Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1526: There is a way in the south of the sky, the or

When Luo Chuan swept out for the first time, the Tiannan Domain just shook slightly.

Wow... Wow... Luo Chuan swept three times in a row, and the huge domain wrapped in the water shadow began to shake.

At first, it was just a small-scale shaking. Gradually, the shaking trend of the Tiannan Domain became more and more intense, the void was broken, time and space were drifting, and a huge vortex rose from the center of the Tiannan Domain, half black and half white. Under the urging of the central giant tree, it rotated rapidly and gradually overlapped with the shaking water shadow around it.

In addition to Luo Chuan, only Yao Yu saw this scene with her eyesight at the Emperor Realm.

"Is it going to reveal its disguise..."

Yao Yu held her heart with both hands and stared at the scene infatuatedly. Being able to witness the change of the historical lifeline of a domain was a huge shock even for her as an emperor.

"It's started..."

Yao Yu's heart was shocked, her pupils dilated, and her eyes were fixed on the Tiannan Domain under the water shadow, and it was difficult to move away.


A loud noise just came out, and soon disappeared and melted in the infinitely long time and space.

The water shadow shook, gradually split, and continued to retreat and melt, layer by layer, as if an endless sealed shell was constantly peeling off.

As the fog of history and the illusion of time retreated and melted, the real Tiannan region hidden deep in the long river of time and under the disguise of history finally gradually exposed itself.

"What!" Emperor Yaoyu's pupils widened again.

Even though she had been mentally prepared, the scene in front of her still surprised her.

In an ice field and snow forest in the northwest of Tiannan, an ordinary nine-foot white bear was sticking its butt out to look for food in an ice cave.

Wow... Wow... It suddenly swung a circle of water shadows around it, and the water shadows were blurred and hazy. It shattered in an instant, revealing the real white bear!


The roar echoed across the glacier!

Appearing in the glacier snow forest was a nine-foot-tall giant winged bear with fierce blood and blood, which could destroy a small hillside with a single grab!

"Catch it!"

"Don't let this evil creature run away!"

A group of ordinary young hunters ran from the other side of the snow forest and chased the white bear. Halfway through the run, circles of water shadows floated around them. The next moment, the water shadows shattered, and they turned into a group of strong young men in their twenties, more than a meter tall. Although their skin was pale, they were muscular, with copper heads and iron arms. When they ran, they jumped ten meters, and when they jumped up, they could touch the tips of the leaves in the snow forest. Each of them was a strong man, and the uncultivated vitality they inadvertently revealed was not inferior to the fourth-level cultivators of the past!

Flying Bear did not dare to resist the storm-like copper-grass iron spear, and turned around and ran!

The sound of a baby crying came from a wooden house not far away in the forest. At the same time. A new and vigorous breath of life spread out, carrying a faint sense of entrepreneurship.

Flying Bear was stunned on the spot, and the giant-like young hunters showed joy on their faces. After talking for a while, they let Fei Xiong go and walked towards the wooden house with a laugh.

In the wooden house, the woman held the newborn baby with a smile on her face.

"Giggle, giggle..." The newborn baby hadn't opened his eyes yet. His arms and legs were waving, and he accidentally fell out of the woman's arms.


The baby's head landed on the ground, giggling. His hair was intact, but a crack was smashed in the floor.

The woman didn't panic, she cursed, grabbed the baby's feet and lifted him upside down, not worrying about hurting the baby at all...

This scene in the northwest ice field is just the most common example. It is a microcosm of the drastic changes in the Tiannan region.

Such scenes are staged in every corner of the Tiannan region.

Let's not talk about warriors and practitioners. Just ordinary people in the Tiannan region, their physique, talent, blood, and vitality have undergone earth-shaking changes. The baby fell to the ground safely, the child can practice martial arts at the age of three, can cross mountains and ridges at the age of five, can follow the hunting beasts at the age of eight, and can chase the beasts alone at the age of twelve or thirteen... And the potential of the cultivators born under this kind of gifted physique can be imagined!

The water shadow wrapped around the creatures of Tiannan dissipated and melted, and all the people of Tiannan had undergone essential changes!

But they did not find it strange, and continued to do what they were doing, as if their ancestors had the same innate constitution and had never changed.

The Hongmeng giant tree was buried in Tiannan, which would inevitably affect and change Tiannan. But what's even better is that it was hidden in the long history of the Hongmeng giant tree.

And to a certain extent, the history of Tiannan has not changed, but the constitution of the people of Tiannan has changed in history.

"It's amazing! It easily changed the constitution of billions of sentient beings in the Tiannan Domain."

"No... This change is more like being awakened!"

"No matter how magical the Hongmeng giant tree is, the Hongmeng Dao fruit is limited and cannot change billions of sentient beings. Otherwise, wouldn't the entire domain be full of usurpers?"

"The Hongmeng giant tree is hidden in the long river of time in the Tiannan Domain. Its real function is to transcend the constraints of the times and activate the ancient bloodline deep in the bodies of the people of the Tiannan Domain!"

"Tiannan Domain! Not simple!"

Emperor Yao Yu murmured. As Luo Chuan activated the bloodline of sentient beings in the Tiannan Domain and changed the lifeblood of the weather in a domain, she felt more and more that this domain was full of secrets and was far from as simple as she had thought before.

The water shadow was revealed to the end, and a long river appeared in front of Yao Yu.

"The long river of time? This is the long river of time where the Hongmeng giant tree is hiding!" Emperor Yao Yu looked intently, wanting to follow the long river of time for hundreds of thousands of years to find the root of all this.

Although she is powerful and ranks among the top ten female emperors in the world, or even higher, it is a fantasy to see through the long river of time of hundreds of thousands of years.

At this moment, Emperor Yaoyu saw Luo Chuan standing beside him, suddenly with a solemn face, facing the bottom of the long river of time of hundreds of thousands of years, performing a master-disciple ceremony, and whispered: "Today's good fortune is also thanks to you."

"There is a way in the south of the sky, leading all wonders. From ancient times to the present, there is only one original way."

"If the fate of the south of the sky and the future order can be combined into one, it will be a great merit for all ages."

"You have your responsibilities, I have my choices, if you really want to thank me, then give me a hand."

Who is Luo Chuan talking to?

Emperor Yaoyu's face changed slightly. She had never heard that Luo Chuan had a master, but now, Luo Chuan performed a master's ceremony to the long river of time, mumbling, as if he was talking to someone and discussing something.

But where is that person? In the long river of time? No! Could it be that that person is... on the other side of the long river of time!

Emperor Yao Yu shuddered.


On Tiandao Peak. In the peach blossom forest.

The Drunken Sword Immortal who left behind the opportunity of swordsmanship, the Yinhuang Divine Emperor who left behind the Emperor Seal and Yinhuang Divine Sword, and the Skyfire Evil God who left behind the Divine Weapon Dao Palace have all left, leaving only the chubby round-faced old man and the indifferent man who just appeared.

The old man Wudao looked up at the sky, his eyes locked on the six stars that had begun to shake, and sighed: "The stars are about to die. These six stars will also fall. Hundreds of thousands of years later, without the six stars of Tiannan shining on the Tiannan region, the creatures will become ordinary. Unable to absorb and refine the six-star origin, there will be no more stunning innate geniuses among humans."

"Even if the inheritance is left behind. The inheritor's own talent and potential are insufficient, and he cannot maximize the power of the inheritance and the Taoism. In the end, he still cannot defeat the geniuses of the new Tiannan region and cannot escape the fate of destruction."

"Unless a genius with top talent and potential is sent hundreds of thousands of years later, there is hope of reversing the defeat."

"Youyou, I have made up my mind. If you want to obtain the immortal star water origin, help me."

After speaking, the old man Wudao looked at the Youyou envoy indifferently.

The Youyou envoy looked up at the six crumbling stars. After a while, he said, "In that case, let's start. After traveling through hundreds of thousands of years of time, through reincarnation nightmares, I cannot guarantee his state of mind. What kind of heavy blow will he encounter, whether he will go crazy, and whether he still remembers the mission of traveling through time... I can only guarantee that his spiritual wisdom and memory, including his mind, can be preserved."

"Mind... Luo Chuan said that the mind of the practitioners of this era can no longer adapt to the mind of the practitioners of the new era. Ziyun's mind... That's all! I can only do my best and leave it to fate..." The old man Wudao turned to the Youyou envoy: "Daoyou, let's start now."

"Good." The Youyou envoy did not say much, watching his nose and mouth. Waiting for the old man Wudao to cast a spell.

The old man Wudao's eyes flashed, and he counted with his fingers: "Ziyun is now training in a wild place. Well, let's take that place as his seal place... Tens of thousands of years later, it will be called... Qingchuan?"

After the voice fell, the old man Wudao pinched the seal with his hands, stretched out his right hand upward to grasp the starlight, and swung his left hand horizontally, rolling up the water of the chaotic sea of ​​stars, and then pushed it out to the distance.

The purple sea rolled down from the top of the sky to somewhere in the Tiannan region.

The next moment, the old man Wudao and the Emperor Youyou were stunned at the same time, as if they saw something incredible and were extremely shocked!

They opened the long river of time and were about to send Ziyun to the future hundreds of thousands of years later, but at this moment, a giant tree came down from the other side of the long river of time hundreds of thousands of years later!

The giant tree has gone up and down in the long river of time for several times, and finally took root firmly, standing in the long river of time in the Tiannan region, not in the future, not in the past, and not in the present... but encompassing the entire long river of time!

Wow... Wow...

The long river of time flooded the giant tree, nourishing the Hongmeng giant tree, while the Hongmeng giant tree was also giving back to the Tiannan region in the long river of time.

"This is..." The old man Wudao opened his eyes wide, a blush appeared on his chubby face, and he laughed out loud for a while: "Hahaha! Luo Chuan! You did this! Good, good, good! It's worthy of Luo Chuan! You actually did it! You not only changed Ziyun's fate! You even tried to change the fate of Tiannan! Just based on your actions, my Tiandao Peak lineage can be recorded in the history of immortals! Great luck, great opportunity, great merit!"

The Emperor Youyou on the side flashed a touch of surprise and excitement in his eyes, trying to stay calm , said lightly: "Wudao, you are wrong, or maybe what you said is not complete... There is a breath of my lineage on this giant tree. It seems that my lineage has also successfully escaped the great calamity of extinction. This shows that the plan made by this emperor for the future inheritance is correct."

(The rest of this chapter is a continuation of the story of the previous 527 chapters. Because it has been too long, I have been hesitating whether to write it out. I will write it as an explanation for the pit of the ancient Tiannan region. If you can't remember it, you can go back and look it up.) (To be continued)

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