Supreme Lord

Chapter 55 Fearlessness (Please read on)

Early the next morning, Lin Rui used a smart terminal to call a shared flying wing car and parked it at the door of his house.

In order to ensure safety, Lin Rui called a luxury business model.

Last night, Lin Rui heard the roar of motorcycles outside the community more than once.

Lin Rui didn't know if it was the blood lizard gang, but he had to be prepared. The security of the Ninth Base has always been not very good. After all, this is an era of personal force. The government of the Ninth Base has done its best to ensure that ordinary people can live and work in peace and contentment. Lin Rui had to be a little careful.

Lin Xi also obediently carried a few bags and got on the luxury business flying wing car with Lin Rui.

She hacked several cameras outside the community last night and saw the situation outside, and knew that the situation was dangerous.

There were indeed a few people from the blood lizard gang outside who were watching this community.

When the car body flew into the air, drove out of the community under the control of the automatic driving system, and merged into a fully transparent ring road, Lin Rui turned around and asked: "Lin Xi, what do you think about what I told you yesterday?"

"Of course I agreed."

Lin Xi was in a bad mood, she was unwilling to accept it, and said with a depressed look: "We are eating and using other people's things now, not to mention that others helped us so much yesterday. Can we still refuse at this time? What's more, the conditions offered by this sister Feicui are very good. I talked to her last night and she is really sincere."

Lin Xi is actually looking forward to it. If she transfers to Mingde Heteromorphic College, she won't be a burden to her brother.

In the future, her scholarship and colonization will not be a problem, which can save a lot of money for the family.

Lin Xi herself is also very interested in martial arts, especially after the incident last night.

At this moment, Lin Xi's face changed slightly, and he looked out the window intently: "Brother, something is wrong."

Lin Rui had already noticed something unusual. At this time, there were 19 floating motorcycles chasing up from behind, speeding around their commercial flying wing car.

There were also several cars that had already driven in front of them, making the commercial flying wing car unable to accelerate.

The engines of these floating motorcycles were obviously modified, making a harsh buzzing sound, and spewing red tail flames from the back.

The riders on the floating motorcycles were all dressed in cyberpunk style. They dyed their hair in various colors, wore riveted motorcycle clothes, painted weird makeup on their faces, or wore various metal rings.

Lin Rui also saw that these people had lizard tattoos of the Blood Lizard Gang on their necks and arms.

This made him frown. This return to Tianji Star was really turbulent. One wave just subsided, and another wave rose.

"Passengers, please pay attention! Ambola has detected a total of 14 second-level danger sources and 5 third-level danger sources outside the car, 12 of whom have a record of serious crimes. Ambola has activated the safety protection system and has called the nearby police station. Passengers, please pay attention to protect your personal safety."

Ambola is the in-vehicle intelligent system of this shared car rental company.

Lin Rui patted Lin Xi's hand soothingly, and looked out the window with cold eyes: "It's okay, commercial vehicles have bulletproof functions, and intelligent driving capabilities are also the highest level. As long as we get out of the Dongcheng elevated road, it will be fine."

He still underestimated the madness of the Blood Lizard Gang, and actually attacked the flying wing car they were riding on the highway.

The vehicles driving in this high-speed pipeline also found that something was wrong. They either reduced their speed and distanced themselves, or stepped on the accelerator and accelerated to get out.

However, several cars followed, and the people in the car were excited to shoot in the direction of the commercial flying wing car.

At this time, on the left side of the commercial flying wing car, a man wearing black sunglasses and full of gold teeth laughed harshly.

He opened the temporary battle group built for this "hunt" and sent a message in it.

"Brothers, get started, prepare to use rockets. This time we are doing things for our sister-in-law, so we must be clean and neat!"

"Understood! Two little brats, dare to go against our Blood Lizard Gang, crush them to death!"

"Where are Jack's two cars, are they here?"

"No need, we can handle him."

"The rockets are ready! Unity and mutual assistance, dare to act and dare to take responsibility!"

"Loyalty, sharing honor and disgrace, unity and mutual assistance, dare to act and dare to take responsibility!"

At this moment, Lin Rui took a breath of cold air with a hiss, thinking that the gangs of this era are too exciting.

Through the electronic rearview mirror, he saw three people behind him each carrying a single rocket.

That should not be a regular standard weapon, but a homemade rocket. The workmanship is very rough, and it looks like it was made of water pipes, but its power is not weak at all.

After the rocket is launched, it can even change its track at the end to track.

Fortunately, the luxury business car they are riding has a very strong self-driving system. Through clever and flexible maneuvers, it avoids all three rockets. After the rocket explodes in the air, it even generates a layer of energy shield outside the car body to resist the shock wave and scattered shrapnel after the rocket explosion.

Lin Rui's eyes are more solemn. He saw two illegally modified flying wing cars with dark armor on the shells merged from a ramp next to them and flew in front of them.

Those motorcyclists each held a gun and fired at the flying wing car they were riding, continuously bombarding the energy shield and the flying car.

"Brother!" Lin Xi's little face turned pale.

The two modified flying wing cars have blocked the road ahead and are cooperating with the floating motorcycles to force the shared flying wing cars they are riding to change their routes.

Lin Xi regretted and was angry. He regretted that his momentary loss of control had caused so much trouble to his brother and sister. He was angry at the rampant blood lizard gang. At this time, neither of them noticed that the void near Lin Xi's right hand had been slightly distorted.

Lin Rui was not surprised but laughed: "Ambola, help me open the roof skylight!"

"Guest, we are in an emergency now. There are criminals trying to endanger your life. Opening the skylight may cause serious consequences-"

Lin Rui did not wait for the electronic voice to finish, and said in a stronger tone: "I know the consequences, open the skylight immediately!"

Following his order, the upper window slowly opened.

Lin Rui unbuckled his seat belt at this time: "Ambola, you must close the sunroof immediately after I go out. I am the main passenger, this is my order, Lin Xi, you wait for me in the car, you must be obedient, don't be stubborn!"

When he said the last sentence, his voice was particularly heavy, and his voice was fierce.

At this moment, Lin Rui's figure leaped out of the sunroof like a spring.

The Blood Lizard Gang knights outside were stunned for a while, and then burst into shrill laughter. Some of them even took out their pistols and aimed at Lin Rui.

"Ha, this guy is very brave! He dared to come out?"

"There is shit in his brain, stupid."

"Yo, just watch, I will blow his head off!"

"Shoot! Shoot!"

Lin Rui had a blank expression on his face, stepped on the roof of the commercial flying wing car with his right foot, and his figure was entangled in a ball of lightning and came to the top of a floating flying car next to him and slashed it with a knife.

The green-haired knight in this car is a third-level danger source calibrated by the vehicle intelligent driving system, a captain martial artist implanted with artificial serum.

"You are looking for death!"

The green-haired knight raised his head, his eyes wide open, and looked at Lin Rui with a cold expression. He did not defend but counterattacked. He directly pulled out a four-foot-long third-level "single-molecule combat knife" from the storage box of the floating motorcycle and slashed at Lin Rui.

He felt funny. The guy on the top probably didn't have a wheel vein implanted, but he dared to take the initiative to attack from the car and chose him, who already had artificial serum, as the first target.

However, just as the long swords of both sides were about to cross, a blood hole suddenly appeared between the eyebrows of the green-haired knight.

What's going on?

The green-haired knight lost all consciousness as soon as this thought came into his mind. The long sword he chopped out also stagnated and passed by the falling Lin Rui.

Lin Rui cut off his head cleanly, then snatched the single-molecule combat knife and kicked the green-haired knight's body off the hoverbike.

He then swung the long knife and drove the hoverbike to the side.


As lightning flashed and blood mist floated, another knight fell off the motorcycle. The hoverbike also lost control due to engine damage and slammed into the transparent glass curtain wall around the highway, making a roar and then bursting into a dazzling fireball.

At this time, there were also traces of silver needle shadows flashing around Lin Rui.

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