Supreme Lord

Chapter 290 Save People (Subscribe)

When the Wude University competition was in full swing, Xu Bo was also rushing to the school's "audio-visual leisure area".

Xu Bo is a third-year student at Mingde University's Alien College and a loyal fan of "Snap Knife" Lin Rui.

This was not only because Lin Rui was their senior, but also because the three paths of light, thunder and fire that Xu Bo practiced were exactly the areas in which Lin Rui excelled.

Xu Bo knew that Lin Rui was likely to play this afternoon, so he hurried to the audio-visual leisure area as soon as school was over.

It is an area of ​​Mingde University specially designed for students to listen to music and watch movies during their leisure time. The sound insulation effect is very good to avoid disturbing others.

But as soon as Xu Bo sat down, he saw his classmate Li Xiaorou sitting next to him.

Li Xiaorou looked at him: "You came here to watch the match between Mingde University and Wude University, right?"

"Yeah." Xu Bo had no interest in this young and beautiful female classmate.

He responded lightly and turned on the video projection as quickly as possible.

What made Xu Bo relieved was that the game happened to end at the end of the lieutenant battle, and Zhao Yan happened to be beaten down.

"Are you a fan of Lin Rui?" Li Xiaorou also turned on the video projection and looked at the two people on the ring with anticipation: "Today is his first battle in the University Martial Arts League, and his opponent is "Hegemony" Lawn. The real touchstone battle! Many people in the 14 federal base cities are looking forward to this day.”

Xu Bo frowned. He felt that something was wrong with Li Xiaorou's tone. He finally glanced at Li Xiaorou and said, "Senior Lin is a 4SS+ recognized by the Martial Arts Association. To get the purple gold diamond badge certified by the association, there is no need for any touchstone."

Li Xiaorou laughed when she heard this. As soon as she heard Xu Bo's words, she knew that he was a crazy fan of Lin Rui.

"I don't know what Senior Lin's true level is, but since the exchange competition, Lin Rui has not experienced a single battle."

Li Xiaorou crossed her arms and said, "Nowadays, some senior martial arts critics really don't have a good evaluation of him. I have watched their programs, and their comments are fair and matter-of-fact. There are also many anchors who are also dissing him, saying that Senior Lin is Fortunately, the alien mastered a powerful secret sword on Tianji Star, so he appeared to be particularly powerful. In fact, his real strength was weaker than everyone expected. This person just said a word, but a group of people said there must be something wrong. "


Xu Bo snorted and glanced sideways at Li Xiaorou: "Senior Lin is very kind. His martial arts commentary videos are the best and most informative among all the anchors, and they are also the cheapest."

Xu Bo's parents were just ordinary white collar workers. Not only could they not afford private tutors, they could not enroll him in classes.

Xu Bo used to just practice blindly with school teachers and some so-called martial arts stars, but he never achieved anything famous.

It wasn't until Xu Bo watched Lin Rui's videos and practiced light martial arts with Lin Rui that his martial arts strength improved by leaps and bounds, and he entered the top ten in the class after only a few months of training.

When Xu Bo thought about Senior Lin being slandered, he felt uncomfortable and angry: "Is the SS+ rating of the Martial Arts Association fake? Who are those anchors and martial arts critics?"

Li Xiaorou laughed dumbly, thinking that this guy was indeed Lin Rui's crazy fan. He was so anxious!

She shook her head: "The evaluation of the Martial Arts Association is sometimes distorted. Martial arts films can also be recorded by masters. Just use AI to modify the image. It is said that Lin Rui is now planning to change the track from a martial arts anchor to do a beauty live broadcast. Already——'

Li Xiaorou noticed that Xu Bo's face was flushed, and hurriedly pointed forward: "Look, the game is about to start."

Li Xiaorou didn’t even dare to tell Xu Bo that she was a fan of Lawn Angus.

Lawn Angus has a sunny spirit and a smooth and domineering martial arts style, which is particularly pleasing to the eye.

Li Xiaorou especially likes "Baquan" Lawn's smooth strikes in the ring, and his clean and neat way of defeating his opponents.

Xu Bo also turned his attention to the video in front again. At this time, both parties were already in position and preparing for the countdown.

At this moment, Lin Rui, who was on the stage, suddenly let out a startle.

He looked at his opponent with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Lin Rui immediately turned around and gave Fei Yunlai a stern look.

Fei Yunlai also apologized to him straightforwardly.

Invincible Niu (Fei Yunlai): Sorry, BOSS! But I don’t blame you, I didn’t expect this guy to practice a little horizontal training in this way.

That Lawn Angus was using some tricks. I don’t know what kind of secret method he used, but he did targeted horizontal training to strengthen some key positions.

Originally, the whole body needs to be covered to practice Hengti, but now it only covers some small parts such as the neck, heart, and joints of hands and feet, so the difficulty of the practice is much reduced.

However, this secret method requires a long time to accumulate energy and prepare.

Now that Lawn is continuing to strengthen the defense capabilities of key parts, it has been exposed.

I have to say that this secret method is quite practical. Combined with Angus's dragon armor hidden in his clothes, the defense of certain parts is very strong, which limits Lin Rui's cutting range.

This is a secret method specifically used to defend against Yang Yang Slash.

Lin Rui didn't take it seriously and turned to look at the referee next to him: "Referee, I request a team of the highest-level emergency medical team to be on standby under the stage and prepare a 'life-sustaining injection'!"

Lin Rui needed to use all his strength with this sword, and it was difficult to stop it in time.

He didn't want to fight a war of attrition with the muscular man in front of him.

The referee was stunned when he heard this. He knew Lin Rui's deeds.

Lin Rui said this at an invitational tournament during the summer vacation.

The problem is that Lin Rui's opponent now is Lawn Angus! A 5SS with a top three talent among the top ten!

The pupils of Lawn Angus on the opposite side were condensed, and a surge of anger rushed to the top of his head: "Are you sure?"

"OK!" Lin Rui nodded: "Senior, please be patient and wait. It shouldn't take long. This is for the sake of your life."'

Angus couldn't help but clenched his fists loudly, and the void around the gloves was slightly distorted.

However, he couldn't stop it. According to the rules of the University Martial Arts League, when one party makes such an application, it must be implemented.

Many participating students use this rule to get a break, but this practice is also shameful.

Angus then took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down his emotions: "If you said this to anger me, then you succeeded. I will not show you any mercy in this battle today."

Lin Rui pressed the long sword Mahakala with one hand and smiled slightly: "But I will be merciful and will not use 'destined death'."

After using Destined Death, Angus was dead, and even the 'Life Constant Injection' couldn't save him.

The top medical team was already stationed at the University Martial Arts League event. They were quickly in place, and an electronic sound started counting down the seconds on the stage.

“5, 4, 3, 2, 1—go!’”

Just as the countdown ended, Angus unleashed his long-prepared punch.

His strategy was to fight attack with attack. If Lin Rui couldn't kill him with one strike, he would have to be defeated with one punch!

In fact, this extremely domineering punch did block most of Lin Rui's knife paths.

It was at this time that Angus's eyes shone with white light, and not long after that, he heard a sharp sound of drawing a sword.

"Save people."

Lin Rui sheathed his sword and walked to the corner of the ring.

He did not jump off the ring directly because Angus had other possibilities for recovery and might have the strength to fight again.

Only when the referee determines that Angus' life is in danger and cannot bear to fight again, will the battle be considered a victory for him.

Angus's eyes were blank. He found that the movements of his upper body and lower body were completely out of touch. Angus immediately realized that he had been cut in half by Lin Rui! Moreover, Lin Rui's knife also cut his heart into two pieces!

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