Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1303: The duel of fate

Luo Chuan sat cross-legged on the Chaos Wheel, under the Wuji Stone Embryo, with purple gas rising below and a light curtain emerging above. ←

The light curtain spread, and unknowingly constructed a vast and endless chaotic world around Luo Chuan. In this world, apart from Luo Chuan, there were only water shadows and light walls.

"This is... the floating shadow scroll in the Wuji Stone Embryo."

Luo Chuan looked around, and a memory of fighting for the Hongmeng giant tree in the outer domain many years ago flashed through his mind.

That year, Luo Chuan entered the central ancient battlefield of the outer domain as the Tianluo Demon Lord, and fought openly and secretly with many emperors. Although he had the Tianshe True Lord as his clone, he was ultimately weak and could not defeat the emperors such as Kong Fang Demon Lord, Fusheng Emperor, and Mo Jiaozhu, who was another clone of Daozu. Fortunately, he still had the Wuji Stone Embryo.

The Wuji Stone Embryo is like a cliff fortress. It not only protects Luo Chuan from the harm of the Emperor's morality, but also provides Luo Chuan with an excellent place for cultivation. What amazes Luo Chuan the most is the water shadow light wall in the Wuji Stone Embryo and the paintings on the light wall. The paintings are all the special skills of the Emperors and strong men that Luo Chuan met after he came out of seclusion that year!

The Seven Degrees of the Magical Weapon of the Demon Lord Kong Fang, the Mustard Seed Universe of the Emperor Fusheng, the Nether Blood Mountain and River of the Master Mo, the Long-lived Annual Rings of the Ancestor Tong, and the World-destroying Sword Dao of the Western Heaven Bo Hou.

These unique skills are not recorded in the form of text, but in a series of floating shadow paintings, recording the moment when the Emperor masters performed their unique skills, and then the Wuji Stone Embryo itself deduced, or disassembled, or supplemented, leaving the unique skills of these powerful men in the world on the wall of the embryo.

The vision of the Wuji Stone Embryo is extraordinary. It only remembers the skills of the Emperor, and disdains the unique skills of other masters. Even the second-level Emperor cannot enter its eyes.

But what really puzzled Luo Chuan was that in addition to the five floating shadow scrolls that recorded the unique skills of the five Emperors, there was another floating shadow scroll in the Wuji Stone Embryo! This floating shadow scroll ranks first among many floating shadow scrolls, and is even higher than the sword art of the Western Heaven Bo Hou. This floating shadow scroll only has a piece of chaos, divided into black and white, but it does not look like a yin and yang fish.

In this floating shadow scroll. The black aura is like smoke and haze, filling most of the scroll, and only in the center of the scroll, in the center of the black aura, there is a circle of white light. The black aura tried its best to submerge the white light, but the white light remained stable. Not only was it not swallowed, but it was bright and full, and it looked very relaxed.

Compared with the other five floating shadow scrolls. This floating image scroll does not belong to any of the strongest emperors, but with the attitude of a monarch, it stands proudly above the unique skills of all the emperors and masters, and is superior to the crowd.

"My Wuji Stone Embryo is the emperor stone in the Wuji Stone Embryo. And the Hun Tian Copper Coin was also refined by a Youyou Emperor."

"As the absolute superiors of the two veins of spiritual treasures, it is normal for the Hun Tian Copper Coin to attract the Wuji Stone Embryo."

"But... I failed to practice "Youyou Past Life Record" and was swallowed by the Dao Fire. At this time, the Hun Tian Copper Coin attracted my Wuji Stone Embryo. Why?"

Luo Chuan looked puzzled, raised his head, and looked at the floating image scroll above his head. Gradually, his eyes became deep.

All the secrets are hidden in the floating image scroll that is superior to the other five emperors' unique skills.

This floating image scroll. It comes with the Wuji Stone Embryo, which means that it must be related to the immortal lineage!

"That would be..."

A vague thought flashed through Luo Chuan's mind, and he vaguely caught something.

At this moment, a stream of fire rushed up from the bottom of his abdomen. It surged up and hit Luo Chuan's eyebrows. Luo Chuan was shocked by lightning, and the third eye between his eyebrows slowly opened. A golden light shot out from the third eye, like a beam of sharp arrows, and penetrated directly into the white light group in the center of the floating image scroll!

"This is..."

Luo Chuan's mind buzzed, and the depths of his mind trembled. The next moment, his heart was filled with ecstasy, understanding, and relief.

In the center of the floating image scroll of the Wuji Stone Embryo, in the white light that was blocked by the black mist, there was a scroll that made Luo Chuan's soul tremble, burn, and boil!

Like the other five emperor's unique skills, this scroll also hides a unique skill.

But the difference is that this unique skill is not a Dharma door, it is more like a Taoist skill, but it is different from ordinary Taoist skills. Like the Taoist skills of momentum, sound attack, and even the Heart Lake Secret Realm, this Taoist skill can be mastered by just understanding. However, the difference is that the advancement of this Taoist skill is more complicated and complex than any Taoist skill Luo Chuan knows, and it does not rely solely on understanding.


As if his memory was awakened, when Luo Chuan saw the scroll clearly, the name of the Taoist skill also appeared in his mind.

"Wuji", the bloodline skill of the immortal lineage!

Just like the eight major systems of the "Youyou Wangshenglu", this "Wuji" is also a unique skill under the "Nine Lives and Nine Deaths Taishang Wuji Gong" system, but it is not a method, but a Taoist skill.

Most of the Taoist skills of the immortal lineage have been lost, leaving only this "Wuji", hidden in the emperor stone of the Wuji stone embryo. Although Luo Chuan had survived nine deaths and returned to life, and had cultivated the Nine Deaths and One Life Skill to perfection, and also possessed the Wuji Stone Embryo, he was ultimately only a descendant of the immortal lineage, and did not possess the blood of the immortal clan. It stands to reason that he would never be able to comprehend the "Wuji" Taoist skills in the Wuji Stone Embryo.

Fortunately, Luo Chuan had a series of adventures, first cultivating the Buddha's Eyes, and then failing to cultivate the "Youyou Wangshenglu", and by accident, he activated the Wuji Stone Embryo.

The reason why "The Record of the Past Life" triggered the Wuji Stone Embryo has to start from "Wuji" itself.

The immortal bloodline skill "Wuji", its function has actually been used in the Wuji Stone Embryo for a long time, but Luo Chuan didn't know it before - the floating shadows on the Wuji Stone Embryo recorded the moment when the emperor masters performed their skills, and then the Wuji Stone Embryo itself deduced, disassembled, or supplemented, and finally completely cracked the skills of these world's strongest people.

Many years ago, Luo Chuan only thought that this was the credit of the Wuji Stone Embryo itself. Until today, Luo Chuan just understood that this was the Taoist skill Wuji showing its power in secret.

Wuji, with the method of deducing, disassembling, finding flaws, and creating new moves, breaks all the infinite methods and Taoist skills under the Heavenly Dao!

There are also some similar Taoist skills in the Nine Heavens. For example, the first top genius Qing Gongzi that Luo Chuan met outside the Great Sadness and Cold Heaven that year, he had such a Taoist skill pupil technique.

However, in fact, any similar Taoist skills are as different from Wuji as a grain of rice and a bright moon, and it is difficult to compare them.

Wuji can not only break the Taoist skills... it can also break the supernatural skills!

In other words, the Taoist skills Wuji possessed by the immortal lineage are themselves supernatural skills!

However, with the Wuji grade that Luo Chuan has currently comprehended, it is still impossible to break the supernatural skills. The way of Wuji's advancement is different from most Taoist skills. Its first advancement requires Luo Chuan to collect the imperial skills of more than nine strongest people, such as the world-destroying sword of Xitian Bohou and the mustard seed universe of Fusheng Emperor on the floating shadow light wall. And the second advancement requires the collection of the imperial skills of more than ninety-nine strongest people. The third time is nine hundred and ninety-nine supreme skills... and so on, there is no limit.

After it completes the first advancement, it can break 99% of the super-grade methods. The so-called super-grade methods are methods above the ninth grade and below the magical secrets. These methods are rare in the Nine Heavens Realm and are the bottom treasures of all super powers.

When Wuji completes the second advancement, he can break 99% of the ordinary magical skills, such as the magical skills that Lan Xiaosheng obtained from the adventure in Xingyuan. Such magical skills basically only exist in two places, one is Xingyuan and the other is Shengting... Of course, no matter how many times Wuji completes the advancement, he needs to rely on his cultivation strength.

The possibility of Wuji completing three advancements is extremely small. Even before the extinction of the stars, it was very difficult to complete two advancements in the history of the immortal lineage. Almost no one can complete three advancements.

Although Wuji is strong, he has a nemesis, that is the eight-series method of the immortal lineage, the mortal enemy of the Youyou lineage!

To be precise, Wuji and Youyou's eight systems restrain each other.

The Youyou lineage can kill the Immortal lineage with the deadly method, and although the Immortal lineage can also use the divine skill Wuji to deduce and disassemble to create moves that restrain the eight methods, it will take longer than facing other methods, Taoist skills, and even magical skills, sometimes even for several days.

During the long time that the Immortal lineage disassembled the Eight Methods of Youyou, the Youyou messengers had enough time to use all methods and means to kill the enemy. In addition, the number of Eight Methods of Youyou is astonishing, and it is impossible to record them all. Therefore, in the long years, the Immortal lineage and the Youyou messengers often lose in the duel.

But in the Immortal lineage, one or several talented people with extraordinary talents will emerge every once in a while. The Immortal Clan was originally a genius elite, far superior to other clans. And once a genius who surpasses the whole clan appears, it will be the turn of the Youyou lineage to start unlucky! These geniuses can rely on Wuji and their own strength to crack the eight-system method of Youyou that almost no one can crack in the shortest time, ignore the protection of the Heavenly Dao, and kill the almost immortal Youyou Messenger, which has become the nightmare of the Youyou lineage!

The Immortal and the Youyou Messenger are both the most difficult cultivators to die in the world, and they naturally become mortal enemies because they restrain each other.

In the struggle that lasted for an era, the Youyou lineage finally laughed to the end, because the Heavenly Dao stood on their side, and the Zhoutian Star fell, destroying the Immortal and Immortal lineage, and achieved the unique and transcendent status of the Youyou lineage in the new era.

But the fateful duel was continued when Luo Chuan tried to practice "Youyou Rebirth Record".

"Youyou Rebirth Record" contains most of the eight-system methods of the Youyou lineage. If it falls into the hands of the Immortal and Immortal lineage, it will give the Immortal and Immortal lineage an excellent opportunity to analyze, deduce, and dismantle the Youyou method! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature. The novels are better and updated faster!

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