Supreme Little Fisherman

Chapter 1078: Zhou An is here!

  Chapter 1078 Zhou An debuts!

  Looking around at the senior management of Qionghua Jewelry, Li Bin put on a confident look and said, "Don't worry, everyone, Li will do his best!"

  After speaking, Li Bin went straight to the stage, took out a magnifying glass, flashlight, and a pile of professional tools to assist in the identification of rough stones, and began to identify them one by one.

  The more you look at it, the colder your forehead is sweating, and the more you look at it, the more you feel guilty. Except for a few large piles of waste stones, the rest of this batch of rough stones are very good if you only look at the skin, color and texture.

  The more so, the more he was dazzled and didn't know how to choose. Distraught, he simply selected three rough stones randomly based on his intuition, and then called the staff to carry them to the cutting table.

   "I'm afraid Li Bin will lose." Relying on his clairvoyant eyes, Zhou An saw clearly the three rough stones selected by Li Bin, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

  These three rough stones, one piece of bean green jadeite is barely passable, one piece has a beautiful skin but everything collapses, and the last piece is green but it’s just a small piece that can’t be cut out much!

  Hearing Zhou An's words, Qionghua Jewelry's high-level executives immediately turned dark, and they all criticized:

   "Young people don't know how to advance or retreat! What kind of gambling do you know, and you dare to talk nonsense here!"

   "That's right, I'm so ridiculous! You said Master Li Bin will lose if he wants to defeat him? You are your God!"

   "If you are really capable, you should explain clearly what is wrong with the rough stone selected by Master Li Bin, and don't grandstanding here!"

  Looking around at the senior executives of Qionghua Jewelry present, Zhou An said lightly: "The three rough stones he selected can produce at most one bean green jadeite, and nothing else can be produced."

  Hearing Zhou An's words, Xuanyuan Qing'er couldn't help but her beautiful eyes were full of depression, and her pretty face was full of worry.

  Deep in her heart, she can be said to have great trust in Zhou An. Since Zhou An said so, she must be sure.

  Hearing Zhou An's words, the senior executives of Qionghua Jewelry were taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter as if they had heard some big joke:

   "Haha, I really laughed to death. Hearing what he said, you know he is a layman! Chairman Xuanyuan doesn't need to listen to his gossip!"

   "That's right! Do you know why gambling stones is called gambling stones? It's because no one knows what's in the rough stones, no matter how good the master is, no matter how advanced the machine is, they can't see it!"

   "Little **** really thinks he is a fairy, he can tell what kind of jade is in this rough stone just by looking at it from a distance!"

   "Even the top rough stone appraisal masters can only rely on the folds and crystallization of the surface texture of the rough stone to infer the state of the internal jade. It would be strange for a mere stupefied young man to have this kind of ability!"

   Too lazy to talk to the senior executives of Qionghua Jewelry, Zhou An looked at Li Bin on the stage and said indifferently: "It's useless to waste more words, then you just keep your eyes open and watch."

  On the cutting table, under the gaze of everyone in the audience, Li Bin turned on the cutting machine and began to dissect the stone.

  The onlookers stared at the stone breaker, and immediately spoke:

   "It's green! The first rough stone is the bean green seed. Although it is not as good as Master Fu Ting's oil green seed, it is still acceptable."

   "The second piece is really gold and jade. The outside is full of flocs. The outside has everything you need, such as python belt, pine flower mud, kneading and wrinkles. Who would have thought that the inside is actually a waste stone!"

   "There is only the last piece left. Judging from this, Qionghua Jewelry is doomed to fail miserably! Once Qionghua Jewelry is annexed by Guojiang Longshengsheng Jewelry, the jewelry industry in East China will change from now on!"

   Li Bin's face was even paler, and cold sweat flowed down his forehead like a stream. He didn't even have the confidence to continue cutting!

  The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, Li Bin fell to the ground and passed out!

  Seeing this scene, the senior management of Qionghua Jewelry looked at Zhou An as if they were gods, and their words were trembling:

   "This, how is this possible?! It's really the same as what this young man said!"

   "My God, unbelievable is unbelievable!"

   "Master Zhou An, we know we are wrong! We have blind eyes because you are hiding so much! I beg you to turn the tide and save us Qionghua Jewelry!"

   "We still have one last chance! If you can find a high-quality rough stone, and the value of the jade you get out exceeds that of Master Fu Ting's three pieces, even if you let me be your ox, I will have no complaints!"

  They thought that Zhou An was just a liar trying to please the public, but who knew that he had real skills, and his eyesight was beyond heaven!

Xuanyuan Qing'er also bowed to Zhou An Yingying, her beautiful eyes were full of mist, and her words were full of tenderness: "Master, Qing'er knows that this is very difficult for the strong, but Qing'er really can't help it. , can I ask you?"

Zhou An caressed Xuanyuan Qing'er like a waterfall of blue silk, and smiled lightly: "I have nothing to do with others, but since you have already opened your mouth, it would be too stupid for me to refuse. Don't worry, I will leave this matter to me." .”

  Under the awe-inspiring gazes of Qionghua Jewelry's senior executives, Zhou An walked towards the stage.

  Seeing Zhou An's actions, the audience members immediately whispered to each other.

Leng Fei looked livid, looked at Zhou An angrily, and said, "Young man, what are you going to do when you come on stage? You belong to Qionghua Company, right? Are you going to make trouble and mess up this gambling fight? As a witness, I absolutely Will not sit idly by!"

   Zhou An glanced at Leng Fei and said neither humble nor overbearing: "I'm not making trouble, but I want to play to replace Li Bin who passed out, and I will choose and cut the last rough stone."

  Hearing Zhou An's words, Leng Fei's complexion softened a little, and she shook her head immediately: "You can cut it, but it's against the rules for you to choose again..."

Before Leng Fei finished speaking, Wang Sheng interrupted directly, his words were full of disdain: "Tell him to re-select the rough stone before cutting! I want to see what he can do! I just want them Qionghua Lose the jewels and be convinced!"

"Haha, does this kid still expect to make a comeback and cut out a jade worth more than the sum of my three jadeites? It really makes people laugh!" Fu Ting also shook his head and chuckled, not paying attention to Zhou An at all. .

   "Bosses of Shengsheng Jewelry have agreed, now you can get out of the way." Zhou An looked at Leng Fei with a calm expression on his face.

   "Go, not afraid of embarrassment, courage is commendable, but betting on stones is far more than just courage." Leng Fei glanced at Zhou An and sighed, obviously not taking Zhou An seriously.

  His opinion is no different from that of everyone in Shengsheng Jewelry. Zhou An is just trying to show off his courage. For a young man in his early twenties, it is simply impossible for a young man in his early twenties to beat Master Fu Ting to become famous by gambling with stones!

  Under the gazes of the audience, Zhou An walked towards a pile of rough stones.

  Relying on the see-through eye, Zhou An could clearly see the rough stones. There were a lot of jadeites contained in so many rough stones in the audience, but these mid- and low-end jadeites were not enough to make a comeback!

  (end of this chapter)

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