Supreme Mage of Hogwarts

Chapter 158: Connelly's Decay, the Prophecy Ball that Has Changed

Chapter 158: Connelly's Decay, the Prophecy Ball that Has Changed

"If you have anything in the future, you can come to Hogwarts to contact me, and I will welcome you at any time in the headmaster's office at Hogwarts."

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he turned to look at Lin Xiao and Sirius.

Cornelius Fudge's eyes widened, "You!"

Lin Xiao and Sirius walked to Dumbledore's side, Dumbledore took out the key, and finally said to Cornelius Fudge, "I'll be waiting for you at Hogwarts."

In the next instant, Lin Xiao felt a strong suction, a golden light flashed in front of him, the black room disappeared in front of his eyes, and Cornelius Fudge also disappeared, he only felt a whirlwind, and his body came to the air.

Before he could see anything clearly, he found himself and Sirius in Dumbledore's office.

Everything here was the same as when Dumbledore was there, nothing changed.

Lin Xiao looked out the window, it was already bright at this time.

Hogwarts was as quiet as ever, as if everything that happened last night was just his illusion.

On the wall, the portraits of the previous principals were still quietly in the frame, "Dumbledore, why did you bring these two little guys here, don't you know that this room is kept secret from everyone except the principal?

"Wait, Dumbledore, does your presence here mean you're coming back to us?

"I'm sorry to interrupt your rest so early," Dumbledore said apologetically, "but now is not the time to chat, I'm going to take these two little guys to see Harry Potter."

Having said that, Lin Xiao, Sirius and Dumbledore left the room together.

Can only come to Harry's room, Harry has returned to normal, and is standing alone by the window, wondering what is he thinking?

"Harry!" Dumbledore looked at him, very happy, he wasn't hurt in any way, "Harry, you should be happy, you weren't hurt by last night's events, and none of your mates were hurt last night. 々.

Harry's expression was solemn, and he wanted to say yes, but couldn't make any sound, as if Dumbledore was reminding him of the injury he nearly caused because of his stupidity.

Also, Lin Xiao, who was originally his battlefield, caused Lin Xiao to face such a dangerous situation by himself. Although Dumbledore, Lin Xiao's eyes were gentle and relieved, he still didn't dare to look into everyone's eyes.

"It's all over, Lin Xiao didn't suffer any harm, and Sirius is still standing here intact. Harry, this is the best ending.

Harry nodded contentedly at the carpet, but still made no sound.

"Harry, I think I understand how you feel. 39 Dumbledore said kindly.

"No, you don't understand!" Harry burst out, unable to contain his emotions, "Dumbledore, you don't understand how I feel at all.

"Hey, I said Dumbledore," Sirius said quietly, approaching him, "don't try to say that to the students, they hate it the most. For their age, hope it's a misunderstanding, an argument, or even a fight. In the future, don't tell them that you understand your feelings, they will go crazy.

"Enough, Sirius," said Dumbledore.

Sirius hugged Harry's shoulder intimately, "What's the matter? Harry, don't even I want to talk? Didn't you want to risk going to that dangerous place to save me before? 39

Harry looked at Sirius who was safe and sound, and his heart that should have been rejoicing now became depressed.

Harry turned, turned his back to Dumbledore and them, looked out the window, and said nothing.

"Don't be sorry, Harry, it's not your fault." Lin Xiao looked at Harry's back and said, "On the contrary... you should be proud of yourself, not everyone can persevere in such pain. "

After Harry heard Lin Xiao's words, he felt a fire burning in his chest, he was about to lose control, and he couldn't help but want to use the most vicious words to hurt this comrade who was in danger on his place just yesterday.

"Should I be proud of myself?" Harry shuddered. "You don't understand... what am I proud of? What am I proud of, you don't know..."

"I don't know what?" Lin Xiao asked.

Harry clenched his fists, trying to control himself, "I don't want to talk about my feelings at all right now, much less why I'm proud of myself, okay?

"Harry! Don't be like this, going through this, accepting it, including the pain, is part of your growth," Dumbledore said comfortingly.

"But, I don't want to grow up!" Harry yelled, turning around and yelling at them, "Really, I don't want to grow anymore, I've had enough, I've had enough, I want to end this, I want everything It's over, I don't want to care about him anymore..."

"I don't want to keep an eye on him all the time!" Harry repeated, "I'm fed up with his life all the time.35

"But you still care!" Lin Xiao looked at him and didn't care about Harry's roars and collapses, his expression was calm, even a little indifferent, "You can't control your own Harry, you care so much about him that this A concern that makes you miserable enough to want to die.

"No! I'm not!" Harley yelled and screamed, his voice so loud that it seemed that if he was loud enough, he was telling the truth.

Harry even wanted to rush at Lin Xiao, breaking his calm face and self-righteous mouth, so that he might feel a little calmer.

"Don't you admit it yet?" Dumbledore was calmer than Lin Xiao, "Because of him, you lost your father and mother, so of course you care!"

"You don't know me at all!" Harry said, turning around. "You don't know me at all! You guys go out and I want to be alone.

"Impossible, I thought you might want to know what happened last night.

" think I want...I said, I don't care...(with the money) I don't want to hear anything from you!" Harry growled.

"You will, you want to," 35 Dumbledore said quietly, "I'm sure you want to know.

Harry stared at Dumbledore, then looked blankly at Lin Xiao and Sirius, who was always looking at him worriedly.

"Please sit down first!" said Dumbledore, a request, not an order.

Harry hesitated for a moment, then slowly walked over to the bed and sat across from Dumbledore.

"Harry, I think you've guessed it, I owe you an explanation, an explanation for the mistakes made by older people," Dumbledore said.

PS: Kneeling for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, automatic subscription, full booking!.

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