Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 789: The wind has changed

The young Taoist master of the Immortal Taoist Academy shook his head and sneered at Luo Chuan: "If that's all you want to say, then that's it. Humph, no matter how great I am, it's not your turn to entertain me!"

After the words fell, the young Taoist master's eyes shone with divine light, and his aura had already locked onto Luo Chuan.

At the same time, a stream of aura rose from all directions, turning into a series of copper walls and iron walls, besieging Luo Chuan's way out from all directions.

Thousands of Guangtian Pusheng monks, thousands of pairs of angry and resentful eyes, stared at Luo Chuan in unison, waiting for the order of Taoist Master Guiye to cut him into pieces.

The matter was already very clear, this Luo Chuan, was clearly humiliating Guangtian Pusheng.

Facing thousands of hateful eyes, Luo Chuan was not afraid, his heart was calm, and he looked up at the Guangsheng Taoist Palace opposite: "Guiye, you spy thief, are you really unwilling to come out?"

The Taoist Palace was silent for a while, and a mocking laugh rang out.

"Luo Chuan, you know that this Taoist master will not come out to see you, a traitor, yet you still dare to speak nonsense here! Haha, now you can't protect yourself, so don't think about anything else! Everyone, just kill this thief..."

"Wait!" Luo Chuan interrupted, "I only said half of the purpose of my coming here, and the other half is left."

"What a joke, who cares what your purpose is!"

"You are about to die, but you still show off your ability to talk. You really don't take us seriously!"

"What are you waiting for, kill him and avenge Master Yao Yi!"

Angry voices came from thousands of onlookers. The leading few small Taoist masters looked at each other and were about to take action.

"I came here today to apply for the position of Guangtian Pusheng Master. I applied for the position of Dafa Taoist Master."

Luo Chuan looked around at everyone and said lightly. His voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone present.

In front of Guangsheng Taoist Palace, there was silence again.

Everyone looked at Luo Chuan. Shocked, horrified, unbelievable, like looking at a madman.

"Yes, I am Luo Chuan. When I joined Guangtian Pusheng two years ago, I aspired to become a great Taoist master."

"It is said that to become a great Taoist master, you need more than 800,000 demon levels to show your contribution to Guangtian Pusheng."

"I am not talented. Although I have only been in Guangtian Pusheng for more than half a year, the demon levels I have accumulated have reached the application qualifications for the great Taoist master."

As Luo Chuan spoke, a demon ring appeared in his hand.

Without waiting for the little Taoist master opposite to speak, Luo Chuan pinched the seal and clicked the demon ring.

A string of blood-red skulls poured down from the demon ring.

In one string. There are a total of fifty blood-red skulls floating shadows, and each skull floating shadow represents a demon.

In a blink of an eye, the demons that flowed out of Luo Chuan's demon ring have exceeded one hundred strings, which is more than five thousand demons, equivalent to the qualification of a mid-level master.

In the crowd, the cultivators of the Return to Void Realm, the True Dao Realm, and some Daolun Realm all stared with wide eyes, looking in shock at the number of demons in front of them that far exceeded their imagination.

In a blink of an eye, the demons that flowed out of the demon ring had reached more than 3,000 strings, and the blood-colored floating light and flowing shadows piled up like a mountain behind Luo Chuan, reaching a height of ten feet.

Looking at the nearly 200,000 blood-red floating shadows of demons behind Luo Chuan, the small Taoist masters of the Heaven Realm had stiff faces one by one. The number of demons Luo Chuan had had exceeded the number of demons they had. But it was obviously not over yet.

The blood-red floating light and flowing shadows piled up higher and higher, and soon exceeded a hundred feet, and the number of demons had exceeded one million, far exceeding the qualifications of the great Taoist master.

The demon represents the contribution to Guangtian Pusheng. Although demons can be exchanged and traded, they are a minority after all. The more demons there are, the greater the contribution to Guangtian Pusheng Daoyuan. This is a conventional rule.

Looking at Luo Chuan, who was surrounded by the floating shadows of blood-red skulls like a mountain, the thousands of cultivators present were shocked. Even the Sutra Library on the lonely cliff in the distance was emitting several powerful and domineering auras. They probed Luo Chuan's demon-level ring to test its authenticity.

That was more than 300 demon-levels!

Who among the current Guangtian Pusheng would have so many demon-levels? Even Taoist Master Guiye couldn't have one. Not to mention Guiye, even if all the people present, including Taoist Master Guiye, had one, it might not be possible.

Even in history, there were only a handful of great Taoist masters who had so many demon-levels.

In other words, Luo Chuan's contribution to Guangtian Pusheng alone exceeded that of everyone present!

How could this be possible? How could he, a traitor and spy, the Tianluo Demon King of the Demon King Mountain... make such a great contribution to Guangtian Pusheng?

Whether it was Huang Wei, Liu Yufa, Zhuo Laosheng, Elder Sun, who were familiar with Luo Chuan, or those who had never known Luo Chuan before, their eyes were full of shock when they looked at Luo Chuan.

"Hmph! Luo Chuan, tell me the truth, where did you steal this demon-level ring from?"

Guiye's cold voice came from the Taoist Palace: "I don't believe that a demon king from a foreign land can make any contribution to my Guangtian Pusheng. Everyone, what are you waiting for, quickly capture and kill this guy!"

"Guiye, are you guilty?"

Without waiting for several small Taoist masters to take action, Luo Chuan turned to the Guangsheng Taoist Palace and sneered: "You are so eager to kill me without even asking, why don't you want to know where so many demon-levels come from?"

Guiye didn't say anything else, and a mysterious aura suddenly burst out from the Taoist Palace, carrying a strong Taoist force, like thousands of needles, densely packed, overwhelming and pressing towards Luo Chuan.

Except for Luo Chuan, almost no one around the Taoist Palace noticed Guiye's sneak attack.

The four spirits' bodies were running at full power. At the same time, Luo Chuan secretly sent a message to summon Tai Sui: "Rou Rou, it's all up to you!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud bang, and the Taoist Guiye's power machine hit the fat man's inner armor head-on.

"Good, good, good... scared... good, good, good... hurts!"

The fat man who was close to Luo Chuan trembled violently, making bursts of screams of pain, and his breath began to become weak, but the Taoist Guiye's sneak attack was finally blocked by it.

Luo Chuan took two steps back, his face turned pale, but after a breath, he recovered as usual.

"Gui Ye, you are really guilty." Luo Chuan looked up at Guangsheng Dao Palace, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

A clone is a clone, no matter how strong or wise it is, it is not as good as the real body. When Guiye, the clone, saw Luo Chuan take out more than three million demon-level pieces at once. Obviously, he was a little panicked.

"Gui Ye, with Luo Chuan's three million demon-level pieces, he is already qualified to apply for the title of Grand Taoist Master."

An old voice came from the Sutra Library, and the one who spoke was naturally Elder Sun.

At the same time, a secret aura of the Emperor level hung down and appeared in front of Luo Chuan, blocking Gui Ye's aura. The intention was obvious.

After a brief panic, Taoist Master Gui Ye calmed down.

"Haha, Senior Sun is right. However, as far as I know, if you want to become a Grand Taoist Master, it is not enough to rely on the contribution of the demon level. You need to meet three conditions at the same time. Only then can you become a Grand Taoist Master of Guangtian Pusheng." Gui Ye said lightly, with a calm tone and calmness.

"The demon level alone is not enough? What are the three conditions?" Luo Chuan asked.

"Demon-level contribution is the most important condition, but there are two more conditions." Elder Sun's voice echoed in front of Guangsheng Taoist Palace: "First, you must be nominated, that is, recommended by more than three Guangtian Pusheng monks. The identity of the recommender is not limited, as long as the Taoist monks are. The second is to defeat a great Taoist master, or to fight to a draw within half an hour. Only when these three conditions are met at the same time, you are qualified to become the great Taoist master of Guangtian Pusheng."

Luo Chuan fell silent for a while, looked up and scanned the people present, and asked with a smile: "Who is willing to nominate me as the great Taoist master?"

The feeling of absurdity rose from the bottom of everyone's heart.

Although Luo Chuan surprised the Taoist monks present again and again. But he is the demon king of Luantu after all. Even if he has up to three million demon-levels, no one will elect him as the great Taoist master at this moment.

The captain of the law guard Qiu Xiaojie, the monks Huang Wei and Liu Yufa from Qianlong Academy, and Zhuo Laosheng from Zhandao Academy... These monks who were familiar with Luo Chuan had a flash of hesitation in their hearts, but they were soon suppressed by themselves.

"Luo Chuan. Do you think that I, Guangtian Pusheng, will let a demon king from the foreign land become a great Taoist master who controls the power of the Taoist Academy?" Gui Ye sneered, with a hint of hidden pride and sarcasm in his voice.

Luo Chuan's smile remained unchanged.

At this moment, a hoarse voice rang out from the crowd in the east: "This Taoist... recommends Luo Chuan to become the great Taoist master of Guangtian Pusheng."

There was a loud uproar!

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the man in the east.

It was a down-and-out man wearing an old black Taoist robe. His cultivation was not high, just the Return to Void Realm. His hair was messy, and he was covered with scars from his neck to his face, looking very down-and-out.

"It's you... I haven't seen you for two years, Mr. Hei." Luo Chuan's eyes lit up when he saw the man.

Young Master Hei straightened up, clasped his fists towards Luo Chuan, and said nothing. A flash of excitement flashed in the depths of his eyes, but it was gone in an instant.

"I also recommend..." The voice of the female Taoist sounded from the crowd in the west.

Another one!

Everyone turned their heads again and saw a beautiful female Taoist in a yellow robe.

"Wang Youyu."

Luo Chuan also saw the female Taoist, who was none other than "Senior Sister Wang" who had accompanied Bai Yiqing from Tianxing Saint Gate to Guangtian Pusheng.

Seeing Young Master Hei and "Senior Sister Wang", Luo Chuan was a little emotional, but he quickly calmed down.

"Two, one more missing."

Luo Chuan turned around and looked at the Sutra Library on the isolated cliff, and transmitted his voice: "Elder Sun, if you can recommend me to become the Great Taoist Master of Guangtian Pusheng, I will write the second half of the "Time Sutra". How about it?"

The seven-story Sutra Library stood on the top of the cliff, and there was no response for a long time.

Just when everyone was getting impatient, Elder Sun's old voice rang out: "Well, there will be one more old man. Luo Chuan, I don't know whether I should believe you, but I really want to know what evidence you have to prove everything you said."

After Elder Sun's words fell, many cultivators were secretly stunned, especially the several young Taoist masters in the lead.

Unconsciously, the wind direction seemed to have changed, and Elder Sun's words were obviously biased towards Luo Chuan.

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