Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 305: Outside the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Sword Immor

Luo Chuan used the attacking method of Xiantian Xuanwen.

The blue water waves covered Luo Chuan from top to bottom.

On the Kongming plank road, a river god appeared, more than ten feet tall, with dragon beard and snake tail, holding a water-shaped trident.

Luo Chuan's hair, skin, bones, muscles, and internal organs were all transformed into real water full of spiritual energy, which was magical.

With his eyes opened, Luo Chuan's eyes made of water flashed with ripples.


Luo Chuan disappeared on the Kongming plank road.

In five snaps of the fingers, Luo Chuan passed five checkpoints in a row.


Luo Chuan landed on the ninth checkpoint, his body shook, the water waves peeled off, the water body turned back into a flesh body, and his height shrank from ten feet to the original eight feet.

"Tianmen Xuanshen is really magical. I wonder what it will look like when it is used in the defense method."

Luo Chuan was still unsatisfied.

On the way to the Divine Beast Valley, Luo Chuan had already refined the remaining two pieces of earth dragon bones, mastered the way of refining and defense, and the realm of Tianmen Zhendan was also raised to the Daodan period of Zhendan level three.

"Hey, isn't that Fellow Daoist Luo?"

"It's really him, why is he here?"

The voices of the monks rang in his ears.

In Luo Chuan's peripheral vision, he saw more than 30 young monks fighting fierce beasts on the plank road.

In the previous few levels, Luo Chuan saw many monks who ventured into the empty plank road, but he didn't see Bai Yiqi.

At this time, Luo Chuan was in a good mood. He shook his arm, and a fan-shaped air wave swept towards the plank roads on both sides with great force.

More than a dozen ferocious beasts of the fourth level of Zhendan were strangled on the spot.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Luo!"

"Long live Fellow Daoist Luo!"

The monks cheered and shouted. Looking again, Luo Chuan had disappeared in the distance of the plank road.

Another level passed. Luo Chuan finally saw Bai Yiqi.

Bai Yiqi vomited the sword evil, and formed a sword formation with eight third-level True Dan cultivators. Under the attack of a first-level Nascent Soul beast, they struggled to hold on.

Luo Chuan gave Bai Yiqi three six-turn Dharmakaya Creation Pills to increase his body speed and physical strength, but each pill can only maintain the pill power for three days. It was not easy for Bai Yiqi to rush here and maintain his top ten ranking.

"Everyone! Don't give up! This monster won't last long!"

The leading cultivator pinched the seal. The flying sword vomited the Dan Gang, soared up and attacked the right eye of the beast.

As soon as he finished speaking, the five-clawed red fox perched in the middle of the plank road laughed strangely, spitting out a string of dark green flames from its mouth, melting the flying sword.

Five hundred-foot-long claws drew five cold lights, covering the five cultivators.

Puff! Puff! Puff...

The five flying swords broke in response.

Under the cover of the strange power, the five cultivators could not move. Despair appeared on his face.

The giant claw in the air was about to fall. Bai Yiqi's face turned pale, and he spat out a stream of blood, and was about to fall.

"After all... I still stopped here." Bai Yiqi's face was full of pain, and he was about to close his eyes.

A figure flashed and appeared in front of him.

Luo Chuan stared at the beast in the Infant Realm. He chopped it with one palm.

Facing the existence of ordinary Infant Realm, Luo Chuan was too lazy to use the method at all.

The threshold of the great realm has been opened by him, not to mention that the beast's fighting wisdom is far lower than that of the cultivators of the same level.

Dan Gang turned into a palm knife hundreds of feet long in the air, cutting the void. There was a sound of shaking the mountains and the earth.

Five giant claws were cut off by Luo Chuan's palm knife.

Blood spurted high.

The beast roared in pain and looked down at Luo Chuan. There was fear in his eyes.

Without thinking, the beast turned around and was about to flee far away.

Before it escaped a hundred steps, Luo Chuan punched out.

The fist wave penetrated the void again, like a sharp arrow, piercing the body of the beast.


The bones of the beast were all shattered, the internal organs were broken, and it fell to the ground limply, dying on the spot.

"Daoyou!" Bai Yiqi raised his head and stared at Luo Chuan in surprise and joy.

"Let's go." Luo Chuan looked back at Bai Yiqi: "Follow me."

"Okay!" Bai Yiqi was full of questions, but he also knew that now was not the time to ask.

The other eight cultivators also looked at Luo Chuan with gratitude, wanting to say something but stopping.

"You all follow me too." Luo Chuan knew in his heart that Bai Yiqi could get here with the cultivation of the second level of the True Dan, which was inseparable from the help of these cultivators in both open and covert ways.

"Thank you, Daoyou!"

The eight cultivators all bowed their hands, their eyes full of excitement.

They also understood that following this powerful cultivator in front of them, it was a sure thing to successfully break through the Divine Beast Valley, and there was even hope to become the top ten of this batch and get rewards.

Luo Chuan leaped forward.

Bai Yiqi and the other nine people followed closely behind Luo Chuan, including Bai Yiqi, and did not speak again.

Seeing Luo Chuan casually killing the fourth-level Zhendan and even the first-level Huaying beasts, their surprise and curiosity continued to rise.

Who is he?

He is so young and has great skills, and he is slightly higher than the level of the six Taoist canons. Why have we never heard of him?

Staring at Luo Chuan's back, the nine people did not speak, but they had the same idea in their hearts.

This person's level must be much higher than theirs. The reason why they don't know him may be because their own level is not enough.

Luo Chuan took the lead and arrived at the last checkpoint half an hour later.

It was a teleportation array.

Luo Chuan took the lead to enter the array, and Bai Yiqi and the other nine people also entered the array one by one.

The light and shadow in front of them changed, and the wind whistled in their ears. When they opened their eyes again, they appeared in a desolate countryside.

Looking up, Luo Chuan saw the towering city wall. Although it was not as tall as the city wall of Tianqijing in the Great Xia Dynasty, it was like a small mountain, blocking the sun and strong wind.

" guys, come and receive the trial waist badge of the White Bone Prison Hall and the rewards of the Divine Beast Valley."

Next to the teleportation array, ten law enforcement monks came over.

Their eyes fell on Luo Chuan, and the law enforcement monks stood in awe. They bowed to Luo Chuan from a distance.

Bai Yiqi and others were shocked again

After taking the reward ring and waist badge from the law enforcement monks, Luo Chuan turned to Bai Yiqi. He smiled and said, "In this case, if we are destined, we will see each other again in the White Bone Prison Hall."

Bai Yiqi hurriedly saluted Luo Chuan, raised his head, and stammered, "I don't know your full name yet, can you tell me? I am grateful for your help along the way. If there is a chance, I will definitely repay you."

When he said the last sentence, Bai Yiqi was a little embarrassed.

Luo Chuan was about to speak, at this moment. A long howl came from the wall of the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

A giant cyan eagle flew over the towering city and pounced on the teleportation array.

A majestic figure stood on the giant eagle, with his arms folded and his eyes fixed on Luo Chuan.

The giant eagle was still in the sky, three hundred feet above the ground, but the aura of the man was like a mountain broken in half from mid-air.

Monk Bai Yiqi and the law enforcement monks were caught off guard and were blown away by the aura.

After rolling more than ten steps, everyone stood up and looked up in surprise, only to see that the man had jumped off the eagle's back, and a long Dan Gang sword appeared in his palm. Like a mountain falling, it chopped Luo Chuan directly.



The sword wind was like a storm in the middle of the sea, destroying the earth in waves.

Soil, grass, trees, gravel... everything was swept into the sword wind, including the hot blood in the hearts of the monks. They all turned into waves of sword intent and rushed wildly. Want to burst out of the eye sockets.

"It's the sword intention!" a cultivator exclaimed.

The second level of "intention" in the fourth level of momentum, only two or three people can comprehend it among millions of cultivators.

The hearts of the cultivators surged, and they looked at the young cultivator who fell from the sky with respect and awe.

Soon, everyone discovered that the sword intention and the legendary momentum intention seemed to be different.

The sword intention was filled with a special breath. The breath was like a mountain or a sea, and it had the continuous waves and the immovable mountains, which was very contradictory.

Feeling the unique sword intention that had never been seen before, everyone's blood was rolling, hitting their internal organs, and they just wanted to vomit blood.

That person was clearly only in the True Dan realm, but the terrifying strength he showed with this sword was beyond the reach of the True Dan cultivators present.

As the man descended to a height of fifty feet, the young True Dan cultivator finally saw the appearance of the visitor clearly.

"It's him!"

"Zhou Buchen, the third on the Qingxian list!"

"It turns out to be Langxin Sword Immortal! No wonder he's so powerful!"

The cultivators came to their senses and looked at Luo Chuan worriedly.

The powerful sword intent cut the land outside Zhoujing again and again.

A moment later, the sword aura with a wonderful artistic conception like mountains and seas fell from the sky, spanning a hundred feet, and slashed towards Luo Chuan's head.

Luo Chuan raised his head, with some surprise in his eyes, and then showed a look of surprise.

This sword is incredible!

The sword aura was only half a foot away from Luo Chuan's head.

The long wind lifted Luo Chuan's cloth robe and flew backwards.

Luo Chuan's eyes showed a solemn look, and the Dan aura gathered in his right hand, ethereal and transparent, and then he slapped it with a palm.

A continuous and crisp loud noise echoed in the air, like the collapse of mountains and rivers, and like the shattering of glaciers.

The dense sword shadows and palm shadows collided with each other.

Every sword aura of Zhou Buchen, as heavy as a mountain, was accurately chopped by Luo Chuan. But after the sword aura was broken, it did not dissipate, but sank like the tide, brewing the next wave of stronger waves.

This sword, like a mountain and a sea, repeats itself endlessly.

Between heaven and earth, it seems that only this mountain and sea transformed by sword intent is left.

The monks were fascinated by it.

However, in this mountain and sea of ​​sword intent, there is a "small boat", which is like walking on flat ground in the stormy waves, breaking the "sword mountain" again and again.

The monks' eyes turned to Luo Chuan's Dan Gang giant palm, and their eyes were straight.

Under such a terrifying attack by Zhou Buchen, he did not move an inch, and even his breathing did not change... His strength was not inferior to Zhou Buchen at all. Who is he?

In a few moments, the two fought for a full hundred rounds, Zhou Buchen was suspended in the air, and Luo Chuan was standing on the ground, motionless.

The two eyes intertwined like lightning.

A moment later, the two changed their moves at the same time.


In the turbulent flow of the void, the overlapping sword shadows and palm shadows condensed into one stream and collided with each other.

Luo Chuan remained motionless, Zhou Buchen's blood flowed backwards, a sickly blush appeared on his face, and he somersaulted more than ten times in the air, dissipating the force before landing.

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