Supreme Mage of Hogwarts

Chapter 136 Surrender, giants! Or prepare for death

Chapter 136 Surrender, giants! Or prepare for death

An anthropomorphic sneer appeared on the giant chief's face.


Giants will only surrender to the Dark Lord, only the Dark Lord can bring them a better life, and following the Dark Lord can save them from staying in this damn ancient forest.

"The giant - will not surrender - to anyone.

The giant chief said in a loud voice.

"Damn human - die!

Speaking of which, the giant chief stretched out his big hand and grabbed Lin Xiao directly, with contempt in his eyes.

"Hagrid is dead!"

While grabbing at the human boy, the giant chief roared after saying this angrily.

Immediately, countless giants around him suddenly became irritable.

He swarmed towards Hagrid.

They had received orders from the chief to shred the filthy "two-fifty" half-blood giant and make him pay for waking them to sleep.

Hagrid yelled at Lin Xiao in fear, "Damn it! Lin Xiao! Whatever you do, you better hurry up, I don't want to be a supper for these giants."

He is really going crazy.

Going crazy.

Why did he accompany this lunatic to the giant's territory.

This time as long as I can go back alive.

Hagrid swears.

No matter what kind of help Lin Xiao asked him to do in the future, he would never agree to anything, even a small request.

The huge palm of the giant chief slowly grabbed the tiny human.

He didn't care what kind of resistance this human being would make at all.



Come on, these really aren't much use in front of their rough skin, just scratching them.

Available in the next second.


The shrill roar exploded in an instant, causing all the giants around Hagrid to stop and turn their heads.

Hagrid breathed a sigh of relief.

Also looked over.

It didn't matter at all, he almost gave it away to Hagrid on the spot.

The giant chief held the wrist of his right hand with his left hand, and the right wrist was sprayed with blood donation, and there was a broken palm on the ground, which was the right hand of the giant chief.

"Roar!!! Damn! Die! Die!!!

The giant chief kept howling in pain, and his body kept retreating.

He looked at his broken right wrist in disbelief.

At the same time, he looked at the dwarf figure in fear.

At this moment, the human who was like food in his eyes was holding a sword-like appearance made of light all over his body, and he just cut off his palm with a light slash.

"Submit or die!"

Lin Xiao slowly flew up with the help of the suspension cloak.

It didn't stop rising until it was level with the giant chief's head.

Facing the giant chief's angry pupils mixed with fear, Lin Xiao questioned coldly.

He holds the sword of Emperor Weishan in his hand.

Full of evil spirits.

"Impossible! The Dark Lord - surrender - you - impossible! The giant chieftain roared in anger.

Although the giant chieftain's words are not satisfactory.

But through simple words, Lin Xiao still understood what he wanted to say.


The goddamn giant chieftain had already made contact with the Death Eaters.

Apparently surrendered to the Dark Lord.

"If that's the case, then you can die." Lin Xiao said coldly.

How could the giant chief sit still.

The only remaining left hand grabbed a huge tree trunk beside him and was about to smash at Lin Xiao.

Available in the next second.

A golden light flashed across.

The giant chief immediately felt the world spinning.

until a muffled sound.

The giant chief was surprised to find that he saw a giant without a head and right hand standing there.

Is this him?


The headless corpse of the giant chief smashed to the ground with a dull sound.

The surrounding giants let out a harsh roar like an electric shock and stepped back one after another.

Several giants crouched down to touch the giant chief.

But under great fear, they retracted their palms.

Hagrid was also dumbfounded.

kill... kill?

Didn't Lin Xiao tell the giant to surrender?

How did you turn around and kill the giant chieftain?

He couldn't understand.

At this moment, Hagrid's brain has completely shut down, and he doesn't know what to do at all.

What the hell is this Lin Xiao... doing?

Hagrid is crazy.


The next second, an angry roar sounded, and several giants stretched out their arms directly towards Lin Xiao in midair.

But how can the giant catch the flexible Lin Xiao0......

That's a floating cloak.

Several golden lights flashed again, and Gululu smashed several heads on the ground again.

There were more headless corpses on the ground.

Lin Xiao had already become a god of killing at this moment, and he did not hesitate to start.

In an instant.

The entire giant's territory insisted on becoming a giant cemetery.

Lin Xiao didn't even blink his eyelids, but whenever a giant dared to make a loud noise or act, he would instantly kill him and take it away with a clean knife.

Just a few breaths.

Deadly silent.

The giants didn't even dare to take a breath, they all pressed their heads and didn't dare to look at Lin Xiao.

And under him.

There are already more than a dozen giant corpses.

Hagrid was already slumped on the ground, terrified.

He has lost the ability to think.

Frightened by Lin Xiao's decisive killing and thunder tactics, he didn't know what to do.

I can only watch it all happen.

Lin Xiao looked around in the air.

He is very satisfied with the giant's current performance, very satisfied with the quiet atmosphere.

It seems... after the deaths of more than a dozen giants, this group of people who are not very smart finally understand what fear is.

Lin Xiao didn't show any mercy.

Although these giants have humanoid forms, they are no different from beasts.

want to make them surrender.

They must be made to feel fear and awe from the heart.

1.3 Otherwise, truly surrender to him.

It can only be compared to cruelty and cruelty, so that they will never dare to betray, so that they will always be in awe of themselves.

"Very well, Hagrid, looks like it's almost over."

Lin Xiao landed above the giant chief's corpse as he spoke, and at this moment he had put on the ring and was about to open the door of the ring.


He needs to make these giants understand.

Who will be his spokesperson.

PS: Kneeling for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, automatic subscription, all bookings!

Just got back from the hospital...

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