Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Great Tang Baiyujing Chapter 1460: Strong reinforcements finally arrive

Tick-tock...tick-tock...Luo Chuan could hear the sound of blood flowing slower in his body, just like the stream flowing down from the steep cliffs in the dark night, passing through countless layers of stone walls, until only a drop of water was left, rolling along the stone wall, and it took a long time to fall.

Tick-tock... Luo Chuan listened to the sound of blood flowing in his body, and at the same time he could perceive everything happening outside.

Although the three law-breaking emperors stopped their attack, the situation did not ease, but became more tense and full of crises.

The head of the Tiandu Yu family led the army to come in person, and the Daoyan Immortal Dynasty sent an ancestor, plus the three law-breaking emperors. Even if there was no restriction of the Xingyuan Daoyi Law and no injuries, it would be extremely difficult for Luo Chuan to break out of the siege in his prime.

Not to mention that Luo Chuan's combat power was greatly weakened and he was seriously injured.

Tick-tick...tick-tick...The blood flowed slower and slower. Luo Chuan was mixed with joy and sorrow. He was worried about the current situation, but he was happy that he had finally found the way to the seventh level of Longhu.

The fifth level of Longhu, the four spirits in the flesh.

The sixth level of Longhu, the four spirits gathered, the Longhu Emperor Dao, the flesh became a form.

As for the seventh level of Longhu, it came from the depths of Xingyuan, the call of the ancestral land of the Xiantian lineage. Along the way, Luo Chuan could feel the call from the depths of Xingyuan every moment. Although he knew it was related to Longhu's physical skills, he never got the point.

Until he was severely injured by the Three Emperors of Breaking the Law, Longhu's flesh was damaged, and Luo Chuan finally sensed a different meaning from the call.

The seventh level of Longhu is the former emperor of the Xiantian lineage, Longhu Emperor!

Unlike the Dragon and the Hound Emperor Dao, which is a mixture of dragons and hounds, each accounting for half, the Dragon and the Hound Emperor is the descendant of a dragon and a hound, with both the dragon's talent and the hound's bloodline, and is the offspring born from the intercourse between the two. A brand new life.

Luo Chuan's Dragon and the Hound Emperor Dao of the sixth level is just a combination of dragons and hounds, each accounting for half.

He wants to break through the seventh level of Dragon and the Hound. Not only does it require the fusion of dragons and hounds, but it must also be based on the fusion of dragons and hounds. The evolution of a brand new Dragon and the Hound Dao must be based on the Dragon and the Hound Dao, but it must be completely different!

In an instant, Luo Chuan's thoughts were clear!

The call and response from the depths of the abyss of stars reached deep into the body, following Luo Chuan's clear thoughts, transforming Luo Chuan's blood, qi and blood, and blood essence, urging Luo Chuan's life to evolve to a brand new level of life.


Luo Chuan's blood began to transform from the fingertips, one by one.

However. With Luo Chuan's current physical state, just a fingertip contains nearly 1 billion of his own essence and blood, not to mention the essence and blood in his whole body, which is not enough even if it is counted in billions. With Luo Chuan's current transformation speed, it will take at least 500 years to complete the transformation of all the essence and blood in his body. In other words, Luo Chuan will have the opportunity to complete the transformation of his whole body blood after 500 years and become a further life existence. Reach the physical strength of the peak of Jiulongjun.

The reason why it is so slow is that Luo Chuan has just entered the state of enlightenment of Longhu Body Technique. Although his thoughts have been clear, it is only a small part.

When he is enlightened, it is mysterious and mysterious, like wandering in the world, and thousands of mysteries are all in one thought.

The longer this state is maintained, the faster Luo Chuan's physical transformation will be, and the time to complete the whole body transformation will also be shortened.

No matter who has the opportunity to enter this state, they all want to maintain it as long as possible, and Luo Chuan is no exception.

After today, I don't know when I can get enlightenment again.

The huge gap between reality and wishes. At this moment, everything was presented in front of Luo Chuan.

Three major forces. One ancestor, one super emperor. Plus three top emperors who are proficient in peerless assassination, plus many powerful masters, thousands of troops, are about to attack him!

Countless murderous intentions locked Luo Chuan.

"Who will go first?" The Spear Lord among the three emperors who broke the law asked coldly.

"This emperor suggests that we go together." The head of the Yu family looked at Luo Chuan who was sitting cross-legged and meditating, and a moment of complexity flashed in his eyes, which was fleeting: "He is Luo Chuan, who made the North Pole fail and the Holy Court issued a killing order. He is a monster who disturbs the way after the Nine Dragon Lord. A slight chance will let him escape, and he will be different from the past when he appears again after a while."

"So, go together." The Fire God Daozu nodded and waved his hand to signal the three generals and six generals behind him not to hold back.


Under the purple moon, the ice field and the land are full of murderous aura, piercing the sky!

The three forces did not communicate too much, nor did they leave Luo Chuan any chance. The generals behind Yu Zhongtian, the army, the three emperors and six emperors of the immortal rank under the Fire God Daozu, and the three emperors of breaking the law all moved at the same time, forming a siege from three directions and attacking Luo Chuan!

The ice field within a radius of 100 miles broke and sank! Ice chips flew, and each of them was like a sharp flying sword, piercing the void, densely packed and riddled with holes!


The entire void collapsed like a shattered ice layer!

The turbulence in the void turned into overlapping hurricanes, flying wildly and sweeping in all directions!

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding... The heart lake alarm bell that had not sounded for a long time came from the bottom of my heart, like a ghost bell urging death, bringing misfortune and catastrophe, shaking Luo Chuan's state of mind.

Luo Chuan smiled bitterly.

Although the opportunity to realize the truth is rare, if you miss it today, you don’t know when you will get it again, but you only have one life, if you are killed, you will lose everything.


Luo Chuan let out a long breath, and in a thousandth of a second, he quickly adjusted his Dao heart and entered the fighting state. Just as he was about to withdraw his mind and open his eyes for the last desperate struggle, a low but soft voice sounded in his ears.

There was a smile in the voice, and it seemed to be a hint of mockery, but it was extremely familiar. Once upon a time, they were together day and night.

"Continue to comprehend your Dao."

Just six words suppressed the alarm bell in Luo Chuan's heart, and the alarm bell melted away, and there was silence.

Luo Chuan did not open his eyes, nor did he withdraw his mind. He continued to comprehend the Dao, and a smile appeared on the corners of his slightly bitter mouth.

Among the three forces, the one who rushed to the front was the Spear King among the Three Emperors of Pofa, followed by the two generals and one general of Daoyan Xian Dynasty. The two strong men may have taken this opportunity to compare their strengths and weaknesses, but in terms of body skills alone, the Emperor of Pofa Tower is obviously better.

"Give up?"

The spear master flying in the front looked down at the motionless Luo Chuan, with a cold smile on his cold face.

At this moment, his eyes blurred.

A figure wrapped in a big black cloak appeared in the air in front of Luo Chuan.

This figure was taller than ordinary cultivators. He was suspended in the air, but it seemed that he had crossed the abyss of stars and stood between heaven and earth. As long as he wanted, let alone picking stars and ten suns, even poking a hole in the sky would be effortless.

The eyes of the Fire God Daozu and Yu Zhongtian, who were originally calmly suppressing the battle, changed at the same time. The Fire God Daozu opened his eyes, and the spirit and shock in his eyes seemed to illuminate the world, while the reaction of the head of the Yu family was more intense. The mask covered his face, but his fighting spirit was instantly aroused, and he burst out all at once, blasting into the depths of the void above his head.

"Come back!" Fire God Daozu shouted.

"Withdraw the troops!" The head of the Yu family almost roared.

While they were talking, the man in the big black cloak had already made a move.

To be precise, he just stretched out a hand.

To be more precise, he stretched out a finger on one hand.

That finger was silent and a hundred times quieter than when the three emperors of breaking the law attacked Luochuan. But when that finger was stretched out, the broken void and the sunken ice field seemed to be reorganized and restored to normal in an instant.

Everyone was shocked.


Above Xingyuan, clouds rolled and unrolled, wind and thunder rose and fell, and the sky changed!

The starlight shone, the sky was spinning, but it was a sign of doom, a sign of the emperor's fall... and it was not an emperor!


Two roars sounded in the ears of the spear king who was rushing in the front.

Facing the finger coming towards him, his forehead was instantly covered with sweat. How could he not know how powerful the other party was? The finger fell from the sky, just like dividing the sun, moon, stars, day and night, and all order was under the control of the other party, not to mention his life.

Facing that finger, his proud assassination skills seemed to be vulnerable to a blow like the martial arts swordsmanship of the mortal world.

Ding! Ding! Ding... The alarm bells of the heart lake rang, and the gun master raised his head. His vision was shrouded in darkness, and despair appeared on his face. (To be continued)

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