Supreme Lord

Chapter 169 It can be even faster (Subscribe please)

Tip: The current war spirit ring is not complete enough and can only help the host to initially integrate into the will of the abyss and initially master the concept of the abyss. 10,000 soul points are required for 1% progress in integrating into the "Lord of Light" in the abyss, and 1% progress is required to integrate into the "Lord of Fate" in the abyss. 10,000 soul power points, 3,000 soul power points are needed to master 1% of the "light mark" concept, and 3,000 soul power points are required to master 1% of the "must hit" concept.

Lin Rui understood the reminder of the battle spirit ring, and his eyes became strange, but he returned to his original state in an instant.

He asked with interest: "From what I heard from Mr. Shi's tone just now, it seems that he was also exposed to the concept of the abyss?"


Shi Yan casually swung her sword, drawing a bright sword light full of fairy spirit in front of her.

This made Fang Ranran next to her narrow her pupils.

The sword Shi Yan cast casually, the trajectory was obviously crooked, but it gave people an ethereal, unpredictable, mysterious and mysterious artistic conception, like a dream.

The key is that this woman's sword speed is at least nearly 20% faster than during the day.

"The Abyss inheritance I received originated from the Abyss 'Tai Xuan Immortal Lord' a long time ago. The concept of the Abyss I am now exposed to is "immortal", which is detached from things, not bound by heaven and earth, and transcends ordinary things. someone or something above.”

Shi Yan sheathed her sword and looked expectantly: "It's a pity that I still can't block Classmate Lin's sword. I guess Classmate Lin didn't use all his strength just now, right? You should be able to draw the sword faster."

Lin Rui's eyes were confused when he heard this. How did this woman figure it out?

Fang Ranran and Zhang Jie couldn't believe it, thinking how could it be possible? Can Lin Rui draw his sword faster?

"Here! My clothing allows me to see many things that others cannot see, such as the spellcasting suit on your body and the large number of talismans you carry."

Shi Yan pointed at her eyebrows again: "With the help of the power of the talisman array, Classmate Lin's sword skills should be able to increase speed again. I don't know how much the speed can be increased? Ten percent?"

Lin Rui smiled but didn't answer. This was his business secret.

If you want to see him use his sword at full speed, you have to either go to the ring or fight to the death.


Shi Yan knew the answer just by looking at Lin Rui's expression. The corners of her lips were raised slightly, with anticipation and excitement: "In this year's martial arts finals, I hope to have the opportunity to fight against classmate Lin. The person I was at that time was different from what I am now. "

Shi Yan turned her head again and looked at Fang Ranran: "Senior Sister Fang, too! I'm looking forward to the next battle with you, but if your 'Jie Tian Xuan Dao' can't touch the abyss, no matter how powerful the colonial costume is, it won't be mine. enemy."

Fang Ranran crossed her arms and looked indifferent: "There is definitely a chance. The premise is that your future HKUST can enter the finals. I kindly remind you that Mr. Shi should not go down the wrong path. Although the will of the abyss can increase the power of martial arts, However, the foundation of our martial arts cultivation is our own martial arts ultimate intention, which is the foundation for transforming into a dragon in the future!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a huge silver illusory eye suddenly appeared behind her.

These pupils are still incomplete, but they give people the impression that they can cut off everything, break through all kinds of magic, and are magnificent.

"The Heaven-Breaking Eye? I'm really curious who is Senior Sister Fang's martial arts teacher. This martial arts foundation is so enviable, but the martial arts league is all about combat power. Even if your potential is as high as the sky, it won't be of use now. .

The level of martial arts in the finals is different from the qualifying competition at the Ninth Base. Why is the broadcast distortion in the finals so serious? Why can martial arts competitions at university level only be watched live? The seniors should know this, right? "

After Shi Yan finished speaking, she raised her hand towards Lin Rui: "Thank you, classmate Lin, for helping me understand the abyss! According to ancient sayings, this is the virtue of enlightenment. I owe classmate Lin a favor. If classmate Lin needs my help in the future, Whatever you tell me, I will do it within my ability. Farewell!"

After Shi Yan saluted, she walked out the door.

When she walked to the door, she found that 'Black Stone' Zhang Jie was still standing there in a daze, motionless, so she turned around helplessly.

Pull Zhang Jie outside.

"Let's go! What are you doing?"

She brought Zhang Jie here to watch, just to let this guy appreciate the beauty of the abyss, but this guy's reaction was too embarrassing, like a piece of wood.

Fang Ranran watched the two of them disappear at the door, and curled her lips in displeasure: "I have cut this woman like that today, and she is still dragged to the point of no end."

She turned to look at Lin Rui: "But what she said is right. The finals of the University Martial Arts League are indeed different. The main and deputy generals of those strong teams each have an equipment rating of SS level or above, and their combat skills are also generally rated above "Above S"

Even for this woman, it is estimated that she can acquire the golden elixir within a month and become the backbone of the future University of Science and Technology in half a year. So Lin Rui, you must not relax your arrogance, what a pity! Your attack was exposed too early. When it comes to the finals, they will definitely be able to think of a way to deal with it. "

"I understand!" Lin Rui nodded: "Sister Fang, I want to stay here alone for a while. Sister Feicui asked me to record some martial arts teaching videos for her backup."

Fang Ranran suddenly felt that Lin Rui was also quite pushy. Did he mean to drive her away?

But it's okay. This person is now the darling of their Mingde University and Tianlan Group. Fang Ranran believes that she must treat Lin Rui with the same attitude as she would treat a loser.

"Okay!" Fang Ranran walked outside with a smile: "But it's almost midnight now. Lin Rui, you came out of the life-support cabin and haven't had dinner yet? I'll have someone bring it to you later. Yes, our martial arts club has purchased a new batch of electromagnetic physiotherapy machines that can help people relax their muscles and spirit. Lin Rui, you can try it when you are tired. "

Lin Rui had half-closed his eyes at this time and was lost in thought.

Fang Ranran is right, the foundation of martial arts is the ultimate intention of martial arts.

In addition, there is also one's own true energy, soul, physical fitness, martial arts attainments, etc.

In fact, Lin Rui always felt that with the help of the power of the "War Spirit Ring", his martial arts foundation was too floating, like a rootless duckweed.

But the first thing he has to solve now is the problem of survival. Only by surviving first can he have time to think about basic things.

Lin Rui's current desire for immediate combat power goes far beyond his foundation and potential.

"The Nazgul: Help me grasp the concept of 1% 'guaranteed hit'."

Tips: 10,000 soul points are required to integrate into the "Lord of Fate" in the abyss, 1% of the progress is required, and 3,000 soul points are required to master 1% of the "must hit" concept.

Lin Rui was thoughtful. It seemed that the prerequisite for mastering these concepts was to further integrate into the abyss.

He still has 16,300 points of soul power in his hand, which he originally planned to use to copy several body refining and spiritual arts.

Now he decided to experience what kind of power this 'abyss will' and 'concept' are.

Just after Lin Rui chose 'yes', he felt a slight change in his spirit, and at the same time, he had a vague but solid connection with a powerful spiritual will in the void.

This spiritual will is entrenched in the Tianji Star, with infinite power, boundless spirit, and unfathomable depth.

"Is this the 'Abyss'?" So what is its concept? "

Lin Rui contacted the staff of the martial arts club and sent over the only sixth-level sparring robot in the club.

He first used the 'Drawing Yang Slash' against the robot, and then he was shocked.

It actually hit!

This sparring robot was developed for major generals and lieutenant generals. Not only is its dodge speed very fast, but its blocking ability is also amazing. It is difficult to hit even one thousandth of a second, let alone one thousandth of a second.

Theoretically speaking, Lin Rui's 'Drawing Yang Slash' had no chance of hitting, but he did hit it just now.

Lin Rui's knife actually broke through the sparring robot's defense and grazed its shoulder.

"Is this a concept? It directly distorts the rules of physics and makes no sense at all."

He was secretly shocked, realizing how much this concept of the abyss could improve martial arts.

This is only 1% control, so what if it increases to 10%? What about increasing it to 100%?

Lin Rui then began to try out the ‘Rising Sun Tribulation Sword’. He felt that after mastering this concept, he could not be limited to the ‘Sun-pulling Slash’.”

"Sure enough, I can now actively integrate into the abyssal will of the 'Lord of Fate' when performing other martial arts, and use the concept of sure hit. However, the real energy consumption is very large, and more than 30% of the qi and blood real energy must be consumed once I use it, so Therefore, at present, this concept is still most suitable for "Pull out the Yang Slash", or be used with powerful pistols and sniper rifles.

"Nether Spirits, help me copy the master-level pistol use of War Spirit No. 1."

Tip: Copying the use of a pistol (Grandmaster) requires 1,000 soul points.

Lin Rui chose yes, then took a practice pistol from the weapon rack next to him and shot at the sixth-level sparring robot.


Lin Rui's shot actually hit again. Although it only hit the edge of the thigh of the sparring robot and slipped past the armor, Lin Rui's eyes were still in a daze.

This concept of a sure hit is as powerful as cheating!


At the same time, in the Martial Arts Club’s member suite No. 23, ‘Demon Sword’ Baili Wang was studying Lin Rui’s battle videos using the Tianyan Type-9 quantum supercomputer in the study.

"Squirt! No matter how many times I watch it, I still feel that I can't figure it out, unless I can master conceptual martial arts such as 'absolute defense' and 'absolute dodge'."

Baili Wang sucked a box of yogurt with a look of helplessness on his face: "Headache! How should we fight this guy when we meet him in half a year? It seems that we still have to rely on colonial equipment. There is still half a year until the final stage of the martial arts league championship. Tianjian The company should be able to design corresponding auxiliary equipment. If the design is good, it can also improve the overall combat effectiveness. "

"Colonial clothing" originated from the blood power of the Tianji Star people, but after developing to the present day, it has long outgrown its original innocence.

The ‘Magic Hand’ Zhen Xiaoxiao sitting across from the desk heard this. He knew that King Baili had always been ambitious and intended to reach the top in the age group of 18 to 20 years old and become the first person in this age group:

There is only so much traffic in this world, and the cake is only so big. Only by becoming the number one person recognized in the hearts of the people, can King Baili grab the biggest share of the cake."

Now this Lin Rui has become an obstacle that Baili King cannot avoid and a stepping stone that he must step on.

At this time, Zhen Xiaoxiao's expression changed slightly: "I think you have another headache now."

He turned on the new projection device of the terminal bracelet: "You are in trouble, Baili. I said that there is a problem with your agency's promotional strategy. It exalts your colonial martial arts too much, and also belittles Lin Rui and Shi Yan too much. , look, the boomerang is coming."

"Boomerang?" Baili Wang looked at the holographic projection with doubtful eyes, and then his eyes narrowed: "Shi Yan?"

This is Shi Yan's live broadcast room. Baili Wang saw this crazy woman looking at the camera with a smile.

"Huh? Baili Wang? What is Baili Wang!"

"I just fought with Lin Rui and lost with one sword. Baili Wang is not my opponent. How can he compete with Lin Rui?"

"You fans, you really think too highly of your anchor. You say that Lin Rui is just so-so. Has he not met Baili Wang?

This is too funny. Do you think his concept secret knife and SSS-level combat skill rating are fake?"

"I'm too lazy to tell you. In the battle the day after tomorrow, I will let you see the gap between Baili Wang and me. He thinks he has a chance of winning, right? Then come on.

When Baili Wang saw this, his brows furrowed.

He roughly understood the situation and realized that it was his fan group that attacked Shi Yan's live broadcast room not long ago and laughed at the fact that Future University of Science and Technology lost to Mingde University.

This is indeed a boomerang brought by the promotional strategy of the agency. In order to maintain his popularity, the company created momentum on major forums and martial arts review websites, questioning Lin Rui's battle with the future science and technology master and deputy general, and on the other hand, praising his colonial costume and martial arts, which can restrain Lin Rui, which led to this scene.

Baili Wang shook his head and signaled Zhen Xiaoxiao to turn off the live broadcast with a stern look in his eyes.

"There is no need to worry about her. After the battle the day after tomorrow, we will naturally be able to tell who is better."

He has always made plans before taking action, and only fights a battle that he is sure to win.

The reason why he agreed to participate in this exchange battle this time was because Baili Wang thought he had seen through Shi Yan's strengths and weaknesses and had an 80% chance of winning.

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