Supreme Lord

Chapter 14 Processing (Thanks to 0Jingtian0 for the reward)

PS: Thanks to the book friend 0 Jingtian0 for the reward, (♡˙︶˙♡).


Lin Rui took a full minute to calm his breathing, and another two minutes to calm his mind and the blood in his body.

He found that his psychological quality was extraordinary. He could calm down and think calmly after killing someone in just a few minutes.

Lin Rui first walked to the door of the secret room and closed the door outside, then walked back to the secret room and checked the bodies of the two.

"Unfortunately, the last knife could have been held back a little bit——"

In this way, he could leave a survivor.

However, this matter is simple to say, but it is more difficult to do.

If he held back a little bit in the battle just now, it would be irresponsible for his own life.

Lin Rui couldn't hold back his strength either. He seriously lacked experience in life-and-death battles, and could not accurately judge the opponent's strength and state in the battle. Once the fight started, he only knew to chop forward desperately.

In addition, he was also affected by the obsession of the war spirit. At that time, his thoughts were violent and murderous, and he could hardly control himself.

Lin Rui finally found two kinetic pistols on the two people. They were the "Shocker 4102" that have been more common in recent decades. The characteristics are low cost and strong power. They can threaten the lieutenant-level colonists. The disadvantage is that it takes a certain amount of time to charge, and the bullet is fired slowly for the first time. This should be the reason why the two did not choose to draw their guns.

There is nothing else except the pistol. This is the bad thing in the technological age. Many life functions are concentrated on smart terminals.

Lin Rui's master-level red thunder palm has a certain hacking ability, but it can't hack into the terminal bracelets worn by the two people, so he simply didn't move.

Fortunately, the basement built by Xue Bogao may be to prevent being sensed by powerful martial artists. The outer layer uses some special materials to shield the public network of the ninth base.

Otherwise, the smart terminals of the two people will report to the medical center and police station in the base city as soon as they die.

"Hmm? This seems to be a gang tattoo?"

Lin Rui discovered that on the right neck of these two people, there was a blue tattoo in the shape of a lizard, surrounded by the words "loyalty, sharing honor and disgrace, unity and mutual assistance, and daring to act and dare to take responsibility".

He took pictures of the tattoos of the two people and planned to search for them online after returning. There were also the faces of the two people. If conditions permit, he could also try to check their identities in the future.

As soon as the photo was taken, information was generated in his mind.

Tip: You have fulfilled the wish of War Spirit No. 1 to explore the crime scene. The War Spirit is very satisfied with your exploration results. Now you can copy any ability from his copyable ability column without paying any price.

Lin Rui opened Xue Bogao's ability list.

In both of Xue Bogao's ability columns, there is an ability called "Scavenger (Mastery)".

Lin Rui had never figured out what kind of ability this so-called "Scavenger" was.

Now he thought of the stealth skills that Xue Bogao mastered, and he had a guess.

Lin Rui looked at these three words with some hesitation. He could exchange an ability from Xue Bogao's ability table without paying any price, but if he used it to exchange for this "scavenger", Lin Rui felt it was not worth it no matter how he thought about it.

Then his expression changed and he chose to learn.

On-site practical teaching is also learning -

The next moment, Lin Rui felt a slight chill all over his body, and his body began to move uncontrollably.


At 9:30 the next morning, Lin Rui got up from the bed. He walked to the sink and found that his face was as pale as paper.

While brushing his teeth, Lin Rui couldn't help but think of the scene of himself being controlled by Xue Bogao's war spirit and dealing with two corpses last night, and he couldn't help vomiting, vomiting out all the acid in his stomach.

It's a pity that his sister Lin Xi worked hard to make a big meal for him, but he didn't keep it all.

The scavenger skill that Xue Bogao showed last night was indeed at the master level, very professional.

He first chopped the two bodies into pieces and put them all in the bathtub on the second floor of the Xue family's house, and then used several barrels of chemical solution in the Xue family's garage to pour into the bathtub.

Lin Rui watched with his own eyes as the two bodies gradually turned into liquid like clear water and flowed into the sewer.

Xue Bogao also prepared another liquid to clean the scene to ensure that no blood and DNA of the deceased were left at the scene. Finally, he searched around with a magnifying glass to ensure that there was no hair left in the villa.

The entire crime scene was handled very cleanly, but the process was very disgusting and bloody. Lin Rui has not been able to recover until now.

When he walked out of the room, Lin Xi had already gone to school. There was her note on the dining table, as well as the fried dough sticks and soy milk that Lin Rui liked to eat, and three portions of medium-rare steaks.

Lin Rui picked up the note and took a look.

'——You slacked off just after the exam, you lazy pig! '

Lin Xi's handwriting was beautiful and elegant, and there was a simple drawing of a pig's head at the back.

Although it was a pig's head, it brought out some of the charm of Lin Rui's handsome and elegant face, making it look very lifelike.

Lin Rui laughed dumbly, picked up the soy milk on the table and gulped it down.

The soy milk was still warm, and once it went into Lin Rui's stomach, it warmed up his internal organs and his entire body.

At this time, his best friend Wang Sen also called via video. After the call was connected, the fat guy on the other side was startled: "Brother Rui, what's wrong with you? Why is your face as pale as a ghost?"

"Didn't you implant new meridians yesterday? I was too excited to stay up late at night, and I was trying to practice the advanced exercises of Leihuo Zhuanggong."

Lin Rui made a casual remark, and then looked at the scenery behind the little fat man: "Wang Sen, are you in school now?"

"If not in school, where? Didn't we agree to come together today to watch the internship unit's presentation?"

The little fat man complained: "In the end, I came early in the morning, but you didn't show up."

Lin Rui did have an appointment with Wang Sen yesterday. Hearing this, he smiled awkwardly: "It's my fault, Wang Sen, wait a minute, I'll come right over, and I'll treat you to a big meal at noon."

Wang Sen was not really angry. He snorted, crossed his arms and said: "That's better, come quickly, the next is the presentation of 'Blade Exploration Company', which is the top alien company in the Ninth Base, we'd better not miss it."

After Lin Rui hung up the phone, he ate steak while opening the email in his personal terminal system, and found that he had received a lot of emails, one of which was sent by the Ninth Base Urban Affairs Center.

Government Affairs Center: Congratulations, Mr. Lin, you have passed the alien test and obtained the alien license issued by the government. Please go to the ‘Alien Cultivation Center’ within one month to cultivate your alien. I wish Mr. Lin a smooth and bright future in his future career.

——Click the link to jump to check your test results.

Lin Rui raised his eyebrows slightly. Was the alien license approved so quickly?

He opened the document folder in his terminal, and there was indeed an alien license in it.

Lin Rui clicked on the link in the email again.

His written test score was 32nd in the city, including Tianjixing history, Tianjixing language, Tianjixing geography and other subjects, which were all taken by the previous Lin Rui and had nothing to do with him.

Lin Rui currently knows nothing about these subjects, and does not know any Tianjixing language.

The actual test score is 11th in the city, and the comprehensive score ranks 14th.

Lin Rui immediately took a screenshot of his transcript and the alien license and forwarded it to his sister.

Xia Mo Qian Nian (Lin Xi): Shock!!! ! It's actually true, brother, you're so awesome!

Lin Rui could imagine in his mind the scene of Lin Xi's eyes wide open, extremely shocked.

He smiled slightly and began to browse other emails.

Most of these emails came from major alien exploration companies and government agencies, with the purpose of inviting Lin Rui to visit their units for internships. Even the federal military sent him an invitation letter, hoping that he could join the army.

There are also banks, insurance companies, colonization hospitals, car dealers, etc., recommending various loan businesses to him. When he was still an alien student, these financial institutions ignored him, but now they sent a bunch of spam emails.

The Housing Management Center also sent an email to remind him that next month is the day he will turn 18 and become an adult. From that time on, he will have to pay for this townhouse. If he can't pay, the Housing Management Center will arrange a new residence for him in the downtown area.

Lin Rui mainly saw the invitation letters from those alien exploration companies.

The main business of these companies is to operate alien bodies and obtain various resources from Tianjixing. In addition, they also undertake exploration and scientific research tasks issued by the government, the military, and various social institutions. The remuneration is relatively high. Some of the large companies among them can offer generous salaries during the internship.

Lin Rui just wants money now, the sooner the better, the more the better.

After reading for a while, he shook his head and closed the email, holding a fried dough stick and hurried out the door.

The invitation letters of these companies are similar, and there is no difference, so I still have to listen to their presentations and visit these companies in person.

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