Supreme Immortal Demon

Volume 1: Baiyujing of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 972: Success

As expected!

Luo Chuan's eyes lit up, and he exchanged glances with Taoist Kongkong, who was also delighted. =

Although Luo Chuan accepted Li'er as his apprentice in exchange for benefits, it did not mean that he did not care about Li'er's condition. As early as when he was in Guangtian Pusheng, Luo Chuan had repeatedly communicated with Taoist Kongkong about the condition of Prince Tianhai.

Taoist Kongkong was obsessed with alchemy, and had reached a state of obsession. When he first met Luo Chuan, he was overjoyed and wanted to study Luo Chuan as a human elixir. When he met Li'er, he was even more ecstatic.

In two or three years, Taoist Kongkong spent a lot of effort to refine nearly a thousand kinds of elixirs, but instead of curing Li'er, he turned Li'er into a medicine jar.

After taking nearly a thousand kinds of elixirs, Li'er not only failed to open his spiritual wisdom, but his coldness became worse. The power of nearly a thousand kinds of elixirs was wasted, but what surprised Taoist Kongkong was that these powers were neither absorbed nor dissipated, but condensed on Li'er's body surface.

Even Taoist Kongkong had never encountered such a situation.

Luo Chuan and Taoist Kongkong discussed and discussed, and finally agreed that Li'er's situation was due to his origin and bloodline.

The lineage of the Tianhai Nine-headed Insect has lived in the bitter cold sea area in the extreme north of Tianhai for a long time, and its body itself is also extremely cold. This is also one of the reasons why the bloodline of the Nine-headed Insect is rare and it is difficult to give birth. Among the ten newborns, five turned into ice and died in the womb, and the remaining five could not stand the extreme cold after birth and were frozen to death in their parents' arms.

The fact that Li'er was able to be born shows that his physique is among the best in the lineage of the Nine-headed Insect, but he is not born with spiritual wisdom. It is also related to the mysterious cold air in him. Maybe he encountered an accident when he was born, or maybe it was because his coldness was stronger than that of his father, Tianhai Demon King. In short, it was because of the excessive coldness in his body that froze his spiritual wisdom.

The mysterious cold energy was related to his own life. If Luo Chuan and Taoist Kongkong forcibly dispersed the mysterious cold energy, Li'er would die.

This was also the reason why Taoist Kongkong was once in a dead end.

If he wanted to save Li'er, he couldn't disperse the mysterious cold energy. There was only one way, which was also the source of all the wonderful methods and righteous ways in the world-the fusion of yin and yang.

The Nine-headed Insect's lineage itself had a mysterious cold body. If Li'er had cultivation, he could try to draw on the extremely yang energy. Unfortunately, Li'er didn't even have the foundation-building stage. The only way was to find another mysterious cold body, but that person must be a woman!

Men are yang. Women are yin. It fits the way of yin and yang fusion.

The level of Li'er's mysterious cold body. It is slightly higher than the Ice Poison, but the Ice Poison was contracted by Sima Xiaoxue, a woman with the cultivation of Dao Wheel. The Ice Poison was integrated with her vitality and Dao Power. Although the grade is low, it can win by quantity.

Simply put, for Luo Chuan and Taoist Kongkong, Sima Xiaoxue, who was contracted by the Ice Poison and was dying, was Li'er's furnace!

Luo Chuan glanced at Kong Dongshan and saw that Kong Dongshan was grateful. It was Sima Xiaoxue's Ice Poison that was attracted by Li'er's cold body, broke through the ice shell on the surface of the body, and quickly rushed to Li'er.

"Fellow Daoist Luo! You are the benefactor of Kong and Xue'er! If Xiaoxue can recover, this Taoist and President Sima will definitely do their best to support the cannon fodder camp!" Kong Dongshan bowed deeply to Luo Chuan, grateful and tearful.

Although Taoist Kongkong had not started to refine the elixir yet, Kong Dongshan could feel that Sima Xiaoxue's pain was being alleviated little by little, and his heart was full of hope. At this time, he was also full of good feelings for Luo Chuan.

"I am very happy to have a friend like Fellow Daoist Kong. Even for the sake of friends, I will do my best to treat Miss Sima." Luo Chuan said lightly.

"It's just hard for your disciple." Kong Dongshan looked at Li'er, who was slightly in pain, and sighed softly. He felt that Luo Chuan was completely different from the person he had seen at first sight. He regretted offending Luo Chuan in his heart.

"Hehe, as long as I can help Fellow Daoist Kong, everything is worth it."

Luo Chuan waved his hand. If Kong Dongshan knew that Sima Xiaoxue was just Li'er's furnace, and the two of them were currently practicing "double cultivation" in a certain sense, would Kong Dongshan go crazy?

Seeing that all of Kong Dongshan's attention was focused on Sima Xiaoxue, Luo Chuan secretly carved the innate mysterious pattern and injected it into Li'er's body to help the fusion of the two mysterious cold energies.

Two streams of mysterious cold energy, one yin and one yang, if they can merge, the mysterious cold energy that imprisoned Li'er's intelligence can be thawed. The mysterious cold energy is connected with yin and yang, and flows freely, naturally restoring the intelligence of a normal person.

After being a fool for so many years, even if he regains his intelligence, it is probably very limited.

Luo Chuan thought secretly.

At this moment, Li'er suddenly groaned, then bent down in pain, holding his head tightly.

The attracted mysterious cold energy loosened a little, and Miss Sima was also affected, and pain reappeared on her face.

"Hold on!"

Luo Chuan walked to Li'er against the mysterious cold energy and said.

Li'er's eyes showed a trace of stubbornness, and he tried to hold on. Pictures flashed through his mind, including the scene when he was bullied by the demon kings in the mountains of the foreign domain, and the scene when his father killed the demon kings in anger for him, but was defeated and fled away with him... Gradually, a familiar figure appeared in the picture.

The man took the stone from his hand and smashed it gently at the hateful but very hard red crab.

The arc and angle of his move were like a perfect painting, frozen in Li'er's mind. The red crab he hated was smashed, and the boy turned his head with a bright smile on his face...

Li'er's arm trembled, his face was still painful, but he held the stone tightly in his hand.

Luo Chuan's heart moved, and he quickly took out a handful of spirit stones and threw them at Li'er's feet.

Li Er blinked his eyes, raised the stone and smashed it at the spirit stone.

Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap...

After nine consecutive hits, the spirit stone was shattered into pieces. Li Er's painful face showed a trace of joy, and his breath became stable. In his eyes, all the spirit stones turned into hateful red-haired crabs. He raised the stone and smashed the spirit stones one by one with concentration.

As Li Er's breath became stable, the mysterious cold energy in Miss Sima's body also returned to stability and was continuously absorbed into Li Er's body.

Looking at Sima Xiaoxue, whose face had returned to peace, Kong Dongshan breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes fell on the spirit stone smashed by Li Er, and he was suddenly stunned.

He could also crush these spirit stones at will, but he had to rely on his sub-emperor level cultivation.

And that silly boy, who had no trace of Tao power in his body, could smash those extremely hard spirit stones with an ordinary stone without breaking the stone!

Papapapa... I don't know how many spirit stones were smashed. Li'er's moves became more and more agile and smooth. In the end, he only needed three times to smash a spirit stone.

Kong Dongshan took a breath of cold air, and his eyes became complicated when he looked at Luo Chuan.

Last night at the Immortal Job Branch Meeting, when everyone saw Luo Chuan, the fool apprentice, they laughed at him secretly in their hearts, even if they didn't laugh out loud, Kong Dongshan was no exception.

The master of the cannon fodder camp actually accepted a fool as his apprentice, which was destined to become a laughing stock among the cultivators of Tianchen Continent.

But now seeing that the boy clearly had no Taoist power, but could smash a high-grade spirit stone in a few strokes, even Kong Dongshan, a second-level Immortal Job Grandmaster, was stunned.

He didn't know how the boy did it, but he could vaguely feel that the boy was not a fool as everyone thought. On the contrary, he must have some unknown powerful talent, otherwise how could he be accepted as an apprentice by Luo Chuan, the master of the cannon fodder camp.

After the fight last night, Kong Dongshan was already very impressed with Luo Chuan's intelligence and his ability to turn the tables, and he also had endless speculations about this silly boy.

"Fellow Daoist Luo is really extraordinary. I'm afraid that only Luo Daoist and his family can waste spiritual stones to sharpen their disciples. Even those top sects can't do it." Kong Dongshan was full of admiration and said with emotion: "After seeing you for the past two days, Kong has just realized that it was a big mistake to offend fellow Daoist Luo before. Within a hundred years, fellow Daoist Luo will be famous in Tianchenbuzhou."

Luo Chuan smiled faintly without explaining.

His eyes fell on Li'er, and Luo Chuan felt happy. He seemed to see a genius who had recovered his spiritual wisdom and possessed the talent, bloodline and skills of the Nine-Headed Insect.

Time passed little by little, and the sky finally became completely bright. The ice shell outside Miss Sima gradually melted, and the mysterious cold air in her body became scarce.

Opposite Miss Sima, Li'er was still hitting the spirit stone. Every time he hit it, a piece of spirit stone would break. His technique was like a wild imagination and an antelope hanging its horns. It seemed that there was no trace, but he could always find the shortest route to hit the spirit stone in the shortest time.

Not only Kong Dongshan, but also Luo Chuan's eyes kept getting brighter.

In such a short time, Li'er's skills could not have improved much, but he could quickly find the weakest point of the spirit stone, which made Luo Chuan look at him with new eyes.

What made Luo Chuan even more satisfied was the mysterious cold energy in Li'er's body. He focused on hitting the spirit stone and completely forgot the pain caused by the fusion of the two mysterious cold energies. He was fully immersed in the picture that flashed in his mind many years ago.

He himself might not have noticed anything, but Luo Chuan clearly caught that Li'er's eyes began to become bright, as if they were gradually opened after sleeping for a long time, emitting a water-washed brilliance.

The two streams of mysterious cold energy merged in Li'er's upper dantian, and the yin and yang intersected. The mysterious cold energy that was originally as hard as ice that had not melted for ten thousand years also became agile and free, and finally flowed out from the upper dantian.

"It's done!"

Taoist Kongkong and Kongdongshan clenched their fists and shouted at the same time.

Taoist Kongkong was because Li'er's stubborn disease was finally cured, and Kongdongshan noticed that the mysterious cold energy in Miss Sima's body had dissipated, leaving only a strong toxicity.

"Daoyou Luo..." Kongdongshan looked at Luo Chuan with joy. He was about to say something, but suddenly his face changed drastically.

Almost at the same time, Luo Chuan's face also changed.

A fierce pressure jumped out from the side, bypassing the cannon fodder camp and appeared in the cave in horror, with murderous intent surging, rushing straight to Luo Chuan!

"Emperor!" Kongdongshan blurted out. (To be continued...)

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