Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 873: Nine-Nation Alliance

The place where everyone is located is more like a huge palace than a square. .

It's just that this palace has no roof, no walls, no doors or windows. It is located in the middle of a hollow mountain. There are people coming and going. At a glance, there are at least more than 5,000 monks.

The monks kept appearing from the circle of light. Most of them were in a hurry, took the tokens, and flew out of the square at the center of the mountain. There were also some monks, like Luo Chuan and others, who had just arrived and looked around curiously. These monks generally had a high level of cultivation. None of them are high, ranging from Guixu Realm to True Dao Realm.

But even so, Wang Xiazi and Li Quanfu were secretly frightened. In this mountainside square, the Guixu Realm was at the lowest level. There were as many as ants in the True Dao Realm, and there were endless monks in the Daolun Realm and even higher auras. Compared with the monks in Tiannan Territory, these monks have a Taoist mood in both demeanor and demeanor, and the Taoist state of mind is generally several levels higher than that in Tiannan Territory.

What surprised Wang Xiazi even more was that the defensive robes, storage rings and magical mounts worn by these monks were difficult to buy for hundreds of thousands of Yin coins in the Tiannan Region, but they could be seen everywhere here.

"Boss Luo...why do I feel like they are all looking at us?" Wang Xiazi approached Luo Chuan and asked cautiously.

Just as Wang Xiazi said, Luo Chuan's group of twenty people each has his or her own unique appearance. The wings on Li Quanfu's back have not yet been restrained. He has a fat body, a round belly, and concave cheeks, giving him the appearance of a fat thunder god. Wang Xiazi has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, a thin figure, looking around and shrinking. The Golden Crow Prince remained silent and silent, with an icy aura all over his body. There is a circle of fire wheel engraved between the eyebrows. As for the seventeen Dao soldiers, each has its own unique appearance.

In the square at the foot of the mountain, there are also many groups of monks who come out of the teleportation circle. Most of them are dressed in the same uniform. They look like they belong to the same force. How can they look like Luo Chuan and his group? gather together.

"Perhaps we are all too shabby in our clothes." Zhou Buchen held the empty scabbard in his arms and said with a carefree smile.

Although Zhou Buchen came to Tianchen Buzhou for the first time, he was not as cautious and cautious as Wang Xiazi. It's still like the time in Tiannan Territory. He was free and easy, chatting and laughing freely, while he was looking around at a master who was famous in the Dao Wheel Realm, or even the Heavenly Realm. There was no timidity in his eyes. Instead, his eyes were fiery. Eager to try.


Zhou Buchen shook the empty scabbard and let out a burst of sword sounds. It carries an artistic conception of kendo that is slightly provocative and spreads around.

Wang Xiazi shrank and glanced around nervously. Li Quanfu's face changed slightly. The seventeen Dao soldiers also looked wary.

Only Luo Chuan and Prince Jinwu looked calm.

Prince Jinwu glanced at Zhou Buchen, his gaze fell on the empty scabbard, with a thoughtful look on his face.

As for Luo Chuan, he just smiled faintly. He knew Zhou Buchen's temperament better than anyone else. He finally realized his long-cherished wish and left the Tiannan Territory and came to this broader world of the Dao. How could Zhou Buchen endure it? live.

The sound of the sword sounded, and the monks in the surrounding circle looked towards Luo Chuan.

Many of the monks who first came to Tianchen Continent were also full of energy and could not help but release their swords and energy.

For a time, in the square at the foot of the mountain, the qi machines of the Daoli realm were rising and falling one after another, and the swords were buzzing.

But before those qi machines reached the highest point, Zhou Buchen reached out to press the empty scabbard, stopped the sound of the sword, turned his head and said calmly to Luo Chuan: "Although the monks here are strong, their average level is far higher than that of Tiannan, but at least there are 70%, you are not my opponent.”

Luo Chuan smiled: "Your method of testing strength is quite interesting. Most of the monks here are like me. They are new here and there are not many experts yet. Once you get out of here, some of them are good opponents."

"I hope so." Zhou Buchen smiled lightly, gathered his energy, and picked up the empty scabbard again.

Not only him, but also Luo Chuan and Prince Jinwu also restrained their energy, and their aura only remained at the level of the true Dao realm.

"Why are you arguing! This is not your own territory. When you enter the Nine Kingdoms Alliance territory, everyone must abide by the rules of the Nine Kingdoms Alliance. Otherwise, there will be no elders here who can protect you!"

At this moment, a gold and stone flying feather carriage appeared at the exit of the mountain square. In front of the carriage, a half-dragon and two colorful elk were tied, and their auras were above the true Dao realm. Just these three strange beasts pulling the cart reveal the extraordinary identity of the people in the cart.

From the carriage, a fat monk wearing a yellow deer-patterned robe walked out. The mustache under his nose trembled, and he snorted loudly. In a blink of an eye, he glanced at the monks who were exuding energy in the square at the foot of the mountain, and his eyes sparkled with divine energy. .

"Dao Lun Realm." Zhou Buchen glanced at the fat monk, then looked at Luo Chuan, and murmured: "It's strange, Luo Chuan, your Seven Star Chamber of Commerce has a relationship with Donghua Sect, so the teleportation circle should teleport It’s the Donghua Sect. Why is it the Nine Kingdoms Alliance?”

"This Nine-Nation Alliance should be the Tao Kingdom within the territory of Donghua Sect. A top sect like Donghua Sect has hundreds of small and medium-sized sects and Tao Kingdoms attached to it. The so-called Nine-Nation Alliance should be nine of them. A Tao country." Luo Chuan said.

"The top sect... is indeed very different from the Tiannan Region." Zhou Buchen's eyes flashed with light, and he said through a message: "Luo Chuan, although the Donghua Sect girl named Lou, I don't know when she will be able to return. Donghua Sect, staying within the Donghua Sect’s territory is definitely not a long-term solution.”

"We'll wait until we find my aunt first. Luo Fu came to Tianchen a few years ago to find me, and she must still be in the Donghua Sect's territory." Luo Chuan looked at Li Quanfu: "Little Lizi, do you know where my aunt is now?" where?"

Li Quanfu nodded and whispered: "After Mrs. Luo went to Tianchen, she rarely sent messages back. The last time she sent messages back was a year ago, saying that she opened a restaurant in a place called Qianyuan Daoguo. Luo's Trading Company. I just don't know if she is still here."

The monks in the square at the base of the mountain gradually became quiet. Except for some monks from the Taoist realm and the realm of heavens who left the square at the base of the mountain, most of the monks stayed in place.

"They seem to be waiting for something." Zhou Buchen said.

"Waiting to be picked away." The one who spoke was the Golden Crow Crown Prince. He glanced at Zhou Buchen and sneered: "Do you think these Tianchen forces are really so kind in spending their efforts to build such a large teleportation square? I see that most of these monks are from the Great Thousand Realm like you. For ordinary monks, being able to enter Tianchen Continent is like a carp jumping over the dragon gate. How could they know that they want to survive in Tianchen Continent. , it’s not as easy as they thought.”

"How do you say that?" Zhou Buchen asked calmly, knowing that Prince Jinwu failed to plot against Luo Chuan and was taken as his mount by Luo Chuan, so he naturally didn't have a good look towards him.

"If I remember correctly, without background forces, most of the monks who ascended to Tianchen Continent will be forcibly collected by some big forces. Look at that." Prince Jinwu looked to the northwest of the square, with a cruel smile on his lips: " Within half a stick of incense, those three monks will definitely die."

Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen raised their heads, followed the gaze of the Golden Crow Crown Prince, and saw the three monks appearing in the northwest of the mountain square.

The three monks had just arrived. Each of them was over ten feet tall. They were at the fourth level of the True Dao. Their muscles were taut. Even though they were wearing spacious Taoist robes, their strong bodies were still prominent. Their bodies were full of explosive power. They were obviously practicing. A fellow monk of some kind of physical body method.

The three monks had a tough and unyielding look on their brows, but they seemed not to understand the rules of the teleportation square. After looking around curiously, they walked out of the square.

The fat monk who walked out of the Jinshi Feiyu carriage also noticed the three extraordinary monks and sneered: "Wait a minute! Where are you going?"

The three monks stopped and looked at the fat monk in confusion. The first monk with a long face cupped his hands and said in a deep voice: "Fellow Taoist, the three of us have just ascended from the Ancient Master Realm. We just heard that The Donghua Sect is the top sect in the Tianchen Continent, and I long for it in my heart. I want to go to the Donghua Sect to worship the Immortal and find the way."

"Oh, my spirits are quite high. As soon as I arrived in Tianchen, I couldn't wait to go to Donghua Sect to learn martial arts. Good, good, good, three very motivated kids." The fat monk smiled broadly.

The three monks from the Gu Zun Realm were obviously honest people and could not understand the roundabout words. When the fat monk said this, they all blushed slightly. The long-faced monk at the head cupped his hands and said: "I don't dare to do it. I don't dare to do it. I'm pursuing the higher path." This is what we as Taoists yearn for the most..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the fat monk with a sneer.

"Don't you dare to be ridiculous! Do you three really think that I am praising you? How dare a cultivator who has just entered the top 100 in the realm dare to speak so brazenly that he enters the Donghua Sect to become a disciple? He doesn't even urinate to look at himself! With poor people like you, what qualifications do you have to enter the Donghua Sect? The Donghua Sect only accepts real geniuses. If everyone is like you, you don't know the heights of the world, and you squeeze in one by one to enter the Donghua Sect. Wouldn’t this sect become a sect where idiots gather!”

The fat monk said nothing and just cursed.

The three monks from the Ancient Zun Realm never expected that the other would change his face at the slightest suggestion. They were all stunned on the spot, their faces turned from red to blue, their bodies were trembling, and they were filled with shame and anger.

"Why did you, fellow Taoist, humiliate us for no reason? We ascended here out of sincerity. Why did you, fellow Taoist..."

Before the leading monk could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the fat Taoist.

"Don't try to get too close to one Taoist friend on the left and the other on the right. I am a Taoist official from the Nine Kingdoms Alliance. Who do you think you are? You are just three idiots who have just come to Tianchen Continent. Since you are here, you must abide by the rules here."

The fat monk sneered again and again: "In ancient times, there was a saying of ascension. Now, when you come to Tianchen from the realm, you only need to teleport the magic circle. Maintaining the teleportation magic circle requires a lot of resources. Our Nine Kingdoms Alliance has established this teleportation square. , and it is not for the sake of good intentions. No matter who the realm monks are sent here, they must choose to serve in one of the Nine Nations Alliance for a period of ten years. " (To be continued...)

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