Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 489: White Snake and Green Snake (2nd update)

The small boat has a black awning, and under the awning, two girls, one plain and one green, are rowing and cooking fish, chatting and laughing happily.

The woman in the plain robe is only eighteen years old. She was born like a fish and a wild goose, and she is ashamed of the flowers when she closes her moon. The girl in green robe is twelve or thirteen years old. She is pretty and pretty. When she smiles, she has two small dimples around her mouth and her eyes are narrowed like crescent moons.

The two women live among all living beings and mix with ordinary people, but they have the appearance of fairies, whispering, and sometimes singing, which attracts men on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to stop and watch, fascinated and intoxicated.

"It's them! It's them! Those two women! You can't hide it from me!" The Bone Demon Pig jumped up, jumped onto the bridge railing, and shouted at the two women.

The two girls turned around when they heard the sound, glanced at Luo Chuan who was wearing Bagua Taoist robe, and then at the white-bone demon pig, while covering their mouths and laughing.

"Laugh! Laugh! What's so funny! If you laugh again, I'll throw you into the river!"

The white-bone demon pig looked up to the sky and roared angrily. The Qi of the third level of Guixu Dzogchen was about to explode. Before it could take effect, Luo Chuan slapped his head and pressed him down on the bridge railing.

"They have experienced three lives and have lost their memories of the past. They can't remember who they were before. Fortunately, I arrived in time and woke them up before they completely fell."

Luo Chuan picked up the Bone Demon Pig and said, "Let's go and see what these two snake demons want to do when they live in seclusion in the world."

Su Yu's life passed very quickly.

Su Yuchen and Xiao Qing opened a medicine restaurant in Su Yu's Jiangnan city. Su Yuchen drew talismans to treat the poor for free, and Xiao Qing sometimes acted as a godmother and helped people cast spells to heal their injuries.

Luo Chuan opened a fortune-telling parlor in the same long street, opposite the Yao Zhai shop, where he fortune-telling fortune-telling for the rich and poor every day. Because the White Bone Demon Pig has a nose that is even smarter than a spirit dog, it helps the rich find their sons and daughters, and the poor find pots and basins. In addition, Luo Chuan can fool people, and he quickly became famous in Suyu City, known as the Bagua Fairy. division.

Neighbors on the same street make the same shady and sideline livelihood. Luo Chuan would greet Su Yuchen and Xiao Qing when they met, and Pili Yangqiu was very polite.

"Master! Why don't you just tell them your true identity! What are you waiting for!" The Bone Demon Pig often asks.

"If you tell them your true identity without any warning, it will ruin their opportunity. Unless you find that opportunity first and wake them up at the moment of their enlightenment. In this way, it will not only help them achieve enlightenment in three lives. . I can also understand their Taoism and improve my talent potential." Luo Chuan hugged the white-bone demon pig and smiled: "Pig, am I so bad?"

"Bad? No! No! No!" The Bone Demon Pig jumped up and down: "If the master were bad, he would have gone up to them and stripped them naked! Take out their clothes! Strip off their snake skins! Look at how dare they sell medicine and cheat here. People! Steal our business!”

"You are indeed a pig." Luo Chuan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

During the days when he and the two snakes became neighbors, Luo Chuan had many opportunities to wake them up and lead them out of the river of time. But they all gave up.

This passage of time has been a great opportunity for Luo Chuan, Su Yuchen, Xiao Qingxianzi, Zhou Buchen and Ning Tianxing.

Luo Chuan is never willing to walk around in vain. He wants to plunder as many benefits as possible in the long river of time. The more, the better. Because he doesn't know when he will enter the river of time next.

Although he can travel through the river of time, he cannot open the river of time.

This is because he can control the South China Sea Immortal Gourd. But it is the same reason that he cannot refine another Nanhai Immortal Gourd.

Time passed quickly, and thirteen autumns passed in the blink of an eye. When the fourteenth autumn arrived, Su Yuchen and Xiaoqing finally put away the medicine shop, closed the medicine room, and prepared to travel far away.

"Where are they going!" The Bone Demon Pig stretched out a huge head from the window, and its eyes slowly moved in the direction in which Su Yuchen and Fairy Xiaoqing left.

"It seems that the opportunity is finally coming." Luo Chuan smiled slightly: "Pig. It's time for us to go out of business for a while."

"Opportunity! Opportunity! Master finally waited for the opportunity! Master is about to realize enlightenment!" the Bone Demon Pig said angrily.

In Suyu Kingdom, in Jiangnan City, on the night when Su Zhai Fang closed, the White Bone Bagua Pavilion opposite was also sealed. For the people of Suyu City, the closure of Suzhaifang and Baigu Bagua Pavilion is a great regret, but for the history of Suyu Kingdom and even Tiannan Territory, this movement is not even a small wave. superior.

Out of Suyu Country. Su Yuchen and Fairy Xiaoqing also took off their disguises, stepped on the magic wheel, and flew in the sky.

"Sister, we can finally take revenge." Xiao Qing puffed up her chest. Taoist robes, feathers and gauze, handsome appearance.

"Fourteen years have passed, and our Shuiyuan Qianyu has finally reached perfection. We can finally rescue him from that evil man." Su Yuchen looked into the distance and said calmly: "After waiting for so many years, I finally waited for my revenge. Day. But why, I can’t be happy.”

"After all, sister only has a one-time relationship with him. For this one-time relationship, sister has sacrificed so much. I really don't know if it's worth it." Xiao Qing pretended to be an adult and sighed quietly.

"He just looks very similar to an old friend of mine. But for some reason, I can't remember that old friend's appearance, nor his name, nor what happened between me and him." Su Yuchen Looking at the distant sky, a trace of nostalgia flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Not far behind the two women, the white-bone demon pig was flying in the wind, ears raised, and eavesdropping mysteriously.

"Master! Master! The person she said she was going to save is like an old friend of hers! Who is her old friend! Who could it be?" The Bone Demon Pig shook its head and asked hummingly.

"Old friend..." Luo Chuan blinked and looked at Su Yuchen flying in the distance: "Zhu, be patient. You won't know until you go over there."

Su Yuchen and Xiaoqing flew in front with murderous intent, and the Bone Demon Pig flew behind with Luo Chuan. Each of them pricked up their ears in a very gossipy manner, and they didn't stop eavesdropping all the way.

Half an hour later, the four of them arrived at the southernmost point of the Tiannan Territory.

There is a pagoda in the vast sea.

The pagoda is located on a golden mountain, which is located in the middle of the vast sea.

It was dusk, and the remaining clouds were like fire, covering the distant sky.

Above the Golden Mountain, rays of Buddha's light rise up, connecting with the glow, like a curtain of light, covering the Golden Mountain and the pagoda.

Su Yuchen and Xiaoqing had not yet approached the sea. Suddenly, a burst of Buddhist sounds sounded from the Jinshan Pagoda in the middle of the sea.

"Monster! This is Buddhist Zen land! There is no room for you to defile it! Why don't you retreat quickly!"

"Monster! If you dare to come even half a step closer! Buddhism is ruthless and the monster will be punished!"

"Monster, retreat quickly!"

No matter how the voices in the Jinshan Pagoda shouted, Su Yuchen and Xiao Qing never took a step back.

"You release him, and we will leave." Su Yuchen shouted loudly.

"Yes!" Fairy Xiaoqing also shouted: "If you don't hand him over, we will flood your golden mountain! Hand it over quickly!"

"Xiaoqing, stop talking to these bald donkeys! We'll drown them!"

"Okay, sister, let's do it!"

At dusk, Su Yuchen and Fairy Xiaoqing exchanged glances. At the same time, he waved his robe belt, and waves of mana flowed out in all directions. The sea water under his feet began to rise, and soon it was higher than the sea level.

"Two benefactors..." A sigh sounded from the Jinshan Pagoda: "It's not that this temple won't let people go, it's that the person you are looking for doesn't want to leave."

Su Yuchen and Fairy Xiaoqing were both startled.

"Impossible. How could he not be willing to leave? You must have said something to blind him! You monster monks!" Su Yuchen was furious.

"Sister, ignore them. We flooded the Jinshan Pagoda!" Xiaoqing said angrily.

The two of them no longer hesitated, stepped on the magic wheel, flew up, and used the unique skill of flooding thousands of areas to control the water of the sea. Flooded towards Jinshan Pagoda.

Wow... Wow...

At night, the waves spiraled up and swept towards the Jinsha Pagoda in the distance.

Luo Chuan held the shrunken white-bone demon pig and hung it far behind the two women.

"Pig, the power of the time river is really powerful. It actually made fellow Taoist Su and Xiao Qing the protagonists of that legendary story."

"Legend! What a legend!" the Bone Demon Pig growled.

"In ancient times in the Tiannan Region, there was a legend about a white snake meeting a scholar. According to legend, there was a white snake and a green snake. It fell in love with a scholar, so he and the scholar opened a medicine studio and lived together. Later, the scholar was killed by a very powerful monk. After being captured, the two snakes came to the door in a rage and flooded Foshan..."

Luo Chuan talked. His brows furrowed slightly: "It's okay if Xiao Qing hasn't heard of this legend. It's impossible for Su Yuchen not to have heard of it. Now that she knows this legend, even if she is trapped in the time vortex, she should stay awake. Why? Will you lose your memory?”

Under the moonlight, the two sides were in a stalemate, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

"Pig, help them secretly!" Luo Chuan said.

"Hahaha!" The White Bone Demon Pig laughed, jumped up suddenly, and opened its mouth to spit out mana energy waves.

With the secret help of the Bone Demon Pig, the water became strong.


An instant later, the Jinshan Pagoda was breached!

"Sister, the pagoda is broken!"

"Xiaoqing, let's go! Let's rescue him!"

Su Yuchen and Xiaoqing looked happy and flew into the Jinshan Pagoda.

Luo Chuan stroked the white-bone demon pig with satisfaction, and his body turned into a shadow, flying across the sea, following closely behind Su Qing and the two girls.

Jinshan's defensive formations were all breached and were dim.

Su Yuchen and Xiaoqing were in front, while Luo Chuan and the White Bone Demon Pig were hiding and flying behind. The four of them climbed to the top of the mountain and came to the pagoda without encountering any obstacles.

"The next step is to find that scholar... the legend of the White Snake."

Luo Chuan smiled inexplicably. The story about the white snake and the scholar that the storyteller told when he was a child was about to happen before his eyes.

"Pig, help them again." Luo Chuan said.

"Hahaha!" The white-bone demon pig threw its head back and laughed, spitting out a mana wave.

Almost at the same time, Su Yuchen and Fairy Xiao Qing took action.

The door of the pagoda was blasted open by the combined force of the three people.

The mana energy wave rotated upward, blasting away all the guardian monks of the nine-story pagoda!

Su Yuchen and Fairy Xiaoqing smiled at each other and flew to the top of the pagoda. The person they wanted to rescue was imprisoned in the forbidden area of ​​​​the lotus platform on the top of the nine-story pagoda.

Luo Chuan followed closely behind.

A smooth journey.

Two or three moments later, three people and one pig boarded the forbidden area of ​​​​the lotus platform on the ninth floor of the pagoda.

In the center of the lotus platform forbidden area, a man was imprisoned.

Luo Chuan was stunned when he saw that person.

Wearing linen monk robes and a shiny bald head... this man is actually a monk!

Hearing the footsteps, the imprisoned monk slowly turned his head.

When he saw that face clearly, Luo Chuan was stunned again.


(There is no monthly ticket today. Please give me a monthly ticket. Is it possible that I have been writing too deeply recently...Okay, I will write back to pretend to be a slap in the face.)

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