Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 521: A glimmer of hope

The vast mountains and seas in the center of the purple water, the glaciers at the end of the mountains and seas, the red sun shining above the glaciers... The deeper you go into the third realm of Qingchuan, the more lonely and secluded it becomes. You will feel like you have entered a paradise.

Except for the fact that his whole body's magic power was imprisoned, Luo Chuan did not feel any discomfort. He rode on the white bone demon pig, hugged Xiaoqing who was close to him, and flew between the mountains at the end of the purple sea.

"Xiaoyun, is there an ancient palace there?"

Luo Chuan turned his head and looked at Ziyun.

"Yes... but..." Ziyun hesitated, and just as he was about to approach Luo Chuan, he was stopped by Xiaoqing's meaningful eyes.

Luo Chuan's heart tightened, and he secretly regretted it.

When he first recognized Ziyun, Luo Chuan was eager to avenge Ziyun, but he ignored the most important thing, which has always been the top priority-absorbing the vitality and blood, and neutralizing the death and blood! Since he and Ziyun were captured by the white bone demon pig, he has not been able to find a chance to get close to Ziyun.

If he couldn't get close to Ziyun, he couldn't get his vitality and blood, and couldn't restore his body... He was so close, but he couldn't get it. This feeling made Luo Chuan feel a little disappointed.

"But what but! Two grown men, do you have to flirt with each other all day? If you have anything to say, just say it in front of us!" Xiaoqing put her hands on her waist and scolded Ziyun fiercely.

Ziyun shrank, and under her snow-white long hair, the young man's face with clear outlines was full of embarrassment and panic.

"It's okay, Xiaoyun, just say what you want to say. Xiaoqing and Zhu are not outsiders." Luo Chuan said.

Xiaoqing's eyes flashed with surprise.

The white bone demon pig chuckled and didn't say anything.

Ziyun's face was full of weirdness. He and Luo Chuan had clearly become prisoners, and he had also witnessed the power and terror of the pig monster under him, but Luo Chuan acted as if nothing had happened, without any panic or anxiety, chatting and laughing, with a calm expression, and occasionally joking with the pig monster under him... Wait, could Luo Chuan have been under some kind of evil spell and gone crazy?

Ziyun couldn't help but reach out to Luo Chuan and shook it gently twice. Hesitantly said: "Luo Chuan. You forgot that we were caught by them."

"So what. Ziyun, you don't need to care about them. Because the more you care about them, the more they will become in your heart. What you really need to care about is only your own heart. The heart is strong enough. No matter what happens or who you meet, you will no longer be timid." Luo Chuan smiled and said to Ziyun.

Ziyun seemed to understand and silently lowered his head. Fists clenched.

"Luo Chuan, are you rebuilding the heart of a strong man for him?" The white bone demon pig suddenly asked.

Without waiting for Luo Chuan to answer, the white bone demon pig sneered and said, "Luo Chuan, you really think too much. At this point, no matter what you do, you can't turn the tables. There are only ten miles left to the origin. In these ten miles, how can you make him have the heart of a strong man?"

"Yes, even if he has the heart of a strong man, he will not be the opponent of me and the emperor. Luo Chuan, no matter what you do, it will be useless. It's better to accept your fate." Xiao Qing said with a smile.

During the time they were talking, the three people and the pig had already flown to the end of the glacier, less than ten miles away from the group of red sun light rising into the sky.

Seeing the group of red sun light, Ziyun's body trembled slightly, and there was a look of fear in his eyes, as if he had experienced extremely painful experiences there.

Noticing Ziyun's abnormality, Luo Chuan narrowed his eyes and looked forward.

He has temporarily lost the Tianmen Fa Nian, and his physical body has collapsed and he can't open the Tianmu between his eyebrows, so he can only look with his naked eyes.

The red sun at the end of the glacier twisted and spiraled upward.

Through the red sun, a bronze palace could be vaguely seen, hidden in the red sun halo, swaying and ethereal, like a silhouette that did not exist in this world.

In the silhouette, one could occasionally see the broken haze and clouds, as well as blurred water lines.

For some reason, as he got closer to the Taoist Palace, Luo Chuan's heartbeat also accelerated. He felt a cavity of hot blood gushing out of his heart, turning into a torrent in an instant, rushing to every corner of his body, as if to disperse his body!

His body was already in danger and about to collapse, and now it was like this, which made his body collapse faster again.

In his peripheral vision, Luo Chuan saw that the White Bone Demon Pig, Ziyun and Xiaoqing also looked like they were under great pressure, but soon, they forcibly suppressed the strange hot blood with their own abilities.

Luo Chuan lowered his head, clenched his fists in the long wind, and silently endured the impact of the hot blood.

"Luo Chuan, the hot blood in your body is aroused by the Dao Palace in the distance. Anyone who approaches that Dao Palace will encounter the blood disaster."

The low laugh of the bone demon pig sounded in Luo Chuan's ears: "This hot blood cannot be suppressed by the help of others, but can only be suppressed by one's own ability. The closer to the Dao Palace, the greater the power of the blood disaster, and the greater the harm. Luo Chuan, don't blame me for not helping you. It's not that I don't want to help you, but I can't help you."

"Luo Chuan, do you know why I haven't killed you?"

"I am giving you hope! Let you always see hope, thinking that I won't kill you. You will regard the mysterious Dao Palace not far away as your last and greatest hope."

"Don't ask me how I know, hehe, your thoughts, from beginning to end, have never been hidden from me."

"Just when you are about to see hope, you suddenly find that hope is so far away from you... Before you really see hope, your body can no longer support it."

"The only thing you can see is your own demise!"

The laughter of the white bone demon pig went from low to high, and finally became louder and louder, full of a sense of pride and arrogance.

How could it not hate Luo Chuan?

He was the White Bone Emperor, a well-known figure in the Nine Heavens Realm, but he fell into this remote realm and was calculated by the Nine Dragons Lord, losing his spiritual wisdom and memory, and becoming a white bone frame.

After all, the person who set up the trap to harm him was the Nine Dragons Lord! The number one Dou Sheng in the Nine Heavens Realm for thousands of years! He is an extremely rare and rare existence in this world that can compete with the saints!

After being defeated by the Nine Dragons Lord, he, the White Bone Emperor, also admitted defeat.

But who is Luo Chuan?

A small cultivator in a small realm, looking at the Nine Heavens Realm, he is nameless and has no surname. Who knows who he is!

It was such a small person who actually tricked it into a pig's body, and even subdued it and made it his pet... How could the dignified emperor, who became the pet of an ordinary cultivator like an ant, give up easily?

The lowest level of killing is to kill by yourself.

The White Bone Emperor has long been out of this level. He prefers to kill his opponent without doing it himself, and let his opponent see hope first, but eventually fall from hope to despair, and collapse in despair.

This way of killing is the favorite of the White Bone Emperor.

"Luo Chuan, this emperor has to admit that even outside the Tiannan domain, you are one of the best talents. If you were not born in the backward domain of Tiannan, any of the top ten domains, or Tianchen Buzhou, you would probably have been famous in the world."

"Unfortunately, you don't have this fate after all."

"Luo Chuan, in the past thousands of years, there are only three people in the Nine Heavens who have survived under the calculations of this emperor... but you are not one of them."

In the laughter of the White Bone Demon Pig, Luo Chuan didn't say anything yet, and Ziyun was already anxious!

"Luo Chuan!" Ziyun rushed in front of Luo Chuan and grabbed the shaky Luo Chuan in a panic.

Xiaoqing Fairy originally wanted to stop Ziyun and had already stretched out her hand, but she suddenly thought of something. At the last moment, she hesitated and retracted her hand and let Ziyun go.


Ziyun hugged Luo Chuan, looking anxious and nervous.

Luo Chuan was under the impact of hot blood. His already collapsed body was like a wall about to collapse. It was hit by a series of fierce torrents and gradually appeared holes. These holes were not holes with flesh torn apart, but more like turbines formed by the concave skin.

Although Luo Chuan's body had been collapsing before, there was no abnormality because his body strength was not completely exhausted.

Now it is not the same.

Luo Chuan's body strength was exhausted under the impact of hot blood. His body began to collapse from the inside, and a series of empty areas formed between the flesh and bones. In these hollow areas, Qi, blood, essence, mana, and life force are gone, and the skin and flesh are free from the bones, just like an empty pancake, shaky and likely to collapse at any time.

It is also because Luo Chuan's body is too strong, far beyond the realm level he is in, like a castle in the air, a city on the sea. Once he encounters a problem with the practice of the body, it will directly lead to the collapse of the body, and it will never be possible to recover to the previous level.

Luo Chuan's way of practice has been to seek wealth and honor in danger from the beginning, and success or failure is a matter of a hair's breadth. If he succeeds, he will get twice the result with half the effort, and will leave everyone far behind. If he fails, it will be a complete destruction and sinking.

To this day, Luo Chuan's state of mind has been cultivated to a state where he is not surprised by honor or disgrace, and he can accept success or failure frankly.

It is also his state of mind that has transformed into a peerless and transcendent artistic conception, supporting Luo Chuan's body, and maintaining the stability of the last moment when it is about to collapse, until the arrival of Ziyun.

Above the glacier, under the dense clouds, on the back of the white-boned pig that was flying like lightning, the white-robed monk who was about to be destroyed opened his eyes with great difficulty, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

His arms were bound by magic tools and could not move, except for the third finger of his right hand, which could barely move.

The moment Ziyun pounced on him, Luo Chuan's third finger of his right hand slashed out diagonally, directly hitting the palm of Ziyun's left hand.

The last chance to restore the body is here! As long as he cuts the palm... In a critical moment, Luo Chuan's fingers almost passed by Ziyun's palm, but did not touch it.

A deep regret rose from Luo Chuan's heart.

He knew that he missed the last chance, perhaps, his last chance of survival.

At this moment, Ziyun suddenly stretched out his hand, crossed the distance, and firmly grasped Luo Chuan's right hand. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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