Supreme Mage of Hogwarts

Chapter 120 Ronald: Can I hold your hand if I'm afraid?

Chapter 120 Ronald: Can I hold your hand if I'm afraid?

"Forbidden Forest?" Hermione was a little surprised.

Although Hogwarts has banned students from entering the ban.

But the three of them have been regular visitors to the forbidden forest in recent years.

Harry and Ronald also looked at each other suspiciously, waiting for Hagrid to tell them the reason.

When Lin Xiao took the teacup that Hagrid handed over with an unknown tea, he realized that the injury on Hagrid's face was even more serious by the dim firelight in the room.

Not only did two new bruises appear on the face covered with the long beard, there were even traces of nosebleeds on the nose.

Thinking of what I said two days ago to wait until Hagrid's injury got better before leaving.

Lin Xiao can't wait to slap himself both in the face now.

He had forgotten that Hagrid had some injuries that were simply not going to get better.

Because he not only brought his half-brother Grapp back from the giant's territory, but also raised him in the forbidden forest.

The injuries on his face were caused by Grapp.

Never mind that Hagrid is Grapp's half-brother.

But you must know that Grapp is a true pure-blooded giant. Even though he is short among the giants, he is still huge compared to Hagrid, the half-blooded giant.

Damn it!

How could I forget this one.

If this is really according to what he said, when Hagrid's damage is better, he will leave, it is estimated that he will wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

No wonder when he said that.

Hagrid had a palpable flash of unnaturalness.

At this time, it was not only Lin Xiao who discovered the injury on Hagrid's face, Hermione and others also discovered that both of Hagrid's eyes had turned blue.

"Hagrid, have you been working hard lately? Are you caring for a grumpy animal? Harry asked with concern.

Ronald and Hermione both looked at Hagrid.

Hagrid frowned and said, "Yes, it's not an animal, it's...but...forget it, you'll find out when you come with me, but you must help me keep it a secret, this matter is very important to me, you can ?"

Harry nodded earnestly, saying that they would definitely help Hagrid keep secrets.

Hagrid is also rarely showing a smile.

"Come on, hurry up." Hagrid didn't explain much, got up and picked up a large bow and arrow hanging on the wall and turned around and asked, "You have wands, right? I hope you all have them.

"Why is Hagrid carrying a weapon?" Harry said.

Hermione was a little worried. "You have never brought a bow and arrow in front of us. Are we facing any danger?"

When it comes to danger, Ronald's immediately goes green.

Because he thought of something.

There was something he was most afraid of in the ban that was strictly forbidden for students to enter, and that was the huge eight-eyed spider.

"Hagrid, you won't you - take us to that Aragog?"

"No, hurry up, before it's too late." Hagrid didn't seem to want to explain more here, but kept urging Harry and the others to move faster.

Lin Xiao also knew more or less about the dangers of the forbidden forest.

The Forbidden Forest also has a name, which is called the Dark Forest.

It is located on the edge of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry grounds and is home to many dangerous and magical beasts as well as ancient magical beasts.

But if anyone wants to go in and find out.

Then you have to prepare for the existence that may die at any time.

True to its name, Forbidden Forest, this is a dangerous forest that is restricted to entry.

All that Lin Xiao knows about is the Eight-Eyed Spider Swarm, Thestrals, Unicorns, Centaurs, Werewolves, Flying T'Anglias, Lu Wei, Hippogriffs.

Of course, there are many more creatures that actually live in it.

If there is no familiar person to lead the way.

An intruder never knows what to expect next.

Of course, Hagrid wasn't among the intruders.

The Forbidden Forest may be dangerous to others, but it is nothing to Hagrid, who loves the Forbidden Forest.

Lin Xiao saw Hermione, whose pretty face was pale, and whispered next to her ear: "Follow me, don't worry, I'm here, if you're afraid, you can hold my hand."

If it was normal, Hermione must have thought that this was Lin Xiao taking advantage of himself.

But this time Hermione nodded seriously.

"Hagrid, can I take Fangya?" Ronald looked at Hagrid with a trembling voice, and pointed to Fangya, who was beside him.

"I'm afraid not, dear Ronald." Hagrid grabbed the doorknob. "If Fangya goes, he might be offended, and we can't take him."5

It would be better if Hagrid didn't say that.

After saying this, it's not just Hermione, Ronald's face collapsed instantly.

Looking at Harry for help.

Harry dropped a line of trusting Hagrid and walked out.

0....... ask for flowers ·

"Lin Xiao, I just heard, can I hold your hand if I'm afraid? Ronald cried and prayed.

Lin Xiao almost hit his face with his wand after hearing this.

The ears are rather pointed.

He heard his own voice so small just now.

Lin Xiao didn't answer Ronald, but held Hermione in one hand and the dove tree wand he didn't use often in the other, while shrugging.

You see.

There was nothing I could do either, my hands were busy.

Perhaps Hermione was really frightened by Hagrid's words, and she held Lin Xiao's palm tightly without the slightest shyness.

Only in this way can she feel safe in her heart.

Seeing the back of Lin Xiao pulling Hermione away, Ronald said something that was really not a brother and hurriedly followed.


Hagrid's stride is big.

Often when he took one step, Lin Xiao and others had to take three or four steps to keep up.

At first, it was fine before entering the forbidden forest.

At least under the moonlight, everyone felt a little more at ease.

But after entering the forbidden forest, only a small amount of moonlight could reach the ground under the shield of the towering trees, but even so, Harry and others could not see the surrounding situation.

Plus Hagrid's walking speed was so fast that on several occasions everyone almost tripped over the branches on the ground.

It wasn't until Lin Xiao quickly hugged Hermione, who almost fell, that he shouted to Hagrid in front of him: "Hagrid, is there any problem with lighting the wand?

Hagrid hurriedly turned around and made a silent gesture, indicating that everyone should be quieter, "No problem, just try to keep quiet.

Hermione's expression brightened. "That's great."

Lin Xiao and others whispered at the same time, "Fluorescent flashes."

The four-bar wand briefly lit up a beam of light at the same time, which made everyone feel at ease.

At least.

No more tripping due to lack of light.

However, everyone could see the tension and sadness on Hagrid's face from the flickering beams of light.

PS: kneeling for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, automatic subscription, full order! Factory.

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