Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 153: Li Quanfu's Reward

The monk in the temple looked pale and struggled to get up. Hearing Luo Chuan's words, his body trembled and he spat out a mouthful of blood. His innocent and clear eyes turned as gray as ashes.

No energy at all.

"Who else wants to block the way?" Luo Chuan glanced at the surrounding restaurants one by one.

Ren Xian stood quietly in the tall building, silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Kong Yidao glanced at Luo Chuan, smiled, and looked away.

Sima Wuji held the giant wine flask and drank from it. The wine was soon empty. He turned to look at Luo Chuan's retreating figure, the fighting spirit in his eyes was like old wine that had accumulated for many years.

, strong and hot.

"Good knife!"

Deep in Tianqi Capital, in a high-rise city shrouded in golden and purple clouds, a woman in a snow-white dress sits cross-legged and breathes in, and the air she exhales turns into strips of snow-white

The snake shadow wraps around the whole body. There was a crescent moon-shaped scimitar suspended in front of her.

Suddenly, the scimitar shook violently and let out a long cry full of joy.

"Disobedient again."

The woman opened her eyes, and the white snake light surrounding her body converged into her body. She stretched out her slender hand and pointed the scimitar from the distance.

The scimitar trembled slightly, finally surrendered and stopped whistling. At the edge of the knife, the word "Jue Yue" is faintly visible in the plain white light.

"Xiaoqing, what happened?" the woman asked.

Xiao Qing, who was sitting aside in a daze, stood up, opened the door and walked out, and came back soon: "Report to the princess, that person has appeared."

The woman's expression was indifferent, but there was a different look in her eyes: "Who are you fighting with?"

"Nine on the Qingxian list, the core disciple secretly cultivated by the Chantou Sect, Monk Kongsi. Also going to watch the battle were Sima Wuji, Kong Yidao, and Ren Xian." Xiao Qing said.


"It's over. Zhou Zhihao had some insights during the battle. In the ninth move, he defeated the Kongsi monk. No one watching the battle dared to stop him." Xiao Qing replied.

"Oh?" The woman's eyes flickered, and then she returned to her calmness: "Has his true identity been found out?"

"Not yet. He has only appeared in three places, the Great Destruction Peak, Liu Kingdom, and now Tianqi Capital." Xiao Qing said: "The Holy Ape Spiritual Fetus is still in his hands, but he seems to still have

Uninformed. "

"I was able to hide from the twelfth floor, impersonate Zhou Zhihao, a disciple of the Demon Sect, possess the Heavenly Sword, and defeat the monk in the Sky Temple. I'm actually doing well." The woman smiled softly, not knowing what she was thinking.


Xiao Qing secretly rolled his eyes. If the princess hadn't pushed that person to the third place on the Green Immortal Ranking, there would never have been this battle tonight.

After thinking about it, Xiao Qing said: "This person is now in Tianqi Capital, and it is easy to kill him. It is better to kill him as soon as possible and get back the holy ape spirit fetus."

"It wouldn't be too cheap to kill him like this." The woman confided in Fanglan, a cold light flashed in her beautiful eyes: "I want him to taste the mud of falling from the top of the clouds, being chased like a dog, he

The higher you climb, the harder you fall. That feeling is worse than death. "

Xiao Qing looked at the woman strangely. The princess was always calm, so calm that she almost lost all human emotions. She had no anger, no joy, no sorrow or worry. But whenever she mentioned Zhou Zhihao,

Xiaoqing could always detect the anger she was suppressing.

What happened on that day at the Great Destruction Peak?

"What if he grows up? Wouldn't it be dangerous to raise a tiger?" Xiao Qing asked in a low voice.

"Xiao Qing, you really don't understand anything. If such a day comes, I will destroy him with my own hands." The woman smiled: "As for the holy ape spirit fetus, I will leave it with him first.

alright. No matter whose hands the holy ape spirit fetus falls into, it will eventually return to the twelfth floor. "

Xiao Qing nodded: "Then Xiao Qing excuses himself."

Before he had taken two steps, a woman's meaningful voice sounded from behind: "Xiaoqing, how is that Luo Chuan's cultivation now?"

A trace of nervousness flashed in Xiaoqing's eyes. He turned around hesitantly and answered honestly: "First level of true elixir, virtual elixir stage."

"Back then in the Wuhua City Monument Sea, he made a name for himself, and then disappeared from the public. More than a year later, he suddenly started to rise again." The woman seemed to be smiling, but her eyes were very cold: "Xiao Qing

, why did he come to Tianqi Capital? "

"have no idea."

"Zhou Buchen was imprisoned in Daozunyuan by Ran Qingyi. Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen are good friends, and most likely they want to rescue Zhou Buchen. Unfortunately, even you can't help him this time. It's just a mere

A monk in the Xudan stage, he wanted to save people from the Taoist Courtyard, and he had a wishful thinking. "

The woman reached out and touched Xiao Qing's smooth and fair face, pinched it gently, and said with a smile: "Xiao Qing, I want to take off the snake skin and evolve into a dragon, but I can't move my heart."

Who is tempted?

Xiaoqing lowered his head and rolled his eyes.

It was early the next morning when Luo Chuan returned to Baibat Sandbank.

The shore of the lake changed. Luo Chuan took off his Taoist robe, put away his long sword, took off his mask, and returned to his original appearance. The demonic state of mind recedes, and the Tao state of mind turns up. Luo Chuan's temperament changes

It seems that it can take off in the wind and fly to the sky at any time.

After flying all the way and stopping at this moment, Luo Chuan felt that his body was empty and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

In the battle last night, he narrowly defeated Monk Kongsi with one move, and he felt uncomfortable too. Monk Kongsi's Dawei Zen Sutra was extremely powerful. Although the last move was broken by Luo Chuan, it was also slightly damaged.

Luo Chuan's internal organs.

However, after this battle, Luo Chuan's confidence rose again, he became more determined on the path he was taking, and his state of mind became more complete and clear.

"Why did Zhou Zhihao's identity suddenly become third on the Green Immortal List?"

Luo Chuan felt strange, but did not continue to think about it.

"Anyway, that identity can no longer be used in the near future. Wouldn't it be annoying to be challenged every day?"

Thinking in his mind, Luo Chuan returned to Luo's Alchemy Studio.

The door of the Alchemy Studio was open, and Li Quanfu was anxiously wandering around the door. When he saw Luo Chuan approaching, Li Quanfu's face lit up and he hurriedly greeted him.


Li Quanfu was startled. He felt that Luo Chuan had changed slightly compared to when he left last night, but he couldn't describe the specific changes.

Luo Chuan was also startled. He looked at the empty shop and asked in a low voice: "What's going on? Where have all the goods in the shop gone?"

"All sold out." Li Quanfu said.

"Sold out everything in one night?" Luo Chuan looked weird.

"After the young master left, more than an hour later, someone knocked on the door, took out one hundred thousand Yin coins, and bought all the elixirs and magic weapons in the store in one go." Li Quanfu said.


Luo Chuan glanced at the deserted long street. The rest of the neighborhood markets in Baibat Shazhou were already busy, but apart from Luo Chuan and Li Quanfu, there was no third person on this street.

In such a deserted market, it is obviously unreasonable for someone to come overnight and spend a lot of money to buy out the store's inventory.

"Is it the woman named He? She wants us to sell out?" Luo Chuan's eyes flickered.

"Probably not." Li Quanfu shook his head: "Xiao Lizi has also considered this. But she has no reason to do this. She wants to deal with us, and there is no need to use this method.

The method...delivering money at your door? Unless she's a fool. "

"Don't think about these things for now, just treat it as a good thing."

Although Luo Chuan felt something was wrong, his thoughts at this time were focused on how to rescue Zhou Buchen. Leaving Li Quanfu behind, Luo Chuan went up to the third floor.

The lake breeze blows from the near shore, blowing the curtains on both sides of the attic.

Luo Chuan sat cross-legged on the couch, adjusting his breath to heal his injuries while concentrating on meditation. Breaking through the first level of true elixir, Luo Chuan's qi and blood were better than before. He took a few breaths to mobilize the qi and blood in his body.

The injury was repaired and he was fine soon.

But the rescue of Zhou Buchen seemed to be at a deadlock. For a while, Luo Chuan couldn't think of any good countermeasures.

Although the Guru Dragon Talisman is a third-grade Taoist priest, the Dao Zunyuan was founded by the Great Xia Imperial Master. As a second-grade Taoist official, Luo Chuan's status as Tiannan Guru is difficult to use. Apocalypse Capital, except for that strange

Fairy Xiaoqing, Luo Chuan had a relationship with Ren Zhi, the governor of the Eight Gates. Not to mention whether Ren Zhi's reputation is big enough, if Luo Chuan goes to find him, he will inevitably get involved in Tianqi Capital's faction.

In the dispute, Ren Zhi's grandson Renxian is the second-ranking figure in the Xingtian Dao Society. Luo Chuan will not touch this relationship easily unless it is absolutely necessary.

The only thing left for Bai Yiqing to do was to sneak into the Dao Zun Courtyard, except for what Luo Chuan wanted to do the most. But there is that green dragon that seals the demon, and Luo Chuan is not close yet

will be discovered.

The key is to break the blue dragon sealing the demon. But unless I have the cultivation level of Guixu Realm, I don’t have the slightest certainty. Or maybe, we can find the flaw in Qinglong's demon-sealing?

Not long after, Li Quanfu's voice of "Hey, hey, hey, hey" came from downstairs. Luo Chuan frowned: "Little Li, what are you doing?"

"Sir! There are still some fairy grasses left in the alchemy studio, and Xiao Lizi wants to take them outside to sell them." Li Quanfu shouted from downstairs: "Oh, there is also a big alchemy furnace."

Luo Chuan thought for a long time without coming up with a clue. He flashed and appeared on the first floor. He saw Li Quanfu holding a gray alchemy furnace that was taller than him. It was a little old and rusty.

The ground was piled with herbs, nearly a thousand of them.

Seeing Luo Chuan's brows furrowed, Li Quanfu said: "Sir, as the saying goes, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Who knows when the turning point will appear, so you don't have to worry too much."

Maybe Miss Bai can invite everyone in Yunchen, and then nothing will be a problem. "

Luo Chuan shook his head. He was not used to leaving his fate in the hands of others. He looked at the herbs on the ground and then at Li Quanfu, who had a smile on his face. Luo Chuan relaxed his brows and smiled.

Said: "I heard from Bai Yiqing that you have worked hard and without complaint in helping my aunt run Luo's Trading Company for more than a year. It's time to give you some rewards."

"What are you talking about, young master?" Li Quanfu pretended to be coy, but his heart was pounding.

Watching Luo Chuan, Bai Yiqing, and Luo Fu embark on the immortal path one by one, he naturally felt itchy in his heart, but he knew that he had passed the best period of cultivating immortals, and his envious colleagues

It's more of a loss.

"I can't let you set foot on the immortal path yet." Luo Chuan stared at Li Quanfu and said.

Hearing this, Li Quanfu's smile did not diminish, but he felt deep disappointment in his heart.

"At least, I can make you the number one martial artist in Tiannan first."

After Luo Chuan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to suck the alchemy furnace, then glanced at the herbs on the ground, and a recipe for elixir gradually appeared in his mind.


(The next update will be greatly revised and will be posted before 11 o'clock)

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