Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1453: Finally Provoking the Holy Dao, Moving to the


Luo Chuan chopped out with his palm and exhaled.

The air was like a pillar, crushing the air, and it lasted for a long time, making a whistling sound in the night sky of the ancient country of Zhaolan.

When he first came to Xingyuan, Luo Chuan used his physical strength to kill the evil demons from outer space. He entered Xingyuan for the second time and performed the Dragon King Dao for the third time. Luo Chuan felt more and more clearly that he seemed to have a natural advantage in performing the Dragon King Body Technique and the Dragon King Dao in Xingyuan. The two times he performed the Dragon King Dao in Xingyuan, Luo Chuan had a feeling of resonance and connection with some existence in the depths of Xingyuan, and each time it was clearer than the last time.

The power of the Holy Dao was exhausted, and Luo Chuan's Huangting Dao power was suppressed by the laws of Xingyuan Dao, and he could not perform various methods such as space Dao. The only thing he could rely on was the flesh created by the Dragon King Body Technique and the Chaos Dao Body.

Luo Chuan split nearly two thousand ancient monks with one palm. The masters of the Ten Thousand Races Icefield Monks who surrounded and killed them were all shocked and stopped, but there was still a team of ancient monks riding flying beasts who rushed towards Luo Chuan regardless of everything. The whole body of this group of monks was burning with ice-blue flames, and the flames ignited the air and burned into it, reaching the edge of the void. And these more than three hundred people gathered together, the murderous aura became a cloud, and the war cloud spread out, and the power was deeper and greater than the previous two thousand monks combined.

This group of monks obviously saw that Luo Chuan was not easy to mess with, and they had already formed a formation in the air, with morality and justice, and the power of the flesh was fully released. Even the mount beasts were unified, and the war cloud instantly expanded ten times, and the murderous intent shattered the void! Under the impact of the fighting intent and murderous intent of these more than three hundred masters who were obviously well-trained and had long-term cooperation, a layer of defensive magic formation on the edge of the palace of the ancient Zhaolan Kingdom shook slightly.


More than three hundred ancient monks confidently killed Luo Chuan.

The murderous aura stirred the night wind, lifting Luo Chuan's long hair.

Luo Chuan turned his face and swept towards the team of ancient clan monks, his blood and qi surged, and the dragon-like appearance appeared around his arm. The qi in his right arm suddenly surged a hundred times, far exceeding Luo Chuan himself.

With a flick of his right arm, Luo Chuan punched out.


The fist flew like a star, and it was also like a big tree sweeping away locusts, breaking the void, and the fist was wild. It enveloped the three hundred Zhaolan ancient country monks.

Xingyuan's moral laws are indeed higher than the Nine Heavens, but all laws are connected. Luo Chuan's way of breaking the formation can still be used in Xingyuan, and it is more powerful because of the domineering dragon-like body technique.

"Not good!"

The Zhaolan ancient country monks in the air changed color one after another.

Luo Chuan's fist had just come out, and before it spread, a gap had been knocked out of the war cloud above their heads.


Luo Chuan's fist landed, and with a loud bang, the magic circle of 300 people collapsed directly, and more than 50 monks were blown away. They fell to the ground and their lives were unknown, and the fierce beasts under their seats were minced into meat by Luo Chuan's fist force, and they fell like rain.

The masters of the ancient ice field clan who had stopped not far away looked at this scene in shock, and were glad that they did not go forward.

Luo Chuan did not know that these 300 monks in uniform Taoist robes were all from the three royal ancient clans of the ancient country of Zhaolan, and their blood talents were extraordinary. They passed the thirteen ancient road trials of the Ten Thousand Races Ice Field and were selected into the Zhaolan Royal Guardian Corps. They were the elite among the elite Zhaolan guard monks, and their battle group was ranked above the cannon fodder camp.


Luo Chuan punched out again, and the fist wave was like a hurricane, spinning and swooping out, and the strange beasts under the seats of the 300 masters of the Zhaolan Guardian Corps were annihilated. The people were also seriously injured and unconscious, and all lost their combat power.

The stars and the moon were hazy and desolate.

Luo Chuan, wearing a white robe, flew above the ancient country of Zhaolan. Below him was the palace with a broken dome and more than 2,000 ancient monks who had lost their combat effectiveness. And in all directions were thousands of ancient ice field masters who were afraid and dared not step forward.

The army of the North Pole Emperor was approaching, and the Zhaolan Crown Prince was about to marry the head of the ancient snake clan of the Xiantian lineage. The two families formed an alliance. This series of major events also made the ancient country of Zhaolan a gathering place for masters and even leaders of various clans.

The power of Luo Chuan's two punches made the masters of the ancient country of Zhaolan and the various clans in the ice field hesitate and dare not step forward. At this moment, in a palace not far away, a dozen clan leaders who were invited as VIPs raised their heads and looked at Luo Chuan.

"Tsk tsk, what a strong physical strength. My ancient volcano clan cultivators of the third or even second level of the ancient glacier clan can compete with or even defeat a newly arrived physical emperor. This boy is just a second-level emperor, but he defeated the Zhaolan royal family's guardian battle group, all of whom are at the third level of the ancient glacier clan, with two punches. Such a strong outsider has not been seen for a long time."

"My Xingyuan's moral laws can't do anything to his physical body. His physical method is at least a super-grade method." "To defeat nearly two thousand people with one punch, a person who can defeat ten thousand people, this clan leader may not be able to do it when he was young."

"At least He was the one who was removed by the Holy Court's personal order. Haha, you all saw the power that destroyed the ancestral land of the Xiantian lineage just now. If he can use that power again... more than ten thousand people, it is unknown how many people in our ancient Icefield clan can survive. "

"Yes, that power is too dangerous. It is the power of heaven and should not be controlled by cultivators... Fortunately, this child was exposed early, fortunately, this child is now in Zhaolan, and fortunately, we are here. "

The voices of more than a dozen ancient clan leaders are still in the banquet, lingering with the ancient music, but their figures have not disappeared.

Above the palace, Luo Chuan dispersed all the masters and was about to fly towards the Tianhuang Waterfall.

Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh... The void in front of him was like a volcanic eruption, and a series of powerful and majestic figures appeared in front of him.

A dozen ancient clan leaders who were born with powerful blood talents, inherited ancient methods, and cultivated their bodies to the extreme, rushed towards Luo Chuan with a dozen pressures from extraordinary bodies.


Luo Chuan retreated again and again as if struck by lightning.

The top 20 ancient clan leaders in the Ten Thousand Clan Icefield were almost equivalent to the top 20 strong men in the Ten Thousand Clan Icefield. They had strange shapes and appearances. There was the volcano ancient clan leader with flames flowing all over his body and a body like a hill, and there was also the Shuichen ancient clan leader who was tall, thin and sturdy with slightly pointed ears and transparent skin that faintly exuded an ice-blue water color. Everyone was immersed in a group of extremely quiet light and shadow, like gods and demons who had walked out of the ancient times, suspended in the void, standing in a row, blocking Luo Chuan's way.

In terms of cultivation, these ten or so ancient clan leaders are not as good as the Black Dragon Lord, the three Yinglong clan leaders of the Xiantian lineage, and even slightly inferior to the top ten super emperors on the Nine Heavens Emperor Ranking. However, this is Xingyuan, the Ten Thousand Clan Icefield, the most suitable place for the ancient clan's bloodline talents and physical methods to release combat power!

In the Ten Thousand Clan Icefield, even the Nine Heavens Realm ranked lower super emperors who have completed the fit with the Xingyuan Daoyi Law will not easily make enemies with these powerful ancient clan leaders. Ten or so ancient clan leaders came together, relying on the most suitable moral laws for their bloodline talents and physical methods, and led the masters of various clans to support the Zhaolan Ancient Kingdom, so that the North Pole Emperor, who was in the prime of his career and won consecutive battles, stopped.

At this moment, these fourteen ancient clan leaders stood in front of Luo Chuan, just like fourteen invincible gods and demons, an insurmountable fairy mountain.


The hot-tempered volcano ancient clan leader looked at Luo Chuan who was retreating again and again, and took the lead.

But at this moment, a figure rushed out from below and blocked the head of the ancient volcano tribe.

"Mother, stop it! He saved my child's life not only once, but twice... not three times!"

The one who stopped the head of the ancient volcano tribe was the female young master of the volcano tribe.

"Hmm?" The head of the ancient volcano tribe hesitated.

A sneer came from the side.

"Haha, your daughter is really the same as you when you were young, so easy to deceive. A foreigner with such cruel means, will save her life? Even if he really saves her, he has ulterior motives." It was the female head of the ancient Shuichen tribe who sneered.

As soon as she finished speaking, a figure flew out and landed beside the female young master of the volcano.

"Mother... She is right. Luo Chuan did save us. Before, in the Ten Thousand Races Ice Field, he killed the outer evil demon and saved our two tribes. He also saved us in the Heavenly Star Holy Gate. And... That prince Ba Xia wanted to kill us and frame Luo Chuan, but in the end, it was Luo Chuan who defeated Ba Xia and saved us. Mother, isn't it the tradition of our ancient tribe to repay hatred and repay kindness? Why do we repay hatred now?" The female young master of Shuichen said while looking at Luo Chuan.


At this time, nearly a hundred female young masters flew out from the palace below. (To be continued...)

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