Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1528: Reaction

"Of course she knows everything. She follows me and is by my side, so she will not be confused by the passage of time." Luo Chuan said lightly: "Not only him, but also my disciples Zhuang Zhou, Xiao Bai, Li Quanfu, Qin Mo They, as well as Lu Enchuan, the boy from the Luo family who was inspired by me... they will all remember the unchanged history, and they will also become the strongest contenders in the new era of Tiannan Territory."

As he spoke, Luo Chuan began to ponder.

"Perhaps, there are still some people who have left Tiannan Territory and been disturbed by outsiders. They will also remember two different histories."

"Haha, the two of them are the ones I'm most looking forward to. Zhou Buchen and Ning Tianxing, how much benefit will you get from this?"

Luo Chuan smiled, swept his sleeves, and helped Ren Jing'er put away the physical appearance of the ancient people of Tiannan. She raised her head and looked into the distance, her eyes flickering, and the last words of the Wudao old man echoed in his ears.

"I'll help you, but you have to promise me something."

"What's the matter?"

"One thing you may have been struggling to choose..."

"How do you know that I have something to worry about?" Luo Chuan asked.

"Because, no matter how you say it, I am your teacher. How could the teacher not know what the disciple is thinking?" The old man Wu Dao narrowed his eyes: "Luo Chuan, don't think about that matter. Becoming a Holy Emperor, even though you are the leader He controls the way of heaven and earth, but he is the only one in the world. He has no desire and nothing to ask for, and that is definitely not what you want."

"I really haven't thought about this kind of thing. The future world is completely different from the Jiutian Realm before the Nirvana. Becoming a sage is not a pleasant thing in any way. What's more, my future The order has not yet been established, and the eight characters have not yet been written." Luo Chuan said calmly.

"Haha, the human heart has desires, and it is rare to be clear. When that day comes, you really get to that point, and you can't help it. Even if you don't want to sit in that position. Your subordinates, your followers, are your destiny. All living beings will force you to sit in that seat. No matter what, if you want me to promise to help you open up the future order, you must promise me not to sit in that seat. "Wu Dao. The old man's last words were extremely solemn.

"Sainthood? My future order is the supreme order of immortals and demons. The future morality is the infinite road. If one day, I can really become the future master, what is the importance of becoming a saint or not? Wu Dao, you are thinking too much." Luo Chuan shook his head, and with a flick of his fingers, the flying boat instantly accelerated ten thousand times.

"Jing'er, don't look around and poke your head around, go practice quickly. Even if you activate the royal bloodline of the ancient people of Tiannan, your talent potential is still far away from the three of them. Even if you are close to them, you have not reached it."


Ren Jing'er stuck out her tongue, secretly thinking about what kind of monsters the three would-be senior brothers she had never met before were. At this time, Ren Jing'er was completely convinced by Luo Chuan.


Emperor Yao Yu's eyes fell on Luo Chuan, and she was stunned. She suddenly thought of something. Everyone in Tiannan Territory, including Ren Jing'er, had undergone tremendous changes due to the revival of blood and the activation of talents. However, as the proud son of Tiannan Territory, Luochuan. He looked as if nothing had changed, and no change could be seen at all. Logically speaking, his change should be the biggest...

At this moment, Emperor Yao Yu suddenly noticed that Luo Chuan's brows were slightly wrinkled. Revealing a touch of solemnity.

"Oops, forgot about him... Tiannan restarted and his bloodline revived. He might have been born early." Luo Chuan's face changed slightly, and with a flick of his wrist, the flying boat accelerated again.


The Central Dynasty of the Jade God Realm. It is the orthodox Immortal Dynasty established by the Immortal Family Huo Family. The Huo Family has been in power for thirteen thousand years, which is not too long. However, during the period when the Huo Family occupied the orthodox position, the Jade God Realm has developed rapidly, and soon Rising, using both soft and hard tactics, he conquered the surrounding small realms one by one and established the Jade God Alliance.

More than a dozen different cultivation civilizations have rapidly merged during these ten thousand years. It can be regarded as a hundred flowers blooming and a hundred schools of thought contending.

The central dynasty of the Jade God Realm, where the Huo family clan is located, is the most prosperous.

However, starting from three days ago, Yutianjing fell into chaos.

Envoys from more than a dozen realms came one after another and gathered in Jade Tianjing to discuss how to deal with this disaster that suddenly came out of nowhere. Compared with the Jade God Alliance, Tianjue Sect and its rival forces, they are like two powerful thousands. A hundred times the size of the monster, it was difficult to contend with.

More and more alliance monks are pouring into Yutianjing. There are many masters and strong men. Even Yutianjing, who always likes to brag about the coming of all nations, is a little overwhelmed. All the large and small Xianzhan restaurants have given way, but Still can't accommodate foreign monks.

On a street corner to the west of Yutianjing that was relatively quiet three days ago, in the immortal stack and on the pavilion, the empress Rakshasa in a lavender robe looked into the distance, took a deep breath, and shook her head: "He still did it. ”

"Ever since you gave your husband the reminder, you should have known that sooner or later such a day would come. You gave him this difficult problem, which is equivalent to telling him the answer... and he finally knew what to do." Bai Yiqing, still dressed in white He came over, holding his big belly and said.

"I just didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Luo would make such a big move, which not only caused the two superpowers to fight each other and affected the Jade God Alliance, but also changed the history of Tiannan Territory. Empress, do you regret it?" Su Yuchen also said Holding her big belly, she looked at Empress Rakshasa with a rare smile.

As the little guy in her belly grew bigger day by day, it kept absorbing the vitality and Dao power in the bodies of the three people. The cultivation level of the three people had fallen below the Dao power level and was still declining rapidly. However, just yesterday, Bai Yiqing and Su Yuchen's cultivation levels had recovered to varying degrees. Perhaps because Su Yuchen was only half Tiannan blood, Bai Yiqing's cultivation level recovered more than Su Yuchen.

At present, the cultivation power of the three people has completely switched, Bai Yiqing is first, Su Yuchen is second, and the female emperor Luosha is third.

"You two, don't be so complacent. Even if my cultivation is lower than yours, it would only take me one or two moves to kill you." The Empress Luosha clapped her hands, left the high pavilion, and subconsciously stroked her round belly: "As for whether you ask me if I regret it... Although I was born in the Holy Emperor family, what happened in Xingyuan, do you think I can turn back?"

"That's great, Empress, you can stay with your husband. And fellow Daoist Su, you too." Bai Yiqing smiled, and something flickered in the depths of her eyes.

"Luo Chuan and I are fellow Daoists, you think too much." Su Yuchen coughed softly, turned his face to the side, and a blush swept across his cheeks.

"Are you testing me? That's it. Although you two have always refused to believe it, I am indeed just Luo Chuan's ally. After giving birth to this monster, I will leave until ten years later, when Xingyuan reopens and the domain battle begins, I will come to Luo Chuan. After all, we are allies." Empress Luosha said lightly, without sadness or joy, and expressionless.

At dusk, the sky and clouds were lingering.

The three women who lived in seclusion in the depths of Yu Tianjing were about to return to their rooms. Suddenly, the three women bent down at the same time, with a trace of pain on their faces. They looked at each other and cursed at the same time.

"Why is this little ancestor here to make trouble again! He seems to have suddenly got angry these two days, and his reaction is getting bigger and bigger... Is he giving birth?"

"Xiaobai, don't be so mean. Luo Chuan hasn't come yet, and there is chaos outside. How can he be born at this time? Really, Luo Chuan is so stupid that he hasn't found us yet."

"Don't quarrel with the two of you, chattering, how come you have become like ordinary women. Especially you, little white snake, you have been talking more and more nonsense recently!"

Bai Yiqing and Su Yuchen looked at the female emperor Luosha, who was also talking more, with both grievance and unwillingness. One bit his lip and the other pursed his lips, and forced the words on the lips to be held back.

"Shh, don't quarrel, someone is coming!" The female emperor Luosha said coldly.

Bai Yiqing and Su Yuchen looked at each other and shook their heads secretly at the same time. They hadn't said anything yet.

Footsteps sounded from outside the attic, accompanied by the sweet and pleasant voice of a woman.

"Wow, there is another elegant room here. Tsk tsk, the location is good, the scenery is good, I want this one!"

"Ah, sorry Miss, this room is occupied."

"Where is the person? Why can't I see it? I don't care, I want this one! Prince, didn't you say that you would meet all my conditions? This place is so good, remote and quiet, I want to live in this room." The woman said coquettishly. (To be continued.)

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