Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 553: Three Swords and Three Fists (Part 2)

In front of the mountain top, on the sea, Zhao Ruyi looked at the mountain pillar, and a sword energy that looked like a substance rose from his body and rose sharply towards the bright moon on the sea, as if the sword energy was drawn from the moon.

He stood alone between the sea and the sky, facing the mountain pillar where the Star Sword Temple was located, as if it was another mountain pillar, mighty, domineering, and unmatched.

The nine gray-robed disciples who followed Li Shengyi all took a breath of cold air, only to feel that the cold light of the bright moon was pouring down on them along with Zhao Ruyi's sword energy, which was icy and trembling, and they subconsciously avoided Zhao Ruyi's gaze.

Li Shengyi, dressed in a white robe, holding the Tianri Divine Sword, looked at Zhao Ruyi indifferently, and was not disturbed by Zhao Ruyi's sword energy at all, revealing the strong confidence and strength of his disciples under the Star Sword Temple.

But deep in his heart, Li Shengyi's confidence was far less powerful than during the day.

Watching Zhao Ruyi cross the sea to challenge all the way, the more Li Shengyi got, the more frustrated he felt. A genius is not scary, nor is a powerful genius. What is really scary is the powerful genius who can break and then stand up, rise again, and improve his strength all the way under your eyes.

Zhao Ruyi is such a genius!

Under Zhao Ruyi's gaze, Li Shengyi's eyebrows moved and he said, "Zhao Ruyi, it's you. Are you here this time to do the three-sword ultimate challenge like three years ago?"

Zhao Ruyi looked at Li Shengyi deeply, said nothing, and nodded slowly.

Li Shengyi also nodded: "The three-sword ultimate challenge, you challenged it three years ago, you must know the rules. Every year, each person..."

Before Li Shengyi finished speaking, he was interrupted by a laugh.

"What nonsense, start!"

The enlightened monks looked at Zhao Ruyi inexplicably. They were secretly surprised that Zhao Ruyi didn't give Li Shengyi any face at all.

Although Li Shengyi's cultivation is only one level higher than Zhao Ruyi's, and he is a master of the third level of Daolun, his other identity is the disciple of the Lord Daozu. Just for this identity, many emperor-level strongmen will give him some face.

Li Shengyi's eyebrows twitched, and he suddenly realized that he didn't know since when, he was actually at a disadvantage in his state of mind when facing Zhao Ruyi.

"The ultimate challenge of three swords begins." Li Shengyi suppressed his anger. He said lightly: "Friend Zhao. I wish you better luck this time than three years ago.

Under the moonlight, a blood-colored long sword rose from the top of the mountain pillar.

As soon as it appeared, it immediately sucked away millions of moonlight and starlight. The whole world suddenly dimmed. The stars and the moon lost their color. Between the sea and the sky, there was only the sword shadow condensed by the blood light.

With the appearance of the blood sword, the sword energy above Zhao Ruyi's head began to become unstable, shaking and trembling. It kept shaking and was about to collapse in a blink of an eye.

"Humph. "

Zhao Ruyi took a deep breath, his eyes sparkling with brilliance. His spirit, which had already reached its peak, rose again after surpassing the peak! The sword energy above his head also gathered, like a pillar that reaches the sky, standing upright under the pressure of the blood sword!

Zhao Ruyi's move made Li Shengyi even more jealous.

"Master Luo, these three swords..." Zhao Ruyi said in his mind.

"This challenge is your challenge. These three swords are all from you. "Luo Chuan said.

In the Dantian of the body, Zhao Ruyi and Luo Chuan smiled at each other.

During this sea crossing challenge, Luo Chuan became Zhao Ruyi's left hand, as if they were one body. Between the two, an indescribable tacit understanding has been cultivated.

The final three-sword ultimate challenge is Zhao Ruyi's last heart knot and the goal that Zhao Ruyi has been fighting for before. Although Luo Chuan also intends to try, he also knows in his heart that this final three-sword ultimate challenge no longer belongs to him.

In the depths of the sea, Zhao Ruyi abandoned the water palace and flew up to the sea in a blink of an eye.

The precious sword rose from his palm, spinning, emitting a series of shallow Red brilliance.

As the precious sword rotated, circles of whirlpools appeared on the surface of the purple sea, some large, some small, some deep, some shallow.

In a blink of an eye, the sea surface that the monks could see was already filled with dense whirlpools.

Zhao Ruyi did not wait for long, the precious sword rose up into the sky, and the whole person was like a real dragon roaring into the sky, unrestrained and boundless.


As Zhao Ruyi's sword rose, a large area of ​​purple sea in front of the mountain pillar rose up by ten feet, countless whirlpools broke, and countless waves rose up!

Before the monks were surprised by the gravity of Zhao Ruyi's sword, they were The speed of this knife was frightening.


Zhao Ruyi drew his knife! His knife was still thousands of feet away from the blood knife. As soon as the knife started, in less than a blink of an eye, his knife had already crossed the distance of more than a thousand feet and appeared in front of the blood knife!

Such a fast knife, including Li Shengyi and the top four enlightened monks, could not catch its trajectory.

When the monks saw Zhao Ruyi's knife clearly, his knife had already collided with the blood knife!

In the sea, only Luo Chuan, relying on the Tianmen Dharma, caught Zhao Ruyi's knife throughout the whole process.

In the eyes of others, Zhao Ruyi's move was only one knife.

But Luo Chuan knew that Zhao Ruyi's move actually involved 90,000 slashes! These 90,000 slashes were not slashed separately, but were slashed continuously in one go.

Luo Chuan had a vague idea in his mind.

Zhao Ruyi's slash was actually a microcosm of his nine years of cultivation of the three elements of hegemony. Each slash was honed by him through untold hardships and at the risk of death in the Three-sided Jedi.

This move, 90,000 continuous slashes, was the summary of Zhao Ruyi's nine years of cultivation!

With a loud bang!

The two swords collided, making a deafening noise. After the loud noise, the sea and sky suddenly became quiet.

Under the incredulous gazes of the monks, the blood knife shook slightly and retreated three feet!

However, immediately afterwards, Zhao Ruyi's precious sword trembled violently, flew backwards, and fell directly into Zhao Ruyi's palm.

Voices of regret came one after another.

The monks looked at Zhao Ruyi with regret.

On the back of the blood knife, Li Shengyi slowly raised his head, a cold smile appeared on his face, and he said to himself: "After three years of precipitation, breaking and then standing, you created such a knife, but in the end you still failed... This time you don't need me to take action, I'm afraid your state of mind is already shaky."

Before Li Shengyi finished speaking, another knife light suddenly rose!

The moon rises on the sea, and the moon rises on the lone knife!

Zhao Ruyi's knife was even stronger than the previous one, and there was a hint of unprecedented vastness.

This knife was heavier and faster than the previous one! But it seemed to be dozens of times simpler.

In a thousandth of a second, Zhao Ruyi's knife had crossed a distance of thousands of feet and hit the blood knife.


The two knives collided, and the blood knife retreated ten feet!

Zhao Ruyi's knife did not retreat, it was suspended in the air, motionless.

Looking at Zhao Ruyi's knife, everyone's heart beat wildly, and they choked slightly.

"Impossible..." Li Shengyi clenched his fist and stared at the Tiantou sword.

At this moment, a gust of sea breeze blew.


Zhao Ruyi's knife broke into pieces in mid-air, and in an instant it broke into powder, floating and sinking into the moonlight.

A loud uproar!

The monks looked at Zhao Ruyi with great regret. Zhao Ruyi's knife had clearly won, but for some reason he lost at the last moment.

"It's just a hair's breadth... but this hair's breadth is a world of difference. Zhao Ruyi, your state of mind hasn't collapsed yet?" Li Shengyi smiled and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good knife." Zhao Ruyi's Dantian, Luo Chuan praised: "I wonder what your third knife will be like."

"Master Luo saw it?" Zhao Ruyi asked.

"Your first knife is the summary of your previous practice career. And the second knife just now, you abandoned the knife to show your determination. After you exerted your previous knife to the extreme, you resolutely abandoned it... You are still using the ultimate challenge to hone your knife until now. Your last knife must be a brand new knife that I have never seen before." Luo Chuan said.

"Hahaha, the one who knows me, Zhao Ruyi, must be Master Luo!" Zhao Ruyi laughed: "The first two knives are summaries and abandonments, and this last knife is the knife I really use for challenge... The ultimate challenge, one knife is enough!"

With a loud laugh, Zhao Ruyi turned his palm, and a ball of knife light rose from his palm.

In the blink of an eye, the knife light shot into the sky and disappeared.

At this time, Zhao Ruyi no longer had a knife in his hand

But on the sea and under the sea, everyone vaguely felt that a knife force was brewing in a corner between the sea and the sky.

Zhao Ruyi faced the blood knife across the mountain, suddenly stepped forward, stretched out his hand to grab between the sky and the sea, and pulled it out violently.

A visible and invisible long knife suddenly appeared in his palm.

There was no knife in his hand, and there was no knife in his heart.

Zhao Ruyi's knife was hidden between the heaven and the earth!

Everything in the world can become a knife with a thought!

At this moment, everyone had a strange feeling in their hearts. Zhao Ruyi's knife had surpassed his previous two knives. The way of the knife was natural. Even the blood knife could not stop Zhao Ruyi's knife!

In front of the mountain top, Li Sheng's eyes flashed with cold light, and an invisible and intangible knife shadow gathered in his palm, staring at Zhao Ruyi coldly.

When Zhao Ruyi's knife and the blood knife were about to collide, Li Sheng turned his palm and made a quick move!


Zhao Ruyi chopped down with a knife, and the blood knife shattered like a porcelain bowl!

However, at this moment, an invisible knife came out from the left side of Zhao Ruyi, taking advantage of Zhao Ruyi's unpreparedness and the old knife, and stabbed fiercely!

"Zhao Ruyi, even if you can survive the ultimate challenge, you can't survive me." Li Shengyi murmured in a voice that only he could hear.

Li Shengyi was absolutely confident in his knife skills. Although he was jealous of Zhao Ruyi's talent and potential, he would not think that Zhao Ruyi, who had not yet practiced the skills of the holy knife, could block his sneak attack in this situation.

However, something unexpected happened immediately afterwards.

Zhao Ruyi, who was caught off guard by the old knife, suddenly stretched out his left hand.

In Li Shengyi's unbelievable eyes, Zhao Ruyi's left hand without the knife suddenly clenched and punched out!


A simple, plain but extremely domineering punch destroyed Li Shengyi's sneak attack.

Before Li Shengyi calmed down his surprise, Zhao Ruyi's left fist stretched out again, this time, but aimed at him. (To be continued...)

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