Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 820: Promoted three levels in a row and returned to

In the vast void, Luo Chuan sat cross-legged at the mouth of the Nanhai Immortal Gourd, letting the void wind blow his long hair, hitting the turbulent flow, making crackling sounds.

Behind Luo Chuan, there were sixteen Dao soldiers who were also sitting cross-legged. The sixteen Dao soldiers sat in two rows, surrounding Luo Chuan, breathing in unison, and practicing meditation. After swallowing the Hongmeng Dao Fruit, the cultivation of the sixteen Dao soldiers was greatly improved, and now they have begun to impact the third level of the True Dao.

However, compared with Luo Chuan, the cultivation progress of the sixteen Dao soldiers was obviously much inferior.

During the one year and four months of traveling in the void, Luo Chuan's breath continued to rise. Five months ago, he had completed the breakthrough of the Dao Wheel Realm and reached the first level of the Dao Wheel. The four Dao Wheels were complete, and now he was impacting the second level of the Dao Wheel!

Since Luo Chuan broke through the seventh turn of the Nine Destructions and Nine Lives Supreme Wuji Gong in the Borderland Blood Castle, he has repeatedly completed the "amazing act" of rising two levels in one breakthrough in his subsequent practice. But at most, he only rose two levels in a row. Whenever there was an opportunity to rise three levels in a row, it would always be interrupted by various changes.

The Nine Destructions and Nine Lives Supreme Wuji Gong is a wonderful skill from ancient times. In ancient times, cultivators were not restricted by the realm and level. The power they gained from a breakthrough was often equivalent to the current third level, or even a major realm.

Therefore, for Luo Chuan, who practiced the Nine Destructions and Nine Lives Supreme Wuji Gong, it was nothing to break through two levels at one time.

Until one year and four months ago, Luo Chuan obtained the extremely rare Hongmeng Origin under the Hongmeng giant tree in the ancient battlefield of the foreign domain. The reason why the Hongmeng Origin is rare. First, it is born from the Hongmeng giant tree and is rare in the world. Second, it is because the Hongmeng Origin contains the destruction and creation morality that is extremely suitable for Luo Chuan.

In the ancient battlefield of the outer domain, Luo Chuan frantically absorbed the origin of Hongmeng and broke through the fourth level of the true Dao in one fell swoop. However, just like the previous times, the improvement and breakthrough did not stop. Five months ago, Luo Chuan broke through to the Daolun realm again. The improvement of Dao power cultivation has not stopped.

The void is vast and boundless. With Luo Shiqi casting a spell to cover his breath, Luo Chuan does not have to worry about being discovered by the sage.

One year and four months later, that Hongmeng origin was basically refined and absorbed by Luo Chuan, and Luo Chuan's breath has been improved to the first level of Daolun. There is still a certain distance from breaking through to the second level of Daolun.

"Is it going to stop?"

Behind Luo Chuan. Old man Tianji raised his head, looked at the back of the Taoist master, and sighed softly.

The other Taoist soldiers also sighed. There was admiration and a hint of regret in their expressions.

It is incredible that the Taoist master can break through two levels at one time and enter the Daolun realm. However, after seeing the miracle of rising two levels in a row, the Dao soldiers were somewhat looking forward to the Dao Master being able to go one step further, break through another level, and enter the second level of the Dao Wheel.

"Being able to break through two levels in a row is already enough. Who else can do it except the Dao Master?"

The leading Qin Mo Patriarch said lightly, and then changed his tone: "Well, although the Dao Master has stopped the momentum of rising, he will take us back to the Tiannan Region after he wakes up. Everyone, do you want to go back and take a look?"

Hearing this, the eyes of the other fifteen Dao soldiers lit up, and their faces were radiant, like spring breeze.

The proudest thing in life is to return home in glory, and this is true for mortals and cultivators.

In the past in the Tiannan Region, although the eighteen Dao soldiers under Luo Chuan were also famous for the demon Dao Patriarch, they were later captured by the Great Xia State Master. As for the dungeon, life is worse than death. After seeing the light of day again, they were refined into Dao soldiers by Luo Chuan. They thought that their cultivation of Dao would stop there, but unexpectedly, they walked out of Tiannan Territory and saw the Nine Heavens World outside Tiannan Territory. Their cultivation of Dao made rapid progress and broke through the realm of true Dao. They all became the real "immortals" in their minds.

Recalling the past, the eighteen Dao soldiers were all filled with emotion.

"When I return to the Southern Region, I will go to the Great Xia Dynasty and have a good chat with the Great Xia State Master. Ask him why he didn't let me borrow the scriptures in the past."

"Hahaha, Tianji, after you ask him, take down the Great Xia Dynasty."

"The Great Xia Dynasty belongs to Tianji, and the Great Zhou Dynasty belongs to me."

"Haha, is it necessary to go through so much trouble? Any one of us can easily wipe out the Southern Region."

The Taoist soldiers were in high spirits and talked a lot, but one of them lowered his head and looked into the distance in the void below him, his eyes were blurred, and he never interrupted.

The Purple Crow Ancestor looked at the man, raised his eyebrows, and showed a playful look on his face: "Qingming, you miss Chi Liuer."

The face of the Qingming Demon Man flushed with two blushes, and he glared at the Purple Crow Ancestor fiercely without saying anything.

Seeing this, the other Taoist soldiers laughed, and their eyes were full of teasing and mischievousness.

"Is there any need to ask? Qingming must want to kill Chi Liuer."

"What a pity. If nothing unexpected happens, Chi Liuer is now the master of Tianhua Palace, the largest sect in Tiannan Region. He can get whatever he wants. I don't know if he has kept his integrity for you all these years."

"It's difficult. It's really difficult to keep someone like Chi Liuer pure."

Amid the teasing and laughter of the Taoist soldiers, Qingming's face turned the color of liver. Just as he was about to attack, he suddenly had an idea and turned to look at Luo Chuan.

The other Taoist soldiers looked at Luo Chuan one after another, all of them opened their mouths wide and looked surprised.

The breath on Luo Chuan, which had stopped, began to rise again.

Although the Hongmeng origin was absorbed and refined by Luo Chuan, it took more than a year to improve and break through. Every day, Luo Chuan's body was hit by the turbulent wind of the void. His body opened again. During this journey of cultivation, the potential origin power deep in his body and body was released one after another.

There were the origins that were not digested when he swallowed the Hongmeng Dao fruit before, and there were also Lingyun that was not completely refined in the Guangtian Pusheng forbidden land, and there were also the origins that were deposited in his body after swallowing so many elixirs in the alchemy room of Taoist Kongkong... These origins accumulated in Luo Chuan's body. Although they were not a burden, they had not been refined and absorbed for a long time. They were like waste if they were not used for a long time.


Luo Chuan opened his mouth and spit out a mysterious air, blowing away the turbulent wind in the ten-mile void.

From behind his head, a circle of white Shenhua Guanglun floated up!

There seemed to be waves in the Shenhua Guanglun. With every turn, Luo Chuan's breath became stronger.

The Dao power and morality contained in this circle of light wheel belong to creation! After Luo Chuan began to absorb and refine the hidden resources in his body, the rotation of this circle of light wheel accelerated, the Dao power was strong, and the Dao righteousness was close to perfection.

After the true Dao, the Dao was refined into a wheel, one Dao and one God Wheel, and four wheels proved the heavens!

As long as Luo Chuan completely completed the first round of cultivation, the Dao power and morality were all perfect, he could start to break through the second level of the Dao Wheel and refine the second round of Dao.

In the depths of the void, on the Du Yu Gourd Palace, time slowed down again.

The Dao soldiers guarded around Luo Chuan and protected him. White bats and Xuhuang Shen Spiders occasionally flew out of the Gourd Palace, flew to Luo Chuan's shoulders and called twice, and when they saw no one answered, they lost interest and consciously returned to the Gourd Palace. On the butt of the big gourd, a ball of white meat hummed and hummed, slowly moving forward, practicing the "Scouting Way". Not far away from it, the white bone demon pig lay with a fierce look on his face, looking at the fat man from time to time, and yawning lazily.

Time passed little by little, and in the blink of an eye, another seven months passed.

Seven months later, the Du Yu Gourd Palace was still moving slowly. On the Gourd Palace, the diameter of the Shenhua Roulette behind Luo Chuan's head increased by two times compared to before, and it seemed that Luo Chuan could be taken in. The white Shenhua flowed and bloomed, and the flow in the roulette gradually slowed down until it stopped.


A loud noise came from the Shenhua Roulette.

The sixteen soldiers gathered behind Luo Chuan suddenly raised their heads, their eyes stagnated, and then they were knocked away by an invisible force.

Pa Pa Pa... In the blink of an eye, the sixteen soldiers had flown out of the Nanhai Fairy Gourd and disappeared in the turbulent flow of the void.

On the Du Yu Gourd Palace, only Luo Chuan was sitting cross-legged at the mouth of the gourd, his body suspended in the air, his dark black hair fluttering behind his head, his tightly closed eyelids blinking gently, his whole body was full of energy, and streams of dark black energy came out from every pore in his body, twisting like smoke, and after leaving his body, it quickly spun again, forming black whirlpools of different sizes around Luo Chuan!

A breath of destruction rose from Luo Chuan's head. He sat on the gourd, but it seemed as if he was sitting cross-legged on the edge of a cliff of destruction, and he might disappear completely at any time.

Behind his head, the divine aura wheel full of the righteousness of creation continued to emit the vitality of creation, resisting the breath of destruction.

I don't know how long it took, but these two auras finally formed a balance in Luo Chuan's body!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh... streams of divine energy flew from a distance, and the sixteen soldiers returned to the Nanhai Immortal Gourd, but they didn't dare to get close to Luo Chuan again. They looked at Luo Chuan with a solemn face across Luo Chuan.

At this moment, a group of strange thunder suddenly gathered above Luo Chuan's head.

The strange thunder was powerful, and the flickering lightning alone frightened the sixteen soldiers, who dared not look at it, as if they would be blinded if they looked at it for a second longer.

In an instant, the strange thunder rushed down and rushed towards Luo Chuan!

Luo Chuan's eyelids flickered slightly, but he did not open them immediately.

Until the strange thunder rushed to the top, Luo Chuan suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with a thick black tide, which undulated and gathered in an instant, condensed, and turned into two black spots, and finally disappeared from Luo Chuan's eye sockets.

Looking up, Luo Chuan looked at the strange thunder, and with his arms raised, the black gas vortex around him gathered and rushed to his head.


The strange thunder rushed to his head, but was blocked by a new circle of divine light behind Luo Chuan's head!

That circle of divine aura light wheel was dark and dark, and the divine aura flowed, emitting a wisp of black light and shadow. Just one look at it made people feel that the world was destroyed and all the worlds were destroyed.


The strange thunder broke through Luo Chuan's second circle of divine aura light wheel and poured into Luo Chuan's head!

Luo Chuan's body shook again, and when he raised his head, he saw that there was a faint circle of flowing waves in the broken divine aura light wheel, and gradually it began to flow.

The destruction light wheel was completed, the second stage of the Dao wheel!


Creation and destruction, two circles of divine aura light wheels were running at the same time!

Luo Chuan stood up and looked into the distance. (To be continued...)

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