Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 883: What a genius!

"Quiet? What nonsense! Eunuch Sun, these demons clearly appeared in your young master's territory! Your young master is so incompetent that he has done nothing for so many years and has condoned so many demons! Today, Japan has killed these demons. , you should be happy for your son, why are you slandering me?"

Li Jiyun, the white-robed protector, sneered again and again. From his sleeve, a nine-foot jade bead rod hung down and was held in the palm of his hand.

The stick is all green and green, and each knot is inlaid with a white jade bead. The jade bead absorbs the moonlight and becomes brighter, more transparent, and flawless white. Looking from a distance, it looks like white jade.

The nine-foot jade bead rod hung down, and from under the nine jade beads, a black twisted rune appeared faintly. It turned out to be an antique magic weapon with innate mysterious patterns!


There was a roar on the other side of the Panlong River. The sound came from deep in the earth, but it belonged to the territory of the Qianyuan Tao Kingdom on the other side.

The next moment, a black tide surged up from the ground of Qianyuan Dao Kingdom. Under the control of the nine-foot jade bead rod, it instantly spread into the small town where Luo Chuan and others were!

The billowing black air encircled and enveloped thousands of demonic monks in Panjiang Town, suppressing them on the long street of the town!

As early as when Li Jiyun took out the nine-foot jade bead rod, the faces of many demon monks had already become extremely ugly. This nine-foot jade bead rod was one of the magic weapons that Prince Qianyuan received from the Donghua Sect. Only those with cultivation levels in the heavens can control it. It is used specifically to seize the evil energy of the earth from the depths of the earth. It is so powerful that even the demon monks who are three times the level of the heavens, not to mention thousands of demon monks, can hardly resist it.

Xie Xianzi, the leader of the Qingyi Gang, is one of the demon monks. The first one to react.

"Son of a bitch!"

Gang leader Xie had a pale face and cursed fiercely. A green light flashed behind his back. Four green wings appeared in an instant. He flapped his wings and soared into the sky. He narrowly avoided the earth's evil energy and flew into the sky.

"Monster! Dare you run?" Li Jiyun sneered, turned the nine-foot jade bead stick in his right hand, and stretched out his left hand. Coerce the power of the heavens. Catching Xie Xianzi in mid-air.


Mr. Sun took a step forward and stared at the protector of Prince Qianyuan, ready to make a move.

"No." Bo Taiyi shook his head, with deep regret in his eyes. But he said categorically: "He is indeed trying to silence him. But you can't take action either... You are not me. If they catch evidence of his action, you will definitely die. I can't protect you either!"

Hearing this, a look of gratitude appeared on Mr. Sun's face, but his eyes were full of regret. For a moment, his expression was complicated.

Among those three people, one must be his son's "noble person". If he gets these three people, his son may really be able to escape from the Donghua Sect territory and return to his old dynasty.

But Prince Qianyuan's men were thrusting their swords in at this moment. As long as the mouths of these demonic monks were blocked, no one would know that it was actually Prince Qianyuan who secretly instigated this group of demonic monks, which led to today's incident. At that time, Prince Qianyuan will be able to recruit those three domain geniuses openly. As the crown prince of the Qianyuan Tao Kingdom, the largest Tao country in the Nine Kingdoms Alliance, he has resources and fame that far exceed those of the current young master... How can the young master compete with him?

Mr. Sun clenched his fists, his face was gloomy and filled with regret.

With his city power and eyesight, he had already vaguely guessed what would happen when he teleported to the square, but he did not remind these realm monks, and he also had the idea of ​​​​testing deep in his heart. This temptation gave Prince Qianyuan an advantage!

Just as Mr. Sun was regretting his delay, a faint laughter sounded on the long street of the town.

"Fellow Taoist are you so eager to kill people and silence them?"

The one who spoke was the man in cloth robe who had been sitting at the white jade table drinking and never got up.

The face of the protector of the Qianyuan Dao Kingdom changed slightly, he glared at Luo Chuan and cursed: "What the hell! How dare you slander our Dao?"

Wang Xiazi retracted his gaze from the sky and looked at Li Jiyun strangely.

Zhou Buchen opened his eyes suddenly and fell to the ground, half-smiling, with a look of expectation and interest in his eyes.

As for the Golden Crow Prince, although he did not speak, he looked at Luo Chuan teasingly, with gloating in his eyes.

Chiliu'er and other Taoist soldiers looked at the white-robed protector with cold faces.

After the protector of the Qianyuan Dao Kingdom shouted that sentence, the temperament of everyone around Luo Chuan changed at the same time, as if Luo Chuan was the core point, pulling them together!

This momentary change was caught in the eyes of Bo Taiyi and Mr. Sun at the same time.

For the first time since they met in the teleportation square, the two of them focused entirely on Luo Chuan.

"I don't want to slander anyone, but you are indeed trying to silence me."

Luo Chuan laughed dumbly, pressed his hand on the white jade wine table, and lifted his body lightly. It seemed that his movement speed was not very fast, but before Gang Leader Xie was caught by Li Jiyun, he punched out to meet Li Jiyun's grasp!


There was a muffled sound in mid-air!

The protector of the Qianyuan Dao Kingdom, who possesses the second-level cultivation of the heavens, swayed and took three steps back. Two circles of blush appeared on his face, and he looked at Luo Chuan in shock!

"This is impossible!"

Bo Taiyi swayed and looked at Luo Chuan complicatedly.

"Young Master! There is no doubt that this person is a tyrant!" Mr. Sun said with gleaming eyes: "If we say that the man in black robe before was specious, then this man's combat power has crossed a huge realm. Such an understatement is definitely not the first time that he has crossed over. Fighting in a big way! He is an undoubted tyrant!"

As soon as Mr. Sun finished speaking, Li Jiyun gritted his teeth, squeezed the seal with his hand, and pressed forward.


The Qiantian Killing Formation was activated again, and the compass formation was spinning. This time it was no longer aimed at Luo Chuan and others, but at the leader Xie who had activated this formation before!

"No matter how you try to silence us, it is meaningless."

Luo Chuan sneered, facing the Qiantian Killing Formation, he pointed his finger diagonally.

For ordinary cultivators, the more complex the formation, the more difficult it is to guess the changes. For example, the Qiantian Killing Formation, its changes are like the stars in the sky and the leaves on the ground, which are impossible to guess.

But there are exceptions for two types of cultivators. One is the Dao Yanshi, and the other is the Tianmen cultivator who is the nemesis of the Dao Yanshi!


Just one finger, without the slightest breath of the flow of Dao power. After a moment, the Qiantian Killing Formation was torn into pieces under Luo Chuan's hands, like ice and snow in the wind, fluttering and falling to the ground.


Whether it was the fleeing leader Xie, the demon cultivators on the street, or the white-robed guardian of the Qianyuan Dao Kingdom, they were all stunned.

You know, the skinny monk just now broke the Qiantian killing array with just five fingers, which made them astonished. And now the white-robed monk is even more monstrous than the monster just now!

"Wow, such a strong earthly evil spirit! Little turtle, meat! Hurry up and breathe it in!"

A cry of surprise came from the sleeve of the white-robed monk.

In a blink of an eye, strands of white spider silk flew out from his sleeves, wrapped with earthly evil spirits! The spider silk crossed the sky, and the void was accidentally cut open by several gaps. Streams of void origin leaked out from it and flowed into the sleeves of the white-robed monk along the spider silk.

Spider silk... void origin... plus the breath of the Xiantian lineage!

Bo Taiyi and Sun Lao looked at each other, and a name popped up in their minds at the same time, the superior of the Xuhuang lineage that was said to have disappeared: Xuhuang Divine Spider!

In the old dynasty, there were also superiors of the Xiantian lineage, raised in the royal family, to protect the town!

Bo Taiyi and Sun Lao were not unfamiliar with the aura of the Xiantian lineage, especially the superiors of the Xiantian lineage!

The moment the spider silk appeared, they both felt that there were several auras of the Xiantian lineage hidden in the sleeves of the white-robed monk. Although they quickly converged, at least the existence of the Xuhuang Divine Spider was beyond doubt.

Bo Taiyi and Sun Lao looked at the monk in a white cloth robe again, their eyes full of disbelief and horror.

Compared with the black-robed monk with a cold and violent temperament before, he looked more like a usurper! He broke the formation more easily than the thin master of breaking the formation! He had the most desired spiritual beast in the life of every top pastoral immortal position - the Xiantian lineage, and he was also a superior in the Xiantian lineage, and even more than one!

Such a talent, such a genius, Bo Taiyi and Sun Lao had never seen it in their lives.

"Could he be..." Bo Taiyi tried his best to control, but the unconcealable trembling in his tone still betrayed him.

Before he finished speaking, the crisp sound of the copper coins hitting each other was heard, like the sound of immortals, echoing in Bo Taiyi's ears.

Bo Taiyi's body trembled, and he was stunned. Since he became an adult, he has never lost his composure like this!

Old Sun, who was standing by, also shuddered, and his eyes were dull for a moment.

Even though he kept saying that he believed in the "noble man's" statement, deep in his heart, he still had deep doubts and grudges about the immortal's dream.

However, he had heard the young master talk about the copper coin that accompanied the immortal's dream more than once.

Old Sun never expected that the copper coin he despised the most would really appear in front of him one day.


The sound of the copper coin rang out, and then fell again.

A strange aura echoed over the town.

Then, with a strange sound, the mysterious pattern on the nine-foot jade bead stick disappeared, and the jade bead was dim, just like a person who was about to lose his life, becoming dim, cold, and without luster. In the end, not even a trace of treasure power was left, and it was completely dead.

Li Jiyun, a cultivator from Qianyuan Daoguo, stared blankly at the magic weapon in his hand that was inexplicably destroyed. After a short period of distraction, a deep fear appeared on his face.

This nine-foot jade bead stick was destroyed in his hands. Not to mention the Qianyuan Crown Prince and the Qianyuan King, he couldn't explain it even to the Donghua Sect.

"Tell me, why did you kill them to silence them?"

A light laugh sounded and echoed in his ears.

Li Jiyun's shoulders trembled, raised his head, and looked at the white-robed cultivator who was flying over with a smile. His eyes were both complicated and terrifying, as if he was looking at a monster.

"If you don't say it, I'll say it for you?"

Luo Chuan smiled, waved his hand, took the nine-foot jade bead stick into his palm, glanced at it and threw it into the storage ring, looking at the white-robed guardian: "Because, it was you who instigated these monks to go against us for no reason? Right?"

Li Jiyun was speechless, his face turned pale, snorted coldly, winked at the followers on both sides, turned around and left. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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