Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 762: Decryption


The man in green robe lowered his head and drooped his eyelids. His voice had lost the previous joy and sorrow, and was calm and calm, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"She fell seriously ill in the third month after giving birth to you. In the mortal world, even among princely and aristocratic families, such illnesses are very common. Although the Luo family is a great family in the Tang Dynasty, your father and I were only born in the second mansion. He is not good at martial arts and is just a scholar with no ability to bind a chicken. Therefore, his status is average and he is not well received by the palace master. "

"After your mother's accident, I tried every means, sold all my property, and called in famous doctors from the Tang Dynasty, but no one could cure her. I also asked the master of the palace to perform kung fu to save your mother, but the kung fu he practiced was too overbearing. And the old lady is always in retreat... Even if she is not in retreat, she will not pay attention to me, a useless child of the second house. "

"Now it seems that your mother's illness is actually just a depletion of blood and vitality. Any Transformation Infant Realm monk, or the lowest-grade Yuan-Building Pill in the practice world, can save her. But your father and I, at that time Just a mortal... a mortal who is not even as good as a martial artist."

"Your mother couldn't survive that month after all, so she left you and your father behind and passed away."

Luo Chuan quietly listened to Luo Shiqi telling the story of what happened before he remembered it. This story is too ordinary. There is nothing thrilling or unusual about it. This is a story that can happen to everyone. When Luo Shiqi tells it, it seems very calm, as if he has already forgotten it. The pain.

But Luo Chuan knew that there was pain in this world. The longer it goes on, the more numb it becomes, until finally, it no longer hurts when I lift it, because it has penetrated deep into the bone marrow and hurts every moment.

Looking at the graying temples of the middle-aged man next to him, Luo Chuan Gujing felt a wave of sadness in his calm mood.

"After?" Luo Chuan asked in a low voice.

"Haha." Luo Shiqi smiled slightly and pursed his lips: "Although your father and I are a scholar, an ordinary person, I have a good temper. But I am a bit barbaric. I have never obeyed anyone. To put it nicely, I am aloof. To put it bluntly, it was arrogance. After your mother died, of course, that was what others said, because when I met anyone, I asked if there was any way to save your mother and if there was any medicine that could cure her. Bones of Life and Death. That year, your father's reputation for madness spread throughout Bai Yujing and throughout the Tang Dynasty. By the third year, it had reached the Xia Zhou Dynasty. "

"Have you been looking for it?" Luo Chuan murmured.

"That's right, since then, I have been looking for a way to save your mother. Of course, in the eyes of anyone, what I did is incredibly incredible, ridiculous, and like a lunatic. The Luo family even once He planned to get rid of me, but then he thought your father was just a nobody and didn’t want to cause trouble, so that’s all.”

Luo Shiqi said with a smile: "It was in the third year, when you were three years old, that your father met Feng Lingdao, the master of the Changsheng Palace of the Zhou Dynasty, and met a chance meeting with a famous genius. In the competition between the disciples of the family, your father just relied on his bad intentions to get to the end, but unexpectedly got another opportunity... Your father and I originally planned to join the Taoist sect of the Xian family, but I didn't expect that something unexpected happened. , obtained the inheritance of Youyou’s lineage in the ancient Tiannan Region.”

Luo Chuan took a deep breath and suddenly remembered what Fenglingdao said in the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty that year. He once said that Luo Shiqi did something he shouldn't have done at the wrong time and in the wrong place, but he also shouldered a burden that he shouldn't have to bear.

Although my father revealed a lot of past events in his words, he deliberately concealed many details... Becoming the Youyou Messenger must be a very difficult decision, and even my father doesn't want to recall it anymore.

"At that time, I thought that by becoming the Youyou Messenger, just like the person who passed on my inheritance said, as long as I cultivate the great road, I can save your mother, my wife. So, I gritted my teeth and left you. Following the treasure map given by that person, I walked out of Yinchuan in the Tiannan Territory and went to the real place of travel... Chuan'er, what I feel most guilty for as a father over the years is leaving you. "

Luo Shiqi finally couldn't help it and looked at Luo Chuan. The indifference and cynicism in his eyebrows disappeared, replaced by deep shame and regret.

Luo Chuan smiled, stepped forward, and patted Luo Shiqi's shoulder reassuringly: "This is over now. Thanks to dad, you gave me a protective talisman to help me escape. Just now Today. Otherwise, you and I may never be able to see each other again.”

"Luo Chuan, you are indeed different from when you were in Tiannan Territory."

Luo Shiqi took a deep breath and smiled happily, but the smile was still a little heavy.

Luo Chuan frowned secretly, but suddenly thought of something: "You said before, at that time you thought...Dad, you killed three masters from all over the world before, and your cultivation is already very good, but can you save your mother?"

Luo Shiqi shook his head, with a hint of bitterness on the corner of his mouth: "If I want to save your mother, I may have to wait for a while, or maybe... it will never be possible again."

When he said the last three words, Luo Shiqi's voice actually trembled.

"Why? You wanderers monitor yin and yang, take away your life and attain enlightenment, descend to the Nine Netherworlds, and ascend to the Nine Heavens. However, you are an existence that can reverse life and death and turn the world upside down..."

Luo Chuan's face changed slightly and he asked anxiously. In his impression, there were only some memories of Luo Shiqi, not his mother's. After all, he was only three months old when his mother passed away, and he had just opened his eyes. However, this did not prevent Luo Chuan from missing his biological mother, but instead he longed to be with her even more. See.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Luo Shiqi.

"Everyone in the world thinks that we Youyou envoys are a special kind of existence, independent of the way of heaven, but this is just a misunderstanding. In fact, the reason why we are special is because we practice a special skill, and we Youyou envoys The relationship between human beings and the way of heaven is not what the world thinks... In fact, the Youyou messenger is the existence closest to the way of heaven and directly subordinate to it. "

"Under the Dao of Heaven, everything is like a gray dog ​​or an ant. We who practice the Way of Youyou have already signed a contract with the Dao of Heaven in the place where we practice. In a sense, we are more like the guardians, servants and records of the Dao of Heaven. By."

Luo Chuan was startled. The protector, servant, and recorder of Heavenly Dao? What does this mean?

Luo Shiqi waved his hand, signaling Luo Chuan not to interrupt, and said quietly: "The reason why there are so few Youyou envoys is because they can be recognized by Heavenly Dao. They are very few in nature, and it depends on chance and luck. Once you sign a contract with Heavenly Dao, , you can get a Qiankun Copper Coin, which contains the Youyou Cultivation Technique, and uses the longevity and life of living beings as the cultivation resources. Practice slowly and then quickly, first with difficulty and then with ease. Often, within a few decades, you can achieve achievements that ordinary monks cannot achieve in a lifetime. "

Using the lifespan and life of living beings as resources... Between heaven and earth, the most indispensable thing in the realm of the Nine Heavens is living beings. In other words, the Youyou Messenger will never lack cultivation resources.

Luo Chuan was secretly frightened. Although he had many doubts and confusions, he also knew that what his father told him at this time was a top secret that only the Youyou messengers knew. There would never be another person between heaven and earth. The two of them said it a second time, and even Lord Jiulong didn't remember it.

Suppressing his inner curiosity, Luo Chuan stepped on a snapping turtle and shuttled through the depths of the black pool where light and darkness intertwined, quietly listening to his father's story.

"Everything in heaven and earth is balanced and fair under the maintenance of heaven. There must be retribution, and there must be cause and effect. Although I, the Youyou people, have received unique treatment, I have a better future than the monks in heaven and earth. , but because of this, one must pay a price beyond ordinary people and abide by the contract of heaven... One of them is the wandering messenger, who must be ruthless and righteous, cut off the past, eliminate all blood descendants, otherwise, he will be punished. retribution."

After Luo Shiqi finished speaking, he looked at Luo Chuan.

Feeling the "cold" look in Luo Shiqi's eyes, Luo Chuan's heart skipped a beat and his vest became cold. Then he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Dad, please stop joking at this time."

Luo Shiqi shook his head: "I'm not joking. According to the contract signed between Youyou Messenger and Tiandao, I should have no heirs. Even if I have any descendants, they should be cleared away. Fortunately, the Youyou lineage I inherited is from ancient times. Emperor Youyou of the Tiannan Region is a man of extraordinary intelligence and unparalleled scheming. His lineage can escape the great annihilation. He should be the first to do so. I secretly learned his methods and added some tricks from your father and mine. , Only by deceiving the way of heaven can I meet you."

"It's not easy, I admire you." Luo Chuan said half-jokingly: "What about my mother?"

Luo Shiqi's eyes dimmed slightly, and he whispered: "I have racked my brains to hide from the way of heaven and meet you. But the way of heaven is majestic, how can it be so easy to be deceived? If I meet another person again, If we meet each other and betray the Gusha contract, we will definitely be punished by Heaven. By then, Heaven will kill them all and we will be unable to prevent them. "

"What should we do then? Is there any way to crack it?" Luo Chuan asked.

"There is only one way." Luo Shiqi looked deeply at Luo Chuan and pondered for a long time: "As a father, I can't take action, but you can save her on my behalf."

Luo Chuan was stunned, looked at Luo Shiqi with a complicated look, and then laughed: "Dad, you don't want me to get on the pirate ship of you Youyou people, do you?"

"Why not?" Luo Shiqi smiled.

"Stop joking, you are still joking at this time." Luo Chuan laughed.

"I'm not kidding." Luo Shiqi stopped smiling and looked slightly solemn.

Luo Chuan looked at Luo Shiqi carefully, from top to bottom, from eyebrows to mouth, and said after a while: "Are you serious?"

"Of course, why, you don't want to save your mother?" Luo Shiqi glanced at Luo Chuan.

"It's not that I don't want to save my mother. It's just that I don't want to become a heartless and righteous person." Luo Chuan shook his head.


Before Luo Chuan could recover, Luo Shiqi's bent index finger struck him in the nose.

From beginning to end, Luo Shiqi didn't move. With Luo Chuan's current physical speed, there was no reaction at all, and Tianmen Dharma's thoughts could not capture the trajectory of Luo Shiqi's shot. (To be continued...)

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