Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 175: The Biggest Flaw (fourth update, congratulation

"Oh? How do you know?" Mr. Luo said calmly, but a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Luo Chuan smiled softly: "Sima Wuji and Ning Tianxing are mortal enemies. How could he miss such a good opportunity?"

Mr. Luo looked at Luo Chuan, with admiration and pity in his eyes: "If you were given the same background and opportunities, you would never lose to them."

Luo Chuan did not comment: "As an ally of Sima Wuji, Mr. Luo must know why Sima Shaoshuai came tonight?"

Seeing Luo Chuan and Mr. Luo talking as if no one was around, a thin young man standing in front of the Chuanshan Ghost Guard flashed annoyance in his eyes.

"Both of you shut up!"

Luo Chuan turned his head and glanced at the cultivator: "Jia Liusheng? No. 43 on the Qingxian List?"

"That's me." Jia Liusheng smiled proudly at Luo Chuan.

Although he was ranked 43rd on the Qingxian List, he was not as good as the top talents in the top ten or twenty of the Qingxian List, but outside the Tianqijing cultivation world, he was a highly respected young master no matter where he was. Ning Tianxing had spent nearly a million coins and one hundred sixth-grade spirit stones per month to recruit him.

This was his source of pride.

"In fact, Ning Tianxing had misjudged one thing." Luo Chuan smiled at Mr. Luo, and then walked towards Jia Liusheng.

Jia Liusheng shook his head and laughed dumbly. Although Master Luo's name was very famous, the practitioners in Tianqijing were more talking about his arrogance. Relying on the master's dragon talisman to kill Chen Luo was not a real skill.

In less than a tenth of a second, a panic-stricken aura enveloped Jia Liusheng. The young man in the center of the hall disappeared at some point, and he appeared in front of him before he could react. The whole body was filled with cold wind, as if he had just walked out of the sea of ​​wind.

So fast!

Jia Liusheng was horrified. Among the young generation of True Dan masters he knew, no one had ever been able to exert his body movement speed to such an extent, like a ghost.

Jia Liusheng was a top 50 expert on the Qingxian list, and had fought nearly a hundred battles. When Luo Chuan approached him, he moved his mind, and Dan Gang flowed around his body. A ten-foot-long sharp Dan Gang burst out from his palm, like a machete that chopped Luo Chuan's shoulder.

This man had a grudge with Master Ning, and even if he was injured, Master would not blame him.

Jia Liusheng thought to himself, and seeing Luo Chuan not avoiding or giving way, but actually using his arm to meet him, Jia Liusheng felt relieved.


The sound of metal hitting stone echoed in the hall.

Not only Jia Liusheng, but also the monks, maids, and the Chuanshan Fox Guards were all surprised to stare at Luo Chuan's intact right arm.

His flesh resisted Dan Gang, but he didn't even cut his skin! How is it possible? Could it be that this inconspicuous linen Taoist robe on his body is a high-grade defensive magic weapon?

Luo Chuan withstood the full-strength attack of a True Dan level 3 expert, and his body movements were not messed up at all.

Although the opponent's cultivation was two levels higher than his, Luo Chuan practiced Huangting and Lingtai together, and his skills were far beyond those of ordinary first-level Zhendan cultivators. In addition, he had reached the peak of the first-level Zhendan and was about to break through the first level of "Longhu Body Technique". Although his realm was not high, the skills he could operate were not inferior to those of the third-level Zhendan masters.

That day, Luo Chuan defeated the monk of the empty temple with one move. Although there was a component of luck and the advantage of understanding the artistic conception, it also made Luo Chuan understand his tactics of challenging the level above.

Without the Tianri Sword, his greatest weapon was his body. In close combat, except for the top ten masters on the Qingxian List, the other third-level Zhendan masters could not do anything to him.

After one move, the two seemed to be evenly matched, but Jia Liusheng had a trace of doubt in his heart. When he operated Dan Gang again, he suddenly found that he could not catch the boy in front of him. The boy seemed to be in front of him, but he seemed to be absent, which was extremely strange. Jia Liusheng reacted in a flash. It was because there was not a single flaw on the boy, which made him unable to start.

How is this possible! His cultivation is obviously much lower than mine!

Cold sweat flowed down Jia Liusheng's back.

In an instant, Luo Chuan changed his body, and there were flaws all over his body.

Jia Liusheng couldn't hold back his energy, and stumbled forward. At this moment, Luo Chuan's body passed through the afterimage, and the fist with a little cold light was faster than his body. Before Jia Liusheng could react, he was hit in the shoulder by a punch, and the protective Dan Gang of his body was shattered, and his shoulder bones were broken. His body flew out diagonally like a kite with a broken string, and he fell to the ground.

The two moves only lasted for a moment, and before the monks could savor it, Jia Liusheng was knocked out by Luo Chuan, and his life or death was unknown.

Another Qingxian list master Chu Jie's face suddenly changed, and he dodged and flew towards Luo Chuan.

Before he could start to use Dan Gang, a cold snort sounded in his ears, followed by a terrifying aura like the abyss, and it was like a big hand, pressing him firmly in the air.

"Get lost!"

Luo Chuan's fist was wrapped in momentum, causing the wind and cloud waves across the hall, and directly hit Chu Jiehuan.

Chu Jiehuan's sixth-grade body armor was torn into pieces of cloth in the fist, and then shredded into powder in an instant. He flew backwards half-naked, knocked over a dozen gambling tables along the way, and finally slammed into the jade pillar of the hall and fainted.

Two True Dan third-level masters, ranked in the top 50 of the Qingxian list, were defeated by the young master in two or three moves, without even a chance to fight back.

The hall was silent. Watching Luo Chuan walking slowly towards Mr. Luo, the admiration in the eyes of the monks had turned into worship, and the fox ghost maids showed fear one by one.

Looking at the young man walking towards him with a smile, Mr. Luo felt mixed feelings.

Luo Chuan's sudden attack on Ning Tianxing's right-hand man was not only proving Ning Tianxing's miscalculation, but also proving it to himself.

Thinking of what he said before, Mr. Luo sighed secretly.

Recruiting soldiers in a treacherous manner severely damaged Wanbaoshan City, forcing Ning Tianxing to break the rules he had set and defeat his opponents at two levels. This young master is like a sword hidden in the dust. Once it is unsheathed and breaks through the dust, no one can stop his edge.

Regardless of whether Ning Tianxing and Sima Wuji are willing to admit it, from this moment on, Tianqi Capital will no longer be dominated by the four young masters. This young guru came to Tianqi Capital almost out of nowhere. When he appeared in everyone's sight with extremely arrogant behavior, neither Ning Tianxing nor Sima Wuji could do anything to him.

Is it possible that a new force will appear in Tianqi Capital?

Mr. Luo lowered his head, his eyes flickering. Any change was both a crisis and an opportunity for him.

The young monk's voice sounded.

"Mr. Luo can finally tell why Sima Wuji is here."

After taking a deep look at Luo Chuan, Mr. Luo laughed.

Businessmen in the spiritual world are also businessmen, and there are still three caves for cunning rabbits. When they do business, they also hope to have as many escape routes as possible. Even though he is now the Western God of Wealth in Tiannan Dao's business community, he never forgets his roots. He always wears a piece of cloth just to wake himself up at all times.

"Master has a question, how dare I not say it?" Mr. Luo's eyes fell to somewhere outside the main hall, and the voice was transmitted into the secret passage: "Does Master Luo know about the banquet on the twelfth floor?"

"I know, I haven't cared about it." Luo Chuan also said in a message.

"Haha, you are probably the only one who came to Tianqi Capital at this time not for the banquet on the twelfth floor." Mr. Luo blinked and did not go around in circles: "There is a floor in the Purple Gold Imperial City, called the twelfth floor. It is Its origin is very mysterious. It is said that it existed before the founding of the Great Xia Dynasty. The establishment of the Great Xia Dynasty was still based on the power of the Twelve Floors. "

"Mr. Yuan on the twelfth floor, he talks about heaven every three years. On the twelfth floor, there is a more mysterious Mr. Yuan. Legend has it that he sleeps for three years and only wakes up in the winter of the third year. Divination for people. Because of his existence, there is a banquet on the twelfth floor."

"Mr. Yuan is a fortune teller and knows how to select people, but the rest is not in vain. Every winter, Mr. Yuan will select three people from the Tiannan Cultivation Circle and tell fortunes for them for free without any compensation. In addition, There are still six places, but these six places require payment.”

"Mr. Yuan is very interested in the spiritual beasts of heaven and earth. The reward for his fortune-telling is the spiritual beasts of heaven and earth. Dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, white tigers and redbirds. And so on. The longer the bloodline is and the higher the grade, the more he likes them."

"Therefore, every three years before and after winter is the most chaotic time in Tianqi Capital. Tiannan monks gather in Tianqi Capital and take three years to find the spirit beasts of heaven and earth and ask to see Mr. Yuan. It is commonly known as the Twelfth Floor Banquet. With the top-grade heaven and earth Those who are spiritual beasts will naturally take every possible precaution to prevent them from being snatched away by others, while those who have not found a satisfactory heaven and earth spiritual beast will set their sights on others.”

"Master Luo may not know yet, but in the month since you came to Tianqi Capital, more than a hundred monks in the True Alchemy Realm have died in Tianqi Capital fighting for the spiritual beasts of heaven and earth. You must know that it is really possible for Yuan Yuan to enter the capital. There are very few high-grade spiritual beasts with Mr. Dharma Eyes. "

Luo Chuan touched his nose. After arriving in Tianqi Capital, he almost stayed at Baibat Sandbank. Naturally, he would not know about the battle between spiritual beasts in Tianqi Capital. Even if he knew, he wouldn't be very interested.

"Haha, Master Luo asked why Marshal Sima came here... Even if you have enough heaven and earth beasts to gain Mr. Yuan's favor, you don't want your opponent to gain the same favor. You know, Mr. Yuan summoned him last year Among the people, there is Sima Wuji, but not Ning Tianxing." Mr. Luo winked at Luo Chuan and said with a smile.

I see.

Luo Chuan understood. Ning Tianxing hid the tribute he prepared to give to Mr. Yuan in Wanbaoshan City. After Sima Wuji found out, he naturally became interested and took advantage of Luo Chuan to make a big fuss in the main hall of the gambling house and started to fight for it.

And that heaven and earth spirit beast is Ning Tianxing's biggest flaw!

Ning Tianxing and Sima Wuji both belonged to the four great princes, and each founded two Taoist societies and fought in Tianqi Capital. Over the years, I am afraid that I have become red-eyed and will not stop killing.

In the last round of the Twelfth Floor Banquet, Sima Wuji was summoned by Mr. Yuan and defeated Ning Tianxing once. As the master of Tianxing, Ning Tianxing lost face, so naturally he would not be reconciled. With his character, he is bound to win Mr. Yuan's favor this time. That heaven and earth spirit beast must be of extremely high grade and very rare.

If I can grab that heaven and earth spirit, I can use it to control Ning Tianxing so that he never dares to act rashly again!

Looking at Mr. Luo, Luo Chuan was about to speak when he saw Mr. Luo wave his hand.

"Master Luo, I have said enough. If I continue to talk, if Marshal Sima finds out, our business in Tianqi Capital will be ruined."

"What does that matter?" Luo Chuan smiled: "My aunt Luo Fu is also doing business in the Taoist business world. If Marshal Sima dislikes Mr. Luo, why don't Mr. Luo consider cooperating with my Luo family?" (To be continued. )

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