Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 224: The road of trial, endless pursuit!

Downstream of the thousand-foot waterfall, Luo Chuan performed the wood escape technique and turned into a floating log in the pool.

He had been hiding here for a day and a night.

This waterfall is located between two small countries, Lie and Chen, and can only be reached by passing through the snow-capped peaks that are frozen all year round.

It is difficult for people in the mortal world, even martial artists at the level of Sanren, to find this place.

This is a trial place for the cultivation world.

In the months after leaving Tianqijing, Luo Chuan practiced alone on the road to Qixingyuanye. Occasionally, when encountering trials and adventures of sects or other forces, Luo Chuan would hide his identity and quietly join in.

Luo Chuan would naturally not let go of the rewards of the trial adventure, and his main purpose was to further improve his skills, consolidate his combat methods, and find unknown opportunities through trial adventures.

Along the way, Luo Chuan consumed 80,000 pieces of sixth-grade ore and two slightly shorter spirit veins. The resources obtained from dividing the Eight Desolate Treasure House with Zhou Buchen only left 20,000 pieces of sixth-grade ore and a two-mile spirit vein.

Even so, Luo Chuan still has a long way to go before he can complete the second-level Zhendan Condensation Stage. As for the Tianmen Secret Realm, he needs to wait until the White Bone Prison Hall is opened and find the four pieces of earth dragon bones that record the Tianmen cultivation method before he can formally practice.

In nearly three months, Luo Chuan practiced another method.

This method is the same as the "Twelve Constellations Evil God Dharma", which is a first-grade method. Even if it is placed in Tianchen Continent, it will make the strong forces of all parties salivate.

There is only one last teleportation courtyard away from the Seven Stars Abyss, and the trial road that Luo Chuan has set for himself. There is only one last trial left to complete.

Now is the most critical time to complete this treasure hunting trial.

As far as Luo Chuan can see, at the top of the waterfall, there is a black treasure tree with leaves like clouds.

The tree is called Wu Jiaomu, which grows specifically at the top of large waterfalls, absorbing the essence of the sun, moon and stars day and night, and transforms into a dragon once every forty-nine years. It only takes one day for it to turn into a dragon. If it cannot be refined with special techniques during this day, it will lose all its essence and turn into rotten wood.

There is a saying in the world that flowers bloom for a short time. This black dragon wood is the short-lived flower in the world of cultivation.

The black dragon wood that turns into a dragon is an excellent material for refining tools. It can not only be refined into high-grade magic tools, but can even be used as a material for refining magic tools.

Luo Chuan has gained a lot from the trials and adventures along the way, including spiritual treasures, medicinal materials, and various rewards. But in comparison, none of them is as precious as this black dragon wood.

Luo Chuan lurked at the bottom of the waterfall pool. His mind ascended to the sky gate, and he soon saw the whereabouts of his opponents.

There were a total of 124 cultivators who came to compete for the black dragon wood like Luo Chuan. Among them, there were five groups of forces, and a small number of scattered cultivators.

Among these people, there were exactly 100 people above the True Dan realm. There were 16 people at the third level of the True Dan, and 7 people at the fourth level of the True Dan. These 23 people can barely be regarded as Luo Chuan's competitors.

When the first rays of morning light fell from the sky, the crown of the black dragon tree trembled in the sunlight.


The sun had just risen from the horizon, and the crown of the black dragon tree split into two petals, like a lip facing the sky and the sun.

Luo Chuan took a deep breath, but found that he could not inhale a trace of the essence of the sun. Every ray of morning light in the ten-mile radius was absorbed and swallowed by the black dragon tree.

Its trunk began to change, and black dragon scales appeared on the mottled and wrinkled trunk. Gradually, the whole black dragon tree became lively. Although it was rooted in the waterfall, the tree body twisted and turned in the sunlight. The crown turned into a dragon head, and the branches turned into dragon claws, roaring to the sky and making waves of dragon chants.

At this moment, twenty-five sword lights rose from the west side of the waterfall and rushed straight to the black dragon tree. As soon as this group of monks rose, they were blocked by ten flying pi seals in the east. Ten black-clothed monks walked out from behind the seal and rushed to the black dragon tree.

More and more cultivators appeared from all directions, flying to the waterfall, fighting for the black dragon wood.

Luo Chuan was not in a hurry, motionless, quietly lurking at the bottom of the waterfall pool.

The trials along the way not only stabilized his skills and improved his combat methods, but also tempered his Tao heart again and again. Compared with the time in Tianqijing, Luo Chuan's Tao heart is more stable now, and he can be more tolerant at critical moments.

Until the sun rose to the middle of the sky and noon arrived, only 27 of the 124 cultivators remained combat-ready, and they formed a confrontation with each other, which had become a stalemate.


A figure rose from the bottom of the pool, like a sword that broke the sky, and the figure was so fast that no one present could catch it.

"It's him again!"

"Why is he here again!"

"Who is he, why is he always haunting!"

The cultivators all changed color when they saw Luo Chuan's figure. They either belonged to a sect or a family of cultivators. They went to Qixingyuanye to participate in the Water and Land Treasure Meeting and also went on a trial adventure.

But along the way, wherever they went, whenever they participated in a trial adventure, they would encounter this mysterious master, who would appear at the last moment and snatch away the fruits of the trial adventure.

"Don't even think about it!"

Twenty-seven True Dan third and fourth level cultivators gave up the confrontation, each using their unique skills, Dan Gang rushed out, blocking Xiang Luochuan.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened.

The fiercest and strongest sun at noon seemed to be blocked by a dark cloud.

The "dark cloud" descended.

The cultivators looked up, and their faces changed drastically.

That was not a dark cloud, it was clearly a huge handprint covering the sky, wrapped in wind and thunder, crushing the void, and pressing towards them.

"The Great Handprint of the Heavens, Chaos Kunpeng Heaven!"

Luo Chuan was suspended in mid-air, making unpredictable seals in his hands. His eyes were filled with chaotic haze, and he pressed up with one palm.

This "Mahamudra of All Heavens" is the new method Luo Chuan has learned in the past month or so. "The Mahamudra of the Heavens" has four levels, divided into four heavens. Luo Chuan has only cultivated to the first level of the Chaos Kun Peng Sky. After that, there are the Golden Winged Dapeng Sky, All Spirits Suzaku Sky, and Nirvana Ancient Phoenix Sky.

The hand seals of these four directions have different powers. For example, the Chaos Kun Peng Tian can cover the sky and the earth and suppress people with its power. The golden-winged Dapeng comes and goes like lightning, with the speed of lightning. Maximize speed.

Above the waterfall, twenty-seven True Alchemy Realm monks were caught off guard and their elixirs were scattered. Some fell down and some retreated in defeat. Faced with the overwhelming large hand seals, no one dared to take on them forcefully.

The moment the Mahamudra was pressed, the Qianzhang Waterfall stopped flowing, and then began to flow upward.

After a while, the sun fell on the waterfall again. The clouds are calm and the wind is gentle.

The monks looked towards the head of the waterfall. Everyone gritted their teeth, and the black dragon tree had disappeared.

"It's him again! Who is he?"

"The cultivation level of the second-level True Pill is much higher than that of the fourth-level True Pill. Could it be that Daozang Liubu lowered his cultivation level and got in?"

"There are only four of the Six Divisions of Daozang left now... It can't be the Six Divisions of Daozang. This kind of trial. How could they be interested."

The monks cursed. Accept defeat and leave.

After a while, two groups of monks flew in from the east and west of the waterfall.

There is a group of people on the left. The waist badge is engraved with the word "Tianhua". There is a group of people on the right, with the word "Kunting" engraved on their waist badges. They are the elite disciples of Tianhua Palace and Kunting Mountain.

Two groups of people, a total of forty-three monks, all fourth-level true elixirs, stared at each other across the waterfall, and slowly walked to a place.

"It's still a step too late."

"This is already the ninth time. Luo Chuan is so cunning!"

"He also dumped your Tianhua Palace in the Soul-Broken Valley?"

"To be honest, in the Broken Soul Valley, our Tianhua Palace lost another junior brother. Junior Brother Zhang was also unlucky. He was only a hundred steps behind and was chased and killed by Luo Chuan. His head was missing."

"This person's skills seem to have improved along the way. You must not be left alone!" The elite disciples led by Kuntingshan said: "My elder Lu said that his destination along the way is most likely Qixingyuan. Ye, the female Taoist Shang Luofu is right there.”

"Then we must not let him enter the Seven Star Abyss. Once he enters the Seven Star Abyss, it will be difficult to kill him." The disciple of Tianhua Palace nodded, and his eyes inadvertently glanced at the monks in Kunting Mountain. Suddenly he was stunned: "Hey, why is there another person missing? Could it be that some of you were also killed in the Soul-Desolating Valley."

The leading monk from Kuntingshan was stunned for a moment. He glanced at all the junior brothers and his expression suddenly changed: "Oops! Where is junior brother Li? Has anyone seen him?"

In a dense forest ten miles away from the waterfall, Luo Chuan opened his eyes.

"Tianhua Palace and Kunting Mountain...hum, they are chasing me really hard."

"Little bastard." Luo Chuan whispered.

A palm-sized white bat flew up from his shoulder, flapped its wings twice, and stood above Luo Chuan's head.

"Luo Chuan, you are so stupid! I already knew where the black dragon tree is! You have to look for it yourself! Look, it ended up taking three more days." The white bat aimed at Luo Chuan's ear.

"It's so noisy!"

Luo Chuan pinched Bai Bat's mouth. The white bat flapped its wings twice, disappeared instantly, and appeared on the other side of Luochuan in the blink of an eye.

Before Bai Bat could scream again, Luo Chuan asked: "How is the progress of Bai Mei and Qin Mo?"

"It's almost there. According to your method and with the little tortoise's improvements, it will be successfully refined in two days." White Bat said proudly.

"Improvement?" Luo Chuan glanced at White Bat.

"Hmph, little bastard, I have put a lot of thought into improving it for you. Why don't you thank me!"

"Who asked you to improve? What trouble are you causing!"

"I'm kind enough to help you!"

Looking at the angry white bat, Luo Chuan was speechless.

Originally, Luo Chuan had already calculated the time and would be able to refine Bai Mei and Qin Mo almost today. But he didn't expect that the white bat woke up and was bored, so he took matters into his own hands.

Ignoring the white bat, Luo Chuan closed his eyes and raised his mind to Tianmen.

Soon, in the woods southwest of the waterfall, Luo Chuan found the Kunting Mountain monk who was alone, flying with his sword, sweating profusely.

"We're almost at Qixing Yuanye. If we can kill one more, that's one more person. If we kill one more, we'll just make up ten people!"

Luo Chuan opened his eyes and disappeared into the dense forest in a flash.

When he reappeared, Luo Chuan had already arrived in the woods.

The sun penetrates the leaves, and the halo is dotted, dazzling the eyes.

On Luo Chuan's shoulder, Bai Bat fell asleep again at some point.

Luo Chuan transformed into a wind shadow and quietly approached the lone Kunting Mountain monk.

There were still fifty steps away from the monk, and something was wrong in Luo Chuan's heart. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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