Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 130: Evil Man!

"I ask one question, and you answer one." Luo Chuan said indifferently.

"Who are you?" the black-robed demon cultivator asked, glancing out.

"The nearest one is five hundred steps away from you. I have a thousand ways to kill you before they arrive." Luo Chuan said.

The black-robed demon cultivator's legs trembled and he shuddered.

"I ask you, what is this? Answer honestly, don't try to hide it." Luo Chuan pointed at the monster with a bull's head and a human body and asked.

The black-robed demon cultivator's eyes turned quickly, lowered his head, and said sincerely: "Daoyou is very powerful, and my 100 lives are not enough for Daoyou to play with, how dare I hide it. To be honest with Daoyou, since five years ago, Liudu was surrounded by water, these monsters appeared in Hongshan Swamp. In order to prevent the monsters from going out to harm people, my fellow apprentices and I set up a magic circle in Hongshan Swamp to imprison these monsters."

"Is that so..." Luo Chuan nodded.

The black-robed demon cultivator observed his words and was secretly happy.

The next moment, the hand holding his throat tightened, and the larynx cracked.

The black-robed demon cultivator trembled with pain and wanted to shout, but Luo Chuan suppressed his voice in his throat. His face was pale and big beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

"Still not honest?" Luo Chuan raised his eyebrows.

"Every... every... word is... true." The black-robed demon cultivator said with difficulty, begging for mercy in his eyes.

"Let me tell you what they are." Luo Chuan glanced at the cow-headed monster curled up on the side and said: "Since ancient times, demon cultivators have been divided into three types. They are human demon cultivators, heavenly true demons, and alien demons. They are called human demons, true demons, and alien demons in short. These are regarded as monsters by you. They can be said to be the lowest level of alien demons. I guess they are all created by you."

Hearing this, the black-robed demon cultivator looked flustered and his eyes were wandering.

Luo Chuan stared at the black-robed demon cultivator.

In the memory of Jiulong Jun, the demon cultivators in the Nine Heavens were divided into these three categories.

Human demons are human demon cultivators. In the Tiannan Domain Demon Dao Realm, the secret sects that Luo Chuan encountered were all human demon cultivators. Their cultivation methods are not much different from those of the immortals. The only difference is that they use demonic nature to refine their hearts.

True demons are natural demons, purer than human demons. They come from foreign realms and have the ability to reach the sky and are very scary. However, when human demons reach the peak of cultivation, they are not inferior to true demons. Take the Nine Dragon Lord for example. He went on an expedition to the Nine Heavens Realm and killed several true demons with his own hands.

And the alien demons are another kind of human demon cultivators. They are unique and have taken another path of demon cultivation, combining the strengths of both human demons and true demons. In the Nine Dragons Immortal Court back then, there were two star lords, both of whom were demons of alien ways. The Nine Dragon Lord respected them and was wary of them.

"Can you tell me the truth now?" Luo Chuan said, increasing his strength.

The black-robed demon cultivator groaned in pain, his eyes struggling.

"I also know that your ancestor has a magic weapon called Tianshui Shenzhao. Liujing's water shield is caused by it." Luo Chuan said lightly.

The black-robed demon cultivator was shocked and looked at Luo Chuan in surprise: "How do you know all this?"

"I just know it. Why don't you tell the truth?" Luo Chuan's hand strength increased again.

"I, I, I can't say it. If I tell you, I won't live." The black-robed demon cultivator was incoherent as the pain hit him.

"Well, anyway, there are no more or less of you here. If you don't want to say it, someone will." Luo Chuan smiled coldly, murderous intent in his eyes, and Dan light flowed between his five fingers.

The black-robed demon cultivator showed despair on his face and growled: "I will tell you! I will tell you everything! These are the people of Liujing! Five years ago, the ancestor used a magic weapon to cover Liujing, and every night he sent us to abduct the people from Liujing and bring them to Hongshan Swamp. In his words, it is a kind of Tao."

"Which sect of the demon world are you from? Who is your ancestor?" Luo Chuan asked.

"If I tell you everything, will you let me go?" the black-robed demon cultivator asked cautiously.

"Yes." Luo Chuan's eyes were clear.

After staring at Luo Chuan for a while, the black-robed demon cultivator let out a long sigh and whispered: "We don't belong to the same sect or school. We were all deceived by the ancestor. He promised us benefits, such as increasing our skills and the fifth or sixth-grade magic skills, and asked us to work for him. But when we came to Hongshan Swamp, he put restrictions on us..."

"Who is he?" Luo Chuan interrupted.

"Ancestor..." The black-robed demon cultivator shuddered subconsciously: "When we met him five years ago, his cultivation was not very high, only the Condensation Pill Stage. But in just five years, his cultivation has increased to the third level of the Infant Realm. He calls himself the Human Evil Demon Master, and says that he was one of the top ten magic masters in the Tiannan Region a thousand years ago."

Another magic master appeared!

Luo Chuan couldn't help but think of the unlucky White Bone Magic Master.

"Did he say the purpose of doing all this?" Luo Chuan asked.

"Ancestor... the evil demon master said that he did this to pursue the supreme magic way."

"Is he here now?"

"He left Hongshan Swamp five days ago, saying that he was going to visit an old friend."

"Did he say when he would be back?"

"He didn't say that."

Luo Chuan nodded, and then asked: "Where is the Heavenly Water God Cover hidden?"

"It's hidden in the cave at the top. Wait, you don't want to..." The black-robed demon cultivator was shocked and said: "Absolutely not! The ancestor has given us a ban..."

Before he finished speaking, the red light swirled between Luo Chuan's five fingers, and his hand strength suddenly increased.

"You said you wouldn't kill..."


The body of the black-robed demon cultivator fell to the ground. A virtual pill with black light in the golden color flew out, trying to escape, but was crushed by Luo Chuan's hand.

"It's just a talk, but you take it seriously. So stupid and naive."

Luo Chuan's mind went up to the Heavenly Gate, and he could see the ten-mile mountain forest and nearly a hundred demon cultivators.

"We have to find a way to get in."

Luo Chuan grabbed the black robe of the skeleton from the corpse with his big hand, and then put it on.

After thinking for a while, Luo Chuan took out the mask talisman from the storage ring.

Sacrificial talisman.

Luo Chuan's face began to change, and Zhou Zhihao's pale, cold, and slightly evil face appeared in an instant.

"Kill me, please..."

A weak voice sounded, and Luo Chuan barely heard it.

Turning his head to look at the people of Liuguo with a bull's head and a human body, Luo Chuan raised his hand and put it down again.

"If you really want to die, you won't come to me to help." Luo Chuan said.

The man's originally dazed look gradually became clear, and tears dripped from the bull's eyes: "But I am really worse off than dead."

Once he realized the truth, Luo Chuan's state of mind was different from seven days ago.

"Only by surviving first can there be hope."

After saying that, Luo Chuan passed the man and strode forward.

Staring at Luo Chuan's back, the man was stunned for a long time, and suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute..."

"You have to take me with you, otherwise you can't hide it from them."

"I don't know if you can succeed. Many powerful people have come before, and we have had hope. But the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. In the end, we were desperate. If you succeed, at least my wife and children will not suffer this kind of pain again."

The man talked ramblingly, and when he mentioned his relatives, a trace of long-lost tenderness appeared on his face, which was very strange.

Luo Chuan didn't speak, and grabbed the vine with his hand.

In the morning sun, the pale and evil boy led a monster with a human body and a bull's head into the forest.

Walking through one forest after another, Luo Chuan walked to the front of the mountain.

"This is Hongshan. Although there are not as many people on the mountain as in the forest, there are nearly 30 people who are responsible for guarding the caves. Those caves, we call them magic caves, and we were all turned into what we are now there."

The man whispered.

Luo Chuan looked up, and saw stone steps surrounding the mountain peaks. In front of each demon cave, there were several black-robed demon cultivators gathered together, looking at the people of Liudu who were living a miserable life in the mountains and forests from time to time, and laughed wantonly.

It seems that the evil demon master is really not here.

Luo Chuan thought.

"Hey, are you done letting the animals out so soon?" A demon cultivator walked down the stone steps and looked at Luo Chuan with a smile.

"Let the animals out?" Luo Chuan chewed in a low voice.

"They treat us as livestock, and take us out for a few laps every day... It's called letting the animals out." The man said, his tone a little numb: "If you answer him yes, he will take turns with you. You can sneak in."

"And then continue to let you out?" Luo Chuan said lightly.

The man was startled, his nails dug into his palm, and pain flashed in his eyes.

"Hey, why don't you talk... Hey, why have I never seen you before?"

The demon cultivator stopped, a trace of doubt appeared in his eyes, and gradually, his expression became gloomy: "Who are you?"

The man curled up at Luo Chuan's feet trembled all over, and a nervous look appeared on his ox face.

"Zhou Zhihao." Luo Chuan said.

"Zhou Zhihao... Why haven't I heard of him?"

"Of course you haven't heard of him." Luo Chuan laughed.

A shadow passed by his arm, and Luo Chuan drew out the Tianri long sword, and the blood-red sword light of fifty feet poured out, and chopped it straight down.

Blood flew.

In the horrified eyes of the people of Niutou, the black-robed demon cultivator was split in half.

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