinds of evil. This riot lasted for three years. Three years later, although the riot subsided, the Yunchan Department was completely destroyed. After that, the Heart Demon Monk disappeared and no one saw him again... Until many years later, the lunatic who was rebellious and wanted to unify the Nine Heavens appeared. The world saw the Heart Demon Monk again in the first place on the left under his seat.

But at that time, he was no longer called the Heart Demon Monk. He had become the first emperor under the seat of the Nine Dragons, and had a brand new nickname. At that time, the emperors and the second emperors all called him the Half-Move Buddha, because among the emperors of the same level, few people could take his move. His move was often so fast that he could defeat or kill his opponent before he could fully exert his power, as if he had only used half a move.

"Yes, if there was no inner demon, I wouldn't be here today."

The half-move Buddha stopped laughing abruptly, and the madness of the previous moment dissipated into nothingness at this moment, as if nothing had happened.

The Buddha, dressed in crimson purple, fluttered in the void, and the Buddha had three eyes, one for the sky, two for the earth, and three for the Buddha.

"In this case, Lord Four-Faced Buddha, please accept my move."

The half-move Buddha stood with his hands together, his eyes dignified, and although the corners of his mouth were raised, he was not crazy or arrogant, but showed a hint of humility.

But the more humble he was, the more solemn the face of the Four-Faced Ancient Buddha became.

At this moment, the heart of the Four-Faced Ancient Buddha was surging, and Luo Chuan's voice rang out.

"Are you his opponent?"

The Four-Faced Ancient Buddha was startled, and only then did he realize that there was another genius on the Heavenly Ranking next to him.

Before the Four-Faced Ancient Buddha could say anything, Luo Chuan's voice rang out again. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature. The novels are better and updated faster!

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