Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 878: Demons are rampant!

"What do you think of that uncle?" Luo Chuan asked in mid-air. . .

The corner of Zhou Buchen's mouth raised slightly, Li Quanfu lowered his head, and the seventeen Taoist soldiers looked at each other. Qin Mo took a step forward and said: "Tao Master, that Bo Taiyi, his identity seems to be very simple, but he is particularly close to Tao Master." Lai, even at the expense of offending the Nine Nations Alliance. This is a doubtful point. The second doubtful point is that his Immortal Family territory is not as simple as it seems on the surface, but he did not mention it at all, and he was suspected of testing the Taoist master. "

"Yes, your two doubts are exactly my doubts." Luo Chuan said lightly: "We are here just to find a temporary place to stay. We will not stay long and we are too lazy to pay attention to him. If people are kind to me, I will I will treat him kindly. If someone treats me badly, I will never treat him well. Although he takes us in, he conceals the truth and tests my true identity. I will only treat him as a casual acquaintance."

Although the land of one hundred and thirty miles is more than double the size of Bai Yujing in the Tang Dynasty, it is indeed not that big as a place of influence in Tianchen Continent where there are soaring clouds and foggy monks everywhere.

Not long after, Luo Chuan and his party flew in front of a meandering river. The water was clear and the blue waves rolled, but they were surrounded by high mountains. The black wind rolled and turned into a miasma, covering up the scene in the mountains.

And beside the river in front of the mountain, there is a mortal county town. The county town is not large in scale. There is a ferry beside the county town river, and there are ferry boats to and from the city on the opposite side of the river.

"Sir, this Panlong River is the boundary of Bo Taiyi's territory. On the other side of the river, it should be the Qianyuan Dao Kingdom." Li Quanfu said.

"Yes, it is the Qianyuan Dao Kingdom." Luo Chuan thought for a moment. Turning to the ancestor of Qin Mo: "You lead ten people and sneak into Qianyuan Dao Kingdom quietly to look for traces of Luo's Trading Company and my aunt. I will let the stone cover up the secret of heaven and destiny for you."

"Chiliu'er, the remaining people, take them with you and build our cave in the mountains beside the river to live there temporarily."

"Jinwu, you accompany them. If you encounter any local demons causing trouble, kill them."

"Little Lizi. Among us, excluding Zhuang Zhou, your cultivation level is considered the lowest. From today on, you go back to the tower and practice hard. By the way, let Zhuang Zhou and Bai Bat know that they should concentrate on their practice. ”

Luo Chuan ordered them one by one. Everyone took orders.

"Luo Chuan, what about me?" Zhou Buchen asked with a smile.

"Of course you are going to have a drink with me. And Wang Maoren, you will also go with us. The human county town of Tianchen Buzhou. I don't know what the situation is like." After Luo Chuan finished speaking, he took the lead to fly to the riverside county town.

Zhou Buchen laughed loudly and flew into the county seat.

Wang Xiazi followed the two of them with a serious look on his face. Although Luo Chuan opened the knot in his heart once on the day of the Hollow Mountain Realm catastrophe, he was far from being as free and easy as Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen. .

Compared with the other three counties in Bo Taiyi's territory, Panjiang County, which is backed by mountains and rivers and is close to the Qianyuan Dao Kingdom, not only has the largest area and the largest population, but is also the most lively.

Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen entered the county town at dusk.

At dusk, the radiance of the remaining clouds shines through the dark clouds in the distant mountains and falls on the county town.

The long street in the center of the county town is crowded with people. There are many restaurants and grocery stores on both sides. The buildings are exquisite and the pedestrians are gorgeously dressed and everyone is refreshed.

"What a Tianchen Buzhou. This small county in the corner is about to catch up with the prosperity of some of the top cities in the Tang Dynasty. Why do I feel that ordinary people in this county seem to have built foundations?" Zhou Bu Chen said softly.

"After all, this is Tianchen Continent. Mortals and immortals and monsters are very close to each other. We have long been used to Taoism and other things." Luo Chuan said, turning to Wang Xiazi: "You also have the cultivation of the true Taoist realm. Just take a look. There are so many practitioners in this small county alone.”

Wang Xiazi was in a daze. Hearing Luo Chuan's words, he was stunned. He made seals with his hands, muttered something in his mouth, and touched his eyes. He fell into a strange state.

Zhou Buchen glanced at Wang Xiazi and said to Luo Chuan: "The method he used is still the most common method passed down from the Tiannan Region sect. I said Luo Chuan, you said this man has extraordinary talents and extraordinary qualifications. Why don’t you teach him some techniques that are worthy of success?”

"Could it be that you have forgotten the Tiandao Building Master from Tiannan Territory?" Luo Chuan said.

Zhou Buchen raised his brows and looked deeply at Wang Xiazi: "Are you worried that the strong man who took him away in the past has a backup plan?"

"It's not impossible. Wang Xiazi is extremely talented. This kind of qualification even exceeds the Xuanwen Miao Body, Yin Yang Dao Body and other physical bodies. If he grows up, it will definitely be a big help to us. Unfortunately, since he was After we rescued him, he still couldn't bring himself to get up, and he seemed to have lost his ambition to pursue the higher road. I won't be too late to help him someday when he has the real ambition to reach the higher road."

"If even Tianchen Buzhou can't attract his interest, then he is really hopeless. To be honest, even though I have just arrived in Tianchen Buzhou, I can already feel the powerful source of power contained in this world. Every moment They are all stimulating my potential and consolidating my ambition to become a better person.”

Luo Chuan looked at Zhou Buchen, smiled, and said meaningfully: "Old Zhou, you do still have great potential, especially the aspect that you have never noticed."

While the two were chatting, Wang Xiazi suddenly opened his eyes!

"Boss Luo! There are actually 2,835 cultivators in this county, accounting for one-fifth of the total population! Among them, there are 2,231 demon cultivators!"

Zhou Buchen glanced at Wang Xiazi in surprise, as if he didn't expect him to come up with the correct answer so quickly.

"Wait! Something's wrong!" Wang Xiazi's pupils expanded, and his head and neck shrank subconsciously.

"What's wrong?" Luo Chuan asked.

"Among the two thousand two hundred and thirty-one demon monks, there are one thousand three hundred and thirty-four who are distributed in the southeast, northwest, and are coming towards us! Boss Luo! What is going on!"

Wang Xiazi's expression changed drastically. He turned to Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen, and saw that their expressions were as usual, as if they had expected something.

"This... Boss Luo? Do you know?" Wang Xiazi asked cautiously.

"It would be strange if they didn't come, but I didn't expect that there would be so many people... the demon gang?" Zhou Buchen chuckled, suddenly raised his palm, and a three-inch lightsaber spun up from his palm, and the light The sword was like ice, whirling around and shooting towards the restaurant near Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen.

The restaurant is located in the middle of the county's long street. It is a three-story wooden building with the three characters "Yinyue Tower" hanging on the upper floor.

This restaurant is also very exquisite. The restaurant is full of people, drinking and laughing, and there is not even an empty table. It is obvious that the business is very good. But the strange thing is that after a long time, no one came out of the restaurant, and no local people entered the restaurant.

The lightsaber in Zhou Buchen's palm passed over the restaurant, instantly emitting dozens of sword energy. Each sword energy seemed to have eyes, and it shot through the throats of the restaurant guests accurately.


Blood splattered everywhere in the restaurant, heads flew up one after another, and bodies fell into a pool of blood.

After a brief silence, screams rang out from the center of the county. The local people looked in horror at Zhou Buchen who was going on a killing spree. They all panicked and ran away.

"This... Mr. Zhou, you..."

Wang Xiazi was also frightened and looked at Zhou Buchen in surprise.

"Wang Maoren, it seems your insight is not as high as I thought." Zhou Buchen smiled coldly and stared at the restaurant.

Wang Maoren followed Zhou Buchen's gaze and was suddenly startled.

I saw that the original three-story restaurant became distorted and swaying under the moonlight, like a shadow of cooking smoke, swaying and blurred.


There was a sound that seemed to be shattering, and the moonlight magic circle wrapped outside the restaurant was shattered by Zhou Buchen's sword energy! The previous illusion of a three-story restaurant was gone, replaced by a seven-story tower!

The ink-colored seven-story tower spiraled up, exuding streaks of bloody energy. Under the moonlight, there was no reflection, making it even more weird and weird.

After those common people's drinkers were decapitated by Zhou Buchen's sword, their bodies were thrown to the ground. They turned out to be white goats, and they had been dead for a long time.

On the tower, there were about a dozen white jade wine tables on each floor. Sitting beside the wine table was a tall monk in strange clothes, with an enchanting and strange aura. At this time, everyone stopped drinking, talking and laughing, lowered their heads, and looked at him coldly. Xiang Zhou Buchen.

This seven-story tower is also a restaurant, but it is a restaurant exclusively for demon monks to drink and have fun! It is invisible on weekdays, and to ordinary people, it just looks like an ordinary three-story restaurant!

Wang Xiazi was dumbfounded. Although he also had the cultivation level of the True Dao Realm and the talent of a Daoist Master, as Zhou Buchen said, the method he used was too outdated. Because of this, he did not notice the mystery of the restaurant.

"Zhou Buchen, those fellow Taoists are all looking at you." Luo Chuan said with a faint smile.

"I knew they were looking at me early on. I don't mind, but there's no need to hide in the dark and spy on me, right?" Zhou Buchen sneered, and two lightsabers rose again from his palms: "I'm not a monkey! If you want to see me, then don’t hide it!”

After the words fell, Zhou Buchen released the lightsaber one after another.


Two lightsabers, one after the other, passed over the teahouses, gambling shops, and groceries on both sides of the long street... These seemingly ordinary mundane buildings, in an instant, a circle of bright white light was aroused around them, but they were magic. The formation seals obviously saw the lessons learned from Yinyue Tower and hurriedly opened the formation.

Although the magic circle opened quickly, it was not as fast as Zhou Buchen's sword.

Two clusters of sword light shot up on the long street, and instantly scattered in all directions, like pear blossoms in a rainstorm.


The buildings on both sides of the Central Long Street in Panjiang County collapsed and shattered under Zhou Buchen's lightsaber, and dust rose up like a curtain of rain.

When the dust settled, towers and castles with demonic auras and shadows filled the sky stood in the center of the county. (To be continued...)

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