Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 782: Opportunity

Luo Chuan closed and opened his eyes, and in Tianmen's thoughts, a heavily guarded battle formation emerged.

And he himself was actually in the center of the battle formation.

In this battle formation, there are more than a hundred Dao Li realm monks, using the three talents of heaven, earth and man as the formation, the Ten Thousand Tribulation Fierce Spirit Tower and the surrounding area of ​​ten miles are trapped in the formation. In the ten-mile radius around the Ten Thousand Tribulation Fierce Spirit Tower, any disturbance could not be hidden from the monks guarding the formation.

Therefore, as soon as Luo Chuanfang walked out of the Ten Thousand Tribulation Ominous Spirit Tower, he attracted the monks from Guangtian Universal Saint.

"It's strange. Could it be that Universal Sage Guangtian knew that I would come out from here... This is impossible. If Universal Sage Guangtian had the ability to predict the unknown, how could he have caused today's situation."

Just as Luo Chuan was thinking about it, the execution hall in front of the Ten Thousand Tribulation Ominous Spirit Tower appeared in Tianmen Dharma Thought.

The so-called execution hall is where Guangtian Pusheng's punishment team is located. Any disciple who violates Guangtian Pusheng's Taoist laws and regulations will first be tried in the execution hall and then decide whether to be imprisoned in the Tower of Ten Thousand Tribulations Evil Spirits.

Tianmen Fa Nian entered the torture hall, bypassed the empty center of the torture hall, and came to a secret room deep in the torture hall. Luo Chuan saw a tall man with long hair sitting cross-legged in the secret room. monk.

The boundless evil spirit of ghost blood and ancient evil spirits came from both sides, surrounding the monk.

The monk had a deep aura and extremely high cultivation. Even if he was not an emperor, he was already very close. He didn't know how long he had been holding on between the evil spirit of the underworld and the ancient evil spirit. He just managed to hold on to a breath of vitality and was not invaded.

However, the evil spirit of the underworld and the evil ancient spirits are too strong after all. There is actually a trace of destructive energy mixed in between them, which continues to grow the evil energy of the underworld and the evil spirits of the ancient times. It is like adding fuel to the fire, burning more and more vigorously.

The monk tried his best to resist the two pressures and did not dare to move.

"That's wrong." Luo Chuan quickly reacted.

That secret room is actually a prison cell! The monk was trapped inside and unable to come out!

Dust outside the secret room door. The broken cobwebs in the corner all hinted that this monk had been trapped in the secret room for a long time, at least three to five months, and as long as more than a year.

"It's him!"

The next moment, Luo Chuan saw the monk's appearance clearly.

An ancient face, deep eyes. The tall bridge of his nose, and the expression of grief, anger, and heartache... were none other than the leader of Guangtian Pusheng's three great Taoist masters in the past, Chenyin Taoist, who was in charge of the Taoist Academy.

When Luo Chuan first entered the Ten Thousand Calamities Ominous Spirit Tower, Chen Yin and Gui Ye entered the tower together to look for Luo Chuan. At that time, Luo Chuan thought Chen Yin was the traitor who was hiding an ulterior secret. But he didn't expect that the real traitor turned out to be Guiye... and he was just a clone of the leader of the demon sect, Gong Mo.

"Why is he locked up here? Didn't they say he disappeared? It was because of his disappearance that he was regarded as a traitor and a traitor... He must have returned to the wild."

Several thoughts flashed through Luo Chuan's mind. Although he didn't have much affection for Guangtian Pusheng, Guangtian Pusheng was the mortal enemy of the Demon Cult Palace after all. For Luo Chuan, it is also a powerful force that can be utilized. Chen Yin, who is currently imprisoned, is a great opportunity.

Unknowingly, Luo Chuan's state of mind changed slightly from before.

"Little Spider, don't you love eating evil spirits? Go help that man, eat all the ancient evil spirits that are entangled in him, and try to save him."

Luo Chuan patted the white spider lazily nestling against him in his arms. He said: "There is also little bastard, you go find Ziyun. If nothing happens to him, you bring him back. If anything happens, report back to me immediately."

"Luo Chuan! Then what are you doing!"

On Luo Chuan's left shoulder, the white bat's eyes flickered and he asked.

"Me...I'll have a good chat with them."

Luo Chuan smiled slightly. The smoke around him dissipated, revealing his body.

At this moment, sixteen monks at the peak of the fourth level of the True Dao appeared in front of Luo Chuan, standing on all sides. Surrounded Luo Chuan.

Their attire was very familiar to Luo Chuan. They were the popular monks from Guangtian Pusheng's punishment team.

"who are you!"

The leader of the punishment team monk looked Luo Chuan up and down, on full alert, and shouted.

"You don't even recognize me anymore? Also..."

Luo Chuan touched his chin, remembering how he looked like a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy when he was in Guangtian Pusheng. He suddenly "aged" ten years, and naturally none of these monks recognized him.

"Did you come out of the Fierce Spirit Tower?" The monk at the head of the punishment team looked Luo Chuan up and down, and his eyes suddenly darkened: "Sure enough, the rumors say that virtue is good, Guangtian Universal Saint Qi has been exhausted, and even the Ten Thousand Tribulations Fierce Spirit Tower has No one can be locked up."

After the words fell, all the sixteen monks from the punishment team looked sad and depressed. Not only these sixteen people, but also the hundreds of other monks in the circle seemed to be infected, and feelings of depression, disappointment, and panic spread among them.

Looking at the monks in the punishment team in front of him who had no trace of the demeanor of the Guangtian Pusheng monks in the past, Luo Chuan secretly sighed. Guangtian Pusheng had suffered repeated defeats. One of the three masters in charge of the academy rebelled and one of them died, which greatly damaged morale. Nowadays, even the punishment team is disheartened, and one can imagine the situation in the Taoist Academy.

"What is the purpose of staying here and setting up the magic circle?" Luo Chuan asked.

"is for……"

The leading monk suddenly reacted and looked at Luo Chuan, his face full of vigilance, and his eyes instantly became cold: "None of your business! As long as Guangtian Universal Saint is around, our punishment team will abide by the Taoist laws. Don't even think about it. Just get out! Everyone, take action and catch him!"

With an order, the remaining fifteen monks flew out at the same time. Under the leadership of the leading monk, they each cast their magic, released their Tao power, and grabbed Luo Chuan!

The sixteen True Dao fourth-order peak punishment team monks, their true combat power is no weaker than the sixteen Dao soldiers in their normal state.

In a blink of an eye, the sixteen Dao forces have come close to Luo Chuan, and they have transformed into giant palms, just wanting to capture Luo Chuan alive.

The moon is bright, the stars are sparse, and the clouds are thin.

The waves in the river next to him are rolling, making a whistling sound.

In front of the Wanjie Xiongling Tower, Luo Chuan exhaled a foul breath.

Before he left Guangtian Pusheng, he was captured. Now that he has returned to Guangtian Pusheng, he will face another battle.

Seeing the young monk in front of the tower motionless, the punishment team monks secretly breathed a sigh of relief. They thought that the one who escaped from the Wanjie Xiongling Tower would be a difficult person, but they didn't expect to be shocked.

"Guangtian Pusheng... I really can't do anything to you."

Luo Chuan murmured in a low voice.

When a dark cloud floated over the crescent moon, he finally moved.

Facing the sixteen Dao power palms, Luo Chuan was not in a hurry, his body did not move, he just swung his arms downwards, and then released the Dao power with five fingers.

The way of skills and the Dao power method were once again integrated in Guangtian Pusheng Daoyuan.

The Dao power of life and death poured out.


The sixteen Dao power palms that originally pounced on Luo Chuan were driven by a strange force when they were half a step away from Luo Chuan, and rolled up against Luo Chuan's forehead and hit hard in the air.

The sixteen Dao power was torn into pieces under the moonlight, and the aftermath was surging, crushing the void, colorful, like fireworks, falling in all directions.

Under the vortex of Dao power, Luo Chuan looked calm, calm, as if he had done nothing, and did not move at all.

On the contrary, the sixteen monks of the punishment team who launched the attack stumbled back, staggered, and their faces turned green and red under the impact of the huge wave of residual power.

Looking at Luo Chuan, the sixteen punishment team monks looked grim.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh... Another series of wind-breaking sounds were heard. It was the monks guarding the formation in the distance who found the "prisoner" in the formation difficult to deal with and came to help. There were fifteen new monks in this group. The lowest cultivation level was the peak of the fourth level of the True Dao, and the highest had reached the second level of the Dao Wheel.

"Catch him!"

"Why does this man look familiar?"

"Whether you look familiar or not, it's really strange that this man can escape from the Ten Thousand Tribulations Evil Spirit Tower. It's possible that he is a spy from the Demonic Sect."

"This man's fighting skills are weird, you don't need to show mercy!"

Facing thirty-one Dao Power Realm monks, nearly half of whom have cultivation levels above the Dao Wheel Realm, Luo Chuan suppressed his eagerness to fight, shook his body, and flew towards the sky.

He came to Guangtian Pusheng this time to find Ziyun and to borrow the power of Guangtian Pusheng, so he didn't want to make a big deal.

After breaking through the third level of the True Dao, Luo Chuan's body movement speed has also improved greatly. Even the second-level Daolun punishment team masters can't catch up for a while.

"There! Don't let him run away!"

The leading second-level Daolun cultivator saw that he couldn't catch up, so he made a quick decision, pinched the seal with his hands, chanted something, and shot out two flying swords! The flying swords turned into two black and white dragons in the air, spewing ice and fire from their mouths, showing the good quality of the flying swords.

The other punishment team masters followed suit, pinched the seal, chanted spells, and released their own magic weapons.

Flying boats, gourds, iron rulers, jade lotus, bronze lions... Guangtian Pusheng has a long history and profound accumulation, and the punishment team is the most popular force in Guangtian Pusheng. The magic weapons owned by the masters of the punishment team are naturally not too low in quality, almost all of them are above the fourth grade and below the second grade.

Thirty-one third-grade magic weapons are impressive no matter where they are placed. When released by the masters of the punishment team with the power of Taoism and with the help of the battle formation, they are even more powerful.

In an instant, thirty-one magic weapons flew up to the sky, surrounded Luo Chuan from all directions, like a seal, and completely cut off his escape route.


A crisp golden sound rang out.

A purple copper coin jumped from Luo Chuan's palm.

Ding! The copper coin fell!

Luo Chuan shook his sleeves and glanced at the thirty-one fierce magic weapons that exuded murderous intent. He pinched the seal with his hands, muttered something in his mouth, and shouted in a low voice: "Waste!"

Under the moonlight, the thirty-one magic weapons were like being struck by lightning, trembling at the same time, and then staggered and fell down.

In the stunned eyes of the masters of the punishment team, Luo Chuan raised his arm and scooped up the thirty-one magic weapons into his sleeves.

In the magic circle, 31 monks were empty-handed, staring at the cloth-robed monk in mid-air with gnashing teeth, their eyes revealing vigilance and fear.

"Who are you?"

The leading Daolun second-level monk looked at Luo Chuan cautiously and asked.

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