Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1,296: The Fall of a Prodigy!

"I... want you." Luo Chuan said with a smile.

"Oh?" Guo Wushuang also laughed: "This joke is not funny."

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious. If you are willing to serve me for four hundred years, I can consider joining the North Pole Emperor." Luo Chuan said seriously.

"Four hundred years, one hundred years more than the Nine Dragon Lord." Behind Luo Chuan, King Maya sneered.

"Wushuang, what did you lose by joining the North Pole Emperor this time?" A teasing smile appeared on the face of Half-Move Buddha.

"It can't be a comparison of body skills. There are few people in the world who can win the speed comparison with the North Pole Divine Light. Could it be that you deliberately lost to him?" Xitian Bohou said lightly.

Many years later, four of the five emperors of the Nine Dragons Fairy Court gathered in Taiping Guangzhen. Half-move Buddha, Peerless Nationalist, Nine Heavens Sword, Dark Night Killer Emperor, these four super emperors gathered again because of Luo Chuan, and the relationship between them was changing unconsciously... At least for now, Guo Wushuang, who defected to the North Pole Emperor, caused dissatisfaction among the other three super emperors, and was isolated and became a lonely man.

In the past, the five emperors of the Nine Dragons were all top figures who laughed at the world. They were famous in the world, and their strengths were almost the same. Although there was competition, they were full of respect for each other.

The era after the Nine Dragons should have been their era, but the North Pole Emperor suddenly appeared, and Guo Wushuang joined his army8, which invisibly pulled the level of Half-move Buddha and Xitian Bohou below the North Pole Emperor, which naturally made the two dissatisfied.

"You guys are joking, there are not so many bets." Guo Wushuang smiled lightly, with no sadness or joy on his face, and his expression was natural, but there was a hint of depression and loneliness in the depths of his eyes.

Raising his head, Guo Wushuang looked at Luo Chuan. The smile remained on his face: "So, you don't want to submit to His Majesty?"

The joking look on Luo Chuan's face disappeared, and he said lightly: "If you were me, who do you think you would go to?"

"Indeed, you are young and talented. You have unparalleled luck and unlimited potential. No one would give up the power and resources they have worked hard for. In this case, it's really great." Guo Wushuang seemed to be relieved immediately, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "In fact, His Majesty wants to recruit you against all odds, but I am against it. You are too dangerous and too untrustworthy. You are too much of a variable. It is a very dangerous thing to recruit you to His Majesty's command."

"Thank you for thinking so highly of me." Luo Chuan raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Next, are you going to say that if I don't submit to your Majesty, I will have no choice but to die?"

"You are right." Guo Wushuang looked at Luo Chuan and said regretfully.

Luo Chuan did not speak. But King Maya behind him sneered.

"Guo Wushuang, how come you are getting more and more arrogant after you died once... Well, I was wrong, you are not dead, you faked your death that year to get away, what a clever trick, you are worthy of being the peerless scholar. Oops, I was wrong again, you are not the peerless scholar of the Nine Dragons Fairy Court now, your surname is Yu, you are the North Pole Emperor's man, I wonder what nickname you have now. Could it be the North Pole Peerless?" King Maya raised his orchid jade finger and sneered.

"Guo Wushuang, do you think you can kill Luo Chuan in front of us without the North Pole Emperor taking action?" Xitian Bohou said lightly.

"Could it be that the North Pole Emperor is here? Hey, where is he?" Half-move Buddha opened his eyes and looked around exaggeratedly.

"Maya, you..." Guo Wushuang shook his head, his eyes wandering between King Maya and Luo Chuan, laughing at himself, and said nothing.

He chose the North Pole Emperor, and King Maya surrendered to Luo Chuan. They also chose a new master after the death of the Nine Dragon Lord, but the treatment they received was completely different. Because of his appearance, he announced in public that he had surrendered to the Great Emperor of the North Pole, which made the three of the Half-Move Buddha Venerable united against the enemy.

The monks scattered in all directions remained calm, listened silently, and their hearts were surging.

The female emperor Rakshasa, the three emperors of Jiulong, the four-faced ancient Buddha, and Mingyue.

If Guo Wushuang wanted to kill Luo Chuan, he had to defeat these six people first.

This does not include the two new emperors Liu Yue and Wu Tianjun. Not to mention Guo Wushuang, even if the Great Emperor of the North Pole came in person, facing such a powerful lineup, it would be difficult for him to do anything.

Even if the head of the Yu family and Li Xuangan stood on Guo Wushuang's side, Guo Wushuang had no chance of winning.

What Luo Chuan had was not only the support of many emperors, but also his own strength was extremely strong. The previous rounds of fighting and chaos had already explained everything.

The second on the Heavenly Ranking, the 71st on the Nine Heavens Giants, a monster genius who took three swords from the Sword Ancestor and survived, no one knows where his limit is. Most of the cultivators do not think highly of Guo Wushuang. At least in today's situation, Guo Wushuang is unlikely to pose a threat to Luo Chuan.

"Half-move Buddha, are you going to stand on my side?" Luo Chuan laughed and looked at Half-move Buddha.

"Just this time, and it won't happen again." Half-move Buddha also smiled, but his smile was a little gloomy.

The four ancient Buddhas looked at Half-move Buddha fearfully, secretly on guard.

The emperors were scheming against each other, and except for the head of the Yu family, they all stood on their side openly and secretly.

Luo Chuan knew what was going on, and looked at Guo Wushuang again, clasping his hands together: "Since the price can't be negotiated, then we'll meet again. Yes, say hello to the North Pole Emperor for me. Maybe one day, I will visit the North Pole Emperor and ask him for boxing skills."

After smiling, Luo Chuan turned around, raised his fist and fell, and another void passage appeared in front of him.

"'s not that simple."

Li Xuangan frowned and sent a message to Luo Chuan: "Guo Wushuang is not simple, and the Great Emperor of the North Pole is not that simple either. He must have a back-up plan, but it has not appeared yet!"

"I know, so I have to run away quickly." Luo Chuan had already stepped into the void channel and sent a message in secret: "Emperor Li, I may be in seclusion for a long time this time. I have two brothers in the Nine Heavens Realm who are both from the Tiannan Region. I hope Emperor Li will take care of them."

"There are two more!" Li Xuangan's face flushed, and he almost shouted, "Who else! Tell me!"

"One is Ziyun, who has the same inheritance as me, and the other is from the royal family of the Tang Dynasty. He inherited your imperial swordsmanship. He is..." Luo Chuan stopped talking suddenly.

"Ziyun? The big fool? The one who was born in the Tang Palace, and inherited my swordsmanship. Wait, Luo Chuan, you are also a Tang countryman? My fellow countryman... I left a swordsmanship legacy? Oh, I stabbed a few times on that wall back then... Oh my God, he actually realized the swordsmanship? Another bastard genius! Who is he... Hey, Luo Chuan, tell me, who is he? What are you staring at, you..." Li Xuangan was very excited. He didn't expect that Luo Chuan not only came from the same Tiannan Region as him, but also his hometown was the Tang Country. He didn't expect that in addition to Luo Chuan and the big fool, there was another genius in the Tiannan Region! To be able to call Luo Chuan a brother, he must be at least a first-class genius! The more people from the Tiannan Region, the better. Now there are three, so he can make a little plan.

In an instant, several thoughts flashed through Li Xuangan's mind, but the next moment his heart was beating wildly.

"Luo Chuan, you..." Li Xuangan looked at Luo Chuan, who was standing motionless at the entrance of the void passage, and had a strong ominous premonition in his heart.

Not only Li Xuangan, but also the Empress Rakshasa, the Half-Move Buddha, the Western Heaven Lord... everyone noticed something was wrong.

Luo Chuan not only did not move, but his breath became disordered.

"Luo Chuan..." King Maya looked concerned and worried, and was about to reach out to grab Luo Chuan, but was stopped by Mingyue in an instant.

"Wait, don't touch him!"

Although Mingyue patted King Maya's hand, King Maya's aura still swept over Luo Chuan.

Something strange happened.

Luo Chuan's body suddenly collapsed, as if it was originally piled up with mud and sand, and now the mud and sand suddenly collapsed, and it was completely unrecognizable.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom... The sound of a beating heart echoed in the void, and a series of horrified, shocked, and unbelievable eyes fell on the completely deformed Luo Chuan. Even several emperors and ancestors had the same expression, extremely horrified.

From the time Luo Chuan appeared in Taiping Guangzhen and defeated Lan Xiaosheng, to the time he snatched Dao Zu's clone and destroyed Taiping Guangzhen, he had already created an image of an almost invincible little monster in everyone's mind. Ordinary emperors couldn't kill him, nor could super emperors and Xuanjun Zuzun. What is the darling of heaven, the person destined by heaven... Luo Chuan is it!

But now, with Guo Wushuang's appearance and his "harsh words" with a smile, Luo Chuan was actually restrained.

"Luo Chuan, you should really think about it. Unfortunately, His Majesty only gave you one chance to choose. Although your life is tough, it is far tougher than His Majesty." Guo Wushuang shook his head, looked at Luo Chuan who was collapsing and collapsing, and his life breath dissipated bit by bit, then clasped his fists and bowed to the old people in turn: "In the past, Jiulong Xianting, thank you for your care. Jiutian is so small, there will always be a time to see you again. Everyone, goodbye."

After the voice fell, Guo Wushuang turned around.


The woman's cold voice sounded.


The White Sun Moon turned into a cage, covering Guo Wushuang.


The jade tube on Guo Wushuang's shoulder jumped up, blocking the White Sun God Hua, and then fell back into his palm.

"Rakshasa... your lover is indeed excellent, and perhaps worthy of you, but unfortunately, he is the trouble of the North Pole Emperor, and only death can make him feel at ease." Guo Wushuang looked at the female empress Rakshasa floating above his head, and smiled apologetically: "Even if you kill me now, you can't save him. His death has already begun... Besides, you can't kill me."

As if in response to Guo Wushuang's words, Luo Chuan's life force began to collapse faster, and he was like scattered sand, all leaked out.

The cold language, the weird scene, the rustling sound, everything was so horrifying.

However, what panicked everyone the most was not the way Luo Chuan died, but that no one knew what killed Luo Chuan. Guo Wushuang didn't make a move, and no one else did, and Luo Chuan, a generation of genius, had already begun to die.

"It's them..." The Empress Luosha stared at Guo Wushuang, her cold and nervous eyes flashing with confusion: "The Youyou people... your fake emperor actually hooked up with them?" (To be continued...)


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