Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1523: Ten Years, the Future

In Tianchen Continent, two peerless strongmen who both own secret places and have great ambitions to compete for the future finally discovered each other's ambitions and intentions. :6d

"Great, great. I was wondering why there are fewer and fewer Tianmen monks. Except for those big sects, it is rare to see Tianmen monks alone... It turns out that they were all taken into the Mo Tower by the Emperor of Tianmen and turned into the only Tianmen force in history."

"Hide the truth from the world and plot against the world. You are worthy of being the only one among the three great masters of Tianmen who has escaped the mysterious heaven and survived to this day."

"Needless to say, your future order will be the Tianmen monk. As a Tianmen monk, you are the leader of the world, leading all living beings in the world and controlling the immortal duties of the world? Haha, Tianmen monks are the most eccentric, weird and unique type of monks in the world. It's fine as long as you, the Emperor of Tianmen, are here. If you are not here, let alone the future order, this Mo Tower will collapse in an instant... Your conception of the future order is just a mirage, unrealistic."

Shopkeeper Lai smiled and listened to the visitor quietly. There was always a gentle indifference on his face. No matter how you look at it, he is just a restaurant shopkeeper who welcomes and sends guests.

Only after Juetian Immortal finished speaking did Shopkeeper Lai smile and say, "When people get old, they become wordy, right, Master Tianjue Sect?"

A young and handsome face appeared in the void above the town of Molou. Hearing Shopkeeper Lai's words, the young immortal frowned, seeming a little unhappy.

"People of your era pay attention to merit. In recent years, you have promoted immortal duties and changed the pattern of heaven and earth, which can be regarded as immeasurable merit."

"The future order you want to build is an order where immortal duties are superior to all paths? The Nine Heavens cultivators all control the immortal duties of all paths, and an immortal duty controls the immortal path?"

"Haha, if the future world is really controlled by your moral laws, wouldn't it mean that rituals and music will collapse, ethics will be reversed, and everyone will only focus on immortal duties. And ignore their own Taoism, and within ten thousand years, the Tao will be annihilated."

"Juetian, what is your intention in doing this?"

Shopkeeper Lai pointed at the vague figure in the sky and sneered.

"Hmph, we have different paths. We can't make plans together. You establish the Tao with Tianmen, and I establish the Tao with Xianzhi. Although you, the Tianmen cultivator, are known as the first Xianzhi, you and I both know that Tianmen and Xianzhi are not compatible."

"Yes, the battle between you and me has long been destined and will be unavoidable. Will the future world belong to Tianmen or to the hundreds of Xianzhi families? It depends on your and my methods."

From the west and east of Tianchenbuzhou, a column of light rose up from each direction!

In the light column, there were Taoist spells and magic shadow illusions. The world was overlapping and unpredictable.

Two unprecedented magical powers. Like two giant dragons, they rose to the sky, surrounded the light column, and exuded a different artistic conception.

The power of the light column in the west, surrounded by mysterious patterns, attracted the sun, moon and stars. It was dazzling.

The power of the light column in the east, hundreds of families, attracted the immortals of all the ways, and the sound continued.

Two light columns, two forces, one in the west and one in the east, rushed through the vast territory of tens of millions of miles in an instant. It crashed into the center of Tianchen.


The mountains and rivers were shattered, and the earth sank! Countless immortal forces were destroyed, and more than 100,000 cultivators were affected, either dead or disabled.

Super sects such as Donghua Sect and Tianshu Sect also sounded the alarm and opened the mountain defense formation. The ancestors went out to protect the sects.

Molou is located in the west of Tianchen, and Tianjue Sect, which controls the nine heavenly immortals, is located in the east of Tianchen.

The dispute between the two over the future order has attracted two other people. One of them occupies a vast area from the north of Tianchen to the center of Tianchen. He is the North Pole Emperor who is the only one in the nine heavens and is hard to defeat. The other one lives in the south of Tianchen, deep in the angry sea.

The overlords of the four directions, southeast, northwest, either control the current order or strive for the future order.

In addition, in the deep jungle of Tianchen Continent, vultures flew away, revealing a one-armed monk. The right arm that was bitten by the vulture grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the bones and flesh grew. The Half-Move Buddha slowly stood up and looked into the distance.

"The war of order, the prelude to the future battle, is it finally about to begin?"

"I can't wait for ten years, is it a warm-up before the domain competition... North Pole, White Dragon, Emperor of Tianmen and Juetian Immortal, the last four opponents of my Buddha in the future."

"See you in Xingyuan in ten years."

The Half-Move Buddha did not release his breath. He sat cross-legged in the forest quietly, looking at the scriptures in his hand.

The last paragraph of the last chapter of "Future Buddhist Scripture" has been completed, and now only the last word in the last sentence remains. The last word, which is also the most critical word, makes him write as if there are thousands of worlds, and it is difficult to write it down.


The sky is full of war, and the mountains and rivers are stained with blood.

Between the mountain gorges, the Wujiang River rolls, carrying the huge boat, rushing westward.

There are constantly powerful monks, fierce beasts, and soldiers passing through the broken void barrier and descending on the Jade God Realm. The monks of Molou and Tianjue Sect have been bloodthirsty. After entering the Jade God Realm, they started a killing spree, killing innocent people indiscriminately and killing any monks they caught.

In just three days, the Jade God Realm has fallen into chaos. The Jade God Realm, the former leader of the Jade God Alliance and with a bright future, has become a mess except for the Central Dynasty.

The flying boat was sailing over the Wujiang River. There were constantly Molou monks and Tianjue Sect monks flying over with red eyes, trying to occupy the flying boat, but they were either killed by Yao Yu's eyes or melted in the strange light wrapped around the giant boat.

Unknowingly, the flying boat has crossed most of the land of the Jade God Alliance and entered the Central Dynasty area along the Wujiang River.

During the three days, Ren Jing'er was not idle. In addition to practicing the foundation-building skills of life and death, she spent most of her time with Yao Yu, and was a little afraid to get close to Luo Chuan.

Because of curiosity, she secretly asked King Wujiang about Luo Chuan without Yao Yu's knowledge.

With Yao Yu around, King Wujiang naturally did not dare to reveal Luo Chuan's true identity.

Ren Jing'er had to ask indirectly, but after asking two questions, she did not dare to ask any more.

She asked King Wujiang how powerful Luo Chuan was, and the answer she got was that there was no immortal stronger than Luo Chuan in the entire Jade God League, let alone the Jade God League. In the world, not counting the six saints, there were no more than one hand stronger than Luo Chuan. When she asked about the other disciples of Luo Chuan, King Wujiang's answer made her feel a little heavy.

Luo Chuan's three disciples had long been famous, and they were all geniuses with monster potential.

Below the monster level is the top talent, below the top is the super first-rate, and there are first-rate, second-rate, and third-rate... King Wujiang said that he could not enter the mainstream with his talent and potential, so you can imagine how terrifying the monster-level talent is!

"Lord Yaoyu, are the three of them really easy to get along with?" Ren Jing'er asked. Facing Emperor Yaoyu, who was firmly in the top ten of the Nine Heavens Women, she did not dare to be too presumptuous.

"My little ancestor, you have asked countless times in the past two days." Yaoyu smiled: "Don't worry, the three of them are easy to get along with. The eldest is loyal and honest. He is from the same hometown as you. The second and third are a little bit at odds. Your existence should be a very interesting thing for them."

"Interesting..." Ren Jing'er scratched his head.

"Instead of thinking about it, it is better to think about how to cultivate the "Life and Death Foundation Building Skill". I said before that only if you cultivate the "Life and Death Foundation Building Skill" will I consider accepting you as a disciple."

Luo Chuan's voice sounded, and Emperor Yaoyu showed a happy face.

"I will definitely cultivate it." Ren Jing'er lowered her head, her face slightly red, and whispered.

"Master, have you realized it?" Yao Yu asked in a low voice.

Luo Chuan nodded, then shook his head: "In my future world, the moral laws have been set. But although the order is set, it has not been written into a book, and it is just empty talk after all... In this regard, at least five people in the Nine Heavens are ahead of me."

"Bei Ji is the master of order in the world, let's not talk about it for now. Bai Long, Jue Tian, ​​the Emperor of Tianmen, including the Half-Move Buddha, they have more or less established the future order."

"The domain battle competition ten years later is a competition under the moral laws of the Holy Emperor. In other words, the moral laws of the past and the present will overlap... The domain battle competition ten years later is also a competition to determine the future order."

"I still have ten years to catch up with them."

Yao Yu listened quietly, silent, hesitant, and asked carefully: "Then dare to ask the Taoist's moral laws, what is the future order?" Welcome)

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