Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1428: Three gives birth to all things!

The world of white bones and Xumi, the long blood evil pool.

Luo Chuan sits cross-legged in the void. He is tall and majestic, with ethereal bones and long hair flying in the wind, looking like a demon.

Su Yuchen nestled in Luo Chuan's arms, her black hair was flying, her skin was made of mutton fat, and her skin was as pure as ice. Her plain and faceless face gave her a mysterious and sultry aura.

One man and one woman, one yang and one yin, one exhale and one inhale, returning to nature.

As the last trace of blood evil energy was swallowed up by Luo Chuan, a strange light and shadow flew out from the center of his eyebrows, like fire but not fire, like water but not water, as if it had its own independent consciousness. At the same time, a ball of light and shadow floated out from Su Yuchen's eyebrows.

The two groups of light and shadow were lingering, and after a moment, they separated reluctantly and returned to their eyebrows.

This is the memory of Luo Chuan and Su Yuchen's past in the Tiannan Territory that Bai Yiqing saw through the realm of the Heart Lake when he reunited with Luo Chuan at the Tianxing Holy Sect.

That day, the sudden memory of Xinhu made her stunned on the spot.

She knew Su Yuchen, but she didn't know that Su Yuchen and Luo Chuan had such an ambiguous past. After all, she was no longer a mortal, and she quickly calmed down her emotional turmoil. However, the only thing that made her heartache was that Luo Chuan and Su Yuchen had to practice dual cultivation in conjunction with their thoughts, and they had to wait until she and Luo Chuan officially cultivated together in Tianqi Capital.

However, this also explains why she and Su Yuchen felt extremely familiar when they met at the Tianxing Holy Gate. Not only are they familiar with each other, the two of them even speak the same words and think at the same level. They are so connected that it's terrifying.

It wasn't until he saw the memory scene that Bai Yiqing realized that because of Luo Chuan, the two people's hearts were tending to merge, but because Luo Chuan was in the middle, their hearts could never truly merge.

One breath creates yin and yang. Yin and Yang play all things.

The Tao of Yin and Yang will always be one of the supreme Tao in the world. Its laws and power may not be as shocking as the morality of space and the morality of the world. But it is everywhere, affecting everything in the world all the time. All living things are inseparable from yin and yang. Its secrets and magic are the reasons why it truly transcends all paths.

Bai Yiqing didn't know how all this happened.

But she knew that she could not tell Luo Chuan all this, and she would never be able to reveal it, once it was revealed. Both she and Luo Chuan will face embarrassing choices. Although Su Yuchen didn't say anything, he showed his feelings to Bai Yiqing by leaving on the spot. For some unknown reason, Bai Yiqing felt very complicated when she watched Su Yuchen leave at the Tianxing Holy Gate that day.

This is a secret that neither Bai Yiqing, Su Yuchen nor Luo Chuan are prepared to reveal in their lifetime.

However, today, facing the aggressiveness of the old woman, Bai Yiqing decisively chose to join forces with the "Emperor Sister" as the young female masters of the ancient tribe called her, to guard Luo Chuan together.

"The so-called choice is just an excuse. Because the ending has been decided from the beginning, there is no suspense. It's just one more chance to choose. It can convince yourself more..." For some reason, the old woman's previous words sounded in Bai Yiqing's ears. A word passed.

The tide of love and demons attacks the inner lake built by Bai Yiqing and Su Yuchen.

Bai Yiqing and Su Yuchen had no heart-to-heart communication, but Bai Yiqing could feel that Su Yuchen, who had been innocently implicated, was doing his best to resist the love demon of Patriarch Feng Ming.

Bai Yiqing is a saint of the Heavenly Star Holy Sect, and is a monster genius who has been in the history of the star path for a long time. Su Yuchen is the only descendant of the White Snake lineage of the innate superior. The holy blood of the extreme cold dragon crystal has been activated, and the talent potential cannot be reached. Foreknowledge. They are also the leading figures among the women in the Nine Heavens Realm in the future, but after all, the two of them have not yet fully grown up. At this time, we join forces and the hearts and lakes are connected. But they only resisted for a moment, and soon fell again, losing ground.

Two yin and one yang, the energy is suddenly released.

Just when Bai Yiqing was getting tired, another inner lake emerged from the darkness!

This inner lake is bigger than Bai Yiqing's imagination. If Bai Yiqing and Su Yuchen's inner lakes are just lakes, then this "heart lake" can already be called a sea! *Ripples, the waves are overwhelming! It was not summoned by Bai Yiqing, Su Yuchen, or Luo Chuan on its own initiative. It seemed to be inspired by the yin and yang energy. In some distant place, it noticed Luo Chuan's current situation, and subconsciously came to rescue, and worked with Bai Yiqing and Su Yuchen's hearts and minds merged into one, and together they protected Luo Chuan's Taoist heart!


With the addition of the huge Ruohaixin Lake, the invasion of the love demon finally slowed down!

The owner of Fang Xinhu who joined last Zu Ke has lived for two eras and has a terrifying existence of one million years! As for the owner of Fang Xinhu, although she is older than Bai Yiqing, she is less than a fraction of the age of the ancestor Feng Ming. However, she has the power to almost compete with the ancestor Feng Ming. How can Bai Yiqing and the second heart lake not be confused? The hostess was shocked.

"Who is she..." Bai Yiqing asked subconsciously.

Almost at the same time, Su Yuchen's voice sounded in the heart: "Who is she..."

The exact same sound, but with completely different meanings.

Both Bai Yiqing and Su Yuchen understand that the person who can join in and fight alongside them and Luo Chuan must be someone who has a spiritual connection with Luo Chuan... In other words, this person is either related to Luo Chuan. Dual cultivation of mind or body may occur.

Soon, Luo Chuan's reflection appeared in the last heart lake.

The water was sparkling and rippling, but no matter how fierce the tide was or how violent the wind and waves were, the reflection in the heart lake was still there, as if the owner of the heart sea was in perfect harmony.

Seeing this strange scene, Su Yuchen on the other side of the heart lake did not speak, and Bai Yiqing did not speak either, but the woman's intuition and common sense of cultivation told her that Luo Chuan could leave his reflection in the heart lake of that person, and the degree of harmony was so high, and the relationship between the two was definitely not ordinary.

Just when Bai Yiqing was confused again, a cold voice sounded in the heart lake.

"Are you Luo Chuan's women?"

There was only one emotion in that voice, that was cold, so cold that it seemed as if everything in the world would freeze in an instant.

In addition to being indifferent, this voice also gave people an illusion of being high above. Although her tone was neither arrogant nor contemptuous, she could be heard as a top-notch hero who was above the nine heavens, controlled the sun, moon, stars, and the heavens, and was superior to all living beings.

Her voice fell, and it was a light word, but it was full of supreme majesty. Mountains, rivers, seas, all living things and all things had to respond, even stubborn stones were no exception.

"Luo Chuan and I are just fellow Taoists... but who are you?"

Su Yuchen's voice came across thousands of mountains and rivers, neither humble nor arrogant, nor showing off, but standing on Bai Yiqing's side, confronting the owner of the last heart lake.

"I am. I don't know who you are."

Bai Yiqing's voice was very calm, as indifferent as ever. After a brief shock, complexity, and loss, her heart quickly calmed down. At least from Luo Chuan's point of view, this person is a friend, not an enemy.

"Tianxing Saint Sect, Bai Yiqing. The other one must be Su Yuchen, the white woman who is known as the female emperor teacher of the Xiantian lineage. The ancient country of Zhaolan has announced to Xingyuan that the prince will marry you soon. This is a major event that can change the pattern of Xingyuan... I didn't expect that you are Luo Chuan's woman." A cold and domineering voice sounded, without sadness or joy, and no emotional fluctuations could be heard.

"I'm not..." Su Yuchen explained.

"Sir, are you the Lord of the Demonic Sect, the Empress Luosha?" Bai Yiqing suddenly asked.

The last heart lake owner fell silent, and after a moment, he said: "You finally reacted. Yes, it's me. I'm Luochuan's ally. I sensed that he was in trouble and came to help."

After the Empress Luosha finished speaking, the waves of the three heart lakes surged, and they gathered again to fight against the aggressive love demon.

The heart lake of Empress Luosha was only a little behind the Fengming ancestor who had lived for a million years. At this time, she joined forces with Bai Yiqing and Su Yuchen, and the two women filled the gap and steadily fought against Fengming's love demon.


The three women worked together to defeat the love demon!

Although they won the victory together and saved Luochuan, the three women did not speak, and kept silent tacitly.

The world has the original, the original is the Tao, the Tao gave birth to one, one gave birth to two, two gave birth to three, and three gave birth to all things.

At this moment, three yins accompanied one yang, with Luo Chuan as the original core. Bai Yiqing, Su Yuchen and the Empress Luosha, the three genius female Taoists, innate ancient descendants, and peerless empresses who had a wonderful opportunity with Luo Chuan, met in the heart lake because of this opportunity. The three heart lakes merged together, and something seemed to be gestating and born in the dark.

The figure sitting cross-legged in the central heart lake suddenly raised his head, and released a rich and pure yang energy around his body, covering the three heart lakes surrounding him and the three beautiful figures in the heart lake.

Yang is the center, and the three yins are auxiliary.

At this moment, the one yang, three yins and four heart lakes completely merged into one, becoming a whole, in which the innate yin and yang intersected and combined, Bai Yiqing's star path yin, Su Yuchen's innate yin, including the mysterious yin of the empress Luosha, all naturally flowed into Luo Chuan's natal yang.

Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things... Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four heartbeats sounded!

Luo Chuan, Bai Yiqing, Su Yuchen and the Empress Luosha opened their eyes at the same time. Even the Empress Luosha showed a look of shock and absurdity in her eyes, as well as a trace of panic.

"No way!"

The four of them shouted at the same time.

"No! Separate quickly!" Luo Chuan shouted.

Although Bai Yiqing, Su Yuchen and the Empress Luosha were in different places, they all had tense faces at this moment, pulling the heart lake hard, trying to separate the heart lake.

But the harder they tried, the tighter the heart lake merged.

In the center of the heart lake that had already merged into one, the breath of one yang and three yin, the four paths combined, became clearer and clearer, gradually becoming solid, like a brand new life. (To be continued)

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