Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 393: Disaster is imminent

Elder Xi stroked his long beard, looking like an immortal, and smiled: "It may not be appropriate to say that he has been subdued. However, You Beitian has a very good relationship with the leaders of the White Bone Prison Palace, and they basically listen to what he says."

"Good." The overseas disciple nodded and continued to watch with relish: "It turns out that they have a very good relationship."

The elders of the three sects of Tianhua Palace did not agree, but how could the overseas cultivators who also came from Wanxiang Lei Island not notice the hidden meaning in their companions' words.

The fat cultivator Lei Ji was thoughtful, secretly pinched a handprint, muttered something, and the Xuanzhen magic power of the second stage of Nascent Soul overflowed from his fingertips, and drew two strokes in the air.

A water mirror stood up from his palm, and the other overseas disciples also came up.

The cultivators of Wanxiang Lei Island watched attentively, exchanging glances from time to time, watching with relish.

The four overseas elders looked at each other's noses and mouths, and did not care, looking unfathomable.

Gradually, the elders of Tianhua Palace finally realized that something was wrong.

Although their vision was blocked by the sand smoke machine and they could not see what happened in the center of the desert, they could vaguely sense a familiar breath that was getting weaker and weaker.

"Not good!" Elder Xi's face suddenly changed, and he spit out a green light, which was the magic power thought he had been nurturing and tempering.

Four other elders of Tianhua Palace also released their magic power thoughts, which swept through a series of brilliance and shot towards the center of the desert.

In a moment, the magic power thoughts penetrated into the sand smoke, and the scene in the center of the desert was presented to the five elders.


Elder Xi was struck by lightning, his body shook, his face turned from white to red, and then from red to purple, and he raised his head and spit out a mouthful of blood. The other four elders also had similar reactions, ranging from unstable mood to poor blood circulation. In severe cases, they vomited blood.

The other elders were puzzled, and saw that under the stirring of the five magic power thoughts, the sand smoke machine in the center of the desert gradually dispersed. The scene inside was exposed:

The red-robed monk lay on the ground with his breath dying, his body torn to pieces. His bones were shattered and he could no longer be distinguished from a human.

Thousands of white-bone guards, led by the three white-bone leaders, crushed the red-robed monk again and again until he was crushed into a human pancake.

As the sand smoke dispersed, the white-bone leader of the sixth floor issued an order, and the white-bone guards rushed up and surrounded You Beitian densely. They lowered their heads to gnaw and chew, and soon tore You Beitian into pieces and swallowed him into their stomachs like a whirlwind.

"Their relationship is too good. You have to be in me and I have you. Tsk tsk, you are worthy of being the first person in the first sect of the Middle Earth." The fat monk walked leisurely to the side of Elder Xi and said with a smile.


Elder Xi spit out another mouthful of blood.

"Senior, don't panic. Although the little monster was eaten by a real monster, as long as it can retain a trace of its spirit and luck, it may be reincarnated back to Tianhua Palace in a hundred years and continue to be your chief disciple." The fat monk was not forgiving and kept insulting Elder Xi.

Elder Xi's state of mind, which was about to be repaired, collapsed again under Lei Ji's poisonous tongue.

"How dare you!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"


The elders of Tianhua Palace glared at him. The elders of Nanyou Sect and Kunting Mountain also changed their faces slightly, looking at Lei Ji, with a hint of murderous intent in their eyes.

"Humph." An overseas elder raised his head, and his face, as withered as an old tree, showed disdain. His pearly yellow eyes washed away the turbidity in an instant, and flashed with the divine light like a sharp sword.


The divine light in the eyes of the overseas elder shot through a row of air, as cold and sharp as a blade, cutting through the faces of the elders of Tianhua Palace.

The elders felt their faces ache, and when they reached out to touch it, they actually felt blood.

"What do you mean by this!"

"This is really too much!"

The elders of Tianhua Palace, whose faces were cut by the gaze, were furious. Just as they were about to attack, they saw two other overseas elders appear on both sides.


The "Purple Flame Volcano" close to darkness jumped out of the bodies of the two overseas elders, burning fiercely, reaching a height of a hundred feet!

The two white-haired and haggard overseas elders stood quietly in the "Purple Flame Volcano", slowly raised their drooping eyelids, and the terrifying pressure like an ancient beast roared out, bullying the Tianhua Palace elders.

There were more than a dozen Tianhua Palace elders, whose cultivation ranged from the third stage of Nascent Soul to the fourth stage of Nascent Soul. Logically, their overall strength was much stronger than the two overseas elders of the third stage of Nascent Soul, but at this time, they were staggering under the pressure of the overseas elders and could not stand steadily.

Just when the two sides at home and abroad were about to fight, the leading overseas elder coughed softly: "Enough."

His cough contained a sound attack technique, and a strong aura like the night descended from the sky, covering everyone, dispelling the killing intentions of the Tianhua Palace elders and the life energy shield of the overseas elders.

"Your sect's disciples were slaughtered in public, and this revenge must be avenged." The leading overseas elder said lightly.

The last layer of fig leaf was lifted, and the faces of the Tianhua Palace elders were full of embarrassment and indignation.

Elder Xi calmed down, bowed to the overseas elder, took a deep breath and said, "My disciples are incompetent, Elder Fang, please forgive me for making fun of you. But now that we have obtained the White Bone Prison Palace, entering the Love River is a foregone conclusion. I hope today's incident will not affect the cooperation between our two families."

"Of course. The Love River is about to be opened, and cooperation between our two families will be more conducive to future development." Elder Fang of Wanxiang Lei Island nodded and looked into the distance: "However, since those three despicable thieves were able to break the layout of your sect's first disciple, they must know a lot of secrets of the White Bone Prison Palace."

"Yes." Elder Xi's eyes flickered, and his voice seemed to be squeezed out from his throat: "Otherwise, how dare he do this..."

"So, let's catch them first, interrogate the secrets of the White Bone Prison Palace, and then kill them." Elder Fang said lightly.

"It should be so." Elder Xi gritted his teeth: "In that case, let's go together."

The elders of Tianhua Palace, who had long been unable to hold back, rolled up the stream of magic power, and flew out like lightning. The elders of Nanyou Sect and Kunting Mountain followed closely behind.

"Let's go too." Elder Fang raised his drooping eyelids and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The other three elders exchanged glances, and a cold light flashed in their eyes.


In the middle of the desert, Luo Chuan hugged an angry little black pig and looked at the remains of You Beitian.

The sect disciples in the distance were shocked by You Beitian's horrible death. Some sat cross-legged, some retched, and only Lu Daoran and the monks of Kongsi were slightly better.

As for Zhou Buchen and Ning Tianxing. One of them is a murderer and robber, and the other has done a lot of despicable things in Tianqijing. They are all used to seeing the little monster die.

"Damn it! I dragged him all the way from Zhoujing to here, and finally knocked him down!"

After the tribulation, Zhou Buchen's head grew a layer of green skin, and there were signs that his hair began to grow again. His temperament was even more unrestrained and uninhibited, and he was a real Langxin Sword Immortal, but as soon as he opened his mouth, his true colors were immediately exposed.

"I said, little white face. Your kick was really cruel." In the sun, Zhou Buchen's unrestrained face showed a smile, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Speaking of cruelty, how can it be compared with Master Luo. He was playing with the little monster from beginning to end."

The temperament was more gloomy than before. Ning Tianxing, who seemed to be shrouded in a strong underworld yin, said lightly: "By the way, Luo Chuan, what on earth is in your hand?"

Luo Chuan did not answer, dropped the little black pig, and a three-foot green knife appeared in his hand.

Following Luo Chuan's gaze, Zhou Buchen and Ning Tianxing saw the stream of mana flying from the distant sky. Each stream of mana released a deep breath without concealment, and each one was far superior to Luo Chuan and the other two.

"Tianhua Palace?" Ning Tianxing frowned, and dense Yin Qi drilled out from the soles of his feet, gathering into a circle of dark transparent round wheels.

"Nanyou Sect." Zhou Buchen's eyebrows were filled with murderous intent, and a series of white skylights flew down from the clouds. Shooting straight at his back.


Zhou Buchen had a nine-foot-long sword on his shoulder, trembling constantly, but it was a sky sword condensed from the essence of the sky.

"Not only that, there are also some guests from afar... What a surprise." Luo Chuan shook his wrist, and the three-foot green knife turned a cold light in the sun, and the murderous aura spread and condensed into a murderous mountain wall in front of the three people.

"Even if we bring these white bone monsters..."

"...It seems..."

"...I'm sure we can't win."

The three looked at each other and transmitted their thoughts.

There were more than forty streams of mana falling from the sky, and each stream of energy was far superior to Luo Chuan and the other two.

Although Luo Chuan and the other two had strengths beyond their peers and had thousands of white bone guards. But most of these white bone guards were at the first stage of Nascent Soul, and their spiritual wisdom was extremely low. If they really fought against the Nascent Soul who were good at fighting, even if there were a thousand more, it would only take two incense sticks.

The only ones who could really fight were the three white bone leaders and the white bone demon pig.

"By the way! Luo Chuan, where are your Taoist soldiers?" Zhou Buchen's eyes lit up.

"Tao soldiers?" Ning Tianxing stared at Luo Chuan.

"I can't count on them. They are all practicing in Baifu Mountain City. Since entering the White Bone Prison Palace, the little turtle has started to sleep again, and it seems to be suppressed by something." Luo Chuan said.

When he first entered the sixth floor, he had the opportunity to destroy the teleportation array gate.

Between Zhou Buchen Ning Tianxing who was going through the tribulation, and the teleportation array gate, Luo Chuan chose the former without hesitation.

In an instant, more than 40 Nascent Soul Realm warriors flew to the sky above Luo Chuan's head.

A stream of human-shaped mana, like a bluish-white flame, was suspended in the air. A deep gaze shot at Luo Chuan, with anger, curiosity, and playfulness, as if to shoot Luo Chuan from the outside to the inside.


Luo Chuan uttered a sound, and the dark aura spread from the bottom of his feet, like a thick black water smoke, until it suddenly burst out from the top of his head, like a flood, brushing towards the sky!

The second level of the sound attack technique, the aura is like a river in the sky!

A series of gazes that looked like substance were bounced back by Luo Chuan in an incredible way. The three elders of Tianhua Palace looked ugly, and the four overseas elders looked at Luo Chuan with deep interest in their eyes.


(Have a meal, there will be at least one more update in the evening. The extra update every fifteenth month ticket is still continuing, please give me a monthly ticket)

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