Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 880: The real person never reveals his identity!

"They actually launched the Heavenly Killing Formation... These monsters are not as stupid as the previous batches. They all know how to clear up the relationship."

Outside Panjiang County, near Panlongjiang River, in mid-air, an old man in white robes said calmly to several monks in black who were waiting for him.

This white-robed old man was one of the guardians serving the prince of Qianyuan Kingdom in the teleportation square during the day.

"Your Excellency is still very powerful. He easily provoked this group of monsters, set up a formation, and attacked these new recruits of Bo Taiyi, but he would not suspect the prince." A black-clothed monk said.

"Hmph, even if they really have the ability to guess that it was the prince who did it, so what? The prince is still afraid of them? It's just that there is no need to bother." The white-robed protector sneered again and again: "It's true, these monsters are just for three hairs. The head boy actually launched the Heavenly Killing Formation! Originally, I wanted to test the capabilities of these monks from the outside world. As soon as the Heavenly Killing Formation came out, they were certain to die... By the way, those from Xianquan Dao Kingdom were filial to the Donghua Sect. A rare treasure, are you ready?"

Another monk in black came forward, bowed and said in a low voice: "My lord, everything has been arranged. The person invited this time is a demon king from the outer realm of Tianchen! This demon king's lord If we are used to this kind of behavior, we will definitely handle it cleanly, leaving no traces, and there will definitely be no suspicion on us. It’s just the reward they want..."

"What's the reward?"

"Five times more than previous years!"

"So high! What's going on!"

"Since the great changes in the outer lands a few years ago, the price for recruiting the Demon King has been rising. It is said that every time they go out, they need to hand over 40% to their superiors... They are the cannon fodder battalions."

Hearing this, the eyes of the old man in white robes flashed with deep fear, and he gritted his teeth and said: "That's all, five times is five times. There is no need to offend the Cannon Fodder Battalion and Demon Cult Palace for these trivial matters! Once these men of Bo Taiyi are dealt with, I will personally Go talk to that demon king."

On the other side, on a lonely peak east of Panjiang County, Mr. Bo stood with his hands behind his hands, his brows furrowed. Behind him, Mr. Sun, who was wearing a black robe, rolled his eyes. Youyou said: "The two boys named Luo and Zhou were motionless. They looked like they were sitting back and waiting to be killed. They didn't know what tricks they were playing."

"How can you play any tricks? This Qiantian magic formation is the orthodox killing formation of the Xian family. It traps people first and then kills them. Once trapped, there is only one way to die!" Bo Taiyi frowned. His eyes were solemn: "Old Sun, it's better to rescue them quickly... Qianyuan Daoguo actually refused to let them go, so I shouldn't have said nothing to them."

"What's the matter with Young Master? It's all the old slave who wants to test them." Old Sun said quietly: "Now it seems that these monks from the outside world really have high ambitions and low skills. They have no real skills, let alone the nobles that Young Master imagined. ”

"Mr. Sun, no matter how incompetent they are, even if they are not noble people, they are still people I will take in. Since I have agreed, I will protect them," Bo Taiyi said.

"The old servant knows that the young master still holds hope in his heart and thinks that they are noble people. If they are really the noble people that the gods said in their dreams, then they will turn their bad luck into good luck and avoid today's difficulties. If not, the young master will take them in. It's also a waste of resources... It's better to leave it at that." Mr. Sun's eyes flashed coldly.

"If I don't save them today, I will not be safe in the future. Master Sun, if you really don't want to save them, I will go myself."

Bo Taiyi said lightly, flew out, and the light of a green lotus rose in his palm.

Mr. Sun shook his head, sighed softly, flew out reluctantly, and followed Bo Taiyi.

At this moment, Qiantian Luopan's murderous intention reached its climax and finally erupted like a gushing volcano!


Over the central long street of Panjiang County, golden runes flew out from around the compass. The runes splashed and gathered into spiral arms, spinning rapidly around the compass.

The beating and flashing of each rune is a change. Countless runes gather into spiral arms, which is countless changes. The spiral arms rotate rapidly, which is endless changes.

The endless changes in the upper path are gathered in the compass, controlling the Qiantian Killing Formation!

The so-called orthodoxy of the Immortal Family is well-founded, rational and regulated, and one line is used to develop ten thousand ways. Only when such a formation is formed can it be invincible and invincible!

Seeing that the Compass Killing Formation was approaching the tops of Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen, the two of them were still talking, laughing and drinking happily. A flash of light flashed in the depths of Mr. Bo's eyes, and he was about to take action.

At this time, something unexpected happened to Mr. Ling Bo and Mr. Sun!

Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen did nothing, but next to them, the most inconspicuous, monkey-like monk suddenly raised his head and stared coldly at the approaching killing array.

His expression was very strange, with a hint of pain, a hint of weariness, and a hint of disgust.

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again the next moment, his eyes were filled with darkness, as if a long and endless night was hidden!

At the same time, his breath also became different, as if he had been reborn, from a worm to a real dragon in an instant!

"Qian Tian? The west of the Kun Dynasty is suppressed by Qian Dao, so it becomes the sky."

Wang Xiazi chuckled, speaking words that almost no one could understand, looked at the killing array above his head, and stretched out his hand lightly.

There is no protective shield, and there is no strong physical power. He just points out a ray of true power with his finger and presses it at the corner of the compass killing formation at will.

"Hmph, this man is crazy!" The white-robed protector on the Panlong River sneered.

"What is he doing?" Over the county town, Mr. Sun had a strange face.

But then, the two of them were stunned at the same time, stunned on the spot!

In the middle of the long street in the county, the pointed-faced, thin and frail foreign cultivator, who looked ordinary, casually pointed his finger and inserted it into the Qiantian Killing Formation with power close to the heavens.

The huge compass-shaped Qiantian Killing Formation came to an abrupt stop! It stopped on his finger!

The world was quiet, the Panjiang River was silent, and everyone inside and outside the county was focused on Wang Xiazi's finger, weird, absurd, and shocked!

This feeling was like the mat on the stage, shaking the flying cloth turntable with fingers, easy and casual, accustomed to it.

However, soon, the golden runes on the compass jumped again, gathered into a spiral giant wall, accelerated and spun, exuding a murderous intent that was even stronger than before, and had surpassed the realm of the heavens! And it was still rising!

Wang Xiazi withdrew his hand just right, stared at it, pointed again, and muttered something in his mouth.

After each paragraph, he pointed out a finger, and with his meager cultivation in the realm of the True Dao, he inserted it into the Compass Killing Formation and retracted it in an instant.

After one finger, the Compass Killing Formation with a radius of 300 feet stopped rotating.

After three fingers, the aura and murderous intent of the Qiantian Killing Formation quickly fell back, and the coverage area was also shrinking.

After five fingers, there was a loud bang, and the Qiantian Killing Formation, which was close to the power of the sub-emperor level at its peak, broke into pieces, collapsed and disintegrated above Wang Xiazi's head! Vanished into nothingness!

The moonlight fell from the sky and sprinkled on the white jade wine table in the middle of the long street.

Two strong and tall monks lightly touched their wine bowls and talked and laughed. Beside them, the thin monk with his head held high slowly lowered his head, bent down slowly, and bowed to Luo Chuan, then sat on the other side, his aura dissipated, his eyes were restrained, and a faint sadness and loss appeared on his face. He sighed softly, and I don’t know what he was thinking about.

With six fingers in front and back, he easily broke the immortal orthodox killing array from Donghua Sect with a few pokes!

In the end, everyone could sense that the power of the Qiantian killing array had been brewing to the sub-emperor level, but it was still broken by the cultivator from the domain.

What made the cultivators inside and outside the county feel scalp numb was that after doing all this, the thin and ugly formation-breaking master was indifferent, patted his butt and sat down, as if he didn't think it was a great thing to break the killing array.

From beginning to end, his performance can only be described in five words-real people don't show their faces!

On the Panlong River, the people of Qianyuan Dao Country were silent. The white-robed guardian stared at Wang Xiazi with a gloomy face and a strong murderous intent in his eyes. After a while, he said: "This kind of talent in the domain has not been seen in the Nine Nations Alliance for a hundred years. It actually fell into the hands of that lucky guy Bo Taiyi. Where does it put my prince!"

On the other side of the county, Bo Taiyi also stared at Wang Xiazi with a fiery gaze!

"Master Sun, now you still insist that they can't be nobles?" Bo Taiyi glanced at Old Sun and said lightly.

"There is only one... But I never expected that the strongest person in this group of people is the most inconspicuous one." Old Sun's voice was as gloomy as always, like a man and a woman, but his eyes were slightly bright: "It is true that the real person does not show his face, and the one who shows his face is not the real person. Young master, this group of people will make a lot of money if they can win over this person. He alone can make up for the grievances you have suffered over the years. Even this old servant is a little bit confused about this person's ability."

Young master Bo nodded slightly, his eyes flickered, and a touch of joy flashed across his face.

Once the Qiantian formation was broken, the long street of the county was silent, and the four demon leaders were also shocked on the spot. For a while, they just stared at Wang Xiazi, not knowing what to do.

Rumble... thunderous sound came, but it was the beasts and birds under the seats of thousands of cultivators inside and outside the county, disturbed by the sound of the destruction of the magic circle, thousands of beasts with at least the power of the Dao Realm stepped and roared, and the sound was so loud that it attracted the beasts and birds in the mountains and rivers outside the county to roar continuously.

Thousands of beasts and birds roared wildly, and the aura was attracted, and a cloud of more than 300 miles was gathered in the sky above the border of the three countries. The cloud was like thousands of beasts running, fierce and surging.


Zhou Buchen suddenly stretched out his hand to press the jade table, his body shook slightly, his brows were furrowed, and he closed his eyes.

"Huh? What's wrong with Mr. Zhou?" Wang Xiazi was startled, turned his head to look at Luo Chuan, and asked nervously.

"It doesn't matter. Maybe he suddenly realized it." Luo Chuan looked at Zhou Buchen and smiled inexplicably. The doubts he had about Zhou Buchen in Tiannan Domain that day were finally solved today. (To be continued...)

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