Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 780: Father Luo’s Teachings!

"What's going on?" Luo Chuan asked.

"When your father and I were in our prime, your mother left early, which is really the first regret in my life. Along the way, there has been a lot of loneliness and loneliness, which is difficult to describe. After so many years, although I have long been used to it, I have even become numb. , but it’s still unavoidable to be sad..." Luo Shiqi rambled.

"Stop!" Luo Chuan stretched out his hand and patted Luo Shiqi on the shoulder: "Dad, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Okay. I'll tell you the truth." Luo Shiqi narrowed his eyes: "As the saying goes, the father's debt is paid by the son, and whatever God owes me, I will repay it to you. Five life-threatening copper coins, five lives, you You must also find me five daughters-in-law. If you agree, we will make a deal."

Luo Chuan stared at Luo Qiyi for a while, then said, "Dad, are you kidding me... you must be. Okay, stop joking and be serious."

"I'm not joking with you, dad." Luo Shiqi looked Luo Chuan up and down, his eyes widened: "There are only five daughters-in-law, is that a lot? Let's not talk about others, just your brother, the White Dragon Emperor, he There are more than a thousand beauties in the harem! From ancient times to the present, there is no strong hero in the world who has not had a harem of three thousand Taoist monks. I think of the Jiulong Lord who made a big fuss for nine days and gave the sages a headache. The number of Taoist companions in the harem may exceed 10,000, and the harem is even specially refined into magic weapons. Only in this way can he be worthy of the title and strength of the most powerful person."

"One daughter-in-law is not enough, but five more? Are you full to hold on? Don't mention this matter again." Luo Chuan interrupted hastily.

"One? Just Bai Yiqing?" Luo Shiqi shook his head and said with a smile: "I didn't expect my son to be so romantic that he had forgotten the two confidantes in Tiannan Territory. Su Yuchen and Xiaoqing, they The two have also left Tiannan Territory, Chuan'er, do you want to know where they are?"

Luo Chuan's heart moved, and he was about to ask, but seeing the successful smile on the corner of Luo Shiqi's mouth, he abruptly withdrew what he had said.

"That Taoist soldier of yours is in charge of Xiaoqin. He has been with you for a long time, and he has worked hard even if he has no merit. Although he is a little older than you, if he lives for thousands more years, he will not be much older."

"By the way, your old brother Bailong, he really wants to marry your father and me. His great-granddaughter Long Yushi is a famous beauty in the Nine Heavens Realm."


Luo Shiqi's eyebrows were dancing with joy. He was talking enthusiastically and wanted to continue talking, but Luo Chuan shook his head and swung the long knife above his head.

The Wuji stone body shook slightly and then split into two halves.

"Why is this child so stubborn in this regard? He won't understand."

Looking at Luo Chuan's back, Luo Shiqi smiled, his eyes fluctuating: "I don't believe it. You really have no idea about those two beautiful snakes... It's just that you place too much emphasis on friendship. There seems to be some in Tiannan Territory. Someone you care about."

There was a trace of nostalgia in Luo Shiqi's eyes, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if he was recalling some past events from a long, long time ago. The whole person seemed to be getting younger.

"Now that I can hide it from Heaven, if there is a chance, I can take Chuan'er back to have a look."

Luo Shiqi took a deep breath and disappeared into the Wuji stone womb.


The Wuji Stone Tire was closed again, and the breath of life between the two qi machines was gone.

In the dilapidated ancient city of the ancient spirit world, 216 brothers from the cannon fodder battalion are located in the southeast, northwest and four directions. Sixteen Dao soldiers also sat quietly to protect the Dharma, guarding the strange stone body from a distance.

Beside the stone womb, the Heavenly Snake Lord sat with his tail crossed, his eyes closed in concentration.

The moment the Wuji stone tire was opened, Lord Tian She opened his eyes. Bai Yiqing's eyes on the other side of the stone tire opened at the same time and looked at Luo Chuan who appeared next to him. Smile slightly.

Just as Bai Yiqing was about to say something, he saw another person behind Luo Chuan. The man was about four or five points similar to Luo Chuan, but he was older. The figure is extremely thin.

The middle-aged man in blue robe stared at Bai Yiqing with great interest, until Bai Yiqing's heart beat faster and his face turned red. He respectfully bowed to the middle-aged man and said in a voice ten times softer than usual: "I've met my uncle."

"See Mr. Luo."

Seeing Luo Shiqi, the brothers from the cannon fodder battalion who already knew his identity bowed their hands and bowed, with curiosity on their faces. The aura of the middle-aged man in green robe was very light. Even if he had some knowledge, it would not be very profound. He had been seriously injured before and it took him so many days to be rescued by Luo Chuan.

It's unbelievable that such a person could be the boss's father.

Only Wang Hu, Hong Beard and Li Xiaochen had slightly different ideas from the rest of the brothers in the cannon fodder camp. They looked at Luo Shiqi with complicated eyes.

With their current level of Dzogchen perfection in the world, and the highest level of cultivation in the Cannon Fodder Battalion, they were naturally able to detect some subtle signs that the other brothers in the Cannon Fodder Battalion could not detect.

Since the appearance of the boss and his father, the three leaders of the cannon fodder camp all had an uncomfortable feeling of being suppressed. It was not intentional oppression in terms of cultivation or power, but a feeling similar to that of demons and beasts facing superiors. , the life is suppressed. Although it is very light, it is very clear.

However, Wang Hu and the others were not sure whether it was related to the man in green robe.

"See the lord."

Qin Mo led a group of Taoist soldiers and bowed respectfully to Luo Shiqi. They not only performed the courtesy of subjects, but also performed the courtesy of master and disciple. Luo Shiqi and Shiliu Daobing did not have a master-disciple relationship, but they benefited a lot because Luo Shiqi passed them Qilin copper coins in the past.

"That's right. It can be said that the copper coin has lived up to Pindao, and has been refined and absorbed its moral principles."

Luo Shiqi glanced at the sixteen Dao soldiers and nodded, but his expression was very indifferent. He suddenly changed his tone: "It's a pity that he is only at the second level of the True Dao. He is no threat to the real masters. Not to mention fulfilling the duties of Dao soldiers and escorting Luo Chuan."

Hearing this, the sixteen Dao soldiers blushed, including Qin Mo, and lowered their heads.

Luo Shiqi's words hit their soft spots. Their cultivation progress was slow, and their strength was far behind the Dao Master. Although none of them took the initiative to mention it, they felt ashamed in their hearts.

Luo Shiqi didn't look at the ashamed and uneasy sixteen Dao soldiers again. He turned his eyes to the brothers of the cannon fodder camp.

The cultivators of the cannon fodder camp are different from the sixteen Dao soldiers. They have been training in the Nine Heavens Realm for a long time, wandering in many places, and have experienced the torture of life and death in the Ten Thousand Prisoners Ancient Heaven Tower. Their state of mind is far beyond the cultivators of the same level.

Facing Luo Shiqi's scrutinizing eyes, the cannon fodder brothers were neither humble nor arrogant, calm and composed, and their expressions showed pride from the heart.

Even though Wang Hu and the other two had sensed that Luo Shiqi was extraordinary, they still looked normal. After all, they had all experienced big scenes and were in high positions in the growing Cannon Fodder Camp and even the Border Blood Castle. To this day, they are very satisfied with the achievements of the Cannon Fodder Camp and themselves. With confidence, they will naturally not lose to anyone in terms of momentum.

"Cannon Fodder Camp?" Luo Shiqi glanced at the 216 Cannon Fodder Camp brothers and nodded: "The physical body and blood have almost been cultivated to the limit. Among ordinary cultivators of the same realm, it is considered very outstanding.

When the word "ordinary cultivator" came out, most people in the Cannon Fodder Camp looked slightly ugly. Although Wang Hu and the other three, who were in the lead, tried their best to hide it, they still showed some displeasure between their brows.

"Yes, you heard it right. You are just barely outstanding among ordinary cultivators. If you are really released, you are still far behind those truly powerful cultivators and fighting groups in the world. "Luo Shiqi said mercilessly.


The clouds and haze above the ancient city suddenly changed.

A series of angry and fierce intentions rose from the 216 cannon fodder brothers and gathered in the magic Luo fairy smoke.

Facing Luo Shiqi were pairs of unconvinced and secretly angry eyes. If it weren't for the boss's face, the cannon fodder brothers would have cursed even if they didn't take action.

Luo Chuan frowned and glanced at Luo Shiqi unexpectedly. From his attitude towards the sixteen Taoist soldiers to his attitude towards the cannon fodder brothers, his father obviously intended to show off his power to them.

Just as Luo Chuan was about to speak, he saw that behind the cannon fodder brothers, Taoist Kongkong looked over here with interest, stroking his long beard while looking at them, and nodded continuously. Not far away, Luo Shiqi also secretly winked at Luo Chuan, indicating that he should be patient.

After thinking for a moment, Luo Chuan said nothing.

"I don't know which truly powerful fighting groups you are talking about. Why don't you tell me so that I can open my eyes. "Red Beard laughed and said without giving in.

Luo Shiqi glanced at Red Beard: "Hit the forehead."

After saying that, Luo Shiqi stretched out his hand.

Seeing Luo Shiqi's slow move, without even using a trace of Dao power, Red Beard smiled inexplicably, motionless, his contempt was evident.

Seeing this, Luo Chuan frowned. It was not until this time that he vaguely discovered that the brothers of the cannon fodder camp today were completely different from the cannon fodder camp brothers in the Wan Prisoners Ancient Heaven Tower. This change was not only in the strength of cultivation, but also in the mentality.

The victories and continuous victories gradually wore away the cautiousness and humility of the cannon fodder camp brothers in the Wan Prisoners Ancient Heaven Tower. Deep in their hearts, the emotions of pride and complacency had already spread and penetrated into their minds.

Even the red Hu Zi is like this, not to mention the other brothers.

Thinking of this, Luo Chuan couldn't help but secretly feel lucky.

Dad obviously noticed this, and fortunately he noticed it in time and secretly pointed it out. Otherwise, once this state of mind takes root and spreads in the cannon fodder camp, it will be extremely dangerous for Luo Chuan and the cannon fodder camp.


A crisp sound came.

Luo Chuan turned his head and saw the red beard who was hit on the forehead by Luo Shiqi casually, and now he was stunned.

Not only Red Beard, Wang Hu, Li Xiaochen, and the other brothers in the cannon fodder camp were also stunned, looking at the ordinary and unremarkable green robe monk next to Luo Chuan in surprise.

"Not convinced?" Luo Shiqi smiled slightly and said, "Well, I'm ready, and I'll hit you on the forehead."

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