Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1247: Taiping Guangzhen, a storm is brewing

The Half-Move Buddha's footsteps paused, his eye between his eyebrows opened, his pupils grew larger and spun, and purple light spread out from his eyes, swirling in all directions, gradually gathering into a vortex. As the vortex in the Half-Move Buddha's pupils emerged, the void where he was suddenly shook, and then countless fragments of images poured into the eye between his eyebrows from all directions, presenting themselves in the Half-Move Buddha's mind in a strange way.

That was the scene of his battle with the Four-Faced Buddha and Luo Chuan. From the beginning, his emotions were constantly fluctuating, from calm to crazy, and then from crazy to calm. Since the collapse of the Nine Dragons Immortal Court and his departure from the Nine Dragons, emotional fluctuations have become the norm, but he has never experienced continuous emotional changes in half an hour or even less, one after another, like today.

The ups and downs of his state of mind, especially falling into a state of madness, are the main reasons for the decline of Half-Move Buddha's strength in recent years. For this reason, he had to make breakthroughs in the Dharma, such as stealing the "Great Creation Sutra" and creating the "Future Buddhist Sutra" to make up for his strength. But this time it was quite different. His state of mind gradually became stable from calm to crazy and then calm again. When he used the "Taixu Beikong Hand" at the end, he actually performed 30% of the morality of the "Future Buddhist Sutra" - this was his most successful one since he created the "Future Buddhist Sutra".

Otherwise, he would never have been able to force the Four-Faced Buddha into a desperate situation with just one move like he did at the end. With his current strength, he would need at least seven or eight moves to kill the Four-Faced Buddha, who is as powerful as the top emperor.

"What's going on... Why was my state of mind so calm at the end. The last time I was so calm, I was still with Jiulong Jun... Luo Chuan, it was because of that Luo Chuan!"

Half-Move Buddha muttered to himself, pinching the seal with his left hand, calculating continuously, and his left and right eyes also released rays of light. Countless rotating images gathered in his mind, reproducing the previous scene, not missing any details.

"Such a familiar breath... This Luo Chuan actually has the breath of the Nine Dragon Lord!" Half-move Buddha's eyes lit up, muttered, and his expression was complicated. Inexplicable emotions lingered in his heart, and even his chest was constantly rising and falling.

Even so, Half-move Buddha's heart was still calm. He stood in the void, the aura around him was deep and still, his purple robe was not raised, and his face gradually returned to peace and tranquility.

"So this... it's interesting."

After a long silence, Half-move Buddha turned around and stretched out his hand to open up another void passage. He walked into the void passage and walked forward step by step. His steps were extremely stable, but also extremely heavy, as if he was carrying a heavy weight.


Taiping Guangzhen, the only void node in the void outside the Hunhai Abyss.

Any cultivator above the Daoli realm has masters who can walk in the void and stroll among the turbulent flow, and are above the realm of the heavens. It can even step into the depths of the void without being disturbed, so it is rare to see many masters appearing at the same time at most void transmission nodes... However, Taipingguang Town now looks very different.

When Luo Chuan arrived at Taipingguang Town. He held two people in each arm, one on the left and one on the right.

The one on the left was a yellow-faced monk who was nine feet tall. Although he looked "sallow and thin", the monk's closed eyes, eyebrows, mouth and nose all revealed a handsome appearance, and people did not think he was dry at all. This monk was the four-faced ancient Buddha after the fusion of the three bodies. In the void, he faced the half-move Buddha's "Future Buddhist Sutra" and chose to sit and self-destruct. His life energy had been leaked. Although he stopped sitting in time with Luo Chuan's help, his life energy had been leaked and he fainted on the spot.

And the one under Luo Chuan's right rib was the unlucky Tianmen genius Yuan Xiao. Luo Chuan had only one purpose for releasing Yuan Xiao. That was to confuse the four-faced Buddha and the half-move Buddha and think that the time pattern was carved by Yuan Xiao. Poor Yuan Xiao finally left the magic weapon, but before he could say a few words, he was knocked unconscious by Luo Chuan's hand knife and was brought to Taipingguang Town.

Southwest of Taipingguang Town, after the dry swamp, in front of the rocky hill, Luo Chuan stopped.

From the black leaf forest beside him, a plump figure wrapped in a black robe floated out, stood twenty steps in front of Luo Chuan, and then knelt on one knee.

"I greet the president of the Battle Dao Association and the Grand Commander of the Border Wasteland."

Luo Chuan looked at the plump female Taoist priest with a secret aura lingering around her, and nodded slightly. With his current cultivation strength, he naturally found the other party easily. But if it were an ordinary sub-emperor, he might not be able to find the female Taoist priest within a hundred steps. With her cultivation in the realm of the heavens, it is not easy to have such a hidden skill.

"Get up, Ghost Princess." Luo Chuan smiled faintly.

"My lord, do you miss Gui Ji?" The black-robed woman smiled charmingly. Although she regained her composure in an instant and behaved dignified and serious, her slender and plump body still exuded charming charm through the black robe.

"Let's talk business. How is the arrangement going?" Luo Chuan asked.

"Yes." Gui Ji stood up and said seriously: "For this operation, the chairman of the meeting personally went to that place according to the arrangement of the Grand Commander, and the accompanying people were all masters of Tianhai Zhouxing. As for the Grand Commander's Eight Desolate War Group, it was led by Gui Ji. More than 100 people were dispatched this time. Although the number is not large, they are all elite players, and there are many big monsters with ancient intergenerational bloodlines."

"That's about it." Luo Chuan nodded and said: "Then, how are the forces of each party?"

Gui Ji looked at Luo Chuan with a complicated expression, and lowered her head and said: "Reporting to the Grand Commander, nearly 30% of the large and medium-sized forces in Tianchen Continent have come. Because of their arrival, Daozu's clone has never appeared. He should not have left, but is trapped somewhere in Taipingguang Town. Among these forces, there are not many that are really worthy of attention. There are only a few families. The head of Tiandu Yu Family came in person, Wu Tianjun, the head of the 18 clans of Tianshu Sect, also came, and Tianxing Saint Sect was led by Taoist Liu Yue, who was almost the designated sect leader, and there were also several old masters of the Emperor Family... Other large forces either did not send the top powerhouses or have not surfaced yet. Although the remaining medium and large forces occupy the vast majority, they are not worth paying attention to. Fear, temporarily no threat. "

"Most of them have not surfaced. These big forces probably only sent one or two top masters, so it is difficult to be discovered." Luo Chuan said, and his tone changed: "So... my brother Tianhai, has he made any moves in recent years?"

"Reporting to the lord, Tianhai Demon King has been fully engaged in the management of void nodes in recent years. With the Border Blood Castle as the center, he has secretly occupied many void nodes. Although it is not as fast as the lord's plan, it has become a scale. Tianhai Demon King was overjoyed since he knew that Master Li was cured. In the past, he sometimes contacted the idle demon kings and demon kings in the foreign domain, but now he rarely contacts them. It seems that he has completely returned to the lord. "Gui Ji said without any hesitation.

"He is a smart man, and naturally knows how to choose to maximize his interests. "

Luo Chuan waved his hand and turned to walk into the forest.

That year, Luo Chuan joined forces with the Demon King of Tianhai in the Void Node of the Tianchen Outer Domain, divided the Border Wasteland Blood Castle equally, and created a new war road association, proclaimed himself the president and the Grand Commander of Border Wasteland, and officially had his own territory in the Tianchen Continent for the first time. Although the development of Border Wasteland Blood Castle and even the Void Node was proceeding in an orderly manner according to Luo Chuan's plan, compared with the territory and power of the Void Node, Luo Chuan valued the Demon King of Tianhai more.

As the emperor of the Tianhai Nine-Headed Insect lineage, the strength and potential of the Demon King of Tianhai are extraordinary. Over the years, Luo Chuan has a deeper understanding of the four elements of cultivation: wealth, law, companion, and land. Although these four elements are equally important, in Luo Chuan's opinion, the one that can gain the most benefits in the shortest time is still the "companion". Having wealth, land, and law does not necessarily mean that you can cultivate a powerful cultivator, but if you have a force, a group of powerful followers, and a group of subordinates who swear to be loyal to you, whether it is wealth, law, or land, it is easy to get.

From ancient times to the present, the "companion", which most practitioners do not pay much attention to, is the most critical one among the four elements.

Of course, above the four elements of cultivation, one's own cultivation strength is the most important.

Although Luo Chuan will not make Tianhai Yaojun his follower like Yaoyu and King Maya, one day in the future, Li'er's father, the emperor, may also become an important force under his command.

Looking at Luo Chuan walking towards the hiding place of the Eight Desolate War Group, his eyes fell on the Four-Faced Buddha and Yuan Xiao. Gui Ji hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice: "Grand Commander, do these two people need to be dealt with? This time I came to Taipingguang Town, I also brought two moon-eating beasts. According to the order of the Grand Commander, the Eight Desolate War Group has not made any moves in the past few days, and the moon-eating beasts have not replenished fresh blood and flesh for a long time. Why not..."

"You mean... to use them to feed the moon-eating beasts in the Heaven Realm?" Luo Chuan laughed.

"Although cultivators below the Zhutian Realm cannot upgrade the Moon Devouring Beast, it is enough to fill its stomach... Grand Commander, these two people, could it be that they are not even at the Daolun Realm?" Gui Ji asked cautiously. She was a chess piece left by Luo Chuan in the Border Blood Castle to monitor the Heavenly Sea Demon King. She was very careful and naturally would not ask Luo Chuan even about such a small matter.

She said so much just to test him.

When she saw the two people under Luo Chuan's arm, Gui Ji suddenly felt a little uneasy. After the cannon fodder camp evacuated, she was Luo Chuan's only confidant in the void node. She held the power and only listened to Luo Chuan's orders. Now she can directly or indirectly control less than five void nodes. Today, Luo Chuan suddenly appeared with two strangers. Although he was unconscious, there was no sign of injury on his body, which made Gui Ji think wildly.

The Grand Commander was best at subduing his opponents as his subordinates. These two people might be like himself in the past. He fought against the Grand Commander but was defeated, but it was a blessing in disguise. He was appreciated by the Grand Commander and would be promoted to a high position. If they were also accepted as subordinates by the Grand Commander and inserted into the Void Node, wouldn't the power that he now holds be divided up? (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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