Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1436: The Innate Lineage, the Disaster of the Ancien

"Haha, I didn't expect that it was you who did the bad thing in the end!"

"Say! Tell me quickly, who does this evil obstacle belong to?"

"Su Yuchen, Su Yuchen, don't you White Snakes naturally dislike men? How come you have changed everything! Not only did you have an affair with a male god, you actually got pregnant! Lord Zhaolan The prince and the others are outside, just waiting for us to attend the last banquet before the wedding... How can you go to the banquet like this? "

"Even if it is just an alliance and marriage, how could the ancient Zhaolan Kingdom, the leader of all clans, let its prince marry a pregnant woman? You know the meaning of this alliance better than anyone else! If the alliance fails because of you, in ten years After that, the number of places in the Domain Competition will be reduced by at least half! The Domain Competition in ten years is our last chance to make a comeback!"

"You are the leader of the Xiantian Ancient Snake Clan. If you don't lead by example, how can you convince others?"

"The plan for now is to take out this evil obstacle! With your body, even the unparalleled spirit fetus in the world will not cause much damage to your body. ¤, your mission is to marry the ancient Zhaolan Kingdom , take out that evildoer as soon as possible before everyone in the Zhaolan Ancient Kingdom notices it!"

In the palace, within the barrier, dozens of monks with strange looks, covered in light and clouds, and with unfathomable auras were suspended in the air, forming a circle and surrounding the woman and her guards in the fragrant jade and gold tent in the center of the palace. Surrounded by people.

Each of these dozens of powerful men with different temperaments and majestic demeanors is filled with an aura of extreme tranquility, so tranquil that they blend in with the eternity and the long river of history. As for the leaders, their auras were not inferior to those of the Great Hermits such as the Black Dragon Lord of the Anti-Holy Alliance. At this time, they looked at the fragrant jade golden tent, their eyes locked on the abdomen of the woman in the golden tent, Gao Long, and their expressions were gloomy. Bad eyes.

"You guys want it?"

Su Yuchen lowered his head, gently caressed his belly, and murmured to himself.

She never dreamed that such a thing would happen, and it still happened to her, and they made love. Pregnancy with yin and yang is not unheard of in the history of the Xiantian lineage, but there has never been a pregnancy with three yin and one yang intersecting. The mother of the fetus in the belly is not only her, but also two other women from Luochuan.

When all this happened, Su Yuchen was panicked and a little repelled in her heart. Like the Empress Rakshasa, she once had the idea of ​​killing this "freak" in her belly. But when the connection between her and the fetus in her belly became clearer, the connection between blood and water was born. She became more and more reluctant to give up.


The curtains on the four sides of the fragrant jade golden tent were raised high, and murderous intent came from all directions, aiming at Su Yuchen's bulging belly.

Su Yuchen suddenly raised his head, his eyes cold: "Who dares to touch it!"

The ancient snake female guards who had retreated to the four corners of the golden tent all swung and attacked, looking as cold and fearless as Su Yuchen.

"As expected, you are reluctant to let go. I am becoming more and more curious as to who is the one who is pregnant with you. It makes you, the leader of the White Snake Clan, so reluctant to let go." The leader, a purple-robed and bearded man, sneered.

"It has nothing to do with that person." Su Yuchen stared at the purple-robed man and said coldly: "Clan Chief Yinglong. Don't you know how difficult it is to give birth to descendants of the innate lineage? If you want to take away my child, it would be like cutting off my limbs. , ripping out my heart, liver, and lungs is the same as killing me."

The old man in red robe standing in the middle of the three powerful men was so angry that he puffed his beard and glared. He snorted coldly and said: "They all say that the white snake protects the child. It is indeed true. However, this matter is not only about you, nor is it only the ancient snake." It’s about the future prosperity and disgrace of my Xiantian lineage. Su Yuchen, whether you want to or not, you can’t stay here.”

Su Yuchen's cold eyes flashed with anger. With the support of the female guard on the side, he stood up tremblingly, looked around at the dozens of leaders and representatives of the Xiantian lineage and various ethnic groups in the palace, and said expressionlessly: "Everything is wrong. The mistake is Su's fault and has nothing to do with the fetus. Su will do his best to make amends and complete the alliance with Zhaolan Ancient Kingdom. As for this child, please let it go."

"Haha, what are you going to do to make up for it? How can you make it up?" The old man in red robe waved his long sleeves and said with a sarcastic smile: "The ancient Zhaolan Kingdom named you to be the crown princess, because they believe that you are the only one who can be the so-called empress master. Only in this way can all the tribes of the Ice Plains work together to deal with the Arctic Emperor. For this wedding banquet, Zhaolan Ancient Kingdom has invited hundreds of ancient tribe leaders to promote momentum... You are not married yet when you show up. If I were the king of Zhaolan, how could I swallow this? Even if I agree to the conditions of the Anti-Holy Alliance and join forces with the Xu Palace, I will never consider forming an alliance with us again!"

"Yeah, tell me, how do you complete the alliance?"

"Zhao Lan and my Xiantian lineage bypassed the Anti-Holy Alliance to form an alliance. It is a risky thing in itself. Now that something like this has happened, how can we form an alliance?"

"Clan Chief Su, it would be fine if you didn't agree before! Now that you have agreed, you should abide by the ways of a woman!"

"If this matter spreads out, our Xiantian lineage will be completely disgraced in Xingyuan!"

The leaders of all ethnic groups in the Xiantian lineage criticized Su Yuchen one after another on behalf of you and me.

Su Yuchen stared coldly at the people whose attitudes were completely different from those before today. His face was expressionless, but deep in his eyes, there was deep disappointment.

She didn't speak, but the female guards guarding the tent couldn't help it.

"Bah! You are so shameless! The emperor passed away, and you bullied Chief Su like this! You have forgotten that the emperor himself praised Chief Su as the emperor's master. How dare you slander and be so aggressive in the face of the emperor's master of the innate lineage! "

"If it weren't for the friendship between Chief Su and the young masters of the various families of the Ice Plains Ancient Clan, how could the Xiantian lineage be connected with the Zhaolan Ancient Kingdom across the Xu Palace? The clan leader agreed to the marriage! It’s so despicable!”

"You have already forced the clan leader once! You actually want to repeat the same trick! There is no end to it! But don't even think about succeeding. The emperor set a rule before his death. The clan leader of each of the twelve high-ranking ancient clans of the innate lineage will With unlimited immunity, no one of you has the right to do anything to our clan leader unless more than half of the superior clan leaders veto it.

Listening to what the female guards of the Ancient Snake Clan said, the dozens of Xiantian lineage leaders and representatives present felt somewhat unnatural, especially the three leading Ancient Clan chiefs.

Just as the female guard said, Su Yuchen had sacrificed too much for the Xiantian lineage over the years. Although she had the intention of repaying her gratitude to the emperor, in the end, everything she did went far beyond her status as the leader of her clan. In the Xiantian lineage, under the Great Emperor, there are three princes and the clan heads of various clans. Among them, the three princes and the upper-level ancient clan clan leaders have the opportunity to inherit the legacy and imperial palace of the Xiantian Emperor.

There are more than twelve high-ranking people in the Xiantian lineage, but in the Xingyuan Xiantian lineage, there are only twelve high-ranking ancient clans who have the qualifications to discuss matters with the Great Emperor's lineage. It is difficult and difficult to obtain the qualifications of the twelve upper-level ancient clans. To this day, only seven upper-level ancient clans have met the conditions, and their status is the same as that of the three princes of the Great Emperor.

The ancient snake lineage led by Su Yuchen is the seventh high-ranking ancient clan to meet the conditions and have the qualifications to discuss matters. Although it was supported by the emperor during his lifetime, as Su Yuchen's achievements have increased over the years, she has become more and more important in the Xiantian lineage. His prestige in the army is also getting higher and higher, and he has an unbreakable friendship with the young masters of the Ice Plains Ancient Clan, and is deeply feared by the Yinglong clan leader and others.

But as the female guard said, with the Emperor's prohibition and law above, they could not take action against Su Yuchen unless seven or more upper-level ancient clan chiefs agreed. However, the upper-level ancient clan chiefs, including Su Yuchen, , there are only seven people in total, unless Su Yuchen can't figure it out, there is no way they can succeed.

Just when the two parties were in a stalemate, playful laughter sounded.

"Clan Chief Su, isn't your ambition to overthrow the sages and save your lineage of ancient snakes from the great sorrow and bitter cold?"

"That year, your father and I swore that no matter what the price, we would rescue the lineage of the ancient snake... Now an evil spirit of unknown origin has troubled you?"

"Hmph, I'm sorry that my father trusts you so much! It turns out that you are just talking big words... Since you have no intention of saving the ancient snake lineage, what are you doing with these disgusting snake girls... If you want to blame, blame your clan leader. "

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three streaks of blood flashed, and the three female guards who had spoken before lay down in a pool of blood. Their already cold bodies quickly froze in the pool of blood and fell apart. (To be continued...)

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