Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1301: The Wandering Tyrant

The voice of Half-Move Buddha sounded, and the monks all looked over. The monks below the Heaven Realm could not detect anything, but the Second Emperor and Emperor-level masters only felt a chill in their hearts, which spread upwards and instantly climbed up their spines. ∽♦

If Half-Move Buddha had not reminded them, most of them would not have found it. With Half-Move Buddha's reminder, Liu Yue and Huang Longyu finally found the shadows that were almost sticking to Luo Chuan's back.

Luo Chuan sat cross-legged on the purple copper coin, holding the seal in his hand. The seal kept changing. Each seal was repeated twice. After two times, he could control the purple copper coin. However, the first time was skillful and natural, while the second time was a little awkward. At first, everyone did not think there was anything wrong, but at this time, all the emperors present reacted. It turned out that it was not Luo Chuan alone who was holding the hand seal, but two people!

The mysterious stranger overlapped in the shadow of Luo Chuan's body movements. He was instructing Luo Chuan the first time, and Luo Chuan did it himself the second time. Therefore, the first time was proficient and the second time was obscure. However, because the two overlapped and seemed to be in tune with each other, only the monks above the level of the emperor could vaguely distinguish the different hand seals before and after. Although the purple copper coin will be activated only after Luo Chuan finishes the hand seal, which means that this purple copper coin undoubtedly belongs to Luo Chuan, but Luo Chuan needs to use the hand seals he has learned to control this fatal copper coin.

The true identity of this mysterious stranger who taught Luo Chuan...

"It's the Youyou lineage! That person must be a Youyou messenger! And he's not just an ordinary Youyou messenger!" King Maya shouted, with joy and doubt in his eyes: "But... what is the relationship between him and Luo Chuan..."

"That person seems to be teaching Luo Chuan the Youyou lineage's method. Haha, the Great Emperor of the North Pole has the support of the Youyou lineage, and Luo Chuan is taught the Youyou method by the mysterious Youyou messenger. And the Great Emperor of the North Pole wants to kill Luo Chuan... There is no doubt that the Youyou lineage is fighting internally! What destiny is, it's just a pawn used by the Youyou lineage!" Half-move Buddha laughed.

"Involved in the internal strife of the Youyou lineage... The Great Emperor of the North Pole is fine, after all, his family is big and powerful. But Luo Chuan... No matter how weird he is, he is not as weird as the Youyou lineage. Didn't he just die once? This time he will suffer."

"Yes. I heard that the Youyou envoys are ruthless, cold-blooded and unrighteous. It is not a good thing for the most lonely person in the world to become their pawn and be used by them."

"Hehe, how could Luo Chuan not know this? For power, he coveted the life-taking copper coin and the Youyou lineage's method, and was controlled by the Youyou lineage, and lost his freedom from then on. Even his life and death will be controlled by others... With his talent and potential, there is no need to do this."

"Put yourself in their shoes. If you were asked to exchange yourself for a life-taking copper coin and the Youyou method, would you be unwilling? Luo Chuan is not a saint, and he has a mortal heart, so it is naturally difficult for him to escape from the world."

The monks whispered and looked at Luo Chuan who exchanged "life" and "freedom" for the Youyou lineage's method. Some of them envied him. Some were disdainful, such as Lan Xiaosheng, Emperor Lei Ting and others, who had complicated expressions.

"Luo Chuan... you can't be so stupid, right? Trading with the Youyou lineage. How is it different from trying to get the skin of a tiger? No, you little bastard may be greedy, but you are also very smart, and you will never be so stupid... What is the hidden truth behind this?" Li Xuangan frowned slightly and looked at Luo Chuan with a complicated look. He hoped that Luo Chuan could become stronger quickly. The stronger the better, but he absolutely did not want Luo Chuan to do this.

Practicing the Youyou method and becoming a Youyou messenger, from then on, you will be a star of destiny, with no relatives or friends. You will be lonely all your life, and you will not be able to have offspring and blood inheritance. Those who violate this will have a hard time.

"Becoming a Youyou messenger... Luo Chuan, what are you thinking about?" The empress Luosha stared at Luo Chuan, suddenly flew up, waved her robe sleeves, and brushed towards the shadow behind Luo Chuan.

Luo Chuan's resurrection from the dead certainly made her secretly happy, but she could not sit idly by and watch Luo Chuan join the Youyou lineage. In the past, the Youyou lineage was a star of doom, a heartless and ruthless ghost. She could only ignore it at most. However, now that the Youyou lineage has joined those people, her impression of the Youyou lineage has become extremely bad. It has become her future mortal enemy on her list... Therefore, she can never sit back and watch Luo Chuan join the Youyou lineage.

"Let him go."

The Empress Luosha waved her long sleeves and rolled towards Luo Chuan who was sitting cross-legged on the purple copper coin.


From behind Luo Chuan, a ball of gray-purple dust mist flew out and hit the Empress Luosha's long sleeves. The long sleeves quickly stiffened and turned gray, like a fossil that had sunk into the long river of time for thousands of years, and was frozen above Luo Chuan's head.

The Empress Luosha was stunned. She knew the ins and outs of the Youyou lineage since she was a child, and she had read the secrets of the Youyou lineage. However, the skills displayed by the mysterious Youyou messenger in front of her were different from those of most Youyou messengers. It seemed that he had added something else to the Youyou lineage, just like ice mixed in fire, which not only did not melt, but instead made the tiger more powerful.

At this time, a playful voice sounded in the ears of the Empress Luosha.

"Care makes you confused. You really care about Luo Chuan. But for now, you don't need to worry too much about Luo Chuan. You should take care of yourself first. Your injuries are getting worse. If you are noticed, it will surely attract hostile forces to covet the Demon Palace, such as the Scholar of Heaven and the Emperor of the North Pole."

As the voice fell, a soft and gentle force flowed along the restored long sleeves and gently touched the lower dantian of the Empress Luosha. The female empress Luosha's body shook and retreated. At the same time, a continuous breath of life rose from her dantian, healing her injuries.

"Who are you?"

The female empress Luosha asked with a burst of divine light in her eyes.

No response.

The mysterious Youyou messenger said no more. After forcing the Empress Rakshasa back with one move, he disappeared.

But the monks present saw the scene where the Empress Rakshasa failed to attack and was easily repelled by the mysterious stranger. They were surprised and at the same time became more and more certain that this person either held a high position among the Youyou messengers, or was just a stranger. He is a strong person in the Youyou lineage.

Everyone was attracted to Luo Chuan and the man behind him, and ignored Guo Wushuang, who was seriously injured.

"The monarch-level Youyou messenger... that traitor... is him!" Guo Wushuang suddenly remembered something, his pupils suddenly expanded, and there was deep fear in the depths of his eyes.

"They actually lured him out... Why did he want to help Luo Chuan? Could it be that he wanted to support a puppet to fight against the Arctic Emperor? Haha, the Arctic Emperor is destined by fate. How can you, a traitor, control it? The same goes for Luo Chuan Poor, he thought he had taken advantage, but he didn't know the true identity of the person he took refuge in... The traitor in Youyou's lineage who killed many people, the Youyou tyrant who was the most cruel and ruthless to his chess pieces, Luo Chuan, Luo Chuan, You are seeking your own death. I will catch you all today."

Soon Guo Wushuang regained his composure. He took a deep breath and stretched out his hand to reach for the jade bracelet.

"Good boy, hahahaha... Okay! Okay! Okay! I asked you to find a few more wives. I expected that people like Su Yuchen, Qi Xinyue, and Bailong's great-granddaughter would be satisfied, but I didn't expect that you, the boy, would actually marry me I also got the Empress Rakshasa... Hahaha, he is worthy of being my son, Luo Shiqi!"

On the Huntian copper coin, which is as huge as a roulette wheel, above a crane-shaped rune in the southeast corner, a man in green robe is floating in the air without touching the ground, looking with satisfaction at Luo Chuan, who is sitting in a floating cross-legged cross above a dragon-shaped rune opposite. , nodded with satisfaction.

The man in green robe has slightly white temples and a curly beard under his chin, which is not bushy and shows a bit of vicissitude. There is a hint of fatigue from carrying a heavy burden deep in his smiling eyes, and his eyebrows are raised upward, as if he is trying to hold up the sky. There was a dark mask around his cheeks, and he never took it off even when facing Luo Chuan, as if he was used to hiding his true face.

To an outsider, Luo Chuan and the mysterious Youyou Envoy overlap on top of a copper coin. But the Huntian Copper Coin has its own mysteries. When Luo Shiqi appeared, it turned into a circle of talisman discs that was vast but could only accommodate the father and son. The densely packed talisman patterns, countless mysteries, and the majestic way of heaven. All on the disk.

"It turns out that this is the real secret of Huntian Copper Coin. No wonder I have only completed the "Youyou Wasted Treasure Record" in these years. I said, Dad, how can you hide it so deeply from me?" Luo Chuan did not open his eyes. All his attention was focused on the Dao patterns on the roulette made of Huntian copper coins, and the seals in his hands were constantly changing.

"It's not that I'm hiding it, it's just that with your previous cultivation practice, if you activate the Huntian Copper Coin's cultivation form, not only will you not be able to practice the Youyou method, but you will also attract the attention of the Youyou lineage." Luo Shiqi said. Seeing that Luo Chuan was a little disapproving, he shook his head: "Chuan'er, do you still remember the general outline of Youyou Kung Fu?"

"Of course I remember... there is a way in heaven and earth, but the upper way is ruthless. The copper coins of the universe can benefit the way of heaven." Luo Chuan opened his mouth and said.

"Just remember, even the Youyou messenger who is closest to the way of heaven still needs to take advantage of the way of heaven. This is the ruthlessness and indifference of the way of heaven. The reason for the ruthlessness and indifference of the Youyou messenger is because of the life-threatening copper coin. The Youyou messenger needs to complete the exchange of interests with the Heavenly Dao... But in the past, although you had outstanding talents and high understanding, you have not yet fully understood the ruthlessness of the Heavenly Dao, let alone the benefits of the world. You have killed enough. People who have their own power, their methods are becoming more sophisticated and ruthless, they are finally a little more worldly, and they can finally practice Youyou Cultivation Technique," Luo Shiqi said.

Luo Chuan finally opened his eyes and looked at his father whom he had not seen for several years: "You came to me this time just to help me unlock the practice form of Huntian Copper Coin?"

"Of course it's not that simple. You and I haven't been able to meet each other before because we were worried about being noticed by Heaven. No matter what, your father and I, as Youyou messengers, are the protectors, slaves, and recorders of Heaven. It's difficult to hide from Heaven... until Today, your father and I have finally succeeded in cultivating the "Record of Youyou's Rebirth". We can rely on certain conditions to temporarily avoid the way of heaven. Your father and I use the Youyou lineage to integrate the path of immortality, but in the end, we are not as good as you who use immortality. It is so convenient to integrate the path of Youyou. I am here to officially teach you "The Record of Youyou's Rebirth."

Luo Shiqi stared at Luo Chuan, the corner of his mouth raised slightly: "Now the time has come, you and I, father and son, can finally join forces to do the damn thing!" (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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