Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 944: Strong Enemy

Hearing this voice, Luo Chuan had an ominous premonition in his heart. 《

Turning around, Luo Chuan took a deep breath and looked at the female Taoist standing in front of the forest, looking at him with a cold expression and a wry smile on her face.

"Haha, Sister Qi, long time no see."

"Hey, Senior Dao Hou is here too. I haven't thanked Dao Hou for helping me last night, but he helped this junior a lot." Luo Chuan looked past Qi Xinyue and towards the middle-aged man with a gentle smile on his face, clasping his fists and handing over his hands.

"Fellow Daoist Luo's words are serious. Even if I don't take action, Friend Daoist Luo will definitely be able to deal with it calmly." Sword Master Qi Yunxia smiled slightly and returned the courtesy.

"Luo Chuan, don't change the subject!"

Qi Xinyue walked up to Luo Chuan with a cold face, looked him up and down, and hummed softly: "My Luo brother from Guangtian Pusheng is still cute. As expected, he is very unpleasant when he grows up."

"So you like my brother so much, I will convey it to you." Luo Chuan joked.

"No need, he is smarter than you, he was earlier..." Qi Xinyue suddenly felt that something was wrong, two wisps of red clouds flew over her face, she snorted and changed the subject: "Luo Chuan, you are really interesting, you are obviously here Yingxian City also saw me and even pretended not to know me. "

"Isn't this a surprise for Sister Qi?" Luo Chuan said with a smile.

"Surprise? I think it's better to be shocked." Qi Xinyue glared at Luo Chuan: "By the way, why did you grow up all of a sudden... How old are you this year? What happened in Guangtian Pusheng before?"

"It's a long story. I'll talk to Sister Qi slowly when I have the opportunity in the future."

Luo Chuan laughed dryly. In front of the beauty, he was only thinking about a way to escape. Bo Taiyi had already obtained it, and the top priority was to leave the Donghua Sect territory as soon as possible.

Suddenly at this moment, an alarm bell came from the direction of Donghua Sect.

The bells echoed and sounded urgent.

Streams of divine flowers flew out from the tower guarding the restricted area and flew into the restricted area. At the same time, thousands of sword lights flew out from Donghua Sect and swept in all directions.

"What's going on?" Qi Xinyue looked strange.

Luo Chuan frowned secretly. He had just left the penalty area with Bo Taiyi. Donghua Sect seemed to have suddenly gone berserk, which was definitely not a coincidence.

"Could it be that Bo Taiyi was discovered?" Luo Chuan said thoughtfully, looking at Dao Hou out of the corner of his eye.

Sword Master Qi Yunxia raised his eyebrows and said to Luo Chuan and Qi Xinyue: "You guys chat first. I'll go and find out what's going on."

Finished. Qi Yunxia ducked into the restricted area.

"Sister Qi, I..."

Luo Chuan was about to say goodbye to Qi Xinyue. Before he finished speaking, he was coldly interrupted by Qi Xinyue.

"Does Donghua Sect have anything to do with you?" Qi Xinyue looked deeply at Luo Chuan and asked.

"How could it be?" Luo Chuan said.

"Others don't know. But I know that you have never been a peaceful master. Wherever you go, you will turn everything upside down, even more than that Nan Li." Qi Xinyue took a step forward and almost pressed against Luo Luo. Sichuan, her beautiful eyes blinked slightly: "Tell me, what exactly did you do? My second uncle is no longer here, so you can always tell me now."

When Luo Chuan Tianmen's Taoist thought came out, he saw that all the monks of Donghua Sect were nervous, and between Donghua Sect and Yingxian City, flying cranes carrying messages came and went. Following Feihe, Luo Chuan's Tianmen Daonian entered Yingxian City and found the source of Feihe - deep in Yingxian City close to Yingxian Treasure Realm, there is a magnificent seven-story attic. The plaque on the attic is inscribed There are three big characters, Tianbaotang.

Tianbaotang must have discovered that Bo Taiyi was no longer in the restricted area and sent a message to Donghua Sect! The Donghua Sect didn't know that Bo Taiyi was in my place and didn't find him. The first possibility is that Tianbaotang couldn't accurately determine Bo Taiyi's whereabouts. The second possibility is that Tianbaotang deliberately didn't let the Donghua Sect know.

Several thoughts flashed through Luo Chuan's mind. No matter what the possibility was, he must leave as soon as possible.

"Luo Chuan, are you listening to me?"

Qi Xinyue looked up at Luo Chuan, slightly absent-minded. The man in front of her was both familiar and unfamiliar. The most obvious difference was that Luo Di was only slightly taller than her shoulders back then, but the Luo Chuan in front of her was much taller than her. .

"Sister Qi, I have to go."

Luo Chuan smiled apologetically at Qi Xinyue, turned around and swept out.

"Hey, wait a minute."

Qi Xinyue used all her body skills to chase after him, but in the blink of an eye, Luo Chuan had disappeared from sight.

"Is it really related to him?"

Qi Xinyue stopped helplessly and stamped her feet angrily, with a deep thought in her eyes.

"Xin Yue, where is that fellow Daoist Luo?" Sword Master Qi Yunxia appeared behind Qi Xinyue at some point.

"Oh, he said he had something to do and had to go back to the Treasure Realm first." Qi Xinyue said with a complex expression. When she turned around, she had returned to her usual calmness: "By the way, Second Uncle, what happened here?"

Qi Yunxia looked at the chaotic restricted area and sighed softly: "Tianbaotang sent a message to Donghua Sect. Just now, Bo Taiyi has left the restricted area."

"What!" Qi Xinyue lost her voice.

Qi Yunxia looked at Qi Xinyue strangely: "Xinyue, what's wrong? Why are you reacting like this?"

"No... nothing." Qi Xinyue calmed down and said calmly: "I just didn't expect that Bo Taiyi would disappear at this time. I'm afraid all the forces that came to Yingxian City to look for Bo Taiyi will be disappointed."

"That's not the case." Qi Yunxia smiled: "If Bo Taiyi really leaves, it will be difficult for Donghua Sect to raise its head in the future. Donghua Sect not only blocked the entire Donghua Sect territory, but also used the restricted area as the core , heavily blocked, not letting anyone leave Yingxian City, Bo Taiyi was seriously injured, and it was difficult to fly even if he had wings..."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid he didn't leave alone, but was taken away by someone." Qi Yunxia said.

Qi Xinyue didn't say anything else, lowered her head, stared at the ground, her heartbeat slightly faster. Even if she was not 100% sure, she was only 70% or 80% sure that Bo Taiyi's disappearance must be related to Luo Chuan. Otherwise, why did he run so fast? Did he really not want to see me?

Qi Xinyue didn't notice that when she was distracted. Qi Yunxia looked at her with a slightly strange look.

In the night, Luo Chuan turned into a divine aura and flew forward.

"Shitou, you and Xiao Ba, take Rourou with you, go to the Nanhai Fairy Gourd, guard Bo Taiyi, and cover up the secret for me."

Luo Chuan transmitted the voice.

"Covering up the secret again... Luo Chuan, you asked me to work for you, but you never paid me."

The grumbling of the holy ape sounded.

"Stop it. Losing control is urgent." Luo Chuan said.

"Okay. But you have to be prepared. What if they don't find Bo Taiyi but find me..."

"Go quickly."

Luo Chuan said with a cold face, and summoned the Golden Crow Prince at the same time.

Stepping on the Golden Crow. Luo Chuan flew forward.

The Golden Crow rolled up a black divine aura. Disappeared into the night. In a few flaps of its wings, it had already left the restricted area and Yingxian City nearly a hundred miles away.

Suddenly, with a bang!

The Golden Crow hit a huge transparent and colorless net. It was knocked back.

Luo Chuan raised his eyebrows, and Tianmen Dao Nian probed out, and saw a huge net hanging in front of him. The huge net was full of the profound aura of Tianmen Xuanshen. It was also because the Golden Crow hit the net that Tianmen Dao Nian noticed it.

"It's the net of heaven and earth, which has sealed off this area."

The Golden Crow spoke in human language, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, revealing gloating. Although it was taken as a mount by Luo Chuan and helped Luo Chuan in the Wanjie Xiongling Tower, it was forced to do so and did not really surrender in its heart.

At this moment, Luo Chuan and Prince Jinwu both felt a sense of vigilance.

Ding Ding Ding... The alarm bells of Xinhu rang, Luo Chuan's eyelids jumped, and he almost subconsciously flew away from Jinwu and jumped up.

In the night, a night surged, and the night was born in the night, which was hard to guard against.


Prince Jinwu was unable to dodge and was hit by the snow-white giant palm that flew out of the night. He spurted blood and was about to fall.

Luo Chuan took the seriously injured Prince Jinwu back to the tower, looked up, and the giant palm disappeared, and the night returned to calm.

But the alarm bells of Xinhu continued to ring, and the familiar sense of danger had not dissipated.

Luo Chuan floated in the sky, and the Tianmen Dao thought probed out, but only caught a fast-moving afterimage.

Under the Tianmen Dao Mind, everything in the world is exposed, except for the Tianmen Xuanshen, who is also a more profound Tianmen Xuanshen.

But the afterimage in the Tianmen Dao Mind did not have the slightest breath of the Tianmen Xuanshen.

This person almost escaped Luo Chuan's Tianmen Dao Mind with his body speed. Luo Chuan only knew one person with such a body speed.

"Master Wuying, you are here too. After killing your substitute that day, I wonder if you can find a new substitute?"

Luo Chuan stood with his hands behind his back and smiled faintly.

As soon as the voice fell, wow! A series of secret talismans emerged from the night around Luo Chuan!

The secret talismans flew and jumped, like bees and butterflies, and in the blink of an eye, they constructed another night world! The night was withered and desolate, with a strong breath of decline!

Suddenly, the secret talismans stopped jumping!

There was no sound around, as if the whole world had been extinguished.

But Luo Chuan knew that he had fallen into the world of Dao power set up by Wuying Zhenjun. Like Nanli's Doushu world, this world was isolated from the outside world and belonged entirely to Wuying Zhenjun.

After all, Nanli's Doushu world corresponds to the trajectory of the stars. Theoretically, there are still traces to follow. And now Wuying Zhenjun's dark night world is vast, with only darkness and no flaws.

In the dark night world, the voice of Wuying Zhenjun rang out.

"I have only failed to kill once. There was no before, and there will be no more in the future."

"Does that refer to Jiulong Jun? The last time we met, you failed to assassinate me, which was the second time." Luo Chuan smiled faintly.

"So, you should have known that I would come again."

As the voice fell, as cold and decayed as the dark night world, the night in front of Luo Chuan's eyes shattered heavily, turning into countless strange nightmares, wrapped in explosive Dao power, rushing towards Luo Chuan.

Tens of thousands of night winds blew in his face, Luo Chuan's long hair flew, and his Taoist robes fluttered.

His fist contained three strands of Taoism, and the three righteousnesses merged into one, and he punched out!

Samsara Fist, Reverse Realm!

The rolling tide of reverse flow rushed out from Luo Chuan's fist, turning into twelve strands, flying towards the nightmare Taoism in all directions! (To be continued...)

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