Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1409: Monsters are coming!

Luo Chuan nodded and walked forward.

There was a law enforcement monk leading the way in front, whispering about the points to pay attention to in the assessment.

Luo Chuan was not very interested in this assessment. Whether it was the assessment of cultivation, the assessment of power or the final assessment, the significance to Luo Chuan was only to enter the interior of the ruins palace and find the Black Dragon Lord. At this time, Luo Chuan was thinking about how to deal with the Black Dragon Lord after passing the assessment and entering the ruins palace.

The six emperors separated a path to let Luo Chuan pass. Except for the monk No. 4 who was secretly looking at Luo Chuan, the other five emperors were still busy testing each other and asking the black butler about the final assessment.

"It's useless to ask me more now. The final assessment is decided by the temporary draw of the hermit group. Every final assessment is different. You guys are still waiting. Wait until the seventh one finishes the assessment." The black butler looked at Luo Chuan's back while dealing with the temptations of several emperors.

"Master Hei seems to be very concerned about No. 7. But from Master Hei's tone, it seems that he is not sure whether No. 7 can pass the assessment. It's strange, but whoever comes to participate in the assessment is fully prepared, and will not come until he is absolutely sure to pass the assessment of cultivation and power." The No. 3 monk who has been in the limelight looked at the Black Butler and asked tentatively with a smile.

With the performance of the No. 3 emperor, it is almost certain that he will enter the Anti-Saint Alliance. Facing his future colleagues, the Black Butler did not show too indifferent. He nodded and said lightly: "This person's bone age is still a long way from fifty. His passing standard is indeed too difficult for his age. Even if he has prepared for ten years, the probability of passing is extremely small."

"Under fifty years old, the assessment standard of the third level of the heavens is indeed not a small difficulty, but it is not impossible to achieve." The No. 3 emperor nodded slightly. He smiled and said, "I wonder what the assessment standard for this number seven is?"

The Black Butler smiled faintly and did not give a direct answer: "In short, it is very difficult for him. Not to mention preparing for ten years, even if he prepares for fifty years, the chance of passing the standard is so slim that it cannot be slimmer."

When the Black Butler finished speaking, Luo Chuan had already walked into the light shield in the center of the White Jade Temple.

The assessment platform started, exactly the same as the previous six times.

A deep voice sounded from the depths of the White Jade Temple.

"The hermit of heaven and earth, the master of the upper way!"

"Three months ago, you got the hermit's talisman!"

"There are more than nine years left in the ten-year agreement. You can think carefully. If you participate in the assessment today, whether you succeed or fail, you will not have a second chance!"

The voice buzzed and spread along the White Jade Temple in all directions.

In the White Jade Temple and the nearby palaces, the black-robed law enforcement monks all stopped their actions and looked at the top of the White Jade Temple in surprise.

The emperors who were talking about this and that were all stunned when they heard the voice. Although they couldn't see each other's faces clearly, everyone knew that each other's faces must be full of surprise.

"What! More than nine years... He only got the hermit talisman three or two months ago. He came to take the test?" Black Butler's face changed and his teeth creaked: "What is he doing? Is he treating the Anti-Saint Alliance's test as a joke! It's absurd. In the history of the Anti-Saint Alliance, no one has ever dared to be so presumptuous! Even Jiulong Jun is not as bold as him! Rude! Even if he knew he couldn't pass, he should at least try for three to five years, seven to eight years... Is he just giving up? How could the old man Yin like such a clown!"

As the person in charge of the alliance assessment and a member of the Hermit Group, Black Butler has seen many geniuses. But he has never seen anyone come to take the alliance assessment without any preparation. Even the genius Jiulong Jun, who eventually hurt the Anti-Saint Alliance, spent nearly three years preparing before coming to take the alliance assessment.

The move of No. 7 not only humiliated the Anti-Saint Alliance, but also determined his tragic fate in advance.

"Old Yin, you are a great hermit, but this time, you really played a little too much... I have to notify the Hermit Group for arbitration."

The Black Butler said to himself, pinching his fingers to make a seal, and notified the Hermit Group of No. 7's arrogant and bold move.

The top leaders of the Anti-Saint Alliance are all hermits of heaven and earth. The Hermit Group, composed of old emperors with a life span of tens of millions of years, votes and discusses matters. Above the Hermit Group, there are six great hermits, and the six great hermits take turns to lead the Hermit Group. For example, the Black Dragon Lord has presided over the affairs of the Hermit Group in the past six months. The great hermits are all ancestors and Xuanjun-level existences, and above the great hermits, there are three old ancestors who have long been out of business. They are the real foundation of the Anti-Saint Alliance. No one knows how strong the old ancestors are, but in the rumors, the old ancestors have all experienced the annihilation catastrophe!

In a blink of an eye, the message from the Black Butler had flown to every corner of the Ruins Palace and landed in the hands of the hermits in black and gold Taoist robes with extraordinary aura.

In the northwest corner of the Ruins Palace, on the Thousand Miles Blood River Parade Ground, a powerful emperor who was ten feet tall, with a copper head and iron arms, and burning with strange purple fire all over his body received the message, took a quick look, and frowned.

"What! He came to participate in the assessment after only a few months of preparation! Did he give up directly? Such a coward can actually become a candidate, and the one who chose him is... uh, Elder Yin? No way?"

After thinking about it, the hermit raised the flag to stop the war and stopped training 100,000 Taoist soldiers. The flame flew from his palm and turned into a ball of fire mirror. The mirror showed the scene in the White Jade Temple of Heaven.

"Haha, there are really all kinds of people in the Nine Heavens now. Isn't it afraid of angering people he can't afford to offend by making fun of the Anti-Saint Alliance like this... It's really young and ignorant." In the Taishan Palace in the northeast of the Ruins Palace, a hermit sneered and opened the water mirror.

"It seems that even Master Yin can't help but make mistakes. It's a pity that Lord Black Dragon will not let this go easily..." A female hermit raised her head under the Manluo tree, sighed softly, and opened the water mirror at the same time.


Most of the members of the Hermit Group were in the Ruins Palace. After receiving the message from the Black Butler, they all paid attention to the membership assessment outside the Ruins Palace. They naturally knew that the purpose of the Black Butler's message to them was nothing more than to arbitrate this daring young genius, either abolish his cultivation or throw him into the boundless black abyss to set an example!

At this time, the voice of the young monk came from the light shield in the center of the White Jade Temple.

"Let's start."


Rays of jade-white light rose from the White Jade Temple, like a long white rainbow, drawing arcs and shooting into the central light shield.

In the light shield, Luo Chuan's figure was completely submerged.

The white jade steps on the left side of the White Jade Temple began to emit light, and the light progressed upward along the jade steps. The first layer of jade steps was lit up, followed by the second layer, the third layer... Soon, the first three areas of the third layer of jade steps were all lit up.

"The third level of the heavens, No. 7 has passed the cultivation assessment... Maybe he really came prepared. For this assessment, this great genius has specially prepared for two or three months." The third candidate emperor laughed slightly with a mocking laugh.


The black butler folded his arms and had no expression on his face.

The three layers of jade steps represent the heavens, and each layer of jade steps is divided into four areas. At present, the first three areas of the three layers of jade steps are lit up, indicating that this No. 7 cultivator does have the cultivation of the third level of the heavens.

The black butler was not too surprised by the result of the cultivation assessment. The third level of the heavens is the minimum standard for entering the ruins palace. From the first sight of No. 7, the black butler faintly sensed that this person's aura was not ordinary, and the focus was still on the next power assessment.

Just as the Black Butler and everyone turned their eyes to the right side of the Temple of Heaven, the jade pillar representing the power assessment, an unexpected change occurred.


The light on the white jade steps did not dissipate, but continued to spread upwards.

In a blink of an eye, the three layers of jade steps were all filled and lit up, and the light leaped up and rushed into the fourth layer of jade steps!

The four layers of jade steps were all lit up, pulling everyone's attention back again.

"Fourth layer of jade steps... the second emperor?" Black Butler was stunned, looking at the light shield, his eyes slightly complicated.

It is really common for a second emperor to appear in the cultivation assessment. But... a second emperor who is less than fifty years old, and even has a bone age of less than forty! If this is said out, it will be a bit scary! Geniuses with such a speed of cultivation are not so common even in the history of Xingyuan.

Including the fourth emperor, the six emperors who have finished the test all fell silent. Although the third level of the world and the fourth level of the world are only one level apart, their meanings are completely different. How many geniuses have never been able to cross the threshold of the third level of the world in their entire lives, leaving behind regrets for the rest of their lives.

What shocked them the most was that the white light had not stopped. Not long after, the entire area of ​​the fourth level of the jade steps was filled with white light.

Only then did the white light stop.

In the ruins palace, inside and outside the white jade heavenly temple, all the cultivators and hermits who were paying attention to this assessment breathed a sigh of relief and calmed their hearts.

The second emperor's great perfection... less than half a century old? Where did this monster come from? No wonder he came to participate in the assessment after only three months of preparation. He has already far exceeded the standard for the practice assessment alone.


The Black Butler let out a long sigh, gnashing his teeth, with a complex look in his eyes, feeling both amazed and unwilling. After a while, he snorted coldly: "No wonder you were favored by Master Yin. Humph, but you are really an unruly thorn. I hope your power assessment is not too bad... You must meet the standard for a make-up exam."

At this time, the Black Butler had secretly made up his mind. After the No. 7 monk failed the power assessment, he would apply to the Black Dragon Lord for a make-up exam for No. 7. If such a monster-level genius is missed because of a little pride that can be forgiven by young people, he will definitely regret it for a long time.

Having made up his mind, the Black Butler turned to the halo jade pillar on the right side of the Temple of Heaven again, and gradually a trace of inexplicable expectation appeared in his heart.

However, at this moment, with a buzzing sound, the white jade steps on the left side of the Temple of Heaven, which had originally calmed down, were lit up again!

The white light rushed into the sky, like a brilliant sword light, rising against the sky and passing through everyone's eyes! (To be continued...)i1292

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