Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 909: A sudden turn of events

In front of the river valley, Luo Chuan made seals with his hands, and an ethereal energy flowed out of him. . .


In the dry river valley, there is a crystal clear water drop.

In the blink of an eye, the water droplets shattered into hundreds of pieces, and each water droplet grew larger, spread, and spread. Soon, a long white river appeared in the valley.

The river is rushing and flowing, as if it has restored its former glory.

In the vast and decaying ancient world, the phantom river of time flowed. Luo Chuan sat cross-legged on the other side of the river valley, closed his eyes, returned to the state of returning to the void, and completely disappeared into the air, waiting quietly.

Luo Chuan did not wait too long, and in less than two sticks of incense, a figure appeared on the other side of the phantom river of time.

Zhou Buchen walked slowly along the bank of the river valley with a pale face.

His body seemed to be extremely heavy, and it was extremely difficult to take even one step. Strips of red blood vessels and purple tendons protruded from under the skin, making the whole person look extremely hideous and terrifying.

In Zhou Buchen's right hand, he held the Xuanzhen single tree.

Xuanzhen Dumu seemed to sense something was wrong and struggled and shook, but its Qi seemed to have been integrated with Zhou Buchen and could not be separated. Zhou Buchen's eyes were red, he grabbed the Xuanzhen tree and walked towards the fantasy river of time. Every step he took, he was extremely convinced that the power in his body had reached the third level of the heavens at this time, but for his physical body, it had become a huge burden, just like a child carrying a huge boulder, completely unbearable, and it might happen at any time collapse.

Finally, Zhou Buchen walked to the river bank.

Staring at the flowing white river, Zhou Buchen's eyes were filled with emotion. There was a hint of confusion.

As early as that year in Tiannan Territory, Zhou Buchen had already obtained the "true" meaning of time. If he had not been possessed by Xuanzhen Dumu, Zhou Buchen would naturally be able to distinguish between the long river of time and the illusory river of time. But at this time, seeing Looking at the crystal-white river water at his feet, Zhou Buchen's mind recalled the beautiful image that haunted him and often appeared in his dreams.

That year, when we were fighting all over the world, we had a horse, a sword, and a beauty. Happy and happy. The beauty is lying on her knees. The whole world is an enemy. Even if it is a dream, it is still the most unforgettable time for Zhou Buchen.

The Xuanzhen Dumu in Zhou Buchen's hands felt more and more wrong. Struggling hard.

"I am coming."

Zhou Buchen seemed to be talking to himself. It was like he was talking to the person in his dream. A gentle smile appeared on his face, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth showed a tenderness that had not been seen for many years.


Zhou Buchen jumped into the phantom river of time.

The river rose and fell, swallowing Zhou Buchen. Until the phantom river of time completely submerged Zhou Buchen and Xuanzhen Dumu, Luo Chuanfang walked out of the air, took one step and walked into the phantom river of time.

In the phantom river of time, there are whirlpools of white waves.

Zhou Buchen sat cross-legged in one of the whirlpools, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised and a smile on his face, as if he was immersed in a sweet dream.

In Zhou Buchen's left hand, Xuanzhen's single tree swayed and struggled.

When Luo Chuan appeared, Xuanzhen Dumu stopped struggling, and a stream of energy rose from its body towards Luo Chuan.

"If you want to survive, let go of my brother." Luo Chuan stared at Xuanzhen Dumu and said coldly.

Xuanzhen Dumu didn't move, let alone respond to Luo Chuan.

"Are you really stubborn? Do you think my brother is like those ordinary monks who possess him when he says he is possessed, and leave when he wants to leave? Until now, you and his energy are in harmony, and his subconscious mind has taken over. He doesn't want to leave this place. Even you can't leave." Luo Chuan was afraid that Xuanzhen Dumu wouldn't understand, so he whispered to Xuanzhen Dumu and sneered: "In this case, I have plenty of time to deal with you."

Xuanzhen Dumu trembled slightly.

Seeing this, Luo Chuan became more certain of his previous thoughts.

The reason why Xuanzhen Dumu chose Zhou Buchen instead of him was not only because he admired Zhou Buchen's extraordinary talent, but also because he was afraid of Luo Chuan.

After all, Zhou Buchen is Zhou Buchen. Although he was temporarily possessed by Xuanzhen Dumu, he was still fighting instinctively. In this situation, it is most likely that Zhou Buchen has found a certain fate of Xuanzhen Dumu. The door was broken, and the Xuanzhen tree was firmly attached to his left hand.

"So, let me guess. What are you afraid of me on earth?" Luo Chuan's eyes flashed with unpredictable brilliance, and he said through a message: "Is it my Tianmen Xuangod? Or is it my life-threatening copper coin? Or is it my ghost? "You Fei Bao Lu?"

Every time Luo Chuan said something, Xuanzhen Dumu trembled.

After all, treasures become spirits and are easy to deceive. As soon as Luo Chuan said a few words, it could no longer hold up.

"So, you have all three?"

Luo Chuan smiled slightly, his face turned cold in an instant, and with a swish, he quickly drew three innate mysterious lines and hit the Xuanzhen tree. At the same time, there was a ding sound, and the purple Huntian copper coin flew out. Luo Chuan made a seal with his hand, and was about to use Youyou's waste treasure method.

At this moment, there was a fluctuation in Luo Chuan's heart, followed by a nervous cry of mercy.

"Great Immortal, have mercy on me, Great Immortal, have mercy on me! I have no choice but to do this! Great Immortal, please listen to me!"

"Only now do you know how to beg for mercy?"

Luo Chuan paid no attention to him, he was printing magic quickly in his hand.

"Great Immortal! You must not do it! The Qi of the poor Taoist has been connected with this Taoist friend! If the Great Immortal does this, this Taoist friend will live or die on the spot, or his whole body will be completely destroyed, and he will be reduced to For the useless person... Great Immortal, think twice before you act!”

The ancient spirit of Xuanzhen Dumu shouted loudly.

Luo Chuan frowned slightly. He had the seal at hand, but he still didn't release it.

"What's going on? Please tell me clearly. If you dare to hesitate for even a moment, you are lying! I have my own way to deal with you." Luo Chuan said fiercely.

"Yes! Yes! Great Immortal, please listen to the poor Taoist speak slowly..."

"No slowness! Say it quickly!"

"Yes! The thing is like this. Pindao became a spirit hundreds of thousands of years ago. However, during these hundreds of thousands of years, the world changed drastically. Pindao was trapped in this world. His spiritual energy was limited and he was unable to practice and fell into a deep sleep. Only when the world opens and outside spiritual energy enters, and the spiritual energy of this world fluctuates, can Pindao absorb the spiritual energy and practice, but it only lasts for three days, day after day, until not long ago, Pindao finally cultivated the wooden body. To the extreme, the spiritual charm is obtained, and one has the qualifications to become an immortal..."

"Tell me the important point." Luo Chuan frowned and shouted.

"Yes! Yes! Before, Pindao sensed that someone wanted to hunt Pindao, but Pindao never liked to do anything with others. Seeing that this fellow Taoist was physically strong, he wanted to use his hand to help Pindao escape. ." Xuanzhen Dumu said.

"You're lying!" Luo Chuan interrupted coldly: "If you really have no good intentions, how could you increase the power in his body without restraint? No matter how strong your body is, you can't control the Tao that is more than one level above his cultivation level. clearly want to make my brother a scapegoat!"

"No! Fellow Taoist misunderstood! I didn't mean this originally! It was this fellow Taoist who sucked so much power from my body on his own! I was helpless! Not only that, this fellow Taoist also sent a strange breath Get into Pindao's body... He, he, he also wants to hunt Pindao!" Xuanzhen Dumu's old voice actually had a hint of crying.

Seeing Luo Chuan's doubtful expression, Xuanzhen Dumu shook his "butt".

"Look! Look!"

As he spoke, a trace of kendo aura overflowed from Xuanzhen Dumu. At the same time, the shape of Xuanzhen Dumu also changed slightly, and it actually looked like a giant sword, as if it were a shadow or an illusion.

Luo Chuan was startled, then burst out laughing: "Okay! Such ambition! As expected of Zhou Buchen!"

Now that things have happened, Luo Chuan fully understands.

At the beginning, it was indeed Xuanzhen Dumu who possessed Zhou Buchen, and wanted to use Zhou Buchen's hand to help it escape from pursuit. Although Zhou Buchen was possessed, he was still fighting subconsciously. His approach was as extreme as his extreme. He absorbed all the power of Xuanzhen Dumu into his own body. At the same time, he also poured a trace of sword energy into Xuanzhen Dumu, but he wanted to possess Xuanzhen Dumu. .

Starting from Tiannan Territory, Luo Chuan hunted for too many opportunities and treasures along the way, but Zhou Buchen had no other benefits except an empty scabbard and his immortal skin and bones. Now that he came across this mysterious tree by chance, Zhou Buchen wanted to take it as his own, and Luo Chuan was naturally happy to see it happen.

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing?"

Seeing Luo Chuan loosen his hand seal, but carved an innate mysterious pattern, Xuanzhen Dumu panicked and shouted repeatedly: "Calm down! Calm down! Fellow Taoist, please calm down! He has absorbed too much of Pindao's Xuanhuang Qi, and the strength in his body It has reached its extreme and has opened up the qi channel between him and Pindao. At this time, he can only release it. If he continues to absorb it, he will explode and die!"

"Still smoking?"

Luo Chuan frowned and looked out for Tianmen Dao Nian. Sure enough, between the palms of Xuanzhen Dumu and Zhou Buchen, there was an opening that was so small that it was almost imperceptible.

The ancient yellow Qi turned into a trickle and flowed into Zhou Buchen's body little by little along the opening.

It's not that Zhou Buchen is greedy, but that Zhou Buchen's true consciousness has not yet awakened, and his subconscious desire for power has made him unable to stop absorbing the Xuanhuang Qi.

That's all.

Luo Chuan took a step forward, reached out and pressed Zhou Buchen's back, opening a passage to absorb the Xuanhuang Qi.

But he didn't expect that as soon as the hole was opened a little, it was instantly broken through by a large wave of Xuanhuang Qi. The large wave of Xuanhuang Qi seemed to find a place to vent and rushed into Luo Chuan's body.

The ancient breath flows in the sky within Luo Chuan's body, as if it wants to awaken another life form in Luo Chuan's body.

This life form originates from the blood and vitality of Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen.

After being both ancient people of Tiannan, they all absorbed the life energy of the six ancient Tiannan stars. The only difference is that Luo Chuan not only possesses the vitality of the six ancient Tiannan stars, but also possesses the life energy of the six stars in the current Shangdao era. vitality.

Two streams of Tian Nan Six Star Yuan Qi from different eras formed a cycle in Luo Chuan's body, absorbing and refining the Xuan Huang Zhen Qi.

As the Qi channel between Luo Chuan and Zhou Buchen opened, the life energy of the Six Heavenly Southern Stars in Zhou Buchen's body also entered the circulation. At the same time, the ancient bloodline in his body also awakened bit by bit.

But at this moment, the sound of breaking wind came from above the river valley. (To be continued...)

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