Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 512: Battle for Monsters! (First update, long chapte

Su Yuchen closed his eyes, took a deep sniff, and opened his eyes after a while, with a flash of greed in his beautiful eyes: "That's...the Seven Thousand Years Ice Anemone!"

Zhou Buchen and Ning Tianxing didn't know why. Luo Chuan closed his eyes and searched quickly in his mind.

Soon Luo Chuan was also surprised: "The seven-thousand-year-old ice anemone has seven petals that grow with each other. It can connect the sky and the earth, and it can rapidly increase the magic power at a rate that doubles every year! Just this ice anemone, its value It far exceeds the sum of all the treasures in the previous twelve places...and its own grade has also reached the first-grade level."

"So, Qiangu Twelve has spent a lot of money this time." Zhou Buchen smiled slightly: "Kill the Yuanjiang monster, and grab the ice snow lotus, our trip to Qingchuan is complete. "

"Seven-petal Ice Domain Anemone, after we get it, we can divide it up." The Yinhuang Divine Sword appeared in Ning Tianxing's palm, caressing the back of the blade, and raised the corner of his mouth: "Luo Chuan, you and your pigs go and kill the source. Monster Jiang, we went to grab the ice anemone, so we can’t do it in vain after following you for so long.”

"Just right." Luo Chuan nodded slightly: "When you go to grab the ice anemone, you can also delay the Yuanjiang monster."

When Luo Chuan finished speaking, the seven people and one pig were only more than three miles away from the ice cave where the Yuanjiang monster and the ice anemone were.

Through the ice cave, Luo Chuan's eyes extended far into the depths of the ice cave, tracing the traces of the Yuanjiang monster.

At this moment, Luo Chuan's body shook.

"Luo Chuan, are you okay?" Su Yuchen was the first to notice something unusual about Luo Chuan and asked.

Zhou Buchen, Ning Tianxing, and Qin Mo Ancestor also looked at Luo Chuan.

Feeling the needle-like feeling in his head, Luo Chuan felt a hint of joy in his heart and waved his hand: "It's okay, keep going."

At this time, Tianmen Xuan Shen began to gradually recover. For Luo Chuan, it was nothing more than giving him a pillow when he fell asleep.

Every time Tianmen Xuan Shen is revived, it is a process of reshaping Tianmen Dharma, and the movement area of ​​Tianmen Dharma will also be improved at this time.

After half a stick of incense, my thoughts of Tianmen Dharma will be restored again! At that time, you can summon those all-pervasive "eyes" that sweep across the world!

Luo Chu sided with the White Bone Demon Pig. One side is full of expectations.

In the composition of his combat power, the two basic components: Tianmen Dharma and physical power, have been unable to be used for a long time. Now that Tianmen Dharma is finally restored, after killing the Yuanjiang monster and obtaining the monster's blood, his physical power will also be restored.

Until then. Looking at the Tiannan Territory, even the most ancient people may not pose any threat to Luo Chuan.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Chuan, riding a white-bone demon pig, led Zhou Buchen and others to the outskirts of the ice cave.

Huge ice cave. Like a white abyss.

There seemed to be nothing around the ice cave.

But Luo Chuan knew that there must be many masters of the Twelve Tribes lurking in this area. The invisibility methods they used could not be seen even by Luo Chuan and others. The invisibility method of the White Bone Demon Pig was also invisible. It can also be hidden from the twelve masters of the ages.

However, if you can restore the thoughts of Tianmen. Luo Chuan could naturally see through their disguise easily.

It is very close to the ice cave.

Outside the ice cave, there is the sound of wind all over the sky, whistling toward the glacier valley in this area. In the ice cave, there was a shallow breathing sound that was almost impossible to catch. Only monks with strength above the Return to the Void Realm could barely detect it.

A ghostly figure shuttled between the killing arrays and seals in the ice cave. Every step it took, it seemed to find the safest foothold between the killing arrays and seals. It's like the only reef in the river.

It can walk through such a dense and powerful magic circle without making any sound from its soles, showing its extremely keen insight.

Not long after, the Yuanjiang monster passed through the killing array restriction. Entered the depths of the ice cave.

Different from the previous twelve treasure hiding places, deep in the ice cave, there are no guarding beasts, only an icicle vine ten feet high.

Above the icicle vine grows an anemone in full bloom.

The anemone has seven petals, and seven bright silver ice beads roll on each petal. Each ice bead can reflect a world of glass, with various shapes and forms, ever-changing and truly magical.

The Yuanjiang monster's back was hunched, its limbs were hanging down, it raised its head, opened its mouth wide, and stared at the ice anemone with wide eyes.

Its intuition for treasures is very keen, which is due to its long-term survival instinct. It is also because it has found enough treasures from heaven, materials and earth that it has survived until now.

All twelve treasure places along the way were successfully conquered by it.

Now that it has arrived at the thirteenth treasure land, facing the extremely high-grade ice anemone, it has almost no vigilance in its heart.

Taking a deep breath, the Yuanjiang monster jumped up and reached out to hold down the lotus root of the ice anemone.

Almost at this moment, the female Taoist named Zizhen woke up on the back of the white-bone demon pig. Over the past few days, she had endured Su Yuchen's "torture" day and night, and was forced to question the relationship between the Yuanjiang monster and the Tianri Fierce Sword. She was extremely lacking in energy and energy, to the point where it was difficult to continue, and she often fell into coma.

What was an extremely coincidental coincidence was that almost at the same time that the Yuanjiang monster reached out to touch the ice anemone, Zizhuang shuddered and opened his eyes. At first glance, she saw the Yuanjiang monster holding a lotus root.

"Be careful!" Zizi shouted without thinking.

In the ice cave, the monster Yuanjiang trembled, as if he recognized Zi Ding's voice.

It has no flaws and cannot turn back at all.

Waves of air spread from the roots of the ice anemone, turning into a dragnet, covering the Yuanjiang monster!

At the same time, forty-nine ice beads rolled down from the seven petals of the Ice Anemone. After falling to the ground, they shattered with a "pop" and dispersed into pure magic lotus swords, which were shot at the Yuanjiang monster!

For a moment, the entire ice cave collapsed, forming a huge fault, blocking the Yuanjiang monster's retreat!

What kind of treasure is this ice anemone? It is clearly the powerful source of this killing array! The arrangement was so exquisite that not even Luo Chuan and his party could notice it!

However, what really surprised Luo Chuan was not the ice anemone, but the female Taoist purple dimple who warned Yuanjiang about the monster!

The moment before, the Yuanjiang monster had clearly fallen into the temptation of the treasure and lost its last trace of vigilance. According to that situation. When the magic circle is activated, even if the Yuanjiang monster cannot be killed on the spot, it can still be captured safely. But Zijing's cry ruined all this, preventing the Yuanjiang monster from being captured immediately.


With the activation of the magic circle. Figures with powerful auras rose from all directions in the ice cave, taking off their disguises and revealing their figures. There were as many as two thousand people!

More than 90% of these monks come from the Eternal Twelve Tribes, and the rest are almost all superpowers from overseas. There are very few monks in the Middle Earth of Tiannan.

"Zizhu! What are you doing!"

"A year and a half of planning! You ruined it all at once! Zizhuang, what are your intentions?"

"Pindao understands. The Yuanjiang monster has been captured several times in the past few years, but it managed to escape very bizarrely. Pindao has always suspected that someone was behind turns out that person is you! Zizheng, these have always been You let it go!"

More and more monks from the Qiangu Twelve Divisions stared coldly at Zijing. His eyes were cold and filled with murderous intent! Among them, the auras of many monks are deeper than those of the third-level purple dimples of Guixu. Their auras are full of the smell of vicissitudes. It is unknown which era of the ancient Tiannan Territory has wandered to this day. monk.

Zijing was suffering from murderous auras. His body was trembling slightly and his eyes were in a daze, as if he didn't expect that he would accidentally spill the beans.

"It turns out that you are the one who secretly released the Yuanjiang monster. You planned to kill me before because you were worried that I would pose a threat to the Yuanjiang monster... You wanted to save the Yuanjiang monster."

Luo Chuan glanced at Zijing with an incomprehensible expression.

"Exactly. Luo Chuan, please kill me." Zijing laughed miserably, closed his eyes, and waited for death.

Her secret sympathy and help to the monster of Yuanjiang has been exposed, even if she returns to the Eternal Twelve. Death is inevitable. It didn't matter whether he died early or late. Death at the hands of Luo Chuan, who broke her game, was a well-deserved death.

The sound of breaking wind sounded in my ears.

Zijing was stunned for a moment, then opened his eyes and saw Luo Chuan abandoning the pig and descending. After being ejected into the depths of the ice cave, the ancestor of the Qin Demon hid his figure and followed Luo Chuan.

I ruined his good deeds, but he didn't kill me...

Zi Tao's face was full of surprise when he saw Su Yuchen, Xiao Qingxianzi, and Ning Tianxing flying out one after another to chase the Yuanjiang monster.

"You feel compassion for that monster, and you don't hesitate to offend your companions in order to save it. You are considered a sweetheart... It's a pity that my brother will get that Yuanjiang monster!"

Zhou Buchen glanced at Zijing, shook the empty scabbard, and turned into a sword light and chased Luo Chuan and others.

Including the Qiangu Twelve Parts, no one paid attention to Zizhu, and no one took action to deal with Zizhu. Everyone was attracted by the same target - the Yuanjiang monster that was about to enter the ice cave fault.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

One after another, flying swords and magic weapons wrapped in powerful mana waves swept towards the ice cave fault! Thousands of monks from the third level of Transformation Infant to the third level of Guixu launched an offensive at the same time. Such a strong mana explosion was enough to blow up half of the Qingchuan!

However, the performance of Yuanjiang Monster surprised everyone!

At the time of life and death, it finally showed its ability to press the bottom of the box!

It’s still the way of technique! This technique focuses more on the balance of body movements!

I saw the Yuanjiang monster suddenly swayed, its arms thrust out, and its toes stood up gently. More than two thousand strong men's attacks turned into a wave, and it was controlled by its arms, and it swam through it. Although it was bumpy, But with ease.

This scene is like an ordinary person driving a huge boat, riding the wind and waves in the most dangerous sea in the world, and conquering the entire sea with his unparalleled boating skills.

Overseas monks, Chinese monks, including the Eternal Twelve, were all dumbfounded.

Zhou Buchen and Ning Tianxing exchanged glances, secretly surprised in their hearts.

Others may have never seen the scene before them, but they had seen it in the capital of the Zhou Dynasty more than six years ago. That year in Zhoujing, when Luo Chuan was walking with a coffin in his hand and causing a scene in hundreds of gyms, he had used a similar move, like maneuvering a boat on the sea, to avoid the attack of hundreds of people.

Compared with the enemies Luo Chuan faced five years ago, the Yuanjiang monster in front of him had more and more powerful enemies.

"The art of so proficient...there really is such a genius in the world."

Luo Chuan stared at the almost terrifying movement of the Yuanjiang monster and murmured, a trace of nostalgia and longing revealed deep in his eyes.

For some reason, he suddenly recalled the little boy who built a boat to cross the sea with him in the ancient Tiannan Region. The days with Ziyun were one of Luo Chuan's most reluctant and happiest times. The two of them roamed the sea together, integrating the old and new Tiannan Territory's fighting skills and understanding the techniques together.

If there is anyone in this world who can compete with Luo Chuan in the way of skills, it is Ziyun.

But Ziyun had already fallen into the catastrophe of annihilation hundreds of thousands of years ago...

Luo Chuan put away the feelings in his eyes and stared at the Yuanjiang monster fleeing into the valley fault.

In addition to Ziyun, there was another existence in the world that could compete with him on the level of skills.

Luo Chuan should have been excited to have such an opponent, but he couldn't get excited.

This Yuanjiang monster clearly has amazing talent and potential, and his strength is also very good, but he does not have the heart of a strong man to pursue the higher road. From all the way to now, it has been running for its life. It has never had the slightest idea of ​​resistance, it has just escaped.

At this moment, a huge magical weapon flew down from the sky!

The giant boat magic weapon was filled with bright light all over its body, and the little bits of magic power gathered into one force, revealing the intimidation of the fourth level of Guixu.

The person who wields the flying boat magical weapon has very advanced eyesight and skills. A flying boat flew in and directly hit the core point of the attack with more than two thousand mana.

The mana is pouring! diffusion! Splash!

It's like the waves splashing after being hit by a boulder! Interrupt the Yuanjiang monster's terrifying movement skills!

The Yuanjiang monster screamed in terror, and its body continued to turn into afterimages. It flew under the giant boat's magic weapon and more than two thousand magic attacks. In just three moments, it was hit more than ten times, and blood spurted from its mouth. Make a painful "shenyin" sound.

"It's not working anymore."

A cloud seat fell from the sky, and on the cloud seat was a powerful monk whose whole body was covered with golden light and shadow.

He stretched out his hand and took back the giant boat magic weapon, then waved his hand and pointed at the Yuanjiang monster that was desperately running away, his eyes bright: "Drive it off! Hahaha... don't let it escape this time!" "

This person's cultivation level is so high and his aura is so strong that Luo Chuan and others have never seen him before.

However, it can be inferred from the person's tone of voice and the vicissitudes of ancient times that he must be a leader among the twelve tribes throughout the ages.

"Luo Chuan, look." Su Yuchen said via voice transmission.

Luo Chuan looked up and saw the female Taoist priest Zijing lying on the cloud seat covered in blood and dying. Her face was pale and her eyes were extremely dim. It was obvious that her vitality was severely damaged after being tortured, and her life was damaged.

Even so, she still raised her head desperately, trying hard to find the figure of the Yuanjiang monster, with a hint of hope and hope in her eyes that were so dim to despair.

At this time, the Yuanjiang monster was struggling against the overwhelming mana offensive with its powerful body and terrifying life force.

In front of it is a plain sandwiched by faults.

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