Supreme Lord

Chapter 8 The Goddess of Despair

When Lin Rui defeated Wade, Lin Xi was sitting in the waiting room of Lu Qing Private Clinic on Longze East Road, looking at the door with blank eyes.

Lin Xizheng was thinking about Lin Rui. It was already twelve o'clock sharp, and there was still an hour before the end of the alien combat assessment. I wonder what Lin Rui's final ranking will be?

Lin Xi predicted that her brother's results would never be lower than the top 300 in the city.

Although Lin Rui had shown very little confidence when communicating with her in recent days, Lin Xi did feel a bit like Colonel Xue when she saw Lin Rui's knife attack last night.

Lin Xi's martial arts talent is very high, so high that the martial arts teachers at her school feel sorry for her. They believe that with Lin Xi's talent, if they have enough money to implant inner elixirs and meridians, they will definitely become the best transplants. Warrior.

So she could see the extraordinary nature of Lin Rui's sword, especially the fierce killing intent that followed the impact of the sword's light. It still makes Lin Xi shiver and get goosebumps when she thinks about it.

The problem is that my older brother was not so strong. He made great progress in martial arts, too fast——

At this moment, a female doctor wearing a white coat and smart glasses walked in with a report.

Lin Xi immediately recovered and stood up: "Sister Qing!"

Her eyes looked expectant and frightened.

"The test results are out." The female doctor gave Lin Xi a serious look: "But before that, I have to say once again that according to current regulations, any private test without the permission of a federal citizen or guardian, except for law enforcement agencies, The DNA behavior is illegal. I privately submitted the two hairs you brought for examination, which is an illegal violation. If this matter is leaked, my medical license will probably be revoked. "

Lin Xi smiled, then clasped her hands together and bowed to the female doctor like a Buddha: "Sister Qing, you love me the most. Just help me this time. I also understand the rules and will never tell others. "

The female doctor she calls Sister Qing is named Lu Qing. She was their family doctor and the owner of this clinic.

After the change in their family, she and Lin Rui couldn't afford Lu Qing's expenses, but they didn't cut off contact.

Lu Qing has always taken good care of her and hired her to work in the clinic every summer.


Lu Qing shook his head and handed over the test results with a helpless expression: "Judging from the test results, the two hairs you sent belong to the same person, and the DNA similarity is 100%."

Lin Xi's mind suddenly relaxed. Hasn't the 'brother's' DNA changed?

In other words, the current Lin Rui is the same person as the previous Lin Rui?

She then heard the female doctor's voice change: "But the electromagnetic fields attached to the two hairs are slightly different."

Lin Xi's mind felt like it was on a roller coaster, falling suddenly and rapidly: "Is there a difference in the electromagnetic field? Sister Qing, what kind of situation would this usually occur?"

She knew that electromagnetic fields were closely related to the souls of colonial warriors.

"A lot." Lu Qing pushed up his glasses and explained with a smile: "For example, big mood swings, recent serious injuries, or a big increase in mental strength, etc. In addition, there are two more dangerous ones. Maybe, it’s the legendary ‘cloning’ and ‘seizing’.”

"Cloning and seizing the body?" Lin Xi froze when she heard these five words, and her face turned pale.

In other words, there is still a high probability that his brother will be replaced?

At this time, she didn't notice that the female doctor opposite looked at her strangely.

"I don't need to explain cloning. The so-called body seizing means taking away the body by other people's souls. This is the method used by Tianji people when they first infiltrated the federation. Later, our federation developed soul electronic technology, which can upload people's souls. By the time computers are saved, the seizure of human remains has become quite common, and it is a legal problem that causes the federal government a huge headache.”

Lu Qing paused and looked at Lin Xi suspiciously: "Speaking of which, Lin Xi, what on earth is going on? Whose hair is this? You still have to ask me to send it for examination. Could it be your brother Lin Xi?" Rui?"

"No! How is that possible?" Lin Xizheng smiled, and then hurriedly walked out the door holding the test sheet: "Thank you, Sister Qing. I have to go beforehand. I will treat you to dinner later."

Lu Qing watched Lin Xi walk out of the door in despair, and her elegant face gradually turned cold.

She then made a call with her terminal bracelet: "Director, what happened to Lin Xi's brother? Is he dead?"

"How do I know?" A slightly hoarse voice came from the speaker of the bracelet. He seemed distressed: "He was obviously dead, but he was resurrected. Lin Xi, a desperate goddess who should have despaired because of this, did not despair. "

Lu Qingliu frowned slightly and said in a cold tone: "This is the biggest obstacle to the awakening of the Goddess of Despair. I suggest that this obstacle be removed."

"No!" The hoarse voice immediately shouted angrily: "Lu Qing, don't mess around. You don't know the horror of the Queen of Despair after she awakens. If the organization wants to truly control her and doesn't want to be backlashed by the Queen of Despair in the future, it must not do it with its own hands. If you are stained with Lin Rui's blood, Lu Qing, if you want to die, I will kill you now!"

He may have felt that the rebuke was too harsh, so he softened his tone and said, "Don't act rashly. I have arranged for people to investigate Lin Rui's situation to see if he is alive or dead. Is he himself or has his body been taken away from him? Anyway, wait for my news. If you really can’t wait any longer, you can help Lin Xi investigate the truth. It would be best if the Goddess of Despair could kill her brother with her own hands——"


An hour later, in Classroom 3321 of Mingde University, Lin Rui opened the ranking list with regretful eyes.

"This practical assessment is over. Congratulations, your final ranking is eleventh."

Lin Rui shook his head and reluctantly took off his deep diving helmet.

After defeating Wade, Lin Rui was already confident of reaching the top three in the rankings. The 'Top Ten' were better than the others, but his master-level Red Thunder Sword and Red Thunder Palm could surpass them!

Unfortunately, for some reason, Lin Rui never matched up with an opponent in the top ten.

So in the end, Wade, who lost to him, was still ranked fourth, but Lin Rui could only be promoted to eleventh.

When Lin Rui took off his helmet, he saw Wang Lina next to him looking at him intently: "What's your ranking? Have you entered the top 100?"

Following Wang Lina's words, the surrounding students all looked over with curiosity in their eyes.

They are still very concerned about the results of the two top students in the class.

A girl with a ponytail in the distance chuckled: "Top 100? Impossible. Lin Rui's grades are very good, but in this school, he is among the top 20 in his grade, and he is still not up to the top 100 in the city. Level?"

Wang Lina immediately glanced over with a cold look: "I met him in the actual combat assessment just now, and he was defeated with just seven sword strikes. This guy has mastered the complete 'Red Thunder Nine Cuts' without saying a word. Let alone break into the top 100. The first fifty are possible.”

Lin Rui's best friend Wang Sen was walking over here. After hearing this, he couldn't help but said "fuck you" and turned to look at Lin Rui in surprise.

"Brother Rui, is this true? Have you mastered the Red Thunder Nine Slashes?"

"It's done." Lin Rui nodded affirmatively, and at the same time opened the list of class counselors in his personal terminal system.

What Lin Rui is most concerned about now is when the rewards from the school board will be distributed.

Before he could send a message to the class counselor, an old man with thinning hair and a round face hurried in.

It turned out to be the head teacher whom they had not seen for ten and a half days. He walked to the podium with a red face.

"Please sit down, everyone. I have a piece of good news to announce here. It is a major piece of good news! Lin Rui, a classmate in our class, won all 69 games in the actual combat assessment just now, and ranked first in overall performance rating. Ranked 11th in the city, this is the best result since the founding of our school and a new record. Let us congratulate Mr. Lin!”

After the head teacher finished speaking, he applauded vigorously, but no one reacted for a while.

They all looked at Lin Rui intently, with incredible expressions. Even Wang Lina's pupils narrowed.

Not the top one hundred, not the top fifty, but eleventh? Their classmate Lin Rui actually ranked eleventh in the city!

After two full seconds, an overwhelming wave of applause erupted from the classroom.

Everyone had different expressions, some were jealous, some didn't believe it, some admired it, some were happy, but they all clapped their hands together.

Lin Rui stood up and bowed to the many students in the classroom.

Just when he sat down again, he found a message from a stranger in his personal terminal requesting to be added as a friend.

The other party's information card clearly read 'Guan Biyi, Assistant to the Chairman of Tianlan Biological Group'.

Lin Ruixian was confused for a moment, and then he remembered that isn't Tianlan Biological Group the parent company of his university?

Just over half a year ago, this group company, which specializes in the manufacturing of breeding equipment and genetic fluid, acquired 32% of the shares of Mingde University and became a member of the board of directors of Mingde University.

Lin Rui immediately agreed and added him as a friend.

Guan Bibi immediately sent a message: "Classmate Lin, congratulations on your ranking among the top 11 in the city in this practical assessment and your excellent results! According to the announcement of the school board, you will receive a set of medical equipment provided by our Tianlan Biological Group. Super-quality artificial meridians, three gene-enhancing potions, free tuition, and a scholarship of 30,000 federal dollars. Please go to the school’s service center to collect it later. In addition, our chairman will also give you a small Little surprise.”

Lin Rui couldn't help but pump his fist in excitement, this is what he wanted.

Lin Rui immediately replied: "Thank you, Assistant Guan, and thank you, Chairman."

His eyes were a little confused. Will the chairman give him a surprise? I don’t know what it is like?

At the same time, in a limousine driving out of the education center, Guan Bibi, assistant to the chairman of Tianlan Biological Group, turned to look at his boss Fang Kongfang: "Chairman, Lin Rui's affairs have been arranged. You I’ve already had people deliver the things he told me.”

"Yes." Fang Kongfang responded lightly, and at the same time wiped his face with a wet wipe: "Thanks to this child, otherwise I would have been drowned in saliva by that man named Li today. Please help me take good care of him in the future. , By the way, isn't Ranran looking for people to join her martial arts club? If she still can't find the right person in the past two days, you can recommend Lin Rui. This is a good idea. He can be the leader in the college league."

Guan Bibid laughed and immediately sent a message to Lin Rui: You're welcome, you deserve this. If you encounter any trouble in school in the future, you can come to me.

While sending the message, he said with regret: "This is indeed an unexpected surprise. Director Li has a very domineering personality. To be honest, if it weren't for Lin Rui, Mingde University's budget would definitely be cut by a large amount next year." cut.

The only pity is that Lin Rui's ranking could actually be higher. Someone must have controlled the algorithm to prevent him from meeting the so-called "Ten Elites" again and lower his combat score. "

Fang Kongfang couldn't help but snorted coldly.

He had long realized that someone had manipulated the system algorithm of the alien combat assessment.

The status of "alien walkers" in the Earth Federation is high, and only those with the most outstanding martial arts talents can get the alien license issued.

So the top ten alien students can be said to be the most powerful colonial warriors of the same age in the Ninth Base City, and they have a star-like status in the minds of the teenagers in the Ninth City.

Each of their battle videos has millions of views on the Internet, which has brought huge profits.

Behind these ten heroes are powerful brokerage companies, involving the interests of many people, and some people are opening underground betting pools to bet on the ranking of this alien assessment.

After watching the battle video of Lin Rui and Wade, how dare those people let the ten heroes fight Lin Rui again?

Fang Kongfang did not expect it in advance and did not make any preparations, otherwise he would never let these people succeed.

However, this is actually a good thing for Lin Rui. This is a poor student with no one to rely on, and there is no need to be so prominent.

"Didn't you see that the face of the man surnamed Li behind him was black, and he still wanted education reform? If he really wants education fairness, he should clean up the group of rats in the General Administration of Education first."

After a sneer, Fang Kongfang threw the wet wipes in his hand into the trash can with a gloomy look: "You will contact Mr. Li later and buy all his shares in Mingde University. Just do as he said, with a 50% premium. I'm really fed up! "

Although Tianlan Bio Group has acquired Mingde University, it has not been able to achieve absolute control, which has led to Fang Kongfang being constrained by many shareholders on the board of directors.

This is why the school's educational level has not improved after they acquired Mingde University for more than half a year.

Fang Kongfang originally planned to wait, but today's events forced him to take the initiative to seek change.

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