Supreme Mad God

Chapter 132 The King of Wu

Chapter 132: The King of Wu and the Strong

The warrior paused for a while, then looked at Tang Long and said seriously: "As the owner of Luomei Villa, I naturally have some things that I can handle, such as medicinal herbs that can improve my strength!"

"Oh!" Tang Long's eyes narrowed slightly: "Where are these medicinal materials?"

"As long as you promise to avenge me, I can give you these medicinal materials first, and when I get revenge, I will tell you the whereabouts of the ruins, how?"

Tang Long asked: "Wan Po Sect is so powerful, how do you know that I have the ability to avenge you?"

"Because of her!" The warrior turned his head to look at Ye Qingling: "I can see that she treats you very well, as long as it is your request, I believe she will agree. And if she works hard, I believe that my Vengeance will definitely be avenged!"

"Ling'er!" Tang Long was a little surprised and turned to look at Ye Qingling.

Ye Qingling looked at the warrior with a bit of dissatisfaction: "I won't help you!"

"But, don't you help him?" The warrior looked at Tang Long: "I believe that if he promises to help me, you will definitely help me!"


Ye Qingling snorted a little unhappily, but did not speak.

"I promise you!" Tang Long said with certainty at this time: "I can help you get revenge, that is to say, the deal between us has now been reached, you should fulfill your promise now, and give me those who can The medicinal herbs to enhance the strength!"

"Okay!" The warrior said simply: "Let's go to Luomei Villa now!"

"Your Luomei Villa should have already been occupied!" Tang Long frowned slightly: "Do you think the things you hid can still exist?"

"Luomei Villa has a very secret treasure room, there, only my brother and I know about it!" The warrior said: "Also, the current Luomei Villa is not occupied, but destroyed. !"

"As long as I get the medicinal materials, I promise to destroy the Ten Thousand Poison Sect!" Tang Long said seriously!

He decided to destroy the Ten Thousand Poison Sect, not all because of the martial artist, but also because he knew that he and the Ten Thousand Poison Sect would definitely be enemies, because the Ten Thousand Poison Sect belonged to Ye Xuanyue, so they would definitely be his enemy. !

In fact, Tang Long now has other plans!

"You are seriously injured. In order not to affect your journey, I decided to give you a little treatment!" Tang Long looked at the two warriors and said.

"You will heal?" The warrior looked at Tang Long curiously.

"Of course!" It was Ye Qingling who spoke, and she raised her head proudly: "My brother Long is the best, hum!"

Tang Long said: "Let's talk about it first, what are your names?"

"My name is Huangfu Jin, this is my younger brother, Huangfu Yin." This warrior introduced himself and the middle-aged people around him.

Tang Long didn't ask any more questions, he used his mental power to condense the Yellow Spring Needle!

Huangfu Jin felt the mental power spread out from Tang Long, and his eyes were filled with disbelief. He had no idea that the young man in front of him was actually an alchemist, and he was also an eighth-rank alchemist!

This shocked him so much!

Eight-grade alchemist, such a talent, even in Tianying City, will definitely be robbed by many forces!

What's more, Tang Long's age is only so young!

"It seems that I made the right bet this time, this kid should be able to avenge me!" Huangfu Jin thought to himself, turning to look at his younger brother, Huangfu Yin, there was also a glimmer of hope in Huangfu Yin's eyes. .

And then, Huangfu Jin and Huangfu Yin were even more shocked!

They were shocked by Tang Long's medical skills!

Tang Long didn't give them any panacea, just using a small needle of energy condensed by mental power, in just 20 minutes, their internal injuries were completely reduced by a factor of two!

Even the pain on their bodies has been greatly reduced!

"Thank you little brother!" Huangfu Jin and Huangfu Yin stood up together and thanked them very seriously.

"You're welcome" Tang Long waved his hand lightly: "Now, we can hurry!"

"it is good!"

The two said no more,

With Tang Long and the three of them, they were about to walk down the mountain, but suddenly they saw from a distance that dust was billowing in the distance, and there was serious chaos in the Ten Thousand Poison Sect!

"What's going on?" Huangfu Jin looked over there in confusion.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Tang Long's mouth: "Nothing happened, it should be the dead man of the Tuoba family who went to Wandu Sect to make trouble!"

"The Tuoba family?" Huangfu Jin was stunned.

Ye Qingling and Qin Ziyi next to him had already guessed something, and they all looked at Tang Long, their eyes flashing with brilliance!

Tang Long has turned around and is walking down the mountain: "Let's go!"

Huangfu Jin and Huangfu Yin also guessed at this time that the chaos of Wandu Sect was probably related to Tang Long, but they couldn't think of a reason, but they stopped thinking about it and went down the mountain with Tang Long. , hurried away in the direction of Luomei Villa.

A full five days on the road!

At noon on the sixth day, Tang Long and the others finally reached their destination.

This is not Luomei Villa, but in a deep mountain valley about ten kilometers away from Luomei Villa.

"My most secret treasure room in Luomei Villa is here." Huangfu Jin's voice fell, he turned his head and looked around, but did not find any danger, and then walked towards a stone wall in front of him.

Tang Long pulled Qin Ziyi and Ye Qingling and followed.

Huangfu Jin and Huangfu Yin stopped beside a stone wall.

Huangfu Jin took out a stone in a very hidden place, and a small hole appeared there.

Huangfu Jin stretched his hand into the small hole, pressed a button, and then, a well-camouflaged stone gate slowly opened, revealing a stone cave!

This stone cave is indeed on the ground not far away, next to the stone wall!

"Tang Shaoxia, please come with us!" Huangfu Jin's voice fell, and he jumped out of the cave first.

Tang Long walked over and carefully checked the movement in the cave. Knowing that there was no danger, he no longer hesitated, and with Ye Qingling and Qin Ziyi, went down slowly, and there was a long passage ahead.

Huangfu Jin led the way in front, Huangfu Yin walked at the end, and the group passed through the long passage, and it didn't take long before they reached the stone door of an underground secret room.

"My treasure room in Luomei Villa is here!"

Huangfu Jin pointed at the stone gate in front of him, and after saying this, he directly opened the stone gate!

Tang Long followed Huangfu Jin into the secret room, and his eyes suddenly lit up, and Tang Long's eyes suddenly revealed a touch of surprise!

In this secret room, in addition to medicinal materials, there are many gold and silver treasures!

Moreover, there are actually two stone gates around this secret room. Tang Long guessed that there should be some precious treasures hidden behind the two stone gates!

Tang Long doesn't care about money!

What he needs most now is to cherish medicinal herbs!

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