Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 799: Do you miss me?

Under the night, the earth was silent.

Deep in the chaotic land of the outer domain, thousands of years ago, in the center of the core area of ​​the ancient battlefield, a giant tree shrouded in the two energies of yin and yang rose into the sky. Looking from the ground, the crown of the giant tree was flowing with nine-color divine aura.

The legendary Hongmeng giant trees all had seven-color cloud crowns, but the Hongmeng giant tree in front of us added black and white to the seven colors. Looking from afar, it was indescribably weird and strange.

Equally weird was the gaze of the people under the tree looking at the fruit of the giant tree.

"Hongmeng Dao Fruit, born in the yin and yang of heaven and earth, blooms in 500 years, bears fruit in 3,000 years, and ripens in 9,000 years. It disappears when it falls into the soil, melts when it encounters fire, hides when it encounters wood, and melts when it encounters water... Can they really be considered Hongmeng Dao Fruit?"

Fusheng Emperor murmured. As an emperor, he should not be confused by these common sense, but at this moment, facing the Hongmeng giant tree that violated the law of time, a trace of confusion appeared in his eyes.

In just ten days, the sapling that grew from the center of the Hongmeng soil has grown into a towering giant tree. In terms of height and lush branches and leaves, it has reached the maturity of the Hongmeng giant tree. What is even more incredible is that under the cloud crown of the Hongmeng giant tree, where the flowers have faded, black and white fruits have grown. Although they are not yet ripe, they are also ripening at an incredible speed.

"It is undoubtedly the Hongmeng Dao Fruit, but it is a brand new Hongmeng Dao Fruit... When the Hongmeng giant tree was born, it absorbed and swallowed a trace of the Dao of Time, and was able to comprehend the true meaning of time with its own spirituality. I am afraid that only the Hongmeng giant tree can do this in the world." Emperor Bailong touched his chin and murmured in a low voice.

"It seems that it will take at most one night for the fruit to ripen. There are a total of 39 Hongmeng Dao Fruits. Although there are many of us, we can share them."

Master Mo laughed and rubbed his hands, looking impatient. He looked into the distance from time to time, his eyes fell far away outside the central ancient battlefield, his eyes were sometimes bright and sometimes dark, revealing a trace of confusion and vigilance, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"Share the fruit?" Emperor Bailong smiled: "How about this. These thirty-nine Hongmeng Dao fruits. You can take them all. The remaining bare tree trunk, leave it to me. How about it?"

When Emperor Bailong finished speaking, the faces of all the people, including Master Mo, Commander Bo Chi, Emperor Fusheng, and Xitian Bo Hou, changed slightly. Looking at Emperor Bailong. Their eyes were fixed.

"Hahaha. I was just joking, and you all took it seriously? It turns out that what you want most in your heart is the trunk of this Hongmeng giant tree." Emperor Bailong laughed. A cunning flashed in the depths of his eyes.

The White Dragon Emperor's thoughts were exposed, and the eyes of the emperors and the leaders of the forces gathered around the Hongmeng giant tree sank. The harmonious atmosphere that had been pretended for the previous ten days disappeared, and their eyes were full of vigilance, disbelief and tit-for-tat.

Everyone present was a discerning person, how could they not see that the most precious thing in front of them was not the thirty-nine Hongmeng Dao fruits, but the Hongmeng giant tree itself that could ignore the time barrier and bear fruit quickly.

Although no one knew, after the first batch of Hongmeng Dao fruits matured and fell, the Hongmeng giant tree would continue to ignore time and speed up the fruiting, or would slowly adjust back to the previous maturity cycle. But even if there was only a half possibility, this half possibility was enough for the leaders of the forces present to do a big fight at all costs.

There was still one night before the fruit ripened, but the tense atmosphere had been provoked by the White Dragon Emperor in advance.

The emperors and the leaders of the forces present were secretly competing with each other.

Among them, the one with the largest power and the strongest strength was undoubtedly the Demon Cult Palace.

The unfathomable Master Mo, the demon kings and demon commanders of various demon king mountains, plus the demon kings and sub-emperor elders who have come out of retreat in recent days, the demon king palace has brought out all its strength and put it in front of several emperors.

The only strange thing is that from the beginning until now, Master Mo has been a little uneasy.

In addition to the demon king palace, the second largest force present is the Youyou lineage.

Originally, the Youyou lineage formed a short alliance with the demon king palace in order to hunt down Luo Chuan and his son. After Luo Chuan and his son died and escaped, the Hongmeng giant tree was born. The leader, Bo Chi, thought about it and finally chose to stay. At the same time, he also drew a clear line with the demon king palace and was no longer an ally.

Although the demon king palace is powerful and has many demon kings, sub-emperor elders, and subordinate forces of 100,000 demon king mountains, it is the five Youyou messengers that really make the emperors present feel daunted.

Although Emperor Fusheng, Xitian Bohou and Emperor Bailong were alone, they also occupied a place in the competition for the Hongmeng giant tree with their strength as emperor-level strongmen.

In comparison, Nanli, who was riding on Baihu in the distance and watching from afar, was a leader among the younger generation of the Nine Heavens Realm and was famous throughout the world. However, compared with these emperor-level strongmen, he had no advantage at all. He was only qualified to join in the fun because of Baihu under his seat.

Under the night sky, the Qi barrier set up by the emperors ten days ago turned into a huge Taoist magic shield, blocking the breath of the Hongmeng giant tree from flowing outward.

Under the Taoist magic shield, the moonlight was bleak, the night wind was whistling, and there was a murderous atmosphere.

Behind Master Mo, in the Fugong Feishan camp of the Demon Sect Palace, many demon kings were also watching the nine-color cloud crown and Yin-Yang Dao fruit above their heads.

"Rare, really rare! The Hongmeng giant tree and Dao fruit are already rare treasures in the world. Now, there are actually nine-colored cloud crowns and Hongmeng giant trees that can be grown quickly... Who would believe it if I tell others?"

"Tell it out? Master Mo has made a desperate decision. Once the Demon Cult obtains the Hongmeng Giant Tree, everyone must keep their mouths shut. If anyone dares to leak a single word, the Cult will never let him off easily."

"Master Mo is very kind. If it were me, I would kill you all if I got this treasure! Not to mention sharing the Dao Fruit with you... But then again, even if all the 39 Hongmeng Dao Fruits are given to me and each family gets one, there can only be 39 families."

"I heard that the Cult is going to divide them according to rankings this time. In the latest ranking of the Demon King Mountains, my Fulin Mountain ranks in the top ten, ranking ninth. If I'm lucky, hehe, maybe I can really get one."

"Fellow Daoist Lin is really lucky. Congratulations in advance. When you get the Dao Fruit, don't rush to eat it first. Let us look at it first and broaden our horizons."

Not far from the Hongmeng Giant Tree, on the largest flying mountain, a group of demon kings drank fine wine, ate barbecue, and laughed loudly.

In the corner, a short and fat old man had a cold face and said nothing, just drinking bowl after bowl of wine.

When he heard the demon kings talking about the ranking, the short and fat old man's face became uglier, and he stared at the wine in the bowl fiercely, as if the wine was also his enemy.

"Speaking of ranking, my broken mountain has also risen by more than 20 places. Speaking of it, I really have to thank that demon king. Hehe."

"That's right, if it weren't for that demon king who made a fuss in the foreign land, fought for the central ancient battlefield, harmed so many demon kings, and even killed Kong Fang demon king, how could our ranking rise so much."

"Hahaha, anyway, there is the teaching palace above. Come, drink, toast to the Tianluo demon king who escaped to who knows where!"

Amidst the laughter, the short and fat old man's face suddenly changed, snorted heavily, threw the bowl and stood up, and walked out.

"Fabao demon king, what, don't you drink two more bowls?" A demon king nearby smiled teasingly and raised the wine bowl.

"What a pity, the ranking of every demon king mountain is rising, but the ranking of Crazy Demon Mountain is falling, falling out of the top 100. It is really the success and failure of the Demon King Tianluo."

"Crazy Demon Mountain is a mountain with three demon kings. Logically, it should be ranked in the top five at least now... The Demon Cult Palace is doing this to kill the chicken to scare the monkey. Although the three demon kings of Crazy Demon Mountain have no intention, they have been accomplices of the Demon King Tianluo for a while. They are also responsible for the killing of the Demon King Kong Fang. I think that Master Mo is kind enough to spare their lives."

The Magic Treasure Demon King had a cold face and said nothing, but he was already furious in his heart.

In two or three snaps of his fingers, the Magic Treasure Demon King flew back to the flying mountain where Crazy Demon Mountain was, and punched heavily at the base of the mountain.

"Hmph! Demon Cult Palace! The guy named Mo... Sooner or later, I will teach you how powerful I am!"

"Bad luck! Bad luck! Why did that damned Tianluo Demon King fall into his trap!"

"If I see him again! I will, will, will... Hmph, it's best not to see that jinx again!"

The Magic Treasure Demon King shook his round head, groaned for a long time, and finally vented a little bit of resentment. He took a step and walked angrily towards the central area of ​​Feishan. But the further he walked, the more uncertain he felt.

In Feishan, it was a little strangely quiet.

For no reason, a trace of uneasiness rose from the bottom of his heart. The Magic Treasure Demon King pinched the seal and stopped.

"Sanbao, who are you angry with?"

A familiar laugh sounded from behind him. The Magic Treasure Demon King was struck by lightning, his body trembled wildly, and he turned around quickly and saw the cloth-robed monk standing at the entrance of the woods.

Behind the young human monk, the Heavenly Treasure Demon King and the Earthly Treasure Demon King stood on the left and right, with their heads drooping, their faces turning pale and blue, their bodies huddled, their arms stiffly hanging on both sides of their bodies, as if they were frozen.

In an instant, several thoughts flashed through the mind of the Magic Treasure Demon King, and the shock and astonishment in his eyes disappeared. His face was full of a simple and affectionate smile, and he said happily: "Four Treasures! Why are you here!"

"I haven't seen you for many days, and I suddenly miss you." Luo Chuan raised his arms, embraced the Heavenly Treasure Demon King and the Earthly Treasure Demon King, patted their shoulders heavily, turned around and asked: "Dabao, Erbao, do you miss me?"

The two demon kings trembled, raised their heads at the same time, and said in unison with a sad face: "I miss... I miss!"

The Magic Treasure Demon King frowned inadvertently, and instantly restrained his brows. His face suddenly showed excitement, his eyes were red, and there were faint tears, which was extremely sincere.

"Sibao! My good brother! Sanbao misses you too!"

The Magical Treasure Demon King shouted emotionally, opened his arms, and ran towards Luochuan with his round belly.

At the same time, the Magical Treasure Demon King secretly released his Taoism and swept around Luochuan. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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