Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 317: Three people form a formation to fight against

The rain suddenly became heavier, and the sky was filled with dark clouds, and suddenly a gap appeared. .

Thunder roared in the gap.

Suddenly, a lightning column fell from the sky and crashed down in front of Luo Chuan.


The magic array on the long street hummed, dust splashed like waves, and dark purple magic power surged like a tide, blocking the way forward for Luo Chuan and the other two.

Ning Tianxing and Zhou Buchen were thrown out, and Luo Chuan was also shocked back five steps.

The magic mist shrouded the sky above the long street, with faint fairy music and flying green cranes. You could vaguely hear a female Taoist playing the piano, the sound of the piano mixed with the sound of rain, creating a unique ethereal artistic conception.

Luo Chuan stood firm and looked across the mist, only to see sixteen figures jumping and appearing in the mist.

When the magic mist gradually dissipated, Luo Chuan could see clearly that they were not people, but sixteen tall apes!

Sixteen monkeys scratched their ears and cheeks, wearing monkey hats, waving golden sticks, and shouting: "Tongtian Immortal Palace, preaching in all directions! The national teacher is out, the scoundrels retreat!"

Behind the sixteen tall monkeys, there are sixteen bronze Taoist soldiers three feet tall, with grim faces and cold eyes. Their aura shows that their cultivation has reached the first stage of Nascent Soul.

The monkeys lead the way, and the first stage of Nascent Soul Taoist soldiers protect the emperor.

When the fog dissipated, a white dragon-shaped flying boat appeared in the air, with a Taoist servant standing on each side. The left one is a white-faced scholar, and the right one looks like a black-faced door god. The aura of the two is as high as the third stage of Nascent Soul.

On the dragon-shaped flying boat, there are eighteen strings of red bead curtains, and behind the curtains, a tall and burly figure is looming.

Zhou Buchen looked up: "Master of Tongtian Palace? National Teacher of the Great Zhou? Why are you blocking the way!"

"How dare you! Kneel down!" The black-faced door god shouted coldly, with two black lights flashing in his eyes, piercing Zhou Buchen directly.

Zhou Buchen snorted coldly, holding the long sword in his hand, Dan Gang swept out the meaning of the Heavenly Sword, and slashed at the two black lights.


The sword aura and the black light collided with each other, and the black light paused for a moment. The sword aura supported for a moment and broke inch by inch.

With just one move, Zhou Buchen was defeated.

Facing the terrifying method of the third-level Nascent Soul strongman, Zhou Buchen did not avoid or give in. He pinched the sword seal with his left hand and raised the sword aura with his right hand again, and faced it brazenly.

A hand appeared in front of Zhou Buchen's sword aura and blocked the two black lights.


Luo Chuan stepped back three steps, his palm was tingling, and his bones were broken, but under the repair of the second level of Longhu body technique, they healed in an instant.

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the black-faced door god, and before he could make another move, the man in the flying boat laughed.

"You are worthy of being Master Luo. You can cultivate your body to such a level, a realm like a ghost or god. You are the undisputed number one under the Infant Transformation Realm in Tiannan."

His voice was rough and heroic, with a hint of appreciation. At first glance, it made people feel that it was from the heart, sincere and genuine, without any ulterior motives.

But no matter Luo Chuan, Zhou Buchen, or Ning Tianxing, they would not think that the people in the boat were really praising Luo Chuan.

"However." The Great Zhou State Master changed his tone: "You bullied my Great Zhou cultivators in front of this state master, abolished my nephew, and even killed the humble gentleman Gu Yuefeng. It's too much."

Luo Chuan and the other two sneered at the same time.

"Why didn't the State Master help?" Luo Chuan looked at the figure in the boat and said lightly: "I'm afraid that the State Master has long been dissatisfied with your nephew."



The white-faced scholar and the black-faced door god shouted coldly at the same time, with sound attacks in their voices.

Luo Chuan stretched out his hand and a three-meter-high blood-stirred round shield appeared in front of him. Around the round shield, black air settled, like an abyss.


The sound attack of the white-faced scholar and the black-faced door god hit the round shield, like splashing waves, ricocheting in all directions. A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the two, and soon disappeared.

"Haha, sound attack round shield. Master Luo has opened the eyes of our national master again." The people in the boat laughed and said, "What Master Luo said before is not without reason. The way my nephew pursues is not the way our national master pursues. Since the ways are different, our national master naturally does not need to be responsible for his happiness and safety."

In a few words, the matter was cleared up, and the reason was high-sounding.

Ning Tianxing said with a smile: "The words of the national master can deceive a three-year-old child, but they cannot convince the cultivators in the world."

"Convinced? Haha, why does the national master need them to be convinced?" The man in the boat said with a smile: "Ning Tianxing, the national master was very optimistic about you. But I didn't expect that you would violate the interests of the family for a woman, and the position of the young master was replaced, and you were expelled from Tianqijing."

Luo Chuan glanced at Ning Tianxing, and saw that Ning Tianxing looked indifferent, but his fists were slightly clenched.

"It's getting late, I'll make it short." The man in the boat said: "Although the three of you have caused a huge disaster, it is understandable after all. If you are willing to be loyal to my Tongtian Mansion, I will give you a break, so what."

"Dream on."

"What a joke."

"Don't even think about it."

The three said without thinking.

"You are all very courageous. Unfortunately, in the battle of the Tao, if you only have courage but no strength, you will never be able to prove the Tao." The man in the boat said.

"In Zhoujing, no one above the Infant Transformation Realm can take action..." Ning Tianxing said, and before he finished speaking, his face changed slightly.

"There is this rule, but rules are set by people. If you want to break the rules, it's just a matter of words." The person in the boat said.

Through the bead curtain, Luo Chuan saw a handsome face full of smiles.

The white-faced scholar suddenly stepped forward, and a notice flew out from his sleeves and threw it into the air. The seal characters on the notice emerged from the paper, flew in the air, and turned into golden round talismans.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh...

The talisman light shot up into the sky, directly towards the dark and rolling clouds.

In the clouds, dense golden spots appeared, gathering into a golden dragon in the thunder. The golden dragon opened its mouth wide, roared and swallowed, and actually swallowed the dark clouds and rainstorms in its belly.

The sixteen monkeys scratched their ears and cheeks, and shouted loudly: "Tongtian Immortal Mansion, the state teacher has ordered that the ban will be lifted at three o'clock!"

The rumbling thunder sounded, but was dispersed by the golden dragon.

The thunder gradually became smaller, and the dark clouds covering the sky dissipated. In the night sky, there was a clear sky with stars, bright moon, and white night and day.

Ning Tianxing's handsome face showed a trace of vigilance, and Zhou Buchen frowned slightly.

Luo Chuan looked normal. When he closed his eyes and opened them, nearly a hundred auras of the Infant Realm came from all directions. These auras all came from the gym that Luo Chuan had overturned.

Everything in the world has its cause and effect. Luo Chuan made a big fuss in Zhoujing and kicked over the Taoist temples of hundreds of families, which had already caused bad consequences.

In a blink of an eye, in the night outside the long street, a group of Taoists with profound aura appeared, dressed in strange clothes and with different appearances, all staring at Luo Chuan coldly.

"Luo Chuan, my master sympathizes with your hard practice all the way, and will give you one last chance." The man in the boat said lightly.

Luo Chuan was silent, did not speak, and secretly summoned the white bat. The white bat was still sleeping soundly. Since entering Zhoujing, it has not woken up, and no one knows what happened.

"Dream big." Luo Chuan smiled.

"So, it's fine. Zhou Buchen, Ning Tianxing, my master will give you a chance." The man in the boat looked at Zhou Buchen and Ning Tianxing: "If you capture Luo Chuan for my master, my master will not only let you go, but also give you a big reward. My master's words are as good as gold, and he will do what he says."

Zhou Buchen sneered, with a long sword across the street, standing beside Luo Chuan, facing the west.

Luo Chuan turned his head and looked at Ning Tianxing, who also looked up at Luo Chuan.


The Yinhuang Divine Sword came out, leaving a long knife mark in the night, shattering the void.

Ning Tianxing dragged the long sword in his hand, facing the Nascent Soul cultivator in the east, and glanced at the Great Zhou State Master: "Although I, Ning Tianxing, am not a sincere gentleman, I don't want to bear the name of injustice. When I came to Zhoujing, I had already made my choice, and the State Master doesn't need to say more."

The three stood in the middle of the long street, like a triangular formation, staring coldly at the Nascent Soul cultivators from all directions.

"Luo Chuan, if you still hide it, I will never let you go!" Ning Tianxing gritted his teeth and transmitted the message.

"Don't worry! I have a formation called the Three Talents Battle Heaven and Earth Formation. I will pass it on to you!"

Luo Chuan closed his eyes and opened them again, and the Tianmen thought rolled up a stream of sea water, turned it into two streams, poured into his palms, and then slapped Zhou Buchen and Ning Tianxing's foreheads.

Neither of them dodged, allowing Luo Chuan to transmit the Tianmen thought.

The Three Talents Battle Heaven and Earth Formation, a first-grade battle formation, requires three cultivators of similar strength, one as the human master, who presides over the formation, and the other two as deputy formations, each of which is heaven and earth.

The three of them can exert a hundred to five hundred times the power together.

However, there is one thing, the two deputy formation masters of heaven and earth must fully trust the human master. If there is a slight hesitation, the battle formation will be dispersed, and the formation power will backfire, which will cause serious injuries or even death.

Zhou Buchen and Ning Tianxing are both highly intelligent and gifted. Under the guidance of Luo Chuan's Tianmen thought, they quickly understood the threshold of the Three Talents Battle Heaven and Earth Formation.

Even the threshold can exert nearly a hundred times the power.

"What a profound battle formation." Zhou Buchen opened his eyes, his eyes flashing.

He made a seal with his left hand, pointing to the sky, and took a step to the side with his right foot. With this step, his whole temperament suddenly changed, as high as the sky, his breath connected with the sky, infinitely extended.

"This battle formation is so strong!"

Almost at the same time, Ning Tianxing opened his eyes, his eyes were filled with gloomy black light, his right hand made a seal, and his left foot also took a step. His body seemed to merge with the earth, and his breath became deep and heavy.

Luo Chuan did not speak. He stood between the two people. It seemed that there was no change, but as the master of the formation, he was the one who changed the most among the three. All variables were controlled by him!

"Start killing."

Luo Chuan transmitted his thoughts and raised his foot at the same time. A mighty breath that reached the sky and the earth spread from him. With a turn of his body, Luo Chuan rushed to a Nascent Soul cultivator who was blocking the intersection in the west. Zhou Buchen and Ning Tianxing followed closely behind in a triangle formation.

That was a gym owner at the second stage of Nascent Soul. He also noticed that Luo Chuan and the other two had changed. From the beginning, he used all his strength, forming seals with his hands, activating the magic power, and transformed into a long spear. The long spear changed in mid-air and turned into a red dragon spewing flames, rushing towards Luo Chuan and the other two.

Halfway through, the figures of Luo Chuan and the other two separated and then merged, like three stars, rotating and crushing the red dragon.

In just one merger, the red dragon was split into two by Zhou Buchen's sword energy!

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