Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1557: The mystery is revealed

"How is it possible... why can you still do it... Even if you are a true genius, as long as you are still in the Nine Heavens Realm for a day, you will not be able to escape the Holy Emperor's forbidden curse on the immortal lineage... Wait! You..."

A trace of shock flashed in the eyes of the Youyou Imperial Clan.

" are not yet a hundred years old?"

"This is not obvious." Luo Chuan smiled faintly and spoke the truth. A seal was created from the Nirvana fire and penetrated into the body of Emperor Youyou.

How could the ancestor of Youyou lineage, the guardian of heaven, be killed so easily! But only by completely killing Ancestor Youyou can Luo Chuan achieve his goal!

The vitality of life, which is thick, long-lasting and comparable to the river of time, flows out from the body of Emperor Youyou. It dispersed very slowly at first, but as the Nirvana Fire in Luo Chuan's hands continued to grow, Emperor Youyou's life energy flowed faster, his Taoist cultivation became looser, and his energy and spirit began to falter.

"I actually ignored the most obvious thing...why did I ignore your age? Even if you have a holy ape by your side, you won't the North Pole!"

Emperor Youyou suddenly thought of something, his body swayed, his eyes showed disbelief, and gradually, anger appeared on his face.

"Do you think it's just a mortal principle?" Luo Chuan glanced at Emperor Youyou with no mercy: "You came from the past, and although you have taken refuge in the Holy Way, you are still obsessed with what you want. For the Arctic Emperor who replaced the Holy Emperor, you are already out of date, and your control of Immortal History is a certain threat to him. After all, the Youyou lineage is not originally a presence in the Nine Heavens Realm, and your existence will only destroy it. The balance of the nine heavens."

"North Pole..." Emperor Youyou gritted his teeth, feeling the signs of life disappear bit by bit. He raised his head tremblingly and looked at Luo Chuan: "But, what are you proud of? He used you to kill me, but you will also Trapped in Master Mirage's illusion! What awaits you will be the same fate as mine!"

Luo Chuan's face was expressionless, but his shoulders trembled slightly.

Captured this subtle movement of Luo Chuan. A sarcastic smile appeared on Emperor Youyou's pale face: "You finally realized it. From the moment you revealed your identity as a genius with the true meaning of immortality, your fate has been doomed. Do you know why you are here? In the history of Jiutian Realm, although the Immortal Immortal lineage can occasionally suppress the Youyou lineage, is it more often suppressed by the Youyou Dao? "

"Haha, that's because the true geniuses of Youyou's lineage are not allowed in the Nine Heavens Realm!"

"Once exposed! You must leave Jiutian Realm immediately. Go to Tianwaitian!"

"Otherwise, no one will be able to bear the should be able to guess that fate...that is Nirvana!"

Emperor Youyou laughed as he spoke, with reluctance and ferocity in his voice.

Luo Chuan's face was expressionless.

As early as that year in the Anti-Holy Alliance, when he ignited the Nirvana Fire for the first time and was promoted to the top blood genius of the immortal lineage, he already knew about the situation of the true genius.

The most prosperous period of the Immortal lineage was when the True Genius was born, leading the Immortal lineage and suppressing the Youyou lineage. However, the heyday of the Immortal lineage was extremely short-lived. Because true genius often disappears after a period of time.

"Sure enough... they went to the outer world."

Luo Chuan took a deep breath. He had already guessed this.

But what he never expected was that the culprit behind Zhou Tianji's destruction was actually the Immortal lineage! There is no mention of this in the ancient memories of Wuji Stone Titus. All along, Luo Chuan thought that the Great Nirvana was caused by the Holy Emperor.

Suddenly, Luo Chuan thought of the immortal star stone in the original star temple of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect.

The Immortal Star Stone controls the Star Temple as bait to trap and kill those who possess innate fire, in order to prepare for a rainy day in case the Great Annihilation reappears.

Now that I think about it. Immortal Star Stone, with the help of Shengu Miaoling and even the entire Tianxing Holy Sect, planned to trap and kill the descendants of the Immortal Clan!

The number one mystery in the Nine Heavens Realm has finally been revealed.

Even though Luo Chuan has now become a tyrant. There was also a chill in my heart.

"Hmph, that incident was actually a tragedy caused by the Holy Emperor coveting the power of the Immortal Immortal lineage and neglecting his responsibilities! The senior officials of the Immortal Immortal lineage and Youyou lineage did not know at first that when the Immortal Immortal lineage was The senior management found out too late.”

"The great annihilation has begun, and even the Holy Emperor is unable to stop it. Even though he tried his best, he could only save a very small number of people."

"The Jiutian Realm collapsed prematurely and became annihilated. Ultimately, it was because the Holy Emperor secretly brought the Tianwaitian race that did not belong to the Jiutian Realm into the Jiutian Realm. He was punished for this and was imprisoned by the six sages."

"In order to protect the Nine Heavens Realm, the sages reorganized the way of heaven, used the wild waterfalls of Xingyuan to stop the evil spirits from outside the world, and set an unprecedented realm to restrain the strength of the monks in the Nine Heavens Realm. In addition, they are also above the holy way. , established the Holy Court... In the first few years, they would follow the rules of Tianwaitian, protecting the Nine Heavens Realm while rebuilding it, but later... hum, people's hearts are the same, who doesn't like to be the king and hegemon, and have the power to dominate Palm, the feeling of controlling all living beings. What’s more, becoming the belief of all people will also help their Taoism.”

As if sensing that his time was running out, Emperor Youyou smiled miserably and revealed shocking secrets one after another.

"It turns out that the sages came from the outer world, and their original purpose was to rebuild the Nine Heavens Realm. But later, in order to achieve the purpose of controlling the Nine Heavens Realm, they divided the realm and blocked the way to the Dao." Luo Chuan said to himself: "Faith That's the power. After the emperor, he either cultivates a path to the extreme and becomes the ancestor, or he absorbs the atmosphere of all living beings in the area and becomes the Xuanjun. If they succeed, they will rely on the power of faith. One step would threaten the sages."

"Luo Chuan, now you know how small you are! Not only you, the Nine Heavens Realm is also extremely small compared to the Heaven and Earth. The Six Sages have absorbed enough power of faith in the Nine Heavens Realm, and they no longer have any regard for the Nine Heavens Realm. If you care as much as before, how could you have established Bei Bei as the new Holy Emperor, and why would you only have Mirage Ancestor?" Emperor Ancestor Youyou became more and more angry as he spoke: "In the final analysis, they are all used first and then abandoned! It’s all the same!

"The pasture is really appropriate. For the saints, we are cattle and sheep tributes that provide faith. The realm is limited, the strong are not strong, and there are evil spirits outside the world, then we can only stay in the Nine Heavens Realm, day after day, year after year. One year, I believe in the holy way." Luo Chuan's eyes flickered and his voice was low: "After the Nirvana, has this been the way for the Nine Heavens monks for hundreds of thousands of years... Is it time to end it all, Mirage Sage? Come on, after killing Bei Bei, and then killing you, will you be able to completely break the holy path?"

Emperor Youyou was startled and looked at Luo Chuan. His eyes were slightly complicated and fleeting, but he still couldn't help but sneer: "Killing Saint? Luo Chuan, you are really whimsical. Although you are very strong, your life level is not as good as Sage, you are still one level behind, even if you have broken through to the true genius! If you break through to the true genius, you must go to the outer world as soon as possible. The origin here is no longer suitable for you. There are only two consequences for staying in the Nine Heavens Realm. One is to sacrifice yourself, and the other is One is to re-enact Nirvana! However... the prerequisite for all this is that you can leave the illusion of the Mirage. The illusion of the holy way has the current order of heaven and moral laws, and you cannot break it with your current behavior. You can only stay in the illusion, and you will be killed when the Sage and the North Pole achieve their goals."

"By killing me, you have unlocked a link in the way of heaven, but what's the use..."

"The ending of Youyou and Immortal Immortality in the Nine Heavens Realm turns out to be like this..."

Emperor Youyou's voice became smaller and smaller, and his life force was almost gone.

"I'm afraid, you will be disappointed again."

Luo Chuan smiled and made a seal under the surprised gaze of Emperor Youyou.

"Is this... the Beidou Death and Heavenly Art?" Soon, Emperor Youyou was startled: "Ancient Beidou Realm? Hasn't the Ancient Beidou Realm been exterminated by the Holy Way... How could it be..."

"The North Star can destroy the sky, but life lies in the south of the sky. Since there is a sky in the south, how can the Beidou become extinct... Luo Chuan, I am not too late."

A calm and indifferent voice came from outside the illusion.

"The remnants of Beidou!" Emperor Youyou's body trembled, and then he laughed crazily. (To be continued.)

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