Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 855: Return Together!

"What a fart of divine calculation. Did that bastard expect me to come?"

The laughter sounded, echoing between the sky and the sea.


The sea tide rose, coming from all directions. Around the Hundred Deaths Heavenly Gate Formation, wisps of smoke and water vapor rose up, spreading to the top of the sky, and in a blink of an eye, the Hundred Deaths Heavenly Gate Formation was surrounded.

Every wisp of smoke, every wisp of water vapor, every wave, evolved into a hanging and rising sword light, spinning rapidly. Thousands of sword lights caused air fluctuations, vibrated the void, surrounded the Hundred Deaths Heavenly Gate Formation, and were ready to attack at any time!

Amid the laughter, the sword light gave rise to sword intent, and thousands of sword intents controlled the sea water for thousands of miles, turning it into a torrent of huge waves, rushing towards the Tiandao Tower!

On the Tiandao Tower, Wang Xiazi's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face was cold.

"Master Wang, is this person really beyond your calculation?" asked the Tianchen Outer Daoist monk on the left.

Wang Xiazi didn't say anything, but stared at the thousands of swords intent, with surprise and surprise in his eyes.

"Of course he couldn't predict it." Luo Chuan said with a smile in the Hundred Deaths Heaven Gate Formation.

"Who? What can't be calculated?" Zhuang Zhou scratched his head, confused.

"He means that Wang Maoren definitely can't predict that I will come."

The one who spoke was a majestic monk in a dark green robe, with a face that was cut by a knife and an axe, stubble on his chin, cold and indifferent eyes, slightly vicissitudes of life, and an empty sword sheath behind his shoulder.

This is a young monk who is impressive at first glance and unforgettable. He stood there, like a stone sword inserted into the depths of the earth. Sharp, tough, and heavy, no matter how the mountains roared and the sea collapsed, it would not be shaken at all.

Although he stood outside the Hundred Deaths Heaven Gate Formation, the hand that pinched his fingers into a sword was half extended into the Hundred Deaths Heaven Gate Formation. I don't know when he did it and how he did it.

Seeing that man, Wang Xiazi, the Tiandaolou monks inside and outside the magic circle. Including the two outside Taoist monks from Tianchenbuzhou who were invited to come. All of them were stunned. The most excited one was Zhuang Zhou. He poked his head out from behind Luo Chuan and looked at the young monk with a bald head like a Taoist monk, and his mood fluctuated.

In Tiannan Domain, there is not only Luo Chuan's legend. In addition, there is another legend. It is not much inferior to Luo Chuan, and it often alternates with Luo Chuan's legend. They are also peerless geniuses who are destined to be famous for generations in Tiannan Domain.

"Luo Shisi. Mr. Luo, you finally came back!"

The green-robed monk looked at Luo Chuan across the Baishi Tianmen formation, showing a gloating smile, hiding the uncontrollable emotional fluctuations in the depths of his eyes.

"You finally showed up." Luo Chuan looked at Zhou Buchen, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, but it disappeared in an instant, and he still looked indifferent.

"I don't believe that this mere formation breaking can trap you? Luo Chuan, you are pretending to sit here and wait for death, aren't you just trying to lure us out?" Zhou Buchen sneered and retracted the hand that had reached into the Hundred Deaths Heavenly Gate Formation.

Zhuang Zhou's heart moved, and he looked at Luo Chuan in surprise, but he understood that the master pretended to be trapped in order to lure Zhou Buchen out. What Hundred Deaths Heavenly Gate Formation? The two outsiders beside Wang Xiazi couldn't do anything to the master at all. Wait... us?

Zhuang Zhou clearly caught the key point in Zhou Buchen's words, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he was happy again.

At this moment, a small boat floated from the Tianhai fault not far away.

The small boat seemed to be far away, but in just a blink of an eye, it floated across dozens of miles and appeared under the Tiandao Building.

It was not until they got closer that everyone realized that the boat was not made of wood, but a black and purple dragon skin.

Seeing the dragon skin, the cultivators of Tiandao Tower were shocked and could not help but think of a legend not long ago.

That year, at the bottom of a huge river in the northeast of Tiannan, a demon dragon appeared. It was unknown whether the demon dragon came from the outsiders of Tiannan or an old monster who had practiced in Tiannan for countless years. As soon as it was born, it was rampant, killing men and kidnapping women, and doing all kinds of evil. Not only the native cultivators of Tiannan, but also many outsiders from Tianchen and masters at the top of the list of strong people could not do anything to it. Over the years, the country around the giant river was devastated and the people were miserable.

Suddenly one day, a pair of Taoists came to the riverside. Although the people, as usual, begged the immortals to kill the evil dragon and eliminate harm for the people, they had already given up hope in their hearts. Unexpectedly, the Taoists agreed casually, only asked the people for a Yin coin as a reward, and went to find the dragon.

Seeing that he agreed lightly and with an indifferent attitude, the people did not take it to heart. Unexpectedly, that night, there was a violent storm, lightning and thunder, and the demon dragon flew out of the giant river, stirring up the river water, carrying hurricane waves, rushing straight to the sky, and roaring like crazy.

Then, something happened that the people along the riverside would never forget. From the sky, a flash of knife light appeared, and the knife light appeared from nothing to something, from black to white. For a moment, it made both sides of the river bright and bright, and the night was as white as day.

However, in just a moment, all the strange phenomena of heaven and earth disappeared, and the dark night enveloped the earth again. The local people only heard a loud bang, and saw the demon dragon falling from the sky, falling into the river, with its head and body separated, and the blood alone dyed the river red. And the Taoist couple only took a piece of dragon skin as a boat, went downstream, and never appeared again.

The demon dragon ranked in the top three on the Tiannan Domain Giant Demon List, and the strong men from ten to twenty on the Tiannan Group List did not dare to provoke it, but it was beheaded by someone and killed in the river.

No one knows who the person who made the move is, and even if they have some suspicions, they dare not even think about it.

Until today, the man with the cold black knife on his back came alone in a dragon-skin boat and finally solved the mystery.

"Master! Is that... Lord Di Ming?" Zhuang Zhou asked Luo Chuan quietly.

Luo Chuan looked at the man who was approaching in a dragon-skin boat and laughed: "How come this guy's nickname hasn't changed after so many years?"

"No matter what, it sounds better than your Luo Shi."

The man on the boat took off his bamboo hat, revealing his handsome face that "drove a country and a city".

Outside the Heavenly Gate of Hundreds of Deaths, Ning Tianxing and Zhou Buchen stood facing each other. Inside the Heavenly Gates of Hundreds of Deaths, the smile on Luo Chuan's face spread.

There was silence.

There was no other sound except the sound of the waves and the wind.

Wang Xiazi, the monks in Tiandao Tower who had experienced the legend of Luo Zhouning and the others, looked at Luo Chuan and the others, their heartbeats involuntarily accelerated, especially Wang Xiazi, who had a strong sense of foreboding in his heart.

Six years ago, Luo Chuan, Zhou Buchen and Ning Tianxing were the most promising geniuses in the Tiannan Region. They were also the thorns in the flesh of the major forces in the Tiannan Region. They wanted to get rid of them quickly but could not do so. The most rare thing is that the three of them are close friends in life and death. When the three of them traveled through Tiannan together, they were almost invincible and never encountered an opponent.

After Luo Chuan disappeared six years ago, Zhou Buchen and Ning Tianxing also disappeared from the sight of the Tiannan monks in a near-retirement manner. Even so, their few battles have allowed them to rank among the top 20 in the Tiannan group's powerful list. What is even more surprising is that every time they reappear after retreating, their cultivation strength has improved. It will all increase exponentially in a very strange way.

Six years later, when the three of them appeared again, they all had the strength to kill the True Dao Immortal with a snap of their fingers! But now, they are together again... Wang Xiazi's pupils shrank sharply, feeling the fearful and fearful eyes of the monks who were forming the formation, Wang Xiazi took a deep breath, suddenly smiled, and said with his palms: "Okay, okay, okay, Zhou Buchen , Ning Tianxing, you are all here. I have been waiting for you for a long time, but fortunately, I have finally waited for this day. "

Hearing this, the Tiandao Pavilion monks looked at Wang Xiazi in surprise, thinking that the appearance of Zhou Ning and Zhou Ning had already fallen into the master's clever plan, and the panic and uneasiness in their hearts gradually calmed down.

"Kill Luo Chuan, Zhou Buchen and Ning Tianxing. Only when all three of them are dead can Tiannan regain peace." Wang Xiazi said, turning to the two monks next to him who were dressed in immortal style, and bent Lowering his waist, he smiled slightly and said: "Immortal Huochen and Immortal Yun Jue are ranked first and second on the Tiannan ranking. It shouldn't be a problem to deal with these two local monks who are ten or so away."

Immortal Yun Jue on the right looked at Zhou Buchen and Ning Tianxing indifferently: "Oh? These two are the two geniuses who are the highest ranked in your country and are said to be miraculous? The fourth stage of the true way? Haha, put them in your Tiannan Local talent is indeed second to none.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the palm of Yun Jue Cactus turned over, and colorful auspicious clouds appeared under him. Without seeing him move, he and the clouds appeared in front of Ning Tianxing.

Another Immortal Huochen swung his body and raised up a cloud of smoke and dust in the Sumeru Realm, covering Zhou Buchen.

In an instant, four powerful qi forces soared into the sky!

Zhou Buchen laughed heartily and was not afraid. The sword light flew out from the empty scabbard behind him and hit Immortal Huochen!

Ning Tianxing said nothing. Facing Yun Juecai with a proud smile on his face, he flicked his thumb and the Yinhuang Divine Sword came out!

Between the sky and the sea, a sword appeared!

The majestic and huge swords and lights stretched across the sky and sea, drawing strange trajectories and slashing at their respective opponents.

Bang! Bang!

The sound shook the sky and the sea, and the waves rolled into the sky!

The sword retreated and fell, Zhou Buchen took fifty-three steps back, and Ning Tianxing was also knocked back sixty-two steps! A sickly blush appeared on both of their cheeks!

On the other hand, Immortal Huochen and Immortal Yun Jue remained motionless, their expressions unchanged. One had a smile on his face, while the other raised the corner of his mouth and retracted his hand lightly.

After one move, the verdict is drawn!

Wang Xiazi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and bursts of cheers and cheers rang out from the side of Tiandao Building. In the Hundred-Death Tianmen Formation, Zhuang Zhou had a sullen face and furrowed his brows.

"Don't worry." Luo Chuan patted Zhuang Zhou's shoulder lightly and said with a smile: "There is nearly a big realm between those two guys and the two Tianchen heretics. Even so, they can still take over The opponent’s method... It seems that in addition to all the remaining six-star origins of Tiannan, they also ate the Hongmeng Dao Fruit." (To be continued...)

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